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Me, too! I hate to go shopping. I especially hate shopping for clothing. I only go when I finally have worn out clothing and need something to wear.
Even more so for me!

I haven't purchased a stich of clothing in decades. I cant even say what size I am beyond my shoe size.

In our house, everything that involves fabric is in the domain of The Princess. I do handle all sewing projects however.

My daughter's USB phone charger in her car quit. So she went to Auto Zone. They pulled the fuse block under the hood and triggered the kill switch. Then would not reset the check engine light. So she called me. While I am driving there a mechanic pulled in next to her. He changed the under dash fuse and used a scanner to kill the light. He would not take any money. There are still some good people out there.
Grimm, It's great that Roo is interested in doing what you're doing. I've seen so many kids who have zero interest in what parents or grandparents or people they deem as "old" are doing. I wish I'd spent more time around people who sewed. I might have learned how. As it is, a lady in New Zealand who sells sewing patterns made some tutorials for me. I bought a few patterns from her and she is so super sweet and saw all the questions I was asking that she is doing a whole series of tutorials starting with how to set up a sewing machine to what stitches to use and how, and so forth. As an aside, I am glad that I watched people doing woodworking because that was something that interested me and I know how to use some power tools. LOL.

Spike, sorry to hear about the hailstorm and the damage. I hope your vehicle isn't totaled. I hope no one was injured by that hail in your area.

Backlash, also sorry to hear about the chipped windshiled. Had that happen many many times since my road has gravel. Brief rant: when the paved part of the road got torn up (because they did a crap job of laying it out and made it too thin) they decided to put gravel over it-- which only made it worse because the gravel helped wear it down even more. So rocks get kicked up all the time. There is some sort of clear bonding agent they put on even fairly large chips that fills it in and is supposed to prevent it from cracking further. I hope you don't need a replacement. That whole having to wait 24hrs for it to set thing is a pain.

Jim, you have a lovely house. It's a shame you have to downsize.

Terri, I feel you on that. I don't like shopping much either. Well, I like shopping online. But I can't shop for clothes online because I have to feel the fabric. Some stuff looks great online and when you touch it, the fabric is awful. When I do shop for clothes, I don't try them on. I look at the size and grab it -- usually from a clearance shelf. LOL. Walmart sometimes sells shirts for about $3 and I will grab a couple of them in my size. They are conveniently right near where we line up for checkout so I don't have to go search around.

Rusty, glad your daughter had a good experience. Autozone has a good policy for rewarding employees who make customers happy. My friend used to work at AutoZone and he once stayed 2 hours past closing to help a customer fix some sort of ball joint or something on his trailer. Guy was in for a long haul- moving somewhere with a bunch of stuff on a trailer and the wheel started to come off. He bought a part and couldn't figure out how to replace it. Friend went out there and spent a few hours working on it until he got it fixed up. The guy took note of his name and wrote an e-mail to corporate mentioning how nice my friend was. They actually gave my friend an award and a bonus check. He probably would have stayed working there if his direct supervisor hadn't been a lazy pos.

Feels like one of my kidney stones has passed. Other one is still moving around but isn't in the same spot that was causing so much soreness. Back is still a little sore but not as bad. The weather is making me sleepy again. Yesterday I cooked and cleaned a little. Fixed a problem with mom's computer not booting-- somehow her boot drive order in BIOS got mixed up & her primary drive was the last in the list instead of the first for boot order. Now her computer is working.

I'm trying to wake myself up more so I can get productive today. I need to get my brother to empty the trash so I can clean up the trash that overflowed on to the floor and then I need to wipe counters down again. It's hard to get him to stop playing video games long enough to do anything. I admit, I got in about 5 hours of video game playing yesterday. Hadn't played for more than a few minutes the past few weeks. I like to play Elder Scrolls Online and I'm trying to finish a fishing achievement. I completed the rare fish catching in 3 zones last night and have 1 more for the achievement. I'm sure this probably doesn't make sense to most people. LOL.
Took a load of trash to the dump. Working in the garden rest of the day. Ill post that stuff in the garden thread.
Also building a small electric fence area to keep the critters out of my corn and melons. Hadnt done any fencing much is 20 years. Forgot how much fun that is on a hot day. 😭😭😭
BTW that is sweat pouring off me...not tears. Lol
Ugh fencing.
I've been all over the place today getting everything cleaned and ready for husband and I to leave town tomorrow. Now I'm wiped out. An amish nanny will be staying with the three while we are gone, and I'm sure they'll have a good time. We'll be going out where Weedy is, husband has medical stuff for a few days at the pulmonary hospital. Loonnnggg days. I'll bring my embroidery and a few books. And be meeting Weedy for a yummy dinner somewhere. So, up early tomorrow, pack a lunch and a thermos of coffee and off we go to the big city. Haven't been in a big city in a year, so I'll have to get my head ready for this. And maybe dress better. Ha. Masks required at the hospital, boo. I haven't worn one in forever.
Ugh fencing.
I've been all over the place today getting everything cleaned and ready for husband and I to leave town tomorrow. Now I'm wiped out. An amish nanny will be staying with the three while we are gone, and I'm sure they'll have a good time. We'll be going out where Weedy is, husband has medical stuff for a few days at the pulmonary hospital. Loonnnggg days. I'll bring my embroidery and a few books. And be meeting Weedy for a yummy dinner somewhere. So, up early tomorrow, pack a lunch and a thermos of coffee and off we go to the big city. Haven't been in a big city in a year, so I'll have to get my head ready for this. And maybe dress better. Ha. Masks required at the hospital, boo. I haven't worn one in forever.
Looking forward to dinner with you and your husband. We only have to wear masks at church when we are up and moving around. Many people now forget them. I have some that I think I will leave at the stand where our bulletins are kept by the front door. Last Sunday people were scrambling for them. Early on I started keeping some in the car because I kept forgetting them.
We keep a box in the car and hand sanitizer. Husband says the homemade hand sanitizer is his covid detector. The smell is so strong, he knows that he has a sense of smell, so no covid. Ha Ha. It made us both mental to not taste or smell anything AND have phantom smells wake us up at night when we had covid. I think the sanitizer smells like covid itself (ha) and hate it. Well, I'll throw another box in the truck for good measure. They require them at the hospital, but I have a hard time wearing one all day. I go into the bathroom and take it off for awhile.
Well, that was a cluster fluff. It was bedtime, let the dog out to pee and all hell broke loose. He went out first, right into a pack of raccoons, then it hit the fan. I grab the little SR-22 by the door and target one of the interlopers. Squeeze, FTFire. Sweep the safety, rack the slide, squeeze, FTFire. 2 raccoons on the run, 2 on the dog. I kicked the closest raccoon off the dog, he got the other one off.

