Under ground shelter/root cellar

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Note it has NOTHING, ZIP, Zero, NADA to do with pollution or environmental protection and everything to do with having total control over the essential utilities you need to live. The state US / EU or UK DOES want total control over the people.
They do this by (A) passing laws to force as many people to used grid utilities (Gas, Elect, Water, Sewage) and Store bought food ( they are making it ever harder to grow your own food from sterilised seeds, the limiting necessary chemicals to banning food plots in the lie they may pollute the local water ways etc. (B) By moving or centralising essential services in larger towns or cities , govts move schools, hospitals, libraries, govt offices, police depts. etc etc into the big towns and deplete the rural areas, this drives ever more people to move into the cities where its much easier for the state to control them.
Thats what Agenda 21 is all about. Moving everyone to cities and giving the rural areas back to nature. I have the complete "Agenda 21" document. They started writing this many many years ago. It is to relocate complete communities from the mountain areas to the cities for better control and less fuel used. Where I live, down in the city of Fresno there are several construction projects underway building huge apartment complexes right in the middle of the city.
Agenda 21 is available online and it's a large document. It has some very crazy things in it but the truth that comes out after you read it leads to "control", nothing more and I should say, there are many more crazed, dazed and just plain idiotic humans that believe this is a good thing for humans. Wait til they find out what we think is best for us. Too bad and sad that there are many who have been programmed to believe this is good for them. They are zombies with all their slavetronics walking around without a clue of what to do or what to think. It's all being done for them and they don't have the word "NO" in their vocabulary, they can't do for themselves and can't think for themselves. what a shame and a waste of a human life.
Here is a link to the full "agenda 21" document in PDF format. It is good informative reading if your interested in knowing the truth about what the UN, USA and many others think is good for the world and humans without getting or caring what our opinions on the subject might be.


God Bless all humans.
The spraying of harmful and deadly particulates in the atmosphere which has been killing insects, birds and fish and other life forms and trees in the forest as well as destroying any possibility of growing your own food in soil that has been destroyed too. aluminium, beruim, copper and many others are being sprayed which has been linked to autism, alshymers and cancer and more. Some scientists have agreed that this spraying is also to cover the sky in attempts to keep people from seeing planet "x", nibiru, the dark star which is supposed to be coming into view as it gets closer. Have no real proof of my own to validate this as I have looked and looked with a high dollar telescope trying to validate the many people who claim to see it and have testified with their own video's showing a "blue katchina" which by the way is hopi and other indian tribes beliefs. It is wrong and with all the lies and mis-information it's hard to narrow things down to the truth. It has been validated that in truth, the contents of the spray is harmful and deadly nano-particles that destroys all it touches and I have seen with my own eyes with 40x100 high powered bino's coming from nozzles that are positioned not even close to a jet turbine engine. You can see the actual nozzles and you can see they are being controlled in an on and off way. Contrails from a turbine engine do not go on and off and the tankers used have transponder and squawk codes that differ from commercial or military jets.
Anyway, it's bad bad thing they are doing and they lie about it every chance they get. The end result is control and power for them and humans, we don't matter.
Having read the Agenda 21 doc many times (and in context), can you point out the passages where you feel it's crazy?

Most of it is about strengthening workers and farmers, improving impoverished nation economies, and increasing sustainability. I've heard the Agenda 21 arguments before, and while it is certainly socialism, the document is nothing more than policy suggestion, suggestions I might add, that were largely not taken (the document is a bit dated, so easy to see what really happened).....
Thats what Agenda 21 is all about. Moving everyone to cities and giving the rural areas back to nature. .
It must be different over there because what many over here believe is that the rich, ruling elite and powerful want to get everyone living in urban conurbations where they can be controlled, ( food, jobs, utilities, health care, right to housing, how many kids you can have etc) whilst THEY get to live in the now empty, quiet, clean, crime free rural areas.
Pretty sure that any rich elite who WANT to live in a rural area, already do now.
I'm just saying to actually read through it all. Read through the actual linked document above.

