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bollocks is it!
PB is an acquired taste a bit like Marmite not everyone likes it.
Pasta is something else I cant eat, the taste of it makes me physically vomit.
give it a rest Doc.
like I said its a personal thing.
if you like PB then go for it, I dont.
neither do you, what part of "personal choice" dont you understand?
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bigpaul, a substitute for PB needs protein, fat, and fiber. Nobody is asking you to eat PB. Name a "personal choice" that meets the same nutritional requirements. Protein bars, pemmican, etc. Hell, even a Milky Way candy bar is closer nutritionally to BP than pure honey.
personally I prefer what we call "Christmas pudding", it lasts for ages I have eaten them several years old, they dont go off and last forever, not sure of the nutritional value I'd have to look that up.
personally I prefer what we call "Christmas pudding", it lasts for ages I have eaten them several years old, they dont go off and last forever, not sure of the nutritional value I'd have to look that up.

The medieval recipe for Christmas Pudding, with meat and root vegetables, sounds like it would be a fairly balanced meal.
Subsitute == Alternate. I think in BP usage it means an alternate taste item. not an alternate as a protein substitute. BP has honey as his alternate taste item. DrHenley is correct that honey is not an alternate for PB as a protein substitute. Both are correct, just different usages of Substitute.
if you do buy honey dont buy the large brand commercial type, buy the local type sold by local producers in places like markets and farm shops.
local honey contains disease fighting anti oxidants and vitamins, anti bacterial and anti viral properties and boost your immune system, the commercial stuff has been filtered and contains very few of the benefits of local honey.
buy it as close to home as you can as it will contain local health benefits.
I like peanut butter, and I store a lot of it.

Tom Brown Jr. (and many other wilderness and survival experts) points out that most animals love peanut butter, and that it's excellent bait for traps.

I can second this, as I've used peanut butter in practice snares made with sewing thread.

The peanut butter that I store for emergencies is in several smaller sized jars as opposed to a few big jars.

The smaller jars get used up quicker than bigger jars, so sitting around for a long time after being opened isn't an issue.

I know peanut butter keeps well after being opened, but I do live in a semi-tropical environment with days and weeks on end being in the mid or high 90s with lots of humidity.
I like peanut butter, and I store a lot of it.

Tom Brown Jr. (and many other wilderness and survival experts) points out that most animals love peanut butter, and that it's excellent bait for traps.

I can second this, as I've used peanut butter in practice snares made with sewing thread.
maybe thats what I should use it for then, I certainly cant eat it.
maybe thats what I should use it for then, I certainly cant eat it.
OK, but are you allergic? Peanut allergies can kill you, and people with allergies can become more sensitive to the allergen over time if they keep getting exposed to it.

You don't get hives or a rash with peanut butter, do you? An anaphylactic reaction can kill very quickly if your airway closes up and you go into shock.
OK, but are you allergic? Peanut allergies can kill you, and people with allergies can become more sensitive to the allergen over time if they keep getting exposed to it.

You don't get hives or a rash with peanut butter, do you? An anaphylactic reaction can kill very quickly if your airway closes up and you go into shock.
No, I just dont like the taste, a bit like Marmite-you either love it or you hate it.
I've just bought a large bottle of honey this morning at our local weekly rural market, it came from a hive not more than 4 miles from my front door.
cost £6 which is about right for non commercial honey.
I've just bought a large bottle of honey this morning at our local weekly rural market, it came from a hive not more than 4 miles from my front door.
cost £6 which is about right for non commercial honey.
Local honey is the best. When I was a kid our neighbor down the road had beehives and would give us honey sometimes.
There are other things besides peanut butter. There is sun butter, made from sunflower seeds. It is something that is allowed in schools where there are children who cannot be in the same room with any peanut butter. But there is also almond butter, cashew butter, and maybe more.

For anyone who does like peanut butter, I wonder how many of you grow your own peanuts? I'm talking about hobby growing of peanuts, not the commercial growing that is sewed up with previous rulings that only certain people are allowed to grow peanuts, and it has been for more than a century.
There are other things besides peanut butter. There is sun butter, made from sunflower seeds. It is something that is allowed in schools where there are children who cannot be in the same room with any peanut butter. But there is also almond butter, cashew butter, and maybe more.

For anyone who does like peanut butter, I wonder how many of you grow your own peanuts? I'm talking about hobby growing of peanuts, not the commercial growing that is sewed up with previous rulings that only certain people are allowed to grow peanuts, and it has been for more than a century.
I remember eating peanut butter and honey sandwiches on soup day in the school cafeteria...nobody died. One boy choked on a hotdog, turned blue and lost the bet...but he lived.
I remember eating peanut butter and honey sandwiches on soup day in the school cafeteria...nobody died. One boy choked on a hotdog, turned blue and lost the bet...but he lived.
There are many allergies now to peanut butter and tree nuts. Evidently just being in the same room with the allergen can wreak havoc for some.
For backpacking and extended hunting trips I use my older PB stores to make PB fudge. By adding raisins, walnuts, and especially oatmeal, you get a snack that will last a long time and really add some carbs and fat to your diet. Boiling it kills most of the germs so it will last a long time.

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