New Year's Resolutions, Goals, To-do, wishes, and ideas

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Dec 3, 2017
I have never liked the idea of New Year's resolutions, but that is me. I do like to make up a to do list and some goals of projects to get finished.

I have gone through my sewing and crafting projects in the past and made up a list of things to get finished. I will do that again, but don't have it started yet. In the next few days I will get that list started. I will start a new journal for the year to set my goals and to track my progress.

I will also make a list for each room of my house along with the yard and garden for cleaning and work to get done. I have a couple rooms left to paint. I have done 8 rooms, but now have stairways, hallways, and a couple bedrooms to get done.

I participated in the 40 boxes for 40 days during Lent last year, and I want to do something similar again this year. I am thinking that I will start at the beginning of the year, and begin to purge some more. I do have lots of boxes of books for my online book selling that I need to go through.

Along the same line, I will make a list of things that I want to get for preparedness.

And I will do a good top to bottom house cleaning.

Any ideas or suggestions?
I don't do resolutions but I do set goals and timelines to accomplish those goals. The current goal it to build an AR and be completed by end of Feb. Now that seems like a very long time to complete a AR build but the money has to be budgeted and then arrive as scheduled. The project was broken into 4 parts. (1) One find and compile a shopping list and complete comparative shopping . Enter information into spreadsheet with links to site. (2) Determine Budget and schedule parts purchases. (3) Purchase Parts. (4) Build Rifle. I have completed parts 1 & 2 and half of 3. Final parts will be ordered next week, when the son repays some money he had to barrow. So if all goes well and the Creek don't rise and scalp me, I should have the finished product well ahead of schedule and tested at the range. I go down to Komifornia in March to help son install a bathroom floor (ceramic tile) and while the grout is setting, we are headed to the range. It will be interesting to see who is the better shot now. He was just a pup when we last went to the range. The military also paid for Lasik (spelling?) eye surgery and now he has better than 20/20 vision and I have to wear the glasses now. Ah, what goes around, comes around.
@Weedygarden we also don't do new year's resolutions either but instead have a list of goals we want to accomplish throughout the year as finances become available.

Some of the goals we have are to -
- Save our butts off some more to increase our house deposit and cut down on expenses where we can by purchasing things on special.
- Buy more dwarf fruit trees for when we move onto our own property so they are more advanced.
- Continue to build up our food storage to a 12 month level.
- Continue to build up our household/prepping needs to at least a 12 month level mainly things like sheets, towels, tea towels, kitchen equipment, gardening equipment and machinery we need.

We fairly much deep clean the home once every three months here and zone clean wherever we are in the home as well.
I too need to be more tolerant, and also practice forgiveness more often.
This year I would love to sell our business and get our house in order. When I get busy at work (always) the house suffers. I need to go through junk and do some repairs and it would make moving and retiring a whole lot easier.
In 2018 we have a couple large remolding projects that my beautiful bride has been dreaming of for years (happy wife, happy life). We have also agreed to go through closets, cupboards, storage area, etc. and reduce property (not preps) by 50%. I need to start considering what I am going to do after I retire from police work so I can start padding the resume with related training and seminars (I could just retire but what fun is that). I want to spend more time with my oldest boy who will become a Senior in HS and will not be home much longer. And I want to be a little more active with our church home.
I too need to be more tolerant, and also practice forgiveness more often.
This year I would love to sell our business and get our house in order. When I get busy at work (always) the house suffers. I need to go through junk and do some repairs and it would make moving and retiring a whole lot easier.

I am still in recovery from my teaching days. Working 75 to 80 hours a week leaves little ability to even think of doing anything at home. I have gotten rid of many boxes of books from my teaching days, and have purged many files, but I still have a ways to go with that.
I don't do New Year's resolutions either. However, I just recently got some new storage space to use and have to start moving and organizing a bunch of stuff. I need to inventory and figure out how to store the stuff I want to keep and put the stuff that goes in a Yard Sale in a different spot so that in the spring I can purge the dead weight and get some extra cash.

It's amazing what you find when you've been keeping things in a small area and finally get the chance to move it all to a bigger space.:eek: I haven't put eyes on some of that stuff in years. Other stuff.....I'm wondering why I hung onto it. Then there's that stuff that you can use right away that you forgot you Christmas time! It'll be nice to have my spare bedroom back so that we can have guests over again.

I'm definitely a list person so there's lots of things going on there TO DO. Of coarse, it's no different than any other time of the year.
As others have said, resolutions dont work, but goals and deadlines are things that NEED to get done this year are what I need to focus on.

A lot going on this coming year and it's going to be a huge year with a lot of changes for my family!
Just to list a few...
My wife will finish her Masters and gets her international license.
I go back in April to prep the new property for our move, get a drivers license, buy a vehicle, do what ever repairs pop up that are urgent for the new property.
Speak to the Air National Guard/Army Guard recruiters, study for taking the ASVAB over (its been 23 years since the last one)
Get my weight down from 210 to 195, need to be in military shape again, not big and strong lifting weights shape...
Close up my life here in Hong Kong, go back in August for good! Move dogs and other important things.
Find work, go to whatever school I choose for the Guard. That should be 4 months to a year depending on MOS..
Green card for my wife, TIN for my wife, Schools for our son, home school or public? Move my wife and son to the US permanently.

