Am considering starting a militia unit using a rank structure similar to the US Marine Corps for IF & When SHTF / TEOTWAWKI happens.
Totally agree with Proud Prepper.. Just be very careful as Conservatives are now the target.SH already started HF. It's a little late for OPSEC, unless you already know and trust everyone you will have in your militia. Likely half of of anyone new you recruit will be FBlie agents/informants.
Am considering starting a militia unit using a rank structure similar to the US Marine Corps for IF & When SHTF / TEOTWAWKI happens.
Todays situation is not like 100 or 200 years ago , where citizens could grab their rifles and fight an army and have a realistic chance of winning . Militaries of today with weaponized drones , weaponized aircraft , spy satellites , thermal imaging , tanks and such would easily defeat any good old boys running around with their deer rifles and Ar15's and such . I certainly wish the good old boys had a reasonable chance but as of now can't envision them being anything but dead meat . -- I only prepare to survive , not change the world .
What ever you all do, leave the BDU's in the closet. If you go into the woods for training, have everyone wearing Real Tree or Mossy Oak camo. Quickest way to get people in a tizzy is storming around in the grey man.Am considering starting a militia unit using a rank structure similar to the US Marine Corps for IF & When SHTF / TEOTWAWKI happens.
Todays situation is not like 100 or 200 years ago , where citizens could grab their rifles and fight an army and have a realistic chance of winning . Militaries of today with weaponized drones , weaponized aircraft , spy satellites , thermal imaging , tanks and such would easily defeat any good old boys running around with their deer rifles and Ar15's and such . I certainly wish the good old boys had a reasonable chance but as of now can't envision them being anything but dead meat . -- I only prepare to survive , not change the world .
Look up the term "Asymmetrical Warfare."Todays situation is not like 100 or 200 years ago , where citizens could grab their rifles and fight an army and have a realistic chance of winning . Militaries of today with weaponized drones , weaponized aircraft , spy satellites , thermal imaging , tanks and such would easily defeat any good old boys running around with their deer rifles and Ar15's and such . I certainly wish the good old boys had a reasonable chance but as of now can't envision them being anything but dead meat . -- I only prepare to survive , not change the world .
If you form a Neighborhood Watch Group, be careful when you start it.
Plan it for a long-term disaster.
If not established correctly, the food owners in a community may be adopting all souls living there as well as extended family that may join them later. This may sink your boat.
1). Guarantee and recognize all food stocks belonging to each household are under that households' control completely, forever. No one else has a right to their food.
2) All agree that when a family begins to run low on food stocks they will move to another house
near the outskirts of the neighborhood.
They will be supported in all manner except food.
That family must take the risks of shopping for their family.
3) If a family wishes to gift food, that is their decision only.
4) Agree that as families move to the outskirts,
other families can move into their homes during the survival period.
5) Therefore, as food runs low, the Preppers with food can consolidate their positions to be neighbored by other Preppers for more stringent protection for the Perppers, while still protecting their struggling neighbors.
@Raining: Everything you say is appropriate.
But if you find a need to organize, all of the uncomfortable issues can be decided up front.
This way individual family responsibility remains with each family.
Yes, the best thing is to hide alone. But sometimes hiding alone may not be the right thing to do.
Sometimes in life we have to make uneasy decisions. In the meantime, lets hope we don't have to.
True. I think flexibility and the ability to think on your feet is probably invaluable. It will be stressful and no group agrees 100% of the time. Even married couples will struggle.Agreed but, you can only control yourself, not others; especially when it comes to emotions.
Sometimes, what was originally thought to be acceptable, gets questioned when reality hits and a pregnant SIL is standing there with her two other babies, and you are sending them away to an almost certain death. The resentment can build within a group and cause other long term I said, a lot to think about and consider.
The way we have approached it:
Any non-family members that we have brought into our group, have no other family or close ties. They are not married, nor do they intend to be. They do not have children. We are their family and closest social circle.
@Raining: The way our group worked out that problem was the agreement that if your family adds others, they feed them from their supplies. When their food runs low, they all move to a safe house nearby. And as mentioned above, we support in all ways except for food.
In our case, all important decisions that might occur and are foreseeable, were dealt with in our published plan. All persons joining our group agree to those decisions. Therefore, all members know their responsibilities; can predict the outcome of their future decisions, and know / accept their own risks.
Will the uninvited guests decision be a difficult decision to watch and implement, Yes. But as Survivor 316 points out, there will be a lot of difficult decisions that may or may not materialize.