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Awesome Friend
Apr 17, 2020
Ok people, admit it. Its the near perfect survival food. Long shelf life, calories fat and protein that's essential. And it's great tasting too. Been stocking up on peanutbutter lately while it's still cheap and available. My GF likes Jif. Me,I'll eat anything. What's in your pantry?
Tons of p butter in our pantry. Ignore the best buy date on it, a couple years past and still no problem. Husband likes crunchy, I like creamy. I like Jif and he likes Skippy extra crunchy, and I pick up the Peter Pan huge sizes (no preservatives or high fructose corn syrup) for a cousin when Sams has it in stock. I don't mind buying the cheaper store brand. Around our neck of the woods peanut butter is a staple and many things are made from it. Not just pbj, but peanut butter icecream, pie, cookies....
@Amish Heart

You're writing peanut butter is still okay even it's a few years over the best-before-date. Do you have any experiences about how many years and if it's only for original closed glasses or how's about almost opened ones?
I may need to tell peanut butter is aviable and easy to buy in Switzerland too, i also have it in my storage. But except this there's no big experience with this yummie stuff.
@Amish Heart

You're writing peanut butter is still okay even it's a few years over the best-before-date. Do you have any experiences about how many years and if it's only for original closed glasses or how's about almost opened ones?
I may need to tell peanut butter is aviable and easy to buy in Switzerland too, i also have it in my storage. But except this there's no big experience with this yummie stuff.
After the "Use By" date the oil starts to become rancid. Same goes for dried beans. If unopened it is still edible from a safety perspective but the taste begins to degrade.

A lot depends on how it is stored. If it is kept cool constantly (below normal room temperature like in a root cellar) then you can add a year or so to the "Use By" date. If you keep it in the fridge, unopened, you can extend the "Use By" date for several years. Kept in the freezer it can be kept indefinitely without any rancidization.
I have opened peanut butter 3 yrs past it's best buy date, and I could not tell any difference. No rancid oil or anything. I keep at least 50 jars at all times, I believe I have more than that at the moment, and numerous jars of the powder. We do have a family of 5, though, 2 of which are teenagers. Peanut butter is a staple item here. It's stored in our basement.
So, will it keep 25 years??? Peanut butter is an American thing so I am surprised some of you guys even know about it.
A bit off topic...
Oh, as well we know about burgers, having unhealthy stuff of Burger King or McD, KFC, Starbucks over here. Pankakes are known as donuts are. Californian wine? No problem. US beef? Aviable, but expensive. American cars or bikes are also aviable. Until the late 70thies Switzerland was building / mounting cars from GM or Chrysler Corp. for the swiss and european market. The most of our needed oil is delivered from the USA. Guess americans wouldn't suffer over here. OK, proably about the sizes... plates are smaller and not so rich filled like in the US, steaks are smaller (and more expensive). I'm talking about Switzerland, not the EU.
So, will it keep 25 years??? Peanut butter is an American thing so I am surprised some of you guys even know about it.
ha ha ha, We have had it in OZ as a staple since before I was born. We don't have the peanut butter and jelly combo though, they tried it here and everyone turned their nose up at it. Oh we like jam or honey on our peanut butter and toast, but not that insipid jelly muck they put in the bottles with the PB.
I have some I just opened that is 2 years past the "Use By" date and I can tell the difference. It is still edible though.
Yeah I come across that from time to time too doc. The latest was a few foil bags of powered milk I bought 3 years ago. You can use it, but it just doesn't taste right. It makes me wonder if the nutritional value has been degraded? I have a downstairs room that is sheltered from all sunlight, even on the brickwork, and it remains very cool allyear round. I keep my stash in there now in steel filing cabinets and steel cupboards. Heat is the killer.
I just dont like peanut butter so I would store honey instead (I already do).
it has to be locally made honey not the commercial type, thats just junk, better for you and has medical implications.
peanut butter - "brown butter" >>> got introduced to the German POWS when they hit the US based prison camps - wasn't well known to Americans much less to the Euros back then - the POWS would eat it at every meal with the white bread most had never eaten before .....
Still doesn't make it a substitute for PB. Or are you confusing peanut butter with jelly?? :)
Maybe he is lol. Honey is a very good prep (and lasts forever) but it is not a substitute for peanut butter, which is a great source of protein and healthy fat.. Honey is just sugar (fructose and glucose to be exact) with a little extra the bees put in with their magic.

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