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Here is a video of an actual nuclear bomb detonation which shows what it sounds like when it goes off . We believers need to be aware and vigilant for the explosion . Every second will count in our survival plan once we hear this sound . Don't depend on receiving a broadcast warning .

One thing that is missing in that recorded scene is trees, buildings etc, which as they break apart, will alter the sound.
Here is a video of an actual nuclear bomb detonation which shows what it sounds like when it goes off . We believers need to be aware and vigilant for the explosion . Every second will count in our survival plan once we hear this sound . Don't depend on receiving a broadcast warning .

Well if you are too close to the explosion site it is too late when you hear it, if you are further away and see the light you can already run into the bunker before you hear the sound.

Either way, in big cities, near nuclear missile sites and military bases, near FBI and CIA offices, and near where demented idiot Joe is right now, living right now is pure suicide.
I hear a lot of people say they don't care what that China 🇨🇳 collects their information . What could they do with their data .
Well they can tell what parts of a Country would fight against and resist a Chinese invasion . What parts of a Country would be friendly to a communist takeover . And especially what regions of a Country they should nuke before a invasion .
I hear a lot of people say they don't care what that China 🇨🇳 collects their information . What could they do with their data .
Well they can tell what parts of a Country would fight against and resist a Chinese invasion . What parts of a Country would be friendly to a communist takeover . And especially what regions of a Country they should nuke before a invasion .
They already know the parts that are friendly. The data collection can be used for the same purpose that AT&T, Verizon, Apple, Facebook and all the social media platforms do and that is surveillance in support of their DC allies against MAGA American's non-compliance with what the deep state disapproves. No search warrant needed because you agree to it when you create an account on their platforms.
What has happened across the planet since the United States was taken over by a shadowy group with Demented Biden as the figure to stand on the stage and pretend to be in charge . A war between NATO , Russia and Ukraine is raging , Threats " or promises " of a Nuclear escalation in the near future . Economys are collapsing country after country and the United States may be soon to follow with a financial budget at an impasse . Banks are collapsing . People are finding their personal financial predicaments worsening by the day as their income doesn't match expenditures Whomever gained control of the United States are running an expensive campaign trying to convert people to homosexuality by running tv adds and encouraging their controlled news outlets to keep throwing homos on the news in an campaign to normalize these perverts . Children are being indoctrinated in schools and are subject to be injected with hormones or castrated . Homo recruitment into the military is an ongoing ploy to weaken our military . Criminals are being let loose to prey upon whomever they dare . Meanwhile local law enforcement is being targeted with criminal prosecutions if they interfere with the criminal's hobbies . Federal law enforcement has been hijacked and follow the commands given to them from the White House . Free Speach is being attacked by the shadow government if it brings attention to their lawlessness . All this in less than three years . Still some do not believe things will get any worse than some expensive food . -- This is why some of us prepared for way more than just what our day is like today and are looking at the future and what it may bring , which could very well be at an medieval level .
The UK is sending " long range " missiles to Ukraine . Now they can blow up targets all the way to the Kremlin without using easily shot down drones . This should usher in a Russia / China Nuclear response against NATO countries . We need to keep alert for the sound of Nuclear Impacts .and be ready to implement our Nuclear War plans as each minute once it begins need to be wisely used .
It is up to the individual whether they deny . prepare or ignore . --- Playing armchair commander in chief can see first strike being an EMP attack from the nuke carrying satellites already in position over our heads and underwater drone attack simultaneously followed by missiles . For our United States members , I have drawn up where the United States is one of the primary targets for the underwater drone attacks . Also 30 underwater drones are either in the construction phase or has already been placed into position for the attack . --- Just think Hillary Clinton got even richer selling United States Uranium so Russia could build these Nuclear weapons .
It is up to the individual whether they deny . prepare or ignore . --- Playing armchair commander in chief can see first strike being an EMP attack from the nuke carrying satellites already in position over our heads and underwater drone attack simultaneously followed by missiles . For our United States members , I have drawn up where the United States is one of the primary targets for the underwater drone attacks . Also 30 underwater drones are either in the construction phase or has already been placed into position for the attack . --- Just think Hillary Clinton got even richer selling United States Uranium so Russia could build these Nuclear weapons .

I’ve no doubt we are on the list. What area/s do you see being hit?
If it escalates between NATO and Russia, first of all England and every US base in Germany will blow up, if Poland has a problem with it, Poland will disappear directly with Ukraine from the map.
Putin will then ask Joe if it is worth it to him to go the same way, Joe then has the option to "forget" that the U.S. gets away or he orders a counterstrike against Russia and runs to the basement.

If Joe chooses the last option, Russia, the US, and the whole world will be history and Joe won't have to worry about ever talking any crap in front of an audience or going in the wrong direction.