There is definitely some serious socialism suggestion here, which goes hand in hand with control. But, nothing that appears overtly sinister. There is something else (name eludes me, or maybe part of this I didn't see in that doc), that advocates the U.N. seizing property for the greater good, and THAT is much more overtly sinister, that is official
Gaz did you see the articles I posted ( I hope) a while back about the rich and influential buying or building REMOTE, ISOLATED, OFF GRID RETREATS etc in places like Western OZ, South Island NZ ( all completely unreachable by road, air or water access only) South Africa, Kansas, Oklahoma, and other US states, Caribbean islets, NOT luxury places but self contain isolated secure very private homes.

Secure semi remote gated communities are going up everywhere from UK to EU to US to OZ as those not mega rich but still wealthy move into gated communities so they are not forced to enjoy the socialist benefits of diversity, mass migration and multi culturalism

The EU is also advocating seizing and redistributing land and property in Europe to make things more " Fair" they also believe its OK to go to any member country and skim 20% from every current or savings account in that countries banks as a one off tax??
Having read the Agenda 21 doc many times (and in context), can you point out the passages where you feel it's crazy?

Over all, good intentions are at the core of this project but I feel it goes against our right to choose and pursue happiness as we choose, not as others choose for us. we are at extremely difficult times as a race. We are faced with some very severe things that bring some very serious choices we must make as a race. How do we implement something that many are going to reject? Partially by force when you take away someones choice as to where they want to live. To me, it's not crazy regarding the intentions some have as to sustainable development. Those are good intentions but it still reduces a humans options in many ways. Changing times brings changing ways and for many it's going to be hard to swallow. I agree and disagree with Agenda 21. It's intentions are something that as a race we have to face now and make decisions and changes that are severely needed but it will step on the toes of many many people and not just in the US. For some who have traveled around the world they have seen the great need for change and for some in the US, all we see is what the media lets us see and that has been enough for some to know that it's time for change for many small struggling countries and an end to death and starvation and the end to so many other things. I find myself right in the middle of yes and no. I guess as part of the human race I'd have to say there are sacrafices that have to be made for the greater good of the human race as a whole and put aside my personal opinions about the loss of many things.
Crazy yes, but good, yes. I have to think about my kids and their kids. Do I want to live and be selfish or do I want to think of others? Do I want to cry about losing my right to choose or do I want to see the human race as a whole survive and go on for hundreds of years? I'm sure there are many who find themselves smack in the middle, swinging both ways but we can no longer think of ourselves. We have to advance to a higher being of self and acknowledge that it's for the good of the human race. I want whats good for everyone and I can sacrafice much. That is my part in the survival of the human race. The problem is to get every human thinking that way. It's going to take time and a lot of education and understanding.
We need prayers and surely blessings from above. God will decide and I pray God brings understanding , peace and love to all humans, our survival depends on it.
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Gaz did you see the articles I posted ( I hope) a while back about the rich and influential buying or building REMOTE, ISOLATED, OFF GRID RETREATS etc in places like Western OZ, South Island NZ ( all completely unreachable by road, air or water access only) South Africa, Kansas, Oklahoma, and other US states, Caribbean islets, NOT luxury places but self contain isolated secure very private homes.

I did, and have seen them for quite some time. Nothing new for the rich and influential to consider such a backup. Same reason we do, we just don't have their means is all. (and they can afford to delegate the thinking to someone else). Does it mean some impending doom they know of that we don't? Perhaps, but I doubt it.

