The Current Situation Is Unsustainable

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Bitch Clinton advised someone. If you are in a hole, stop digging. I would give that advice to the democrats. Do not borrow any more. Pay off the debt. How dare you borrow from my grandchildren. And Trump is guilty too.

30% of Republicans say VIOLENCE may be the only way to save the US from its mounting problems: Poll | Daily Mail Online
As winter arrives with extreme expenses to eat and heat your home, I look for many many more Americans to come to that conclusion. Maybe not the INVADERS…aka new Millionaires via biden.

Well, thank goodness I changed out my central air unit to a much more efficient one. He said it would cut my heating and cooling bills in half. I can vouch for the cooling bills, they were indeed half of normal. Now will see about the heating bills.
There's no doubt that since 9/11 the powers that be have turned this country into a giant police state, and they intend to keep tightening the screws. Here's more evidence, PLEASE READ AND SHARE.
Don't comply with this, keep your personal information where it belongs IN YOUR WALLET. This along with CENTRAL BANK DIGITAL CURRENCIES are nothing more than tools for the elites to control every aspect of our lives. The time has come to fight back.
If you just take an look on it for an second....
The economy, the democracy and the freedom who's going destroyed those days are all those of the continents who ruled it before. USA, Europe, Australia.
All those areas gave those "new leaders" the possibility to study, earn money and entering powerfull positions. The same people are interested to destroy those who gave them an chance.
The worse covid lockdowns and restrictions are in the USA, Europe, Australia. Chinese informations i don't trust. And as i can see at the example of Switzerland and Germany or France - those who wanna having harder restrictions are mostly from the left side and fight with all fair and especially unfair methods to keep people under an total control.
May i'm not that clever - but it looks as an plan for me.
With all due respect, if anyone thinks that a black market is the answer to Communism's oppression, please reconsider.

They never stop.
They love to hurt people.
They decide crimes and punishments.

One of the traits of Narcissism Disorder is to believe you can not only survive disaster, but thrive in it. This is why the school system has been pushing Narcissism on children for 50 years. It produces the results we see today. Characteristics include:

Very greedy
False belief of superior intelligence
Lack of empathy
Very gullible
Incredible liars
Nothing is their fault, it's always you
No future, no past, it's always "right now"

Narcissists are natural tyrants.

The left believes they now have the 1/3 of the citizens who will kill 1/3 of the citizens while the other 1/3 watch. What we're seeing now is the beginning of "them" vs "us".
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May i need to tell you Gary - german news talked about this too this morning and - wow - as they said 99% of all those employees can't wait to get the jab....
Limitless propaganda in the german speaking media.
I don't think peaceful disobedience is going to do the job, these people don't care one bit. All they care about is POWER, MONEY, and COMPLETE CONTROL OVER EVERY ASPECT OF OUR LIVES. There is going to come a day of reckoning for these people, and that reckoning won't be brought about by a "sit in".
With all due respect, if anyone thinks that a black market is the answer to Communism's oppression, please reconsider.

They never stop.
They love to hurt people.
They decide crimes and punishments.

One of the traits of Narcissism Disorder is to believe you can not only survive disaster, but thrive in it. This is why the school system has been pushing Narcissism on children for 50 years. It produces the results we see today. Characteristics include:

Very greedy
False belief of superior intelligence
Lack of empathy
Very gullible
Incredible liars
Nothing is their fault, it's always you
No future, no past, it's always "right now"

Narcissists are natural tyrants.

The left believes they now have the 1/3 of the citizens who will kill 1/3 of the citizens while the other 1/3 watch. What we're seeing now is the beginning of "them" vs "us".

To be clear, I was not advocating that black markets are the answer to anything…just that they do exist in collapsed nations. Personally, I would not get involved at all in those type of “trades”…which is why I encourage everyone to stock more than they think they will need and form relationships NOW with those you will want to trade with later.
One problem with communists dictators is they are very good at manipulating their own citizens, but but have a hard time manipulating nature. They can decree that a farmer grow this much this corn or this miner produce that much coal. What are they going to do when the mines and the cornfields are completely submerged? They can threaten to kill the miner or the farmer, but they can't kill the rain.
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From Soviet dissident Solzhenitsyn's masterpiece, Gulag Archipelago:

In 1934 Pskov agronomists sowed flax on the snow--exactly as Lysenko had
ordered. The seeds swelled up, grew moldy, and died. The big
fields lay empty for a year. Lysenko could not say that the snow
was a kulak* or that he himself was an a**. He accused the
agronomists of being kulaks and of distorting his technology.
And the agronomists went off to Siberia.

*During the Russian Revolution, the label kulak was used to chastise peasants who withheld grain from the Bolsheviks. According to Marxist–Leninist political theories of the early 20th century, the kulaks were considered the class enemies of the poorer peasants. Vladimir Lenin himself described them as "bloodsuckers, vampires, plunderers of the people and profiteers, who fatten themselves during famines," declaring revolution against them to liberate poor peasants, farm laborers, and proletariat (the much smaller class of urban and industrial workers).
From Soviet dissident Solzhenitsyn's masterpiece, Gulag Archipelago:

In 1934 Pskov agronomists sowed flax on the snow--exactly as Lysenko had

Lysenko’s erroneous theories on agronomy caused the deaths of millions of Russians, and eventually millions of Chinese when the CCP adopted the same failed practices.

Poster child of a Soviet murderer...

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There was an experiment that the Soviet Union did, maybe Lydenko when he learned a tiny bit about evolution. Peasants were ordered to freeze their peas before planting. I guess they figured to skip a step or 2 and have the peas evolve before they reproduced???! Guess what? The crop failed and a lot of people starved.
Well, thank goodness I changed out my central air unit to a much more efficient one. He said it would cut my heating and cooling bills in half. I can vouch for the cooling bills, they were indeed half of normal. Now will see about the heating bills.
They say you should change out a central unit every ten years as the improvements in efficiency help pay for it. I swapped mine out about two years ago, more for reliability but the saved energy is a big plus’s as well

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