What Are You Having For Dinner

Homesteading & Country Living Forum

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Canning leftovers:
We have been doing a bit of canning this week, on Saturday we canned Potato Leak Soup and on Monday we canned Beef Vegetable soup. In each case we had leftover ingredients, so we had canning leftover soup each evening. It was very easy as I dumped all the leftovers into a sauce pan, and covered with broth then slowly cooked it as the pressure canner was doing the batch. It didn't add many dishes and it gave us an idea of what the canned meals will taste like.
Alexandra made Bierocks today.

Baked ziti tonight. I think I might make a blackberry crisp or cobbler for dessert. I still have a few gallons frozen from this summer and should use them before I’m tempted to make another batch of cordial …
Baked ziti tonight. I think I might make a blackberry crisp or cobbler for dessert. I still have a few gallons frozen from this summer and should use them before I’m tempted to make another batch of cordial …
Well correction, I was just informed by the menfolk that they would rather have chicken pot pie. So ziti tomorrow. They were all for blackberry cobbler, with one of them asking if they could just have that for lunch 🤣.