Pride of ownership

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Dec 4, 2017
It's a term I heard from a real estate appraiser but I guess it applies to more than real estate.

Do you have it?

What got me thinking just now was vehicles in particular but it applies to almost everything. I keep my vehicles clean, debris free and well maintained. My kids treat their cars like crap. There's garbage on the floors, never clean the outside and in general, they just don't seem to give it any attention (until a light comes on the dash and they call daddy).

Our primary residence is well maintained but not spectacularly clean on the inside. We live in it. I'm in charge of outside which I keep well groomed. Our other places are super clean, inside and out.

The term IMHO can apply to everything including real estate, vehicles, guns, equipment...

What say you?
I do a lot of baths. My dog (the one in my avatar) is pushing 16 and is not in good health (I'm taking her to the vet tomorrow). She poops in the house a lot, always in the same place which is a 3x5' runner carpet. Every time she poops, I swap out the carpet (I keep around 15 spares). I then bring the dirty ones out and clean, soap and pressure wash. When the pressure washer is out, I clean everything else I can find that's dirty.
My cars are dirty, my grass is cut, when you walk in you can tell people live here, and we have cats and dog. When I croak, people will say "Dave lived there", not "My that was clean and spotless house"
I do a lot of baths. My dog (the one in my avatar) is pushing 16 and is not in good health (I'm taking her to the vet tomorrow). She poops in the house a lot, always in the same place which is a 3x5' runner carpet. Every time she poops, I swap out the carpet (I keep around 15 spares). I then bring the dirty ones out and clean, soap and pressure wash. When the pressure washer is out, I clean everything else I can find that's dirty.
I need to get me a pressure washer
I admire people who keep clean and tidy homes and cars. I’ve just never been good at it. For so many years I was too busy and tired to care. Now it’s not a habit of mine. I am working on organizing and cleaning every day, just not all day.

I transport dogs almost every day and they put sand and fur in my car. If I clean up after them every time, that would take lots of time and energy and I don’t care enough about it. The dogs don’t care either, or at least they haven’t complained to me about it. They’re glad to be going to the canine play place and getting treats for getting in and listening to me.
It's a term I heard from a real estate appraiser but I guess it applies to more than real estate.

Do you have it?

What say you?
Different strokes for different folks...
For me "Pride of Ownership" is 2120 shares of Southern Company stock :D.
I wish the term was different...pride to me is one of the seven deadly sins. And it's not a good thing to say that you're proud.
But being pleased with a clean house, yard, doing my best...I like that. We have a neighbor who only has an acre, and the place looks like a junkyard. Sticks out like a sore thumb. I like things cleaned up. Never is perfect, but that's ok. I would do better if I had the time.
I wish the term was different...pride to me is one of the seven deadly sins. And it's not a good thing to say that you're proud.
But being pleased with a clean house, yard, doing my best...I like that.

I agree with the thought... pride goeth before the fall... but as a young man i was proud of a lot of things, guilty as charged. If it were just one... I was proud of my guitar, a martin d-35. I was in jr high, worked all summer on a cousin's logging crew pulling skidder cables in the hot alabama sun. The guitar cost me $800 in '74, only paid $600 for my first car, priorities! 😁

Still have the guitar, after 5 decades it sounds amazing, has it's own unique tones. View it differently now than back then. Thru the years I dragged it to 4 continents in my travels. It's more like an old friend than an object to be proud of...

Honestly, priorities change as we get older. Things i was proud of in my 20's changed with age. The events stayed the same, my view of them changed. I place more importance on different parts of the same events.

Now i have an old friend i'd like to introduce... 🤣

I like to have nice things, and we do. But we don't waste a lot of time polishing things up. For example, our side by side is usually covered in mud because we USE it. We also take the pups with us when we ride so there's lots of dog hair in there too. I don't like that, but the only other option is to go without the dogs.......just no. I'd rather enjoy our stuff than to polish it up all of the time and stare at it. That's not to say we don't wash it, but given a choice of washing or riding........we'll pick riding.

At the same token, we are the only ones that will use the side by side. My car is a different story. I keep the outside as clean as possible and I don't trash the inside. I would never be embarassed to give someone a ride if they needed it.

As we get older we try and buy things that are maintenace free. The outside of our home requires very little work or upkeep. Our yard is typically well manicured b/c we like to do it. However, out in the back acrage we keep spare wood, metal, and parts. There's one area back there that looks like an organized mini junk yard. We raid it all the time for stuff that we need when doing projects. Nobody would ever see it if they didn't know us b/c they woudn't be allowed back there. It's not necessarily pretty, but it sure is useful.

