Russia / EU gas pipeline blown up

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So now that is the first of the NORTHERN pipeslines out of action the southern ones run through places like Kurdistan and Turkey and Iraq which the ISIS crowd are trying to take control of, I reckon oil prices will soon go through the roof.
well,guys and gals,that ****-head putin already put his troops on high-alert,so now he has over 65000 battleready russkies ready to invade,it really doesn't look very promising and I don't recall how many soldiers there's in grandpa tought my father and he tought me a saying that a russkie is a russkie even if you fry him in butter,meaning you can't trust them whatever they promise or say
this whole Ukraine thing started because the EU wanted to expand its influence into Ukraine, I imagine Putin wasn't very happy about that! as our(UK) Nigel Farage said "the EU has blood on its hands"!!
Exactly right on that Paul, Its the bastard eurofederalists to started this whole thing off, and its federalists who screw up most things today. Federalists and Socialists are both bad for us.
so leave ukraine to putin??? what's next?? part of poland and baltic countries?
I don't think Putin wants a war with the US and all its allies, we are NOT about to see the start of WW3....lets everybody calm down shall we?
yup,calm down,easy to say with that distance between you and russkies,but yup,lets try
we in the UK aren't panicking, I'm more concerned about the British Jihadists when they come back from Iraq and Syria than I am about what Putin is up to, Putin is up to what he is always up to...its called "one up man ship" and its mostly for home consumption.
and when that show isn't enough for home,then it turnes ugly,very quickly,very ugly,those jihadists are a problem here too,one more reason I want to put some distance between me and this town asap
yep, I used to live in a city but I got out 15 years ago, went back 5 years ago for a visit and couldn't get out fast enough!! our major (UK) cities have home grown jihadists in them so its not like they've got to get past customs or anything.
this internet is quite nice,but it's so frikking easy to spread **** with it and to build up a jihadist cell using it aswell, they can recruite people so easily, I'm just waiting for something to happen here when people get back from syria and iraq and I know it's going to be a big surprize to our gov and police aswell...and yet one of my bosses tells us that you have to trust people,we don't have any bad guys here
there is an old prepper saying: "if you don't know them, haven't worked or spent time with them, then DONT trust them"....I LIVE by this motto every day!!
I've been on several British so called Prepper forums, "armchair" survivalists more like, most people just don't have a clue about what it will be like and how bad it will be POST shtf, and trust is one of the things that will have to be earned not freely given away.
so leave ukraine to putin??? what's next?? part of poland and baltic countries?
Putins localised objectives are simply local geopolitics and NOTHING to do with us or the Americans. The people in the Crimea DEMOCRATICALLY elected to return to Russia after only 50 years as Ukrainian territory. If the eastern Ukrainians DEMOCRATICALLY choose to separate from western Ukraine then we must respect those wishes, just as we in the UK must respect the wishes of the Scots of they democratically choose to leave the UK in September.

If our cousins in the US actually understood true self determination they could have saved themselves from a terrible war 200 years ago when the southern states DEMOCRATICALLY chose to leave the Union.

As for the Judian / Islamic world well those ****wits have been at each others throats for a thousand years and if the jews and muslims and not killing each other then the Sunnis and Shiites continue to kill each other.
Let em kill each other.
You can please some of the people some of the time, but you cannot please all of the people all the time, and meanwhile we survivalists and preppers will just please ourselves and ignore the rest.
As for the Judian / Islamic world well those ****wits have been at each others throats for a thousand years and if the jews and muslims and not killing each other then the Sunnis and Shiites continue to kill each other.
Let em kill each other.
my thoughts exactlyShoot
a democratic vote in crimea???
putins politics have a hell of a lot to do in my world as that maniac lives as my neighbour,but as I said earlier it's easy when you have thousands of miles between you and a madman.
but we have different opinions regarding this issue and that's a fact of life no one can change
I greatly respect your opinion Jontte even if it differs from my own, but as for me in Northern England the greatest threat by far for me after the Islamists is the EU(ssr) and its single party, unelected burocracy that goes against everything I believe in. To me the EU is just the USSR Mk but using lawyers and politcians instead of T72s and AK47s. Only last week the scum in Brussels tried to criminalise anti EU rhetoric, they wanted any anti EU comments to be treated the same as racist or homophobic comments. I can see conflict occurring again in Europe quite soon but its going to be a backlash against the EUSSR not Mad Vlad.
The people in the Crimea DEMOCRATICALLY elected to return to Russia after only 50 years as Ukrainian territory.

Sounds logical unless you know the history of Crimea and Ukraine.
In the "Budapest Memorandum" Ukraine received assurances from Russia, the U.S. and the U.K. that Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity would be protected. And on that basis, Ukraine voluntarily surrendered the third largest nuclear arsenal in the world. (Ukrainian leaders consider the Budapest Memorandum now null and void since nobody else held up their end of the bargain)

Scotland and the American South are a different situation than Crimea entirely.

It would be more like Ireland invading the Isle of Man, kicking out the Manx and replacing them with Irish, then waiting for an opportune moment to have a "DEMOCRATIC election" by the "Manx citizens" to leave the UK and join Ireland.
I disagree Doctor, The Crimea was sovereign RUSSIAN territory until until the 1950s when a drunk and troubled Nikita Kruschev gave it to the Ukraine as some sort of reward. Kruschev did not bother to consult the mainly ethnic Russian population if they wanted to become Ukranian. So when the Crimean people decided ( with considerable prompting and trouble making by Russia to hold a referendum the result was really a forgone conclusion. Crimea returned to Russia.

The Crimeans were Russian before they were Ukranian, and have now return to Russia.

Scotland and the US south are equally no different, Scotlands leaders begged to join the union in 1707 after they has pissed away all the sovereign wealth of Scotland trying to create a Scotish empire where Panama is now. The Scots leaders did not ask the Scots people if they wanted to join the UK. Septembers Scots referendum will finally give them that same choice.

And the southern US states were sovereign states in their own right and if their people CHOSE to leave the united State to create a Confederation they were democratically entitled to do so, Many foreign countries recognised the sovereignty of those individual states and also recognised them as a confederacy.

Now about Alaska !!!! :) :) :)
little background; crimea was annexd by russia in 1783,and in 1917 the population held a refferendum for vote for independance and it was ;yes, the bolsheviks crushed the independant crimea with force.
in the 1920-1930 the inteligentia was killed by sovjet-russia and after ww2 all crimean tatars were moved away by force from crimea and in that move killed over half of the population and Stalin sent in etnic-russians to colonize the penisula,and the tatars could return to their homeland only after 1980 glaznost.
Russia has done nothing more than forcibly tried to make crimea slavic,by oppressing the original population there,so the latest vote to join russia was far from democratic,
and the crimeans were tatars looooooooooooong before they were russians
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Sounds very similar to the Norwegian, Finish, Swedish, Karinian issues over the years in your area, IE The Sammi are the rightful inhabitants of Finland etc etc ad infinitum. Over a similar sort of time frame I would add, so if Crimea belongs to anyone we agree it should be the Tartars, but the Russians have held for for hundreds of years, and Finland should be owned by the Sammi but the Finns / Swedes have had it for a few hundred years. Over here we have not forgiven the bloody Vikings, nor the Saxons before them :)
politics is a rotten business,it's in some ways like religion, very,very flammable