I turn and Lori is at the door with the AR, it's good to have overwatch.

No real injuries, Dog is fine, I took some aleve, hip hurts from the raccoon punt, thumb hurts from the frigging safety.

All that to say muscle memory is REAL, and no matter when and where have situational awareness.

After Action report: The SR-22 fires with the safety lever UP. (So does the P345, my former desk gun) My EDC guns do not have safeties, my range guns are almost always 1911 or revolver. New door gun is a Keltec PMR-30, safety matches my muscle memory. New desk gun is a 9mm 1911.

Both the "not standard to me" Rugers are in the gun safe. They are great guns if you have time to think.

Might be able to sleep in 3 or 4 hours.
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Both the "not standard to me" Rugers are in the gun safe. They are great guns if you have time to think.
Found the 2 ejected cartridges, at least I got the count right :)


BTW, if you know any raccoons with kin around here, tell em it's game on, it seems the long standing truce is over.
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At least it wasn't a couple skunks outside the door. It'd be a very different post... lol... Had that happen once, sort of... they were on my porch. Took me a couple hours just to get the house aired out!
Yes, skunks require a different response. I can tell skunks are around, but they are a lot shyer than those raccoons. Don't think the raccoons came for trouble, it just found all of us.
Whoever heard of 4 1/2" of rain in middle of July?

We'll ya have now. Geeze.

I am tired of mowing.

Going to church then Mexican restaurant with friends.
Then to meet with guy to look inside the house for sale. He had to work yesterday.

I hate coons and skunks ...22 magnum (PMR 30) is more efficient anyway for coons.

Around 9 or 10 p.m. lately as I drive through the neighborhood, there are at least 6 young bucks running around, headed for a specific yard, I assume to gnosh on the shrubs, perennials and annuals. But the city says no on elimination. Meanwhile, they're ruining landscaping. I wonder if the owners of that yard realize their tiny front yard is full on party mode every night.
Lots of stuff to take care of but as usual, being a slacker.
Christmas in July is officially on at our house. I put in the Santa Clause movies and have been working on the putz campers. I got the base glittered and am currently bleaching the trees before they are re-dyed. Once the trees are done and dried I'll mount them on the base. I am debating sealing the glitter the way I did with the last house I made. I used modge podge to keep the glitter from falling off the house and base.

It isn't super hot here yet but we are all being lazy like we are in heat comas. I think our ice cream dinner last night wiped us all out more than we thought.

Yesterday I got the vinyl flooring cut to line the litter cabinet. I used carpet tape to mount it and today I will caulk the seams so it is pee-proof. One of our cats is having issues holding it and lets loose a few inches too soon when in the cabinet.
Spent the day with my sister. Catching up and watching the Fifth Element. I introduced her to Alone, as well 😋

I saw that she had some bamboo - the thin type - in her mini garden and that gave me the idea of getting some, since it's pretty cheap and I could make things with it. That could be fun. Other than that, I like how they look, creating a natural fence.
Power went out just as I finally got in to a good sleep. Landline phone wouldn't work to call out so I had to take my cellphone outside & try to get enough signal to call. I really need to have a power backup for the base phone + mom's cpap. Also need one for the modem & router.

Whenever the power is out I try to stay very still so I don't get overheated from the lack of air conditioning. So I napped until power came back on. Not sure why the power keeps going out but it's been going out more frequently again.

Tomorrow I may have to go up to Samsclub to get more water. Shoulder is really giving me trouble though. I was leaving my room & the door bumped something and bounced back to start closing while I was walking out, caught my shoulder. All I can do is keep trying to do the exercises and take naproxyn.

