News lately RE: Inflation at new highs. What are your thoughts? Thank you in advance.

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We had an acquaintance that killed herself over the stress and BS mandates that she had to cancel her wedding. True, maybe she was weak minded and spoiled, but this crap affects people differently.

My daughter had elaborate plans for a wedding in Taiwan (where my wife is from) and had hotels booked and the whole itinerary mapped out for everyone when COVID hit. She took it all in stride and ended up having a very VERY beautiful small wedding (immediate family only) at a chapel on Lake Junaluska in North Carolina. Her father in law, who is a retired preacher, officiated.

"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade"

My daughter had elaborate plans for a wedding in Taiwan (where my wife is from) and had hotels booked and the whole itinerary mapped out for everyone when COVID hit. She took it all in stride and ended up having a very VERY beautiful small wedding (immediate family only) at a chapel on Lake Junaluska in North Carolina. Her father in law, who is a retired preacher, officiated.

"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade"

That is nice! Good luck to both of them. People handle stress differently. Flexibility is an important skill to have. The girl we knew didn't have that ability. She'd planned for a big fancy wedding, which was stressful enough, but when she had to cancel everything it was just too much for her. I feel bad for anyone that chooses that route. Life ain't that bad.
I'm the one that had to break the bad news to her. I remember the call: "You may have to rethink your wedding plans."
She didn't understand why. "But Taiwan is safe." Which was true, they had nipped it in the bud because they knew WHO and the CCP were lying.
"They may not let you in."
And then Taiwan shut down their borders tight as a drum. She held out hope for a while that things would ease up, and she could still have the wedding there, but they didn't. So she had to come up with a "Plan B." And we all think it worked out wonderfully.
Our state border is closed again and masks are mandatory though many in my town flaunt that crap. I expect another lockdown soon, I expect them for years to come. Their is no medical logic to these measures and they all seem designed to fractionate society, divide and conquer. I think they are an integral part of the great reset.
My wife is up in Michigan and wanted to drive up to Canada like she did last time she was there. Two week quarantine! Vaxxed or not...

I read an article recently about the hunting outfitters in Canada. This quarantine thing has completely shut them down. And to make matters worse, they all had clients from the US booked when the border shut down who had paid hefty deposits. They spent all that money preparing for the hunts, and can't return the deposits, and can't just "roll over" the reservations to later when the border opens again. They don't know how to tell their clients "Sorry, we're screwed and you're screwed."
Our state border is closed again and masks are mandatory though many in my town flaunt that crap. I expect another lockdown soon, I expect them for years to come. Their is no medical logic to these measures and they all seem designed to fractionate society, divide and conquer. I think they are an integral part of the great reset.
The government has learned that people will roll over for anything. Especially if they have some power hungry idiot in a lab coat "advising" the politicians.
My wife is up in Michigan and wanted to drive up to Canada like she did last time she was there. Two week quarantine! Vaxxed or not...

That's the same message we're getting down here doc, you get the vaxx, so what, you can still get the flu and still pass it on. If I was to guess how the pharmaceuticals will spin this it will be you need the mutant strain vaxx every 3 months, 6 at the outside.

You know we have been well prepared for this, just like we were well prepared for the invasions of the middle east. I remember watching "True Lies" back in the eighties, a blockbuster all about Evil Arab terrorists coming to blow up america. After that there were hundreds of other movies and series, all reinforcing the idea in people's minds. All in preparation for 911 and the actions taken after.

Same same with this Mutant zombie Virus meme, there have been literally hundreds of such movies in the past two decades, it's become a genera all of it's own. And quite frankly doc the movies are dark, disgusting, and boring for the most part. But they keep pumping them out and people keep feeding on them. Is it any wonder so many were ready to accept all this this, they were conditioned, trained, like pavlov's dogs.

Ivan Pavlov was a noted Russian physiologist who won the 1904 Nobel Prize

"" However, Pavlov noted that the dogs would often begin salivating in the absence of food and smell. He quickly realized that this salivary response was not due to an automatic, physiological process. Based on his observations, Pavlov suggested that the salivation was a learned response... Pavlov's dog subjects were responding to the sight of the research assistants' white lab coats, which the animals had come to associate with the presentation of food. ""
I think the travel industry will be hit the wall in the short to medium term, including the airlines. Corona and climate protection will be cited as reasons, if people switch to the car, you will also take countermeasures there. Many countries that rely on tourists will go to the dogs, if I look at South Europe today then these countries are all as good as bankrupt and the locals are squeezed with taxes and the rest is eaten away by inflation.
There is more and more an explosive mixture here, countries in which people no longer have money, countries that divide their population and who call you potential killers and virus spreaders and exclude these people from society and working life, our society is at an end and in the end we will pay a very high price for it and sink into a civil war, that will probably be the great plan of the elite.
I think the travel industry will be hit the wall in the short to medium term, including the airlines. Corona and climate protection will be cited as reasons, if people switch to the car, you will also take countermeasures there. Many countries that rely on tourists will go to the dogs, if I look at South Europe today then these countries are all as good as bankrupt and the locals are squeezed with taxes and the rest is eaten away by inflation.
There is more and more an explosive mixture here, countries in which people no longer have money, countries that divide their population and who call you potential killers and virus spreaders and exclude these people from society and working life, our society is at an end and in the end we will pay a very high price for it and sink into a civil war, that will probably be the great plan of the elite.
I'd be fine if there were no more tourists. They're a pain in the asss anyway.
My daughter had elaborate plans for a wedding in Taiwan (where my wife is from) and had hotels booked and the whole itinerary mapped out for everyone when COVID hit. She took it all in stride and ended up having a very VERY beautiful small wedding (immediate family only) at a chapel on Lake Junaluska in North Carolina. Her father in law, who is a retired preacher, officiated.

