We are in a world war against globalist Tyrrants

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Biden’s Vax Mandate Goes To Supremes

By Bill Still: 5 Minute Video

The goal this month is to have the world become aware that it is in a global war with the elites
for the survival of the majority of humanity.

That is our next milestone we need to focus on.
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You may not believe this but as I was listening to Stephen Bannon's words, calling for a replacement of Mitch McConnell TODAY by Republican Senators, I go a fund raising call from Ted Cruz's office. I unloaded on them, it is not money, it is action we need, and told her to have Ted Cruz call for a Republican meeting in the senate today to replace Mitch McConnell. No money for Republicans until they act.

I’ve done the exact same! Told all of them no money until they ACT!
You may not believe this but as I was listening to Stephen Bannon's words, calling for a replacement of Mitch McConnell TODAY by Republican Senators, I go a fund raising call from Ted Cruz's office. I unloaded on them, it is not money, it is action we need, and told her to have Ted Cruz call for a Republican meeting in the senate today to replace Mitch McConnell. No money for Republicans until they act.
When their narrative is beat into your head 24 hours a day, it's hard to get perspective.

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Heaven forbid you call someone overweight and tell them to eat a plant based diet and exercise.
Press Ganey scores are the death of patient treatment.

"An ObamaCare initiative adds extra teeth, to the tune of $850 million, reducing Medicare reimbursement fees for hospitals with less-than-stellar scores.
Accordingly, hospitals kowtow to Press Ganey. In November nearly 2,000 administrators spent $1,100 or more each to attend Press Ganey's glittery client conference--a closed-to-the-public affair in Washington, D.C., with keynotes by Jeb Bush and astronaut Mark Kelly and his wife, former congresswoman Gabby Giffords. Press Ganey is helping hospitals fulfill their mandated obligation. Some have taken an extra step, tying physicians' compensation to their ratings."
"The short reason: The current system might just kill you. Many doctors, in order to get high ratings (and a higher salary), overprescribe and overtest, just to "satisfy" patients, who probably aren't qualified to judge their care. And there's a financial cost, as flawed survey methods and the decisions they induce, produce billions more in waste. It's a case of good intentions gone badly awry--and it's only getting worse."

"Another emergency room doctor in Columbia, S.C., who requested that we withhold his name, walked us through how this plays out in real life. Between 5% and 7% of his compensation--some $10,000--is dependent on high Press Ganey scores. So when the family of an elderly woman insisted that she be admitted to the hospital after stroke-like symptoms, he agreed to do so, even though her test results were negative and he wanted to send her home. "Her family refused, and they told me so," he recalls. "Do I call security and escort them out? I was more concerned with them giving me a bad patient-satisfaction survey score than her going home and having a stroke," which he considered highly unlikely. In admitting the patient, he exposed her to hospital-borne infections and, worse, a hefty bill for, as he puts it, "us doing nothing since she didn't satisfy the criteria for admission.""

"OVERTREATMENT IS MORE THAN A SILENT KILLER. It's cripplingly expensive. Drill down to almost any procedure that keeps skittish patients happy and the price tag is enormous. Overused prostate cancer screenings? At least $3 billion a year. Unnecessary antibiotics? Another $1 billion annually--with the added harm of creating drug-resistant bacteria. All told, overtreatment accounted for up to $226 billion in 2011, for things like unnecessary procedures and prescriptions that don't help patients. That's according to Donald M. Berwick, the former administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), which oversees those programs. Another $55 billion a year is directly tied to the abuse of prescribed opiates. Ironic, since government-mandated surveys were supposed to cut medical costs.

Until the government got involved, surveying patients was a sleepy niche business. Then, in 2002, CMS announced a national program to survey patients and require public reporting of the results. "

TL: DR, get rid of Press Ganey and the reimbursement tied to it - and let doctors/providers, be just that.
They are all the same. Government welfare rats. The whole lot needs to be flushed and we need to start over.
Doctors don't have it easy, recommending a "plant based diet", which means be a vegan or vegetarian. That in itself has been politicized.
Except for homesteaders. We eat alot of veggies and fruits because we happen to grow them.
I LOVE a variety of veggies. but Hunny is not so much. He is a meat and potato type guy, I have been trying to influence him for years now and got him to branch out some. Not as much as I'd like. His norm sides other than potatoes were corn, green beans and peas. I now have him eating butternut squash and Zucchini if baked into a bread especially with cream cheese icing. Maybe why we raise our own meat now.
No using credit is a way to fight back. Pay off your debts and cut the financial cord with globalism. Buy American if possible. Don't buy fruits or veggies picked by illegal alien hands or said another way, don't buy fruits or veggies raised on an oligarch plantation. Don't support cheap water for plantations only.
Ron Watkins posted…

“Everyone please send prayers for Joe Oltmann, Jovan Pulitzer, and a few others (who I won't name).

They are very sick with what is suspected to be anthrax poisoning.”