Now, if one week there seems to be a lot of celebs missing public appearances, etc., THEN I'll dial up my worry meter, but to be honest, celebs are just like others, right now, prepping is kind of a fad for some, including the rich, so we're seeing more news about it, and more celebs doing it. Like most fads, it will pass for them.
In the UK it was the sudden burst of Iceberg homes being built from about 2010 onwards that rattled me, then gated communities which were almost unheard of in the UK started getting built, bout the same time as the blacks rioting in five London boroughs, the increase in domestic UK Islamic terrorism and the EU skimming bank accounts in Cyprus. once over it was BMW and Range Rovers plus addresses in Chelsea were the MUST HAVES for the uber rich, Suddenly its 4x4s and homesteads that they had to have !!
There has been proof that some rich and elite people have been leaving the USA and going to Sweden in the past 16 months. some of these folks are on the UN's "illuminatti list" who attended the talks over seas in some high up place in or around Denmark. That triggered a watch of others on that same list and they themselves did in fact leave the USA and go to the same area and it was noted that these location are very secure and only have sea or air access. What are they running from? Are they running and hiding for the same reason as the elite who get access to the over one hundred underground facilities in the USA? All this and more points to something happening (Sept 2015) that the ones with a ticket to a secure underground hotel will flee to before whatever is going to happen happens. Too many in politics, military and the financial structure have been preparing for this event, what ever it might be. My own opinion, they may feel secure but I trust in the Lord and it's all in the bible. They will not be hidden from God's eyes and they are just as unsafe underground as we are above ground.
Even though I have not yet myself been able to see something coming, around me there are many things that tell me something is coming our way and there are some who know of this and are preparing to hide until it is safe to come out. Anyone above ground is on their own. no federal agency, no FEMA, no group at all has been preparing to HELP anyone. It's either a huge incoming object like a rock or it's going to be something that is launched at us from another country, or may be launched from the US to target the US. Never know what is real but surely something is about to happen and my focus now is to keep prepping as I was and hope i'm done with the most important preps when I have to make a choice as to what to do. leave or stay.
Where I am there will be full advanced notice of any advance up the hill towards us. Can't say the names but eyes are everywhere. I have contacts near the National Guard base in fresno, a couple of reliable sources near Lemoore NAB and this is via private self reliant radio systems and of course a backup, encrypted system that is totally solar and hidden very well. We have the equipment to monitor those who will monitor us which they will at some point. I am lucky to have ham/military sources who have pointed out my weaknesses with communications and educated us with information as to what the military can and will do when TSHF. The National Guard and Air Force along with others i'm sure will be monitoring amateur frequencies heavily. NSA along with FCC has been listening in on ham traffic for months now. I am told they are compiling a list of licensed hams in the area who have said more than they should have. Bottom line I was told, if you have communications equipment and want to keep it, don't use it or at least keep some in sight you can afford to lose, the rest, secure it very very well and in a faraday cage. All communications equipment will be targeted including anything that can record sound, pictures or video. I have everything to cover 0.5 mhz all the way to 1.6 gigahertz and the VHF/UHF (107-900 mhz) stuff I have duplicates which some will not be put away. I'm sure FCC's files have been gone through by at least NSA to compile a list as accurate as possible to identify possible threats to their agenda.
Until something actually happens I won't know what I may have missed. I know there will be something because in the last year I forget even the easiest things I should remember.
Membership here has been very educating. Membership here has me believing that for the most part, we all are curious, we all want to survive, we all care about our families and we all don't want to be unlawfully agressed upon. We are American's and are good people who want to be left to choose and decide for ourselves what we want to pursue in our quest for happiness.
God Bless all good American's and thank you Clyde for creating a wonderful place for us good American's to share our knowledge and socialize with other good American's.
Doomsdayprepperforums is THE place and it's members are doomsdayprepperforums.