Russia will NOT launch a first strike, but if NATO actively enters Ukraine (which it is more or less doing) or deploys nuclear weapons in Ukraine, then it will escalate completely.
I’ve no doubt we are on the list. What area/s do you see being hit?
There are obvious targets that Russia would like to target but they may or may not actually be on the target list . I have been told Russia has to take into consideration the depth factor of the ocean in selecting their tsunami target . I haven't done research into the desired ocean depths for utilizing the underwater drone , so I do not have the answer . You can be assured though Russia has done a study as to where the ocean floor is suitable .
Some Nuclear fallout preparations that I have been considering - My plan is to shelter in my adobe , so fortifying it against radiation is something that I have been pondering . My most vulnerable side of the house , stacking up sand bags to add weight thus reduce the amount of radiation from that direction . Sand bags are enroute by mail . - My roof is very steep and metal . Already in place is a rope for rappelling on the roof . Thus to increasing the shedding of radioactive dust from the roof by pouring a slick oil on the metal roof in the time span that I may have until the dust cloud reaches my location . - The reason one side of my house is more vulnerable to radiation is because the other 3 sides are up in the air , about 10 feet up in the air on one side . Thus shear distance for the radiation to reach it from the ground has some advantage . - By using my radiation detector I should be able to determine what portions of my dwelling may be receiving the less amount of radiation . -- All that being said though believe the odds are in my favor that the radioactive cloud will simply pass harmlessly over our heads without shedding any of its deadly radioactive material at my survival grounds .
Some Nuclear fallout preparations that I have been considering - My plan is to shelter in my adobe , so fortifying it against radiation is something that I have been pondering . My most vulnerable side of the house , stacking up sand bags to add weight thus reduce the amount of radiation from that direction . Sand bags are enroute by mail . - My roof is very steep and metal . Already in place is a rope for rappelling on the roof . Thus to increasing the shedding of radioactive dust from the roof by pouring a slick oil on the metal roof in the time span that I may have until the dust cloud reaches my location . - The reason one side of my house is more vulnerable to radiation is because the other 3 sides are up in the air , about 10 feet up in the air on one side . Thus shear distance for the radiation to reach it from the ground has some advantage . - By using my radiation detector I should be able to determine what portions of my dwelling may be receiving the less amount of radiation . -- All that being said though believe the odds are in my favor that the radioactive cloud will simply pass harmlessly over our heads without shedding any of its deadly radioactive material at my survival grounds .

Sounds good except for the oil. I'm thinking, fine particulates won't slide off, they will stick.
As of today we are looking at collapsing banks , collapsing trucking companies , food shortages , electrical grid failures , incoming CME ejections becoming common place , but all of that I consider minor and teetering on being amusing compared to what I am expecting before November 2024 . The Ukraine leaders knows they have that timeline to work with , just as the United States Democrats / Communist have the same time line to work with . The U.S. Communist can not win an honest and fair election in November 2024 so they don't plan on there being one , so they need a extreme war to cancel it . Also Ukraine leadership know the U.S. Communist can not win an honest election and if Donald Trump is the new leader the conflict with Russia will come to an end . -- Therefore we are at an almost certainty going to soon be experiencing a Nuclear World War 3 . Serious prepping is essential for anyone that wants themselves , spouse children and grandchildren to survive . --- This will explain the drone attacks on the Kremlin , Moscow . They want a Nuclear war .
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The NWO has successfully killed off the Ukrainian male population. They will be targeting young White males in the rest of the western world next.
A lot of those young males are as refugees in Western Europe with their luxury AMG Mercedes and Audis and are living on the citizens pocket instead fight for their country.

Otherwise i can understand this - who wanna fight for the comedian and his corrupt mobsters?
Here is an about 5 minute video . I ask you to overlook this guy as he is emotionally choked up as he has realized , what I have been saying on this forum is a reality . I know some people continue to deny and some will continue to do so until they see the mushroom cloud .
I didn't want to derail the Christmas thread, so I am moving this here.

You need air. Be ready to have filtered air for your home. Filter out the fallout particles.

I looked up filter in this thread and found some good stuff on water. What kind of filters would be good at stopping radiation fallout from getting into your home via and fresh air supply? Also, consider all of the roof and crawlsapce venting! If those are not plugged, the fallout will go into your attic, and crawlspace.

Any concern about chemicals ala chemtrails?

Save me from myself, please
I didn't want to derail the Christmas thread, so I am moving this here.

I looked up filter in this thread and found some good stuff on water. What kind of filters would be good at stopping radiation fallout from getting into your home via and fresh air supply? Also, consider all of the roof and crawlsapce venting! If those are not plugged, the fallout will go into your attic, and crawlspace.

Any concern about chemicals ala chemtrails?

Save me from myself, please

Don't worry the dangerous fallout is composed of relatively large and heavy particles not easily drawn into the shelter. The vents around your roofing are pointing down and will be adequate. If you have any forced air vents that come from the outside, use a an active carbon filter with a standard filter.

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