Thought I Would Add One Of My Stories.

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I'm reading it.

You all with the great stories are going to have me going through my limited data in a hurry. :cry:
Don't know if I should say this or not but your writing style reminds me of Pete Thorsen.
Here is a short story some of you might like to read. I hope you enjoy it.

Finished the story, Another great read. Thanks Hiwall.
I guess my secret is out. I do enjoy writing the stories plus the money is good too.
In about a week I am going to publish "House on the Hill". It is one of my personal favorites.
I went to get the mail one day (we have no rural delivery here) and I noticed a couple houses on the hillside across the highway. Right then I decided to write a book with the title "House on the Hill". I started it the next day and wrote it in about four or five days. I kind of liked it and my wife did too when she read it.
I never have an outline or anything when I write. I just sit down and start typing. I often wonder what is going to happen next in my stories. In "House on the Hill" I started the story writing about the house because I had no idea what it was to be about. I think it came together pretty good.
I'll be watching for it.

One of the things I found with your stories is that you don't do the same basic storyline over and over again like a couple have.
You have the same name as a good friend of mine, first and last. I have half of it read. Very good so far! As for my one critique, the first page kinds of repeats things already said a little bit. Now let me be clear i am in no way qualified to critique a story and so far i am really enjoying it!
Is there a recommended order to read your books in? As I said I have read a couple but purchased them as whim struck me...
All my stories are stand alone stories. I know that many or even most apocalyptic writers do series but I do not. Even though I understand the reasoning of doing a series is to make more sales. I do OK without a series or any advertising.
I hope all of you enjoy this short story which is shorter than most of what I write though I keep all of them to a very moderate length so they are quick reads for this very busy world.
All my stories are stand alone stories. I know that many or even most apocalyptic writers do series but I do not. Even though I understand the reasoning of doing a series is to make more sales. I do OK without a series or any advertising..
thanks, I thought that was probably the case but there is enough similarity in titling that I wasn’t sure. I have enjoyed what I read so far and will be bu6ing more. Keep up the good work.
I read House on the Hill as soon as it popped up on Amazon. I'm reading about this house coming together and wishing there were pics to go with hit. Strange things a story can make us think about while the story is unfolding.

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