"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade"

What a beautiful place. Glad they made the most of the situation
@Kevin L The best advise I can tell you is if you have any debt right now, pay it off as soon as you can. We as a country are not going to get any better with this current administration. We are just screwed right now. Biden wants to put illegals and other countries before the American citizens. That is a fact! Stock up what you can when it comes to food, water, materials for what are common "fixes" for mechanics and home, and expand on your foraging skills. You live in a good community where there are multiple sources of food and water so that is good. My biggest worry for you is that you rent and dont own right now.
Thank you for your concern, but the GF and I bought a house, so I'm not renting . . . just paying off a mortgage.

I am going a little further into debt, but it's because I'm financing my nursing degree so I can be an RN.

I not only like working in healthcare, but a licensed RN will be very valuable post SHTF.

I don't live an extravagent lifestyle, and I usually don't buy and/or spend beyond my means (although--if I'm honest--I could certianly do better, and be more disciplined with my money).

In any case, thank you again for your concern.
I went back and checked the Cost Of Living Adjustments to see when exactly the last time the COLA was larger than the one will be in 2022.
This is how bad inflation really is right now.
July 1975 -- 8.0%
July 1976 -- 6.4%
July 1977 -- 5.9%
July 1978 -- 6.5%
July 1979 -- 9.9%
July 1980 -- 14.3%
July 1981 -- 11.2%
July 1982 -- 7.4%
January 1984 -- 3.5%
January 1985 -- 3.5%
January 1986 -- 3.1%
January 1987 -- 1.3%
January 1988 -- 4.2%
January 1989 -- 4.0%
January 1990 -- 4.7%
January 1991 -- 5.4%
January 1992 -- 3.7%
January 1993 -- 3.0%
January 1994 -- 2.6%
January 1995 -- 2.8%
January 1996 -- 2.6%
January 1997 -- 2.9%
January 1998 -- 2.1%
January 1999 -- 1.3%
January 2000 -- 2.5%
January 2001 -- 3.5%
January 2002 -- 2.6%
January 2003 -- 1.4%
January 2004 -- 2.1%
January 2005 -- 2.7%
January 2006 -- 4.1%
January 2007 -- 3.3%
January 2008 -- 2.3%
January 2009 -- 5.8%
January 2010 -- 0.0%
January 2011 -- 0.0%
January 2012 -- 3.6%
January 2013 -- 1.7%
January 2014 -- 1.5%
January 2015 -- 1.7%
January 2016 -- 0.0%
January 2017 -- 0.3%
January 2018 -- 2.0%
January 2019 -- 2.8%
January 2020 -- 1.6%
January 2021 -- 1.3%
January 2022 -- 5.9%
Inflation here is also high, energy prices are rising daily, a liter of gasoline or diesel currently costs about 2 dollars with a strong upward trend, and there is a threat of an energy shortage/blackout in the winter.

Abroad, many gas tanks are empty and there are extreme supply problems of China parts.

All in all, it could soon break the neck of the economy and the middle class.
Some of the problems here are self-inflicted; various nuclear power plants are being shut down prematurely, and as a result there is too little electricity.
The problem is only wind turbines and solar cells do not bring electricity here in winter, and our politicians do not want to see that.
Various power plants including the ribbon power were recklessly destroyed, the whole previously reliable energy system was destroyed from the inside, the price for this will be very high when it comes in the winter to a blackout and that is guaranteed to come.
We got a price on some LED light fixtures from China. The shipping was more than the product. Three day by air was 23,000$ US dollars…. Needless to say we didn’t go that route
The price of petrol here in South Australia has jumped from around $1.49 per litre yesterday to around $1.89 per litre today. That's a huge jump. Prices of everything seem to be going up, and of course petrol price hikes push prices up even more.
No doubt fuel and energy prices will affect everything else. Really sucks, I finally saved enough to retire and at this rate I may have to go back to work one day.

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