The inside of the house is typically fairly tidy. If we were to get unannounced company, I could usually have it spiffy in about 15 minutes or less. I like to have it 'company ready' before I go to bed every night.
I keep my truck clean.
The yard is mowed but not manicured.
The house is cluttered but not dirty.
People have described our house as comfortable to visit.
My Aunt has a spotless house and I just can't relax when I'm there.
My SIL was a slob. She never cleaned anything. I didn't go there unless it was really important.
I never ate anything she prepared at home.
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I take great pride in everything I own. Everything is well maintained and kept clean. We don't have a yard, as defined by city standards, but we do have thousands of acres of forest, meadows and mountains that we consider our yard. All of our buildings are well cared for, as well as our livestock. I do all of the maintenance on our vehicles and equipment myself. Our house is clean, not spotless as we do live in it too.
My oldest brother keeps his stuff shiny. and likes to paint his old stuff, My stuff wears its work clothes, and it works. I prefer performance to polish, I do like it that some people can keep things shiny, on saturday I couldn't stopp looking at a '93 GMC standard cab dually that was out for a fuel run, that truck is NICE, no crapp or extras just clean shiny and classy.
I wish the term was different...pride to me is one of the seven deadly sins. And it's not a good thing to say that you're proud.

In this context IMHO pride is not sinful. Thisi s not "an excessive love of one's own excellence" as Pride is often defined. I look at it more as a feeling of accomplishment for a job well done When your house or your car look nice you can feel proud. Many people are proud of their children or grandchildren, and I wouldn't call that sinful.

Some things I take much better care of than others. With my guns and my golf clubs, I am pretty meticulous. I am very careful with mechanical maintenance of my car, but not so much with keeping it clean.
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My car is filled with grass clippings, dog hair, it hauls me and the Beaver to the country house, lakes, gun range and dog parks. Mechanically flawless, but no beauty awards. PM is by the book.
Maybe we're looking at the word in different meanings.
Do you not take pride in things you've done or accomplished? Your avatar seems to show me your pride in your gardening.
Pride and proud are the same, right?
I'm proud of things I've done in my life and career. My actions have helped many.
I'm proud of my kids and their accomplishments.
I'm proud of being an American.
Aside from the definition, there are things I cherish and respect so I take good care of them.
I have a lamp that was a dear friend's and was made in her grandfather's shop roughly 100 years ago. I am very careful with it.
My vehicles are clean on the inside and usually on the outside depending upon the weather. (Hubby doesn't clean his unless we are taking others with us.)
Our house - we are currently renting so it is not as I would care for it. However, the inside is usually clean but not fussy. It does depend on the season - during canning, you are liable to find a hot mess but as of this morning the countertops and sinks were all bleached and clean.
Somewhat of a hoarder here....only been turned into the county once tho...
i like stuff around to build things with and fix things and also to do art with. We only have an acre but it gets muddy and we spend a lot of time out in the woods so our rigs usally are muddy.
I dont know why but I derive pleasure and a sense of accomplishment by doing the dishes and wiping everything down and shop vacing the kitchen (I process a fair amount of food for our freeze driers). Otherwise stuff can build up and get cluttered around the house and shop. In the shop tho my mechanics toolbox (medium large) always has everything in its place. After years of working on commision I got into the habit of having tools organized as time is money.
As far as avitar is a full sized horse made from musical instuments. I am I guess proud of making it but what I remember most is the groups of kids that came thru the museum art show where i first displayed it and watching them play the percussion instruments and just go wow. That is what gives me a sense of accomplishment.

As far as clean up a shop vac, pressure washer and a pickup with a pre paid dump pass is my go to.....
I have a limited amount of energy, I can spend it making things spotless and shiny, or I can care for the animals, garden, cook, and do essentials. Our house is not a museum, things aren't always where they should be, we have 4 dogs in the house. My truck is a farm truck, my tools are worn. If I have energy left over, I might inventory or rearrange my pantry or something, but not likely spit polishing my wood floors, or dusting my nicknacks...
There's one area back there that looks like an organized mini junk yard.
This was like my grandparents ranch. All metal was put in a scrap pile. It wasn’t taken and sold for scrap like many people do. They lived about 50 miles from a town of 2000 and they didn’t go very often. If something needed fixing, they would look through the scrap pile to see what they could use for repairs.

Other grandparents had a big pile of dimensional lumber. When they moved to town there were many things that their house needed: a bathroom!!, kitchen cabinets, shelves in the basement for canned goods, a back porch, a chicken coop. They plugged away at these tasks and eventually got them done. I wonder now, how old that lumber was. Eventually my brother built a treehouse with the leftovers.

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