Treading carefully into the group...

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Dec 20, 2017
I don't think it is an accident that I ended up here but I wonder why the steps were so carefully set up for me to get into this group/forum. Mostly I didn't think my voice was appreciated in the other group and I didn't appreciate....... Maybe the administrator just didn't have time to see it. I wish I could be in a group where people had respect for each other and didn't act/write crudely. (I think that is basically covered in the forum rules).

My intro...I'm not a homesteader and I don't live in the country. I want to live in the country and did for about 8 years but because of loss of employment and other unfortunate circumstances, I'm in a little town for now.

If you are sure I am welcome here, I will continue to post.
Warm Welcome from the Arizona Valley folks. You have just joined the best and most friendly forum on the net. Shared wisdom in equal portions to shard laughter.
@Patchouli of course you are welcome here and hi from Australia :) .

We also live in a smaller town in the country of about 10 000 so probably could be considered in suburbia really but just 5 minutes outside of the main town and live on 1/2 acre piece of land. It is amazing what you can accomplish in any size piece of land and with not a lot of money if you think laterally too.
We're all Friends and Family here, and you are most Welcome to join our Group. No matter who you are, or where you live, you have something of value to contribute, even if it's just a kind Word for a Member in Pain. So, Welcome from Missouri.
Welcome to the forum from the big city of Clifton Tennessee, population 845! That's the closest town anyway, lol. I understand your pain about not living in the country. There have been times in my life thru circumstances that I've found myself in the city. As soon as possible I was back in the country. I have come to realize that this was Gods will, and prayerfully you will be back where you want to be.
Enjoy yourself here. Don't just lurk, participate, and be prepared for a blessing!
Hello and welcome! Like in every group we have a few characters, a couple funny people and from time to time someone who can be a bit terse; but that's what a community is. There is room here for everyone!
Ya some can be a bit gruff here and there including myself but we are all family here! If your looking for a tight community to be part of then you have found it. This is the tightest and most loyal group of people on the internet! we bicker from time to time and even have to be slapped here and there. But we act like grownups and apologize and move on. Like i said we are a very tight group that stick together but we enjoy new people and it is really up to you weather you want to be part if it. So Welcome to the group! i hope you will be a part of it!
...If you are sure I am welcome here, I will continue to post.

Absolutely you are welcomed!

Because body language can't be "read" in a post sometimes what is written and what the reader reads isn't what the Poster meant and tempers flare. I havn't see tempers flaring here.

Pull up a rock by my campfire and help yourself to some coffee. Just don't squat with your spurs on.
I can assure you that not one person here would be against you becoming one of our friends,

Nobody here is an outsider or less important than another.

Just relax... wander around the different sections of the community, get involved, and then come back and tell us if your welcomed or not..
I believe you may find a new hang out here.:fun fun:

Welcome to the forum.:welcome:

BTW...if you see a lot of folks limping's because , some serious leg pulling does occur.:dunno:


Welcome feel free to join in. Our family has more than its fair share of alpha personalities and as with all families we have disagreements but that doesn't mean we don't care for one another. There is a saying " As long as the ties that bind us together are stronger than those that would tear us apart all will be well "
I think I speak for the group when I say here all is well. Again welcome hope you have found a home.
I'm not a homesteader either but I'm learning a ton of interesting stuff from the folks here.

As mentioned before, kick back and relax and join in where you feel comfortable.
Welcome, Patchouli! I don't recognize your name from elsewhere, but maybe you have a new user name! I hope you feel comfortable and included here.

I don't recognize the name @Patchouli from the old homestead either but would like to offer you a big warm :green man:
Welcome!!! I recall the name from somewhere, but I don't recall where. In any case, sit down and have a a chat :)
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Welcome to the forum from the big city of Clifton Tennessee, population 845! That's the closest town anyway, lol. I understand your pain about not living in the country. There have been times in my life thru circumstances that I've found myself in the city. As soon as possible I was back in the country. I have come to realize that this was Gods will, and prayerfully you will be back where you want to be.
Enjoy yourself here. Don't just lurk, participate, and be prepared for a blessing!
You are in a big town, we are outside a town of 370.
I just wanted to comment on the name patchouli, is this like the oil all the teens wore as perfume back in the 60's and 70's? That sure brings back some memories!
Don't forget the 80s, 90s and today.
I don't think it is an accident that I ended up here but I wonder why the steps were so carefully set up for me to get into this group/forum. Mostly I didn't think my voice was appreciated in the other group and I didn't appreciate....... Maybe the administrator just didn't have time to see it. I wish I could be in a group where people had respect for each other and didn't act/write crudely. (I think that is basically covered in the forum rules).

My intro...I'm not a homesteader and I don't live in the country. I want to live in the country and did for about 8 years but because of loss of employment and other unfortunate circumstances, I'm in a little town for now.

If you are sure I am welcome here, I will continue to post.
Welcome, I play hard to like and they let me stay.
I was on the other homesteading forum for a little while, not too long at all. I am also on the soapmaking forum (very infrequently) which is how I found this place. (No, I don't make soap either). I was PrairieClover on ht. Are you sure I'm still welcome here? I tried to eliminate stuff from my account there but alas, not happenin'.
I haven't used the name Patchouli anywhere else. Yes, one of my favorite scents.
Last spring I started some lovely little cucumber plants from seed, they were up about 5 inches, strong stems, then one day, snip, gone! I thought it was the squirrels' dirty deed. A few days after that we saw daylight rats. Little bassers.
NH (nice husband) got the pellet gun out and aimed well. I never thought I would see such drama from a freakin' rat. I watched it get hit, it screeched. In my mind it seems rat reared back, front paws clutching his chest, kind of fell over, started dragging himself along, NH didn't have a clear shot, and rat escaped through the deck slats. Later, he came back out and again, more drama. He didn't die that day but I figured my gardening days were over as long as I'm living here.
:Thankyou: for the kindly welcoming committee. :)
I was on the other homesteading forum for a little while, not too long at all. I am also on the soapmaking forum (very infrequently) which is how I found this place. (No, I don't make soap either). I was PrairieClover on ht. Are you sure I'm still welcome here? I tried to eliminate stuff from my account there but alas, not happenin'.
I haven't used the name Patchouli anywhere else. Yes, one of my favorite scents.
Last spring I started some lovely little cucumber plants from seed, they were up about 5 inches, strong stems, then one day, snip, gone! I thought it was the squirrels' dirty deed. A few days after that we saw daylight rats. Little bassers.
NH (nice husband) got the pellet gun out and aimed well. I never thought I would see such drama from a freakin' rat. I watched it get hit, it screeched. In my mind it seems rat reared back, front paws clutching his chest, kind of fell over, started dragging himself along, NH didn't have a clear shot, and rat escaped through the deck slats. Later, he came back out and again, more drama. He didn't die that day but I figured my gardening days were over as long as I'm living here.
:Thankyou: for the kindly welcoming committee. :)

Where you been or where you go is your business. We really are INCLUSIVE and not exclusive. I also believe it takes a strong 2nd amendment to protect you first amendment. It will be interesting to see and hear about your interests and to match them up with the folks here that have the same interests. A forum of clones be completely boring. You or the NH are going to need to keep practicing your marksmanship to clean out the day rats. Can't have them preventing you from becoming a world class gardener. Glad to see you posting, the more the merrier.
Welcome. I was Belfrybat on HT but have been trying to lose that moniker for several years now. I kept the same avatar so folks from there might remember me. I used to homestead but age and heath and forced me into the city, but I do have a garden and the "homesteading spirit". I've been made welcome here and I know you will as well.

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