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Awesome Friend
Mar 5, 2020
Georgia Mountains
With more and more information coming to the fore recently, I thought a thread on the Goal of the NWO/Cabal/Globalists would be worthwhile to keep us all informed.




Quite the history on Rutte. Multi-year Bilderberg attendee. Mark Rutte - Wikispooks
Good news: The people are waking up.
Bad news: It's too late.

The Biden effect: Support for GOP reaches its highest level since 1995 - with 47% of Americans now Republican, while support for Democrats plunges 7% in a year to 42%

  • More Americans are affiliating with the Republican Party than the Democratic Party for the first time since 1995
  • The landmark poll was carried out by Gallup over the course of the year in all 50 states and Washington DC, with a total of 12,416 American adults polled
  • The survey revealed 47 percent of participants identified as Republican at the end of 2021, a nine percent increase from the beginning of the year
  • 42 percent identified as Democrats, a seven percent decline from the first quarter of 2021

There is no way the democrats allow en election in November. They cannot allow any investigations into what they have done, or any charges against them.
Back to him, but Glenn Beck has a new book on the Great Reset. First printing sold out fast. He has talking about this for years, but people ignored the warning.

Count me as one who ignored the warnings and thought they were bogus. That changed about 7 years ago. Will look for Beck’s book. He does write well.
The Patriot Nurse being interviewed by Mike Adams. This woman is flat out AMAZING!! Had to listen to it twice to make sure I absorbed all the information.
“I do know that people who thrive upon power have no problems justifying the lose of innocence, and couch it in the great good. That is the oldest Communist play in the book!”

”Every time we give authority to centralized government, we lose Freedom exponentially, not even linearly, exponentially.”
💥 🔥 💥🔥

“WOW: Fmr Blackrock Executive Ed Dowd lays it out

We are at the END DAYS of this financial system, the “medical police state” in truth was erected to quell riots as everything implodes.


- get out of banks.

- get into hard assets. things that PRODUCE for you and keep your family/community fed and secure.

- gold/silver for wealth preservation ONLY once you can feed & secure. I’d rather have SEEDS!

- stock up on medicines, herbal remedies.

Here is more…

February 2, 2022 Admin Comments 1 Comment

“Are Moderna and Pfizer the Next Enron?

Former Blackrock fund manager Edward Dowd paints a grim picture for Big Pharma’a vax kings in a recent interview with Thomas Paine.

Dowd, who grew his fund to $14B by anticipating the next big news, believes bankruptcy is in the cards for the Pharma giants.

“Wall Street is… starting to smell something went really wrong during the whole EUA clinical trials process… Pfizer’s clinical trial data was fraudulent. They didn’t report the all cause mortality endpoint, which is the gold standard in the drug approval process. They failed that endpoint but they rammed it through,” Dowd said.

Comparing the situation to the Great Financial Crisis, Dowd points out that in both cases, “the supposed watchdog… wasn’t an objective, disinterested party.” Leading up to 2008, “they gave AAA ratings to bonds that lost 60%, which never should have happened.” In Covid-1984, instead of the ratings agencies facilitating the con, it’s the federal government. “The FDA gets 50% of its budget from Pharma. The fraud couldn’t have been perpetuated without CDC and FDA help,” explained Dowd.

What about the blanket immunity protection for vaccine manufacturers, Paine asked. “Fraud eviscerates all contracts,” Dowd responded. “Moderna and Biontech are going to zero… Pfizer could be a $5 stock.”

The falsified trial data and adverse event reports are being “heavily suppressed by our tech overlords and the mainstream media,” Dowd continued. “This couldn’t have happened without their silence and/or active suppression. I view this as a multi-siloed fraud, called meta-fraud: There’s Pharma [where] the fraud originated… media and tech censoring the truth [in exchange for] Pharma spend… and then you’ve got the government, which was corrupted…”
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💥 🔥 💥🔥

“WOW: Fmr Blackrock Executive Ed Dowd lays it out

We are at the END DAYS of this financial system, the “medical police state” in truth was erected to quell riots as everything implodes.


- get out of banks.

- get into hard assets. things that PRODUCE for you and keep your family/community fed and secure.

- gold/silver for wealth preservation ONLY once you can feed & secure. I’d rather have SEEDS!

- stock up on medicines, herbal remedies.

I follow Ice Age Farmer Ron Telegram. Has some good stuff.
Interview with Steve Brannon. This is the Best Part!

“…In this case, the FDA is the “trusted” third-party verification vehicle for pharmaceutical products. Roughly half of the FDA’s budget comes from the drug industry, and it would seem as though this corrupt agency allowed dangerous, ineffective and largely untested vaccine drugs to get released.

“I believe that due to the institutional imperative that was in place at the time, and the speed with which they tried to approve these products with this unproven technology, fraud did occur,” Dowd said about the FDA. “And what’s my proof of that? The FDA together with Pfizer are trying to hide the clinical data.”

The all-cause mortality endpoint for Pfizer’s injections failed, we now know. There were actually more deaths in the vaccine group than in the placebo group, which is why the drug giant has refused to release its clinical trial data.

Normally, in such a case, there would be no drug approval granted because the FDA’s “gold standard” supposedly does not allow it. To save the financial fat cats from their bad bets, however, the FDA swooped in to save the day.

Meanwhile, actuaries are reporting a major uptick in death claims ever since the jabs were unveiled….”
I went on Telegram and read this and the comments. The comments are very TEOTWAWKI.

Some are worth reading. Almost all agree that paper money is going to be worthless. Advising to buy silver and gold only after you purchase lots of bartering items. Those being mostly items that people are addicted to. Tobacco, alcohol, coffee, sugar, etc.

Just reading how doomsday they are has made me rather queasy. It could be the dinner I cooked though.
We are all on the right track people, keep prepping with what you can. Get the seeds, fertiliser, basic foods and spare everything so long as you can. Your families are depending on you even if they do not say it or even laugh at you. Many will learn the hard way just a the hurricane, tornado and flood victims had to. Get prepared to use your preparedness for a pre-pared war on us all. Your only way out is prep or die. And the Ukraine border is about 150 miles from my garden.......Live free, Gary

The Great Reset is FAILING!

FEB 7, 2022

“Martin Armstrong is a world renowned Economist, having predicted previous financial collapses accurately over the years by analysing history and trends.

He joins Zeee Media for the second time today to tell us about how his computer program is showing the Great Reset is failing, how the global governments are pushing us towards war because of the failing COVID-19 narrative, and the predictions for the future of politics, and the economy.

Martin will continue to update Zeee Media regularly. In the meantime, you can follow his work via his website:”

Very interesting update on the Great Reset!
But most of the people continue asking instead of reading.

Unfortunately, most people still think that only what the governments and media say is true...

Brainwashing to the last, that was in Germany even before the 2nd World War so, but the never learn from history and still run voluntarily to your butcher.
Dr. Zelenko Explains How China Uses Their Banking System to Quell Dissent

"If the Chinese government, who controls the central bank, doesn't like what you say, they could restrict, limit or outright deny you the ability to transact. So now I don't have to put a bullet in your head; I'll just prevent you from buying bread."

This Video on Rumble | Source Video
Klaus Schwab and his followers must go away, preferably to jail or even harder.

Here the new to his big reset
There is only one thing, no politician more choose his views, politicians who follow him vote out or with critical letters to the editor.
Most people still do not know what the big reset is, you have to make the plans known and fight, that at any price.

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