God Bless all.
There has been proof that some rich and elite people have been leaving the USA and going to Sweden in the past 16 months. some of these folks are on the UN's "illuminatti list" who attended the talks over seas in some high up place in or around Denmark. That triggered a watch of others on that same list and they themselves did in fact leave the USA and go to the same area and it was noted that these location are very secure and only have sea or air access. What are they running from? Are they running and hiding for the same reason as the elite who get access to the over one hundred underground facilities in the USA? All this and more points to something happening (Sept 2015) that the ones with a ticket to a secure underground hotel will flee to before whatever is going to happen happens. Too many in politics, military and the financial structure have been preparing for this event, what ever it might be. My own opinion, they may feel secure but I trust in the Lord and it's all in the bible. They will not be hidden from God's eyes and they are just as unsafe underground as we are above ground.
Even though I have not yet myself been able to see something coming, around me there are many things that tell me something is coming our way and there are some who know of this and are preparing to hide until it is safe to come out. Anyone above ground is on their own. no federal agency, no FEMA, no group at all has been preparing to HELP anyone. It's either a huge incoming object like a rock or it's going to be something that is launched at us from another country, or may be launched from the US to target the US. Never know what is real but surely something is about to happen and my focus now is to keep prepping as I was and hope i'm done with the most important preps when I have to make a choice as to what to do. leave or stay.
Where I am there will be full advanced notice of any advance up the hill towards us. Can't say the names but eyes are everywhere. I have contacts near the National Guard base in fresno, a couple of reliable sources near Lemoore NAB and this is via private self reliant radio systems and of course a backup, encrypted system that is totally solar and hidden very well. We have the equipment to monitor those who will monitor us which they will at some point. I am lucky to have ham/military sources who have pointed out my weaknesses with communications and educated us with information as to what the military can and will do when TSHF. The National Guard and Air Force along with others i'm sure will be monitoring amateur frequencies heavily. NSA along with FCC has been listening in on ham traffic for months now. I am told they are compiling a list of licensed hams in the area who have said more than they should have. Bottom line I was told, if you have communications equipment and want to keep it, don't use it or at least keep some in sight you can afford to lose, the rest, secure it very very well and in a faraday cage. All communications equipment will be targeted including anything that can record sound, pictures or video. I have everything to cover 0.5 mhz all the way to 1.6 gigahertz and the VHF/UHF (107-900 mhz) stuff I have duplicates which some will not be put away. I'm sure FCC's files have been gone through by at least NSA to compile a list as accurate as possible to identify possible threats to their agenda.
Until something actually happens I won't know what I may have missed. I know there will be something because in the last year I forget even the easiest things I should remember.
Membership here has been very educating. Membership here has me believing that for the most part, we all are curious, we all want to survive, we all care about our families and we all don't want to be unlawfully agressed upon. We are American's and are good people who want to be left to choose and decide for ourselves what we want to pursue in our quest for happiness.
God Bless all good American's and thank you Clyde for creating a wonderful place for us good American's to share our knowledge and socialize with other good American's.
Doomsdayprepperforums is THE place and it's members are doomsdayprepperforums.

