The Current Situation Is Unsustainable

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I spent a large part of my life working off shore working in saturation diving. We had an environment that involved working in a narrow range of human survival. It amazes me that my son can do all the things I did mechanically, with computers. I can understand electronic expansion valves and variable speed motors. But it is so much more fun to hear him changing a diaper while reprograming a computer in Australia. So what kind of an air conditioner do I need in Montana? I'd say an evaporative is the most cost effective, Do I need air conditioning In Montana? No, but I am spoiled.
China also seems to be preparing for war. I forget who said this, and I must paraphrase it.

When leaders promote femininity in their male population, they are afraid of their population. When they promote masculinity, they are afraid of an outside threat.

China limits video game time now and has recently banned feminine men from TV and advertising. They are pushing for more masculinity.

It's worth noting too, that KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov said in 1980 that the assault on the West would be lead by militant homosexuals.
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The only way to stop their death and destruction is Do Not Participate in their plans…first and foremost don’t take their death jab! If you have, take steps to remove as much of the harm it has and is doing NOW! Don’t use their new crypto currency. They have you on a leash like a dog if you do. Trade with fellow Preppers and farmers. Some ambitious folks will see one answer as bringing down…at least in their area, the internet…or electricity. No internet, no control of “money/crypto”. There are what 30 or so internet linking hubs? While not easy to get to, not impossible either. Just ideas off the top of my head.

The New York Times
Substitute Teachers Never Got Much Respect, but Now They Are in Demand
Substitute Teachers Never Got Much Respect, but Now They Are in Demand (

"Across the country, some schools are doing exactly that. Schools in Seattle will be closed Friday because they allowed too many staff members to take the day off after the Veterans Day holiday. A Michigan school district has already closed down for multiple days this month. And some Colorado public schools have moved to remote learning this week, while others canceled classes altogether."
The places sheople like Brent get their "facts" and "news"....

Washington Post columnist demands CNN retract claim that Steele dossier had been 'partly corroborated' after key source was arrested for lying: Newspaper adds embarrassing correction to its own stories

"A Washington Post columnist has sharply criticized CNN for failing to retract its claim that British ex-spy Christopher Steele's dossier is 'corroborated,' following a federal indictment that raised serious questions about the document.

Media critic Erik Wemple issued the harsh rebuke in a column on Friday, calling on CNN to correct its longstanding claim that its reporting had verified substantial portions of the 2016 dossier alleging Donald Trump conspired with Russia.

Last week, a federal indictment alleged that Russian-born analyst Igor Danchenko, a key source for the Steele dossier, fabricated conversations with one source, and used a Democratic political operative as another.

As Wemple noted, CNN hosts including Don Lemon and Wolf Blitzer have repeatedly claimed on-air that the network had verified or corroborated substantial portions of the dossier.

Those remarks appear to refer to a 2017 CNN report that cited unnamed US investigators had 'corroborated some of the communications' in the dossier.

That report stated that some conversations described in the dossier could be confirmed as taking place at the time and place described -- but did not confirm the contents of the conversations.

'Narrow though the reporting was, it served as a springboard for broader expressions of confidence in Steele’s work,' wrote Wemple.

'Whatever the distortions, “corroboration" is a poor word to associate with the dossier,' he added.

Wemple argued that CNN had provided breathless, splashy coverage of its alleged corroboration of the dossier, but only muted and grudging air time for the Danchenko indictment that seriously undermined the dossier's claims.

'That brand of asymmetry helps explain why many people mistrust CNN,' he wrote.
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It's also interesting that when Trump kicked off this "vaccine" program, the left, including Kamala and Joe, said they would never take the shot.

After stealing the election, Joe and Kamala said everyone must take a minimum of two doses -- including naturally immune and zero-risk children.

How does an adult who hears this -- all within a couple months -- ever think the left tells the truth?

But then, the left is all about collective lying. Mass delusions and collective lies have been the mechanism by which societies have been controlled for centuries.
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To wit, this quote is from a Russian who lived in Communist Russia and spent 25 years in a gulag for wrong-think.

