What is the worst food you've ever eaten?

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"Road Killed" Goose. But most likely my fault, I did not know it needed to be cooked slowly for long period.
For me, it has to be liver. Just can't stomach the taste or consistency.

How about you?
If I ever accidentally consume poison, skip the syrup of ipecac, just give me some liver.
It's the only thing that makes me spontaneously regurgitate.:barf:

Balut a rotten duck egg that is a delicacy in the PI
Picture this
On a bus with no windows, pigs, chickens
People riding on the top and hanging out the door. Old toothless man smiles and reaches into a dirty oily brown bag and hands me an egg, we do not speak the same language so he motions for me to eat the egg. I cracked open the duck egg and shook my head Hell Nah!!!!
Old man was visibly taken back by my rudeness he offered me a delicacy and I had refused. So being the dumbass I am, I tasted enough to get him to nod in approval and laugh. Then tossed it out the window!!!!
You know what they say, once you get past the smell, you got it licked. Lol
First , I hate seafood . Gives me heartburn , hate the smell , it just gags me.
Awhile back I made a rare appearance at a wedding dinner (I don't like crowds )
Buffe style , I seen a big bowl of onion rings (love them) . took one bite and gaged (CALAMARI) I remember my Dad used squid for bait
Raw tofu with no salt or spices.
Cooked Lentils, they are bland & mushily, as long as I can not taste them, I am fine.
Bitter Gould is to strong for my taste, also.
I do not care for over cooked vegetables, again mushily, do not like the consistency of squash stewed.
Fried, roasted & grilled to fork tender is fine with me.
I like my vegetables raw & my meat cooked, but I could eat them all, if I had too.
I went 48 hours with out food, only drink & I learned what real hunger was like.
Add me to the group that hates liver. I could never understand how anything that smells so good when it was being cooked could taste so bad. My Mother used to eat it.

I am admittedly a picky vegetable eater, but Broccoli, Cauliflower, Lima Beans, Brussel Sprouts and Peas are disgusting to me. They won't even stay down.
We were out hunting and young enough to believe that we could catch plenty to eat. A storm blew in and we didn't get anything. The worst thing I ever ate? A spawned out salmon that we picked off the beach.
I ate a raw oyster on a dare when I first moved to the US. I puked my guts out in the restaurant bathroom about 15 minutes later
I will definitely eat liver before I will ever eat another oyster ( and I hate liver but not to the point it makes me sick)
I'm in the eat just about anything camp. I worked in many places where I didn't speak the language. I got over being picky about food. In fact I've eaten lots of things having no idea what it was.

Liver is on the top of my worst food list, despise it no matter the technique or cooking style. Love cabbage, hate kimchi, has an off putting taste. Not thrilled with British food in general. "The sun doesn't set on the British empire". Clearly they were starving at home, sent ships to the ends of the earth looking for good food! 😁

(oh, never let a french chef near a piece of beef either. All those famous french sauces? It's to hide what they did to the meat.)
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I hated liver in my youth but liked it when cooked properly in the Navy.

Don't care for anything that lived in the water. I will eat lobster if steak isn't an option.

Mayonnaise turns my stomach. Even just the smell. No Cole slaw for me.

But worst was something my mother tried on us. Elbow macaroni, cottage cheese and sugar.

I am not a picky eater.
As a kid I would not eat a lot of things but as I got older I find most things are OK.
I only eat oysters raw, I like kimchee, all seafood, and most all vegetables except pickled beets. They taste like dirt smell.
A few weeks ago I got a craving for fried liver so I bought some and fried it up with onions.
It was OK but after one meal I was done.
In my hunting days we always had fried liver and onions for dinner the day we killed a deer or elk.

My wife will occasionally have a peanut butter and banana sandwich. I won't even kiss her till she brushes her teeth.
I hate that combination.

I have been gutter hugging, knee walking drunk and I would never eat a balut.
Isn't Vienna Sausage really old recycled liver??😉😃
Nope. Several ingredients in it, but no liver or 'byproducts'.
Edit: And brussel sprouts are only miniature cabbages. If you have eaten cabbage, you have eaten the same thing. :)
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Since we are on the topic of disgusting food, anybody besides me eaten brains?
If you wanna improve your I.Q. you gotta have some brains! :thumbs:
They said it was scrambled eggs and 'pork'... which it is:

What? You thought they threw those away?:oops:
Pork brains are incredibly nutritious, easy to cook with, and surprisingly easy to find. Just as importantly, pork brain offers health benefits that you just can’t get from any other food.
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Isn't Vienna Sausage really old recycled liver??😉😃
Depends on the Brand, "Libby" sucks, Armour is a lot better. Kinda like the difference between :TREET: and Spam
Since we are on the topic of disgusting food, anybody besides me eaten brains?
If you wanna improve your I.Q. you gotta have some brains! :thumbs:
They said it was scrambled eggs and 'pork', which it is:

What? You thought they threw those away?:oops:
Not a fan of the squirrel brains, but Grandma could "F up" a hamburger.
Since we are on the topic of disgusting food, anybody besides me eaten brains?
If you wanna improve your I.Q. you gotta have some brains! :thumbs:
They said it was scrambled eggs and 'pork', which it is:

What? You thought they threw those away?:oops:
I grew up in the family meat market. Mom would bring home whatever wasn't moving fast enough. Brains were on our table on a regular basis. Brains were delivered in a square 5 gallon tin can. One day the brains were so fresh that the slaughterhouse hadn't had time to chill them. Mom went to put the brains into the display case. She stuck her hands into this warm slimy 5 gallon bucket of brains. We never ate brains again.
Nope. Several ingredients in it, but no liver or 'byproducts'.
Edit: And brussel sprouts are only miniature cabbages. If you have eaten cabbage, you have eaten the same thing. :)
Salumifcio Santoro artisanal Vienna sausages

Production and ingredients: what are the Vienna sausages made of?

For its production and processing, the Vienna sausages require swine, bovine or equine meat, to which are added some ice, hard pork fat and seasonings like pepper, paprika and additives, permitted by law. The success of the final food product depends on the right balance between flavours and the quantity of the cuts of meat. The finest and high-quality wurstel need a percentage of 40-50% of pork, 20-30% of ice and 20-30% of fat. With chicken or turkey wurstel, the percentage can change depending also on the seasonings like sauces and cheese. Cheaper Vienna sausages are made with less fine cuts of meat and then processed with an accurate method of production.
I detest vinegar. Seriously. I hate when the jackasses at a restaurant put pickles on a burger because that vinegar taste contaminates anything it touches. Along with that, i dont like raw onions much. Not because of the taste, but because of the texture. If theyre cooked out so theyre soft, theyre fine...
For its production and processing, the Vienna sausages require swine, bovine or equine meat, to which are added some ice, hard pork fat and seasonings like pepper, paprika and additives, permitted by law. The success of the final food product depends on the right balance between flavours and the quantity of the cuts of meat.
Wow, that brought up another 'goodie' for me. :)
Who else has eaten horse (equine meat) besides me?
I was at a lodge where hundreds of Boy-Scouts were gathering.
It was sponsored by 'the state'. < big clue :oops:.
Feeding that many teens with huge appetites must have been a struggle.
They had a big 5-gallon pot full of chilli. I got me some.
Since I have always been a meat connoisseur, the meat was a little chewy and had a flavor I just couldn't nail down.:dunno:
I went and asked the cook what it was, he said:
"Don't tell nobody, but it is horse-meat".
I didn't say a word, and just watched everybody gulping it down with a big smile:D.