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For anyone who still doubts they aren’t messing with our weather…

Pardon my naiveté, but, can you explain what that is? I don't understand what I am looking at.

Sure! This ex military guy gives updates on what is happening in the skies worldwide. He has a program that shows the aircraft, what kind they are, their flight paths and such. There are lots of signs and symbols contained in the program. This was one of them. They are not filled out by him, but by the government.
I was just wanting opi ions about the headline. About the WEF ans Klaus Schwab. You are much more knowledgeable on the subject

I listened to it. Not a lot of details actually…but Poso is ex intelligence, so he kinda assumes people can follow his “saying stuff without actually saying it”. I prefer straight talk. LOL

The impression I’m getting is that things are NOT going evil Klaus’s way!
Good news: The people are waking up.
Bad news: It's too late.

The Biden effect: Support for GOP reaches its highest level since 1995 - with 47% of Americans now Republican, while support for Democrats plunges 7% in a year to 42%

  • More Americans are affiliating with the Republican Party than the Democratic Party for the first time since 1995
  • The landmark poll was carried out by Gallup over the course of the year in all 50 states and Washington DC, with a total of 12,416 American adults polled
  • The survey revealed 47 percent of participants identified as Republican at the end of 2021, a nine percent increase from the beginning of the year
  • 42 percent identified as Democrats, a seven percent decline from the first quarter of 2021

There is no way the democrats allow en election in November. They cannot allow any investigations into what they have done, or any charges against them.
I very much fear you are correct at core.

But it could play out a different way, with more & different types of election fraud.

The Dems don't feat elections, per se. It's just the fair and free elections that make them tremble.

Old-fashioned stolen elections are just fine by the Dems.

"Sarcasitc mode on"

Of course not! Every european is so happy and proud to suffer for the Ukraine. We're absolutly happy our great leaders are so successfull with crashing our economy, lifes and social peace just to fullfill climate targets to save the universe.

"Sarcastic mode off"

Seriously now. The propaganda machinery works pretty good. A lot of people are thinking it's the only way to kill Russia, destroy Putin and save the whole world about destroying. Just an minority is seeing it's an home made crisis which will end in an desaster. And exactly this minority is now defamed to be "Putinlovers", "Climate Liars", "Public enemies" and "Conspiracy Terrorists". Every single thing what happens now has it's reason by climate changings or Russia. Even summer is now hotter than winter about global warming. Covid still exists because people don't go for jab. You're an racist if your car still needs fuel, you're eating meat or your kids are behaving like this the nature choosed, girl or boy. And the worse is if you're withe and not trans or gay.
Seems this 24/7 propaganda shows effect. Personally i'm happy i'm living country side where the people need longer to go infected by this insanity.
I normally wish only the best for the people, even i don't like them really. But honestly, if i see what's going on over here i seriously wish an extremly cold winter with loads of snow and ice. If this happens maybe - just maybe - the people start waking up when the whole system collapses.

I don't see another way how we get out of this devilish way. In my eyes it's too late for peacefull changings.
Every Red State must do this for us to WIN this “war” of being turned into slaves for the NWO and WEFers…those of us still alive after they starve billions.

Good news! Quite a few States are pushing back.
Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Ohio, South Carolina, Texas, West Virginia and Utah.
And it isn't just red states now.

"More than 30 states have similar laws, and more than a dozen are pushing back on what Schmitt (AG of Missouri) called “woke ESG investing.”

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View attachment 17522

Another win from Texas AG! This guy is beyond awesome!! I count this as a win against the evil WEFers who have been behind the flooding of 3rd world ILLEGALS into all 1st world countries…to bring them down.
View attachment 17522

Another win from Texas AG! This guy is beyond awesome!! I count this as a win against the evil WEFers who have been behind the flooding of 3rd world ILLEGALS into all 1st world countries…to bring them down.
THANK GOD for TEXAS!!!!!!!

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