Just a few of the goals and random crap coming up for us...

oh! And not strangle anyone in the coming year...
I'm a list person, too. Although I don't do resolutions, my list of things to do after the new year keeps getting longer. With my mobility issues, I realize that "bugging out" in a crisis is not going to be easy or maybe even possible. So.... there are things I need to do on the home front to make "bugging in" better. I want to plant a couple of fruit and nut trees and berry bushes. Blackberries and blueberries both grow well here, as do apple trees. I have a lot of "stuff" in the house and garage that someone else could probably use, so I want to get rid of those things that I won't ever use again (and probably won't know I even have until I empty closets!). I want expand my raised gardens and build a greenhouse in my back yard- I drew up plans for pipe and heavy plastic covers that I can put up over my raised gardens. I want to get better at canning meats - not something I've done a lot of. I have some provisions for water storage, but I need more. I also want to improve my storage area- now in the garage, but I need more/better shelving for some of it. We have an off-site storage shed- I am hoping to make enough room in our backyard storage shed by purging that I can close the offsite one and just store everything here. Of course, I also need to keep working for a few more years, and that will definitely put a crimp in the time I have to work on some of these projects!
We are just continuing what we've already started. We are also decluttering, getting affairs in order and possibly looking for smaller property, maybe even a different town. DH is having several health issues and facing another back surgery. I'm going to be having foot/heel surgery soon, so we need less to take care of.
We are just continuing what we've already started. We are also decluttering, getting affairs in order and possibly looking for smaller property, maybe even a different town. DH is having several health issues and facing another back surgery. I'm going to be having foot/heel surgery soon, so we need less to take care of.

Hope it works out ok. :heart:
We are just continuing what we've already started. We are also decluttering, getting affairs in order and possibly looking for smaller property, maybe even a different town. DH is having several health issues and facing another back surgery. I'm going to be having foot/heel surgery soon, so we need less to take care of.
praying for you
I'm a list person, too. Although I don't do resolutions, my list of things to do after the new year keeps getting longer. With my mobility issues, I realize that "bugging out" in a crisis is not going to be easy or maybe even possible. So.... there are things I need to do on the home front to make "bugging in" better. I want to plant a couple of fruit and nut trees and berry bushes. Blackberries and blueberries both grow well here, as do apple trees. I have a lot of "stuff" in the house and garage that someone else could probably use, so I want to get rid of those things that I won't ever use again (and probably won't know I even have until I empty closets!). I want expand my raised gardens and build a greenhouse in my back yard- I drew up plans for pipe and heavy plastic covers that I can put up over my raised gardens. I want to get better at canning meats - not something I've done a lot of. I have some provisions for water storage, but I need more. I also want to improve my storage area- now in the garage, but I need more/better shelving for some of it. We have an off-site storage shed- I am hoping to make enough room in our backyard storage shed by purging that I can close the offsite one and just store everything here. Of course, I also need to keep working for a few more years, and that will definitely put a crimp in the time I have to work on some of these projects!
Mobility issues? Maybe a scooter (Vespa type) would be a good thing for you in the event of bugging out becomes a necessity, or a 4 wheeler?
Mobility issues? Maybe a scooter (Vespa type) would be a good thing for you in the event of bugging out becomes a necessity, or a 4 wheeler?
I have a scooter that I use at work to get around the hospital. Problem is, it only gets about 20 miles before it needs to recharge. Also, it will not carry much of anything. I would love to have a 4 wheeler, but more for fun than anything! Luckily, where I live is surrounded by state and federal forest lands, so with a 4 wheeler, it would increase my mobility some.......good idea! Thanks!
I'm a list person, too. Although I don't do resolutions, my list of things to do after the new year keeps getting longer. With my mobility issues, I realize that "bugging out" in a crisis is not going to be easy or maybe even possible. So.... there are things I need to do on the home front to make "bugging in" better. I want to plant a couple of fruit and nut trees and berry bushes. Blackberries and blueberries both grow well here, as do apple trees. I have a lot of "stuff" in the house and garage that someone else could probably use, so I want to get rid of those things that I won't ever use again (and probably won't know I even have until I empty closets!). I want expand my raised gardens and build a greenhouse in my back yard- I drew up plans for pipe and heavy plastic covers that I can put up over my raised gardens. I want to get better at canning meats - not something I've done a lot of. I have some provisions for water storage, but I need more. I also want to improve my storage area- now in the garage, but I need more/better shelving for some of it. We have an off-site storage shed- I am hoping to make enough room in our backyard storage shed by purging that I can close the offsite one and just store everything here. Of course, I also need to keep working for a few more years, and that will definitely put a crimp in the time I have to work on some of these projects!

Boy oh boy Dr.P. you have as many wants as I do. :good luck: Most of mine just ain't going to get done though. I'm sick of all this work. :rolleyes: :)
I have a scooter that I use at work to get around the hospital. Problem is, it only gets about 20 miles before it needs to recharge. Also, it will not carry much of anything. I would love to have a 4 wheeler, but more for fun than anything! Luckily, where I live is surrounded by state and federal forest lands, so with a 4 wheeler, it would increase my mobility some.......good idea! Thanks!
I think that many of us would benefit from a 4 wheeler in a SHTF situation. I understand they need gas to run, but for me, going about 500 miles on foot in a SHTF situation would be better on wheels than on foot.
Well maybe a mans softball team? So much fun. I still love to throw the ball for great grandkids. But they have to chase it.
I know it is a man thing to collect guns.:thumbs up:

Golf, softball, tennis, basketball, etc., etc. tried 'em all, found them all horribly boring. I like fighting, hapkido mostly, and weight lifting but shooting is much more fun.

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