God Bless all.
I'm not a big fan of conspiracy theories and all, but if I was rich, I'd have an underground bug out location too. It just makes sense for the rich to see that the economy is shaky, and there are security threats all over the globe, and they have the resources to prepare better than the average joe.
I'm not a big fan of conspiracy theories and all, but if I was rich, I'd have an underground bug out location too. It just makes sense for the rich to see that the economy is shaky, and there are security threats all over the globe, and they have the resources to prepare better than the average joe.
I'm not "rich" but near my place is an old underground mine with hundreds if feet of tunnels. Its very well hidden and if you didn't know it was there you'd never see it. I'm planning on storing some essential items there just in case....
Nice digs, ride out the apocalypse in style! LOL...until the hired security folks decide THEY want to be in charge, as they have the guns, that is.....
You give someone power, and in the end they want to have sex with all the women and make everyone drink poisoned cool aid. Anyone ever see the movie Mosquito Coast? This guy was the ultimat prepper. He moved down to a South American jungle and built a really nice self sustaining place for him and his family. Paradise. Then one day some guys with rifles come out of the jungle, and really like the place, so they decide to stay. It all ends badly. There's always some ******* with a gun that wants to take what they didn't work for.
nice article but too much luxery for me. I'd rather be in an old nickel mine up here. Has a great view, can see everything below and deep enough in but the problem is many know of them. My deep getaway is good. 3 wireless cams outside in the trees along with antenna painted to look like branches. You can't see anything til your on top of it and perched on top of a rocky ridge to see two roads coming up the mountain from the valley. Has a back door that is about 700 meters away and down the mountain by at least 500 feet. It's on a neighbors 220 acre ranch. I foot the bill and he's welcome but doesn't believe in any threats. He's too busy with his huge population of cows but knows if he needs to run the front door is open as long as he gets there before it closes and will be locked for who knows. so far the food storage cut outs in the wall have been staying at 76 degrees and thats good enough to extend the life of all my beenie weenies. Surprizing, the expiration on the last bunch I got 2 weeks ago was March 2017. Not bad for a food item that is not so bad. We'll see how I feel about that after I have eaten six months worth.
Well, I discovered that the hotter it gets outside, the more condensate I get in the root cellar. I started removing the canned goods out of it yesterday. I didn't loose anything, but did have some rust forming on some lids, so those will get eaten first. I still have the wines out there, and will use it as a storm shelter. Luckily I can make the wines there as the smells make my wife nauseous in the house. I experimented with the ventilation, but to keep it dry raised the temp too much. I'll see how it goes in the winter months. I could add a dehumidifier, but the main goal was for safe storage without needing electricity. Bummer on the food storage aspect!
Well, I'm breaking down and doing research into dehumidifiers now. I'm going to try one out in it, as I really want this to be a good storage/pantry area. Right now, with all the food and supplies in the house, a fire or burglary could wipe out everything I've worked hard on. I like having a secure storage area that is near disaster proof. Since the room is pretty well hidden now, I need to figure a way to get an electric line into it that won't show. Hope to have it set up within a month anyways. Humidifiers add some heat to a closed room, so I will keep a log and post how much it affects the temp. So far, sealed up, I'm getting 65deg average during summer. Just way too wet though.
Well, I discovered that the hotter it gets outside, the more condensate I get in the root cellar. I started removing the canned goods out of it yesterday. I didn't loose anything, but did have some rust forming on some lids, so those will get eaten first. I still have the wines out there, and will use it as a storm shelter. Luckily I can make the wines there as the smells make my wife nauseous in the house. I experimented with the ventilation, but to keep it dry raised the temp too much. I'll see how it goes in the winter months. I could add a dehumidifier, but the main goal was for safe storage without needing electricity. Bummer on the food storage aspect!
We had the same problem with rust on canned goods, cleaned out those that rusted through, thos that we could safe, kept them separated and we dunked them in a bit of cooking oil, i can`t tell you the results will be, will only be able to go and check the bugout in Desember.
Finished an addition to my cellar which has decreased the internal temp by several degrees. The temp was around 75 but now with 2 12dc ventilation fans running off a well hidden solar panel which feeds a battery the temp after 11 days of continuous running brings the temp down to 62 during the day and as low as 51 at night. Seems the temp inside stays about 12-15 degrees cooler than the temp outside. No signs of rust yet on any of the cans and the cans that are aluminium are all seperate from those that are steel. don't want to add anything that requires power from the outside and i'm still searching for something natural that will keep the humidity down. There's got to be something out there that will do this without the need for a powered dehumidifier which will increase temp.
Waiting for the mansanita to increase in size and planting privot and berries at the entrance. Behind the house is a fairly large pond which right now has a few cups of water in it. The opening is on the inside of the pond where it climbs to a crest and the berries are natural there. The privot grows crazy on the other side of the pond and on the north side. Adding the privot around the exit and the berries to replace what I moved during the the dig. Pretty much looks very concealed with natural cover which was always there. didn't want to add anything that wasn't native to the area. In a couple months or sooner it will look as if nothing is there and I assumed if there was a man made attack of some kind facing away from the city (Fresno) would be my best bet for the survival of the shelter. The opening is supposed to be able to handle up to 250 mph hour winds. The openings are protected as well by the rise of the hill.
Water is definately a concern because a year ago when the well was drilled the water table was quite high and my pump was handling a 1200 gl tank located 440ft below the house tank and the house tank which is 80 gl with 2 check valves. The water table is low now that filling the 1200 gl tank lowers the water level low enough and picks up black sand. No more using that tank, just not enough water. Without the 1200 gl tank we are ok but what about in 6 months or a year? where will the level be then? The ranch across the road has 3 wells and 3 tanks and uses much more water than me. Some do a good job of conserving water but others, it's business as usual.
My well and pump are 500 feet away from the house and 440 feet lower. It has a faucet and 3 times this month I have found beer cans and twice recovered a plastic container that was left there. I need to hurry and get my 4 wireless cameras mounted and working. I don't like having the well and pump where I cannot see it nor protect it. That will have to be altered and more secure. In the event that something collapses water will be at the top of everyone's list as a "high priority" need so your well and pump will be a primary target to those who need water ASAP.
Still have much to work on and i'm sure as I fix this i see a need to fix that, or improve or alter things as I go. It's all fun but serious at the same time.
Will be starting an alteration of my 12x14 shed, turning it into a walk-in faraday. I should have added screen material to the hide-out before it got covered over, at least a small section.

Your good decisions you make today may be all wrong later or vise-versa and decisions you think are not so good today may end up being the decision that fit the situation later and save your life.
We all do what we can and pray it's good, that's what I do.
Need to get some more copper power cels completed too............Much to work on and the schedule is getting tighter. As Richard Dolan say's, and many others too, the key has been inserted into the lock of the door, all that is left now is to turn the lock and open the door. God be with you all and may he show you the path to survive.

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