If Grandpa Jo thinks that war against Russia is something easy, he is wrong, if Grandpa Jo wants a war with Russia actively, he will lose.
Europe will lose first, and Grandpa Jo will lose afterwards.
Jo is insane if he wants a war with Russia, of course nothing can happen to him, but Jo will be complicit in the deaths of thousands of civilians and thousands of his own countrymen who will die in such a war.
Russia is not Iraq, and the Russian population does not want war, but if there is war, the population there will be 100% behind the government and I do not want to be a foreigner inside Russia.
It may well come to war, too many lunatics want war with Russia not only Grandpa Jo, it will be suicide for everyone to declare war on Russia and set foot across the Russian border with warlike intent. If that happens, the world will look different, and all the borders in the world will simply cease to exist.
Grandpa Jo will only strive for a war, he has nothing more to lose and he is sick in the head, but all others from his people will lose as good as everything if it comes to this war, Russia weapons are active, the new ones are very fast, they are in the air probably reach 80% of their target.
A de-escalation of this current situation would be really important for all, unfortunately no one wants that.