“Joe Oltmann Says Him, Jovan Hutton Pulitzer & Others Were Poisoned At Recent Clay Clark Event!
Yesterday, Joe Oltmann (of Conservative Daily and FEC United) posted an update on his Telegram channel hinting at the idea he had recently been poisoned. “
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The MSN Media is under attack.

CNN continues to lose their darlings to pedo practices with another one yesterday.

Now: "Turning the Claymore Around: Will Trump Media Acquire CNN?"
"CNN has announced that it is closing all offices in the United States as a result of rising Covid cases in the country,
and concerns about the new Omicron variant. "

My bet is Joe Scarborough (MSNBC) may be next as he is low hanging fruit.
We need to keep our focus on the exposure of the media throughout December.
Ron Watkins posted…

“Everyone please send prayers for Joe Oltmann, Jovan Pulitzer, and a few others (who I won't name).

They are very sick with what is suspected to be anthrax poisoning.”



“Joe Oltmann Says Him, Jovan Hutton Pulitzer & Others Were Poisoned At Recent Clay Clark Event!
Yesterday, Joe Oltmann (of Conservative Daily and FEC United) posted an update on his Telegram channel hinting at the idea he had recently been poisoned. “

The deep state attacked those 2 prior events with bioweapons before, but they where covid related weapons and all survived with treatment. This time it looks like they used something more powerful. CDS will cure them.
The deep state attacked those 2 prior events with bioweapons before, but they where covid related weapons and all survived with treatment. This time it looks like they used something more powerful. CDS will cure them.

Was pointing the finger at the DS myself. It’s just too coincidental for an entire group of people to all come down with Anthrax exposer!! Wish we could get word to Jovan. I understand he is very ill!!
My tribe of 13 " all " remain pureblooded and unvaccinated . We see the growing tide of hate from the vaccinated toward the pure blooded . This reminds me of some zombie movie where once bitten the person in return becomes a zombie and seeks out to attack the remaining pureblooded . Is there something in the vaccine causing this brain alteration ? What we do know " at least those of us who do not watch CNN " the vaccine does not stop or even slow down the covid . So what is the real purpose of the vaccine ?--- The point I am leading up to , I can indeed envision a war between the vaccinated and unvaccinated . My group have no plans to go seek out and destroy our opposition but will fight for our freedom and the health of our very physical selves .
Ron Watkins was forwarding a message from Joe Oltmann
Here is the original:
https://t.me/s/joeoltmann/2322Joe Oltmann
We can argue over who is who tomorrow. Jovan Pulitzer is in a bad place right now. Please pray for him. Bring the spirit of healing upon him. In Jesus name, Amen.

Might be Anthrax. Stay tuned…

Joe Oltmann
In an effort to be clear and transparent , I don’t know if it is anthrax, some other derivative, or a spike protein (I was just told by a doctor the symptoms are similar). What I do know is Jovan is sick sick, I have been sick sick yet not near as bad as him. He has all the signs of some sort of anthrax or derivative. I asked him to go get tested and he agreed.

What is a God thing if it turns out to be anthrax… I was on antibiotics that are used to treat anthrax for the two weeks prior because my leg was impaled with a metal object in an accident in my brothers garage. So although I have been really sick, the symptoms did not include lesions and some of the other things Jovan is facing.

Pray for Jovan. Pray for any others who may have gotten sick.

Let’s hope it is not anthrax. If it is, the rules would have changed for the radical elements in our country… from denying the truth to doing whatever it takes to make sure the truth does not survive.

IMF, World Bank & 10 Countries Held Alarming "Simulation" Of Global Financial System Collapse
"'Game scenario' envisioned devastating cyber hacks, massive leaks on the Dark Web as well as avalanche of "fake news" reports unleashing chaos across societies..."
Article by Tyler Durden

Which only leaves the question. When are they going to bring it all down??

“The participants discussed multilateral policies to respond to the crisis, including a coordinated bank holiday, debt repayment grace periods, SWAP/REPO agreements and coordinated delinking from major currencies.”

REPO and Delinking from Major currencies, eh? So what are they going to give to whom? And which currencies are they going to BANKRUPT?? Or are they going to bring out the Controlled New World Order Crypto? You know the one where we can’t buy or sell anything THEY don’t want us to.
They faked so many deaths last year, I guess this year all the deaths will be the "unvaccinated".

This will be easy to state given that "vaccinated" changes constantly. Therefore, if the number of jabs required to be considered "vaccinated" is five, anyone without five jabs will be "unvaccinated".
Georgia: We are in a war to see who controls the Poseidon ship (from the move) as it rolls over again.
The war is to see who will control the money.
In my opinion, ALL of the paper (fiat) money globally will collapse, so be prepared for that.

Then in a few months we will know who won. In the meantime we (in the US) will use US Cash for a month or so, then barter and more than likely, go back to local currency as our country did before our Revolution. It is a natural thing to do.

If anyone government-wise rolls out a currency not precious metals or commodity backed run from it, It's the Banksters again.

As to when, both sides of the war know what we currently have MUST collapse.
It's a silent fight by the two as to who, when and how it is brought down.
But it is now down to a Day To Day possibility at this point.

Best keep a hard-hat over your wallet.
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