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What's everybody doing today?

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Sorry I haven't posted here lately lol I only have a limited time online sometimes and lately been on the other forum....
But I miss reading everyone's daily stuff on here.
We have been super busy getting ready for breeding goats and sheep and winter. Got some hay, need more, got more sawdust, got a ram and put him with the sheep, got a load of wood ( we cut some ourselves and buy some) . Dewormed the breeding sheep . Need to deworm some of the goats next. Went to a festival last weekend with a ton of people there, almost no masks and certainly no distancing, so yet another opportunity to catch covid but so far so good....
I am getting really tired of all the stuff you can no longer buy at all or the cost has tripled. Tried to buy a Mr Big Buddy propane heater to replace a broken one and they are out of stock literally everywhere. We use them in the back bedrooms in winter if it is really really cold and the wood stove heat doesn't reach.
I am also running out of stuff to watch on Netflix when I have time at night. Any suggestions? I like mostly Asian stuff with subtitles. I just don't want to watch LGBD whatever or ghetto, or other typical political correct American stuff.
Garden is done, the weeds took over, the goats ate the rest. Trying to figure out best way to get rid of weeds in the pasture the goats won't or shouldn't eat. Fall seems to be the worst time for pastures. All I see is weeds and fescue
That's about it for us
It's the different version but. . . same price and available.
Mother called on their way home from the hospital, at 6:30 this morning. Had been in the ER since 2 yesterday afternoon. After a bunch of test, most seemingly to make sure no heart issues, decided the Pluriesy has came back. Got her on some pain meds and deep breathing treatments. Just gonna take a while. Talked to her a few minutes ago, her, and dad, are wore out even after sleeping all day. But said she is doing better and not hurting as bad.
Thanks to you all for the prayers.
The last of 5 visits from service people happened today for my washer and dryer. My washer and dryer are leveled and the old washer is gone! Now the bathroom/laundry area is going to get a good cleaning. Where the claw foot tub sat for more than 100 years, a French Provincial dresser is going. I can use it for some of my bathroom preps, such as soaps, etc.

I will vacillate forever if I should get another tub or not. So far, not is winning.
Mom's set for life, and actually beyond that. Some of her money coming up for roll over is what sis is looking at. But has a month to work on it. CD rates are so crazy low right now. Got a quote from my cousin's wife who is a President of a credit union here, and their rates are a bit better, but sis is looking into credit union rules, since we've not used one before for investments. I do mom's health. Sis does the investments. But all three of us have input in it all. Found out today that the next rollover on one acct is not till November, so sis has time. I just told her no stock market. No money market funds.

Glad you had a great dinner with your bride, Urban. Sounds like you got hitched 11 months after us.
Rained all day. Took it easy. Went to an EMT meeting where they fit tested our n95s.

Came home, decided it was cool enough to test fire the new old woodstove. Stoveblacked and oiled it all up, so of course its smoking while it breaks in. But it seems to work. Not really cold enough to need it at 42º outside so the windows are cracked to let out the extra heat and smoke.
I am getting really tired of all the stuff you can no longer buy at all or the cost has tripled.

#metoo. Its really bad, a subtle, creepy, boring and depressing apocalypse.

I am also running out of stuff to watch on Netflix when I have time at night. Any suggestions? I like mostly Asian stuff with subtitles.

Midnight diner. Although its not free of LGTB, its not the point of the show, just an attribute of some of the characters. Its about a tiny little eight seat restaurant in japan in a back alley that is only open between midnight and 6AM with a chief who will cook anything you order if you bring the ingredients. Various people come in with various problems that he seems to always be able to solve. Its a little like a Japanese version of 'Cheers'.

Also, its a cooking show, at the end of each episode there is a mini cooking lesson on whatever the signature dish was of that episode.

Certainly a weird show, but one I really like.

For some reason netflix has broken it up into two listings, Midnight Diner, which is the first four seasons, and Midnight Diner, tokoyo stories, which is the rest of the seasons.
I tried to like the posts with photos but internet is being slow so it wouldn't let me. Wouldn't even load some of the pics.

I got up early and went to samsclub to get more water. Tried to add my brother to the Samsclub Plus membership but they changed the benefits. They told me when we signed up that it was for 3 people covered for the cost. Other than free shipping & getting in early, I can't think of why a plus membership would be worth it now. They want $40 to add a 3rd person and a regular membership for 2 members is $45.

Stopped by Books-A-Million and we were the only customers in there. It was pouring rain so we didn't unload the water from the truck yet.