Amish, I hope you have a safe trip!

Raccoons are annoying. Never seen the skunks up close but the dog has been sprayed. Possums are Ok though. They don't hurt anything or anyone. The ones that have come in wanted some cookies and a nap. LOL. Bro had one that would reach and take cookies from his hand, eat its fill, and then go sleep in a cat bed.
Spent the day with my sister. Catching up and watching the Fifth Element. I introduced her to Alone, as well 😋

I saw that she had some bamboo - the thin type - in her mini garden and that gave me the idea of getting some, since it's pretty cheap and I could make things with it. That could be fun. Other than that, I like how they look, creating a natural fence.

Be careful with bamboo. My folks' neighbor has bamboo along the property line. It leans over the line and drops leaves. Not to mention it is taller than the houses and when it leans too much it scraps my parents' roof and windows. It grows very fast and needs to be cut back often. The previous owners planted it as a fence/privacy screen and when it cracked the retaining wall they planted more to upset my dad (who paid for the wall 20+ years ago).
Power went out just as I finally got in to a good sleep. Landline phone wouldn't work to call out so I had to take my cellphone outside & try to get enough signal to call. I really need to have a power backup for the base phone + mom's cpap. Also need one for the modem & router.

Whenever the power is out I try to stay very still so I don't get overheated from the lack of air conditioning. So I napped until power came back on. Not sure why the power keeps going out but it's been going out more frequently again.

Tomorrow I may have to go up to Samsclub to get more water. Shoulder is really giving me trouble though. I was leaving my room & the door bumped something and bounced back to start closing while I was walking out, caught my shoulder. All I can do is keep trying to do the exercises and take naproxyn.

Amish, I hope you have a safe trip!

Raccoons are annoying. Never seen the skunks up close but the dog has been sprayed. Possums are Ok though. They don't hurt anything or anyone. The ones that have come in wanted some cookies and a nap. LOL. Bro had one that would reach and take cookies from his hand, eat its fill, and then go sleep in a cat bed.

Be careful with bamboo. My folks' neighbor has bamboo along the property line. It leans over the line and drops leaves. Not to mention it is taller than the houses and when it leans too much it scraps my parents' roof and windows. It grows very fast and needs to be cut back often. The previous owners planted it as a fence/privacy screen and when it cracked the retaining wall they planted more to upset my dad (who paid for the wall 20+ years ago).

That is true. It grows really fast, which I see as a plus, especially if I want to craft things with it. I wouldn't have to wait too long. That would keep the growth under control.

On my dad's land, we have the bigger kind of bamboo and my brother's kind of taken over that and selling it to people to manage it. Last year they did a big clean up and the bamboo was the worst part. It was everywhere!
But it's a good wood and more solid than it looks.

For where I live, issues over property lines doesn't really apply but I'm sure it is a problem for some and require very regular upkeep.
The milk I bought that is supposed to be good until the 18th has already gone sour. I think my fridge might not be cold enough. Trying to remember if the higher number means colder. I will try putting it up one more or in between numbers to see if it cools better. But it's also possible that Walmart isn't transporting/storing it properly because the milk in my brother's fridge went bad early too. Normally it goes a day or 3 before but this is a full week early that it's gone bad.
If it keeps happening I'll have to talk to one of the Walmart managers about it (if I rule out my fridge as the culprit).

Grimm, thanks for the link.

Bamboo can be hard to get rid of once it's planted and it can be dangerous. Friend of mine had to go to the hospital because his leg got impaled by cut bamboo when he was trying to clear it from his grandmother's yard.
"Bamboo can be hard to get rid of once it's planted and it can be dangerous. Friend of mine had to go to the hospital because his leg got impaled by cut bamboo when he was trying to clear it from his grandmother's yard."
Fence the bamboo in & turn in the hogs, water them, but feed them every other day.
With in a month they will have killed everything & any wild animals that wonder into the pen.
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OK, so far husband forgot most of his meds, left them at home. So we just got back from a sketchy Walgreens that was kind enough to give him a three day supply of a ton of meds he takes. Then his pulse nebulizer broke. Hmm. We usually seem to be jinxed when we make these trips. He is stuck with the regular nebulizer, but at least he has his meds and some sort of nebulizer.
The milk I bought that is supposed to be good until the 18th has already gone sour. I think my fridge might not be cold enough. Trying to remember if the higher number means colder. I will try putting it up one more or in between numbers to see if it cools better. But it's also possible that Walmart isn't transporting/storing it properly because the milk in my brother's fridge went bad early too. Normally it goes a day or 3 before but this is a full week early that it's gone bad.
If it keeps happening I'll have to talk to one of the Walmart managers about it (if I rule out my fridge as the culprit).

Grimm, thanks for the link.

Bamboo can be hard to get rid of once it's planted and it can be dangerous. Friend of mine had to go to the hospital because his leg got impaled by cut bamboo when he was trying to clear it from his grandmother's yard.

Get a fridge thermometer. Our fridge was giving us issues until I got one. Now I check the temp every time I open it and adjust the dial if needed.