“We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.” – Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn

Going along with the lies is going to destroy us -- and it's intended to. The fact we are standing by watching people get killed and maimed by these criminals is shameful. The fact we all pretend we'll eventually "get through this" is pathetic. This is an attack and it's ramping up, not down.
Student loan forgiveness, rent debt forgiveness, $1.75 TRILLION for infrastructure (of which 5% is actually going to infrastructure, the rest, who knows?), $450k for every ILLEGAL that claims a kid was lost at the border while they ILLEGALLY crossed it.. No nation can continue this insanity. The pumps are dry, like the lakes feeding 7 desert states.

30,000 student-loan borrowers are getting $2 billion in debt wiped out, Biden's Education Secretary says
"Orange Man Bad" so anything anyone says bad about Trump MUST be true.
Brent still believes Trump colluded with the Russians even though every shred of evidence has been exposed as fabricated.

Yeah, he thinks there is no election fraud because the MSM refuses to cover it. He also believes the Hunter Biden laptop is not real either, because the MSM refuses to cover it. For someone who talks about how smart he is all of the time, he cannot see the SIMPLE fact that the MSM is propaganda and only reports what they want people to "know".
The left believes they now have the 1/3 of the citizens who will kill 1/3 of the citizens while the other 1/3 watch. What we're seeing now is the beginning of "them" vs "us".

An out of the box guy on a forum I was a member of in 2004 spoke of this coming, it's the elimination of all opposition to the elimination of all opposition Loop. But there are still some loopholes for now, and there is always the options of forgery and living off the reservation.
Student loan forgiveness, rent debt forgiveness, $1.75 TRILLION for infrastructure (of which 5% is actually going to infrastructure, the rest, who knows?), $450k for every ILLEGAL that claims a kid was lost at the border while they ILLEGALLY crossed it.. No nation can continue this insanity. The pumps are dry, like the lakes feeding 7 desert states.

30,000 student-loan borrowers are getting $2 billion in debt wiped out, Biden's Education Secretary says
This looks like they are finally approving the public loan service forgiveness program
Despite jumping through hoops put out by the government- over 98% of people eligible are denied - now looks like it will be approved
It’s not a blanket approval as the headline would have you think
This looks like they are finally approving the public loan service forgiveness program
Despite jumping through hoops put out by the government- over 98% of people eligible are denied - now looks like it will be approved
It’s not a blanket approval as the headline would have you think

It's ME paying for someone else's education because THEY made poor decisions. I paid my own way through a university. They should have to do the same.
It's ME paying for someone else's education because THEY made poor decisions. I paid my own way through a university. They should have to do the same.
It’s paying for 10 years of service in a lower paying non profit job.
It’s how employers can recruit people to underserved areas as all they can afford is a salary of maybe 40- 100k less a year.
I never had a student loan in college. I was just poor. But tuition was less than $200./quarter back then. I didn't need a student loan back then. I feel a bit sorry for Dr. Jenner who must have a huge debt after medical school. College tuition is out of control.

My dermatologist is four or five years younger than I am. He is Jewish and studied being a Jew when not studying in school He graduated from Michigan University in a biologic science and then Stanford Medical School, so he did not goof off in school. In fact he wants me to fill him in about the 1960s as his nose was to the grid stone then and he missed quite a bit. We compared reactions and family reactions to the Kennedy Assassination. His student debt must be breathtaking. Yet he practices in Bakersfield, not Beverly Hills where he certainly could practice. I really admire his life choices.
The rent and competition in Beverly Hills are probably 10+ times that of Bakersfield. Not to mention having to live there.

As soon as government started lending money to children to go to college, colleges went down hill in education and uphill in pricing. All government-subsidized industries suffer that fate.

Now we have low and average IQ people graduating with degrees. Unfortunately, they believe themselves to now be brilliant. They would never have been accepted in the past, or, if accepted, they would've flunked out.

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