Some friends (who are a couple) are going to be fixing up their kitchen and will need someone to paint cabinets so I've volunteered. One of them will be helping my other friend and I to fix things up here so I wanted to do something in return (even if I help him before he helps me). We did let him stay at our house for a few months rent free and I drove him to and from work but that was years ago.

Found out I will need to find someone else to fix my AC if it breaks down again. Guy who'd been doing it from time to time is going to jail for awhile. He got high on pills (addicted to pain meds) and crashed in to a schoolbus full of kids. They have him for child endangerment, DUI, reckless driving, possession of controlled substance, etc. They didn't even give him bail. Fortunately, no one was hurt.

Still no sign of my cat or my phone. I'm going to dump out the kitchen trash to see if I somehow accidentally swept my phone into it when I was cleaning the living room. I don't think I did, but better safe than sorry. I once accidentally threw out my laptop power brick & didn't realize it until after trash was burned and I saw the remains.
Took my sister (visiting from out of town) up to Georgetown in the mountains so she could see all the trinket/tourist shops. She was in love with those type of stores. I was bored - I'm not a shopper. Oh well. Then we went up Guanella Pass. The aspen trees were turning and it was beautiful up there!

Just got off a very long, busy ICU shift.
Going to bed early after a glass of wine so that I can get up at 4 am and do it all over again.
Bless you. I’m a lab tech and just retired from working midnight 12 hour shifts. I stayed on PRN and have some shifts coming up. The ER has been insanely busy.
I'm fighting a cold. I went and got a 'Rona test today, just to be on the safe side, and it was negative. So I just have to embrace the suck for a few days. This one is a doozy - sneezing, sinuses, ears, wet cough, sore throat, I got it all. Gonna be going through even more zinc, D, and C than usual...
Deep vapor breathing is a wonderful thing.

Small personal machine at Walmart.
Distilled water only..

I'm fighting a cold. I went and got a 'Rona test today, just to be on the safe side, and it was negative. So I just have to embrace the suck for a few days. This one is a doozy - sneezing, sinuses, ears, wet cough, sore throat, I got it all. Gonna be going through even more zinc, D, and C than usual...
Mullein tea
Deep vapor breathing is a wonderful thing.

Small personal machine at Walmart.
Distilled water only..

Mullein tea

It seems to be breaking up a little this morning. Still can't breathe quite right, but when I cough stuff up it comes up easily and when I blow my nose it clears everything out for quite a while. I believe we were told wrong when we were kids - it's not vitamin C that does the trick so much, it's vitamin D. Since I've been taking 4 to 5000 units a day, my colds have been less severe...
Grandsons 5th birthday today so we are going to focus on him having a special day. Go get grammy, ice cream cones, 4 wheeler ride. And if papa can squeeze in some fishing that would be great. We also have our 1 year old granddaughter to share with. Papa thinks we can all make it out fishing n taking our grandkids fishing n trail riding. That's what his mamas favorite activities were. He's laying on the couch doing moose calls right now. Good instincts in this one
Took my sister (visiting from out of town) up to Georgetown in the mountains so she could see all the trinket/tourist shops. She was in love with those type of stores. I was bored - I'm not a shopper. Oh well. Then we went up Guanella Pass. The aspen trees were turning and it was beautiful up there!

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Thank you for sharing! I know a woman who is always on the go. In December, there is a Christmas market in Georgetown and she went every year. One year I went with her. I think people in Georgetown make good money when the Christmas market is on. There are all kinds of performances and performers. There is always someone dressed up as old St. Nick walking around in a beautiful costume. Restaurants are busy, busy, but there are food stands on the Main street.
I am not someone who loves shopping like some people, but we did get our glass pickle for our Christmas tree in Georgetown.
Already walked this morning and have pups fed, and walked.
Blew leaves off porch.
Washed rugs.
Swept house.
Gave Peanut Butter a bath.

Prayer meeting tonight.

Roofing company is supposed to deliver materials tomorrow and do roof next Wednesday

Hope you all have a productive, yet restful day!
Animals, picking my usual bucket of tomatoes, empty dehydrator and refilling, and lots of laundry. Husband is about ready to go to PT, and it's in the 80's, not 90's, so I might try to go through a few of the boxes in our big building. What did you say, Phideaux? Two years of unpacking? I've only got 1/2 done and it's been 14 months. I better try harder. In my defense, alot of what's left is labelled "Man Cave" and that is not my stuff, but all the other stuff needs to be dealt with so husband can get to the Man Cave stuff. I've tried bringing in boxes and they just sit here, so that's a bad idea. I think I'll work on book boxes today.