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Those that prepared to survive a few weeks until the government came to rescue them , I can understand the anguish and despair as they now see their preparations may fall short as the bombs drop and with nobody coming to their rescue not in a week , month or years . My biggest concern is not the blasts or the wasteland aftermath . My biggest concern is what nation's ground troops will I have to face and their actions toward civilians .--- Foreseeing the future " again " I bought an airplane , that I don't know how to fly about 1 1/2 years ago , long before the Russia / Ukraine conflict began . That airplane came off the assembly line in 1946 so an EMP has no components to destroy . You even have to crank the wheels up and down with a hand crank . An inner message told me to prepare for evacuation . Then my grandson went to flight school to learn how to fly that airplane . He now has his license . Our last ditch plan is aerial evacuation .
Aerial Evacuation to where? in a nuclear holocaust nowhere will be safe and nowhere will be free of radiation, then there is the nuclear winter to consider which will block out the sun and make everything dark for anything up to 5 years.
Aerial Evacuation to where? in a nuclear holocaust nowhere will be safe and nowhere will be free of radiation, then there is the nuclear winter to consider which will block out the sun and make everything dark for anything up to 5 years.

Those with means have bought small islands in the Atlantic or Caribbean . Those I know who have done this are billionaires. They have a private plane and yacht to get there.
Those with means have bought small islands in the Atlantic or Caribbean
And those islands will be the first targets of anyone. Take out the biggest bully in a gang and the rest will be afraid to attack you, one by one, separate and destroy. Grey man, hideout, innocent looking...or one-man army and go down in a glorious Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid style. Whatever fits your foot, wear it. Each and every one of us has a different "way out- or way in" and all the others will either copy, slightly change or totally go the other direction according to age, health, wealth, location, training, motivation or simple means. Everyone is an island within their own family and the family is an island in the community and the community is an island in the county and the county is an island in each state of the union. Different goals, different means, different out-come.
Aerial Evacuation to where? in a nuclear holocaust nowhere will be safe and nowhere will be free of radiation, then there is the nuclear winter to consider which will block out the sun and make everything dark for anything up to 5 years.

I'm still not sold on the nuclear winter theory but, even it, is not an insurmountable obstacle. Freeze dried, properly sealed foods keep for 25 years.
I'm still not sold on the nuclear winter theory but, even it, is not an insurmountable obstacle. Freeze dried, properly sealed foods keep for 25 years.
living in the dark wont be much fun, plus all the windows and doors will have to be sealed to keep out all the radioactive particles, dying from nuclear radiation wont be much fun either.
living in the dark wont be much fun, plus all the windows and doors will have to be sealed to keep out all the radioactive particles, dying from nuclear radiation wont be much fun either.

You go underground to escape radiation. No, the constant dark is not fun but, not in itself, deadly. You could manage to have a light, rationed use but, it could be managed especially with the low voltage bulbs they have now.

With enough foresight, money, time, and WILL, you could survive.
You go underground to escape radiation. No, the constant dark is not fun but, not in itself, deadly. You could manage to have a light, rationed use but, it could be managed especially with the low voltage bulbs they have now.

With enough foresight, money, time, and WILL, you could survive.
Yes I could but not many could or will, and not being able to go outside will make most go nuts, I know my wife gets cabin fever in the winter if she cant go outside.
mental health will decide how many survive, probably very few.
Yes I could but not many could or will, and not being able to go outside will make most go nuts, I know my wife gets cabin fever in the winter if she cant go outside.
mental health will decide how many survive, probably very few.

Yes, that is why you need to be your best before SHTF. That includes mental/emotional as well as physical. It will be hardest on children.
thats why the survival rate of any sort of major SHTF event here will be very low.
people here go nuts if the store is shut for one day (Christmas Day) or the power goes off for a couple of hours.

I get you and agree. Survival rates will be low but, that is kind of the point of preparing; to increase your chances.
Curling up and proclaiming we are all going to die , isn't even a tiny amount of my tribe's or my self's mindset . Even the proclamation that everyone else should give up and prepare to die also seems to be the mentality of one of our members . As a prepper I prepare with a never give up attitude and if I survive it will not be by accident but because I prepared to survive " even a Nuclear World War 3 .
I'm not saying I will just give up and prepare to die, as well you know Poltergeist from our conversations in another place.
in a minor nuclear skirmish it is possible to survive if one is far enough away from the target zone, but all out nuclear war is something else and whilst we do what we can to survive it may not be possible, in a nuclear war no one wins we all lose. it may be the end of the human race for good and always.
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Dying of radiation sickness (assuming you're not burned) wouldn't be much different than how many people die anyway. Cancer death is an awful lot if you truly die from the cancer and not a complication. The differences with radiation poisoning are that you won't have any anti-nausea and pain meds and it will be faster.

I've yet to consider a death that would be pleasant other than dying in your sleep. Death is death. It all sucks. Let's all agree to put it off as long as possible!
it may be the end of the human race for good and always.

Maybe or maybe not. I am an optimist so even if the chance is .0001% I will try. The glass is always half full and that goes a long way to the mentality you need to have in a disaster.

Has anyone read "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy?
Are you prepared for nuclear war?

Thanks for the video proud prepper. All preppers should watch this and even non-preppers . My prediction - We have already passed the point of avoiding a Nuclear World War 3 . Be alert for the flash , rumble and shaking of the earth as many folks will not likely know of the Nuclear attack until they are making impact . ---- One take away I learned from the video , expect the Nuclear winter temperature to be 46 degrees cooler at your survival retreat than normal . That means gardening with cooler weather plants . I would suggest having your chosen Nuclear Winter seeds in the stash before the bombs drop .
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We have NEVER had a President as bad as the one thats in the WhiteHouse NOW, Durring the last threat we had normal Patriots in this country NOW we only have SHEEPLE!!! WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!! The NUTS we have in Washington are NOT going to save your BUTT or help when a bomb falls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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