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You and me both.

Heater core plus labor was over $1k in my Jeep Liberty. No option to let it go. Winter and defrosters are a safety issue.

That is what an emergency fund is for.

I forgot to add, the A/C works fantastic now! 😆
Like your heater up there, A/C is essential down here with our temps.
If it doesn't work, your vehicle is 'down'.:oops:
Sounds like you are moving towards glamping! I can't say that I would blame anyone for that as we age. I loved tent camping when I was younger, but sleeping on the ground, or even on a cot is just not so comfortable any more, and I want to be comfortable!

Glamping is good, nothing wrong with being comfortable in the field... I did plenty of "hard camping" in my younger days, not only as a soldier but also as a dirt biker & rock climber. Now there's no need to suffer by sleeping on hard ground, rocks, roots, etc. When I camped for 109 days in Whetstone, AZ, I lasted two nights on those thin sleeping mats (two of 'em) before I said to heck with those and went to retrieve my queen-sized mattress out of storage, lol. That mattress made all the difference in the world when it came to comfort. Tent camping is still fun, but ya gotta be comfortable... as a younger man, I took pride in being able to sleep anywhere, but I'm older now and I have absolutely nothing to prove, lol. Having said that, I'll never forget sleeping atop muddy roots down in Panama, those roots made concrete feel soft, lol. Say, where are the emojis? I'm not seeing any...
Found one of those metal presses so made homemade burgers. Planted out turnips seedlings- and we had rain so no outdoor watering - I have my washing machine diverted into a barrel for use, but the polytunnel container is running low. Plaited my onions, and the youngest kindly peeled my garlic so it's now in the freezer. I bought, or rescued, two plants from Lidl a few weeks ago for €2 each. A clematis and a black-eyed Susan vine, which I've never grown before. I cut them back and they've recovered beautifully, so installed them outside. Planning on a poly clean-up this morning before a trip to the library and the hairdressers! It's been a while lol.
I get black eyed Susan vine every year (thunbergia) every year - love it. It will vine up a trellis or looks neat in a hanging basket with its long tendrils.

@Bacpacker Take care of that Mrs. BP so she heals up quickly.

The Princess left me home alone unsupervised while she is at the cottage on lake Chautauqua. I covered the quad with a tarp for now.

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I started to clean up the shed before putting anything more in there. Sizing up what I have in there now it looks like I perfectly mistimed this project. I have 2 shelves of old paint I can toss. But the the community hazardous waste day is tomorrow and I didn't get an appointment thinking I only had a gallon and a quart of paint. I will have to stage them in the shed until the next event. Oh well.

I will have do some planning since I have a large stash of burlap bags, rolls that have to go somewhere. The wind turbine charge controllers generator and inverter will get moved to the basement room where the future battery bank will go.

A lot of move this to make room for that ahead of me.

But some reading time now.

I was told (here anyways) that the paint store can take empty paint cans back but not partial cans (w/ paint in them.) Might be worth finding out and if true there, you could dump a few into one can and at least decrease the volume.
Glamping is good, nothing wrong with being comfortable in the field... I did plenty of "hard camping" in my younger days, not only as a soldier but also as a dirt biker & rock climber. Now there's no need to suffer by sleeping on hard ground, rocks, roots, etc. When I camped for 109 days in Whetstone, AZ, I lasted two nights on those thin sleeping mats (two of 'em) before I said to heck with those and went to retrieve my queen-sized mattress out of storage, lol. That mattress made all the difference in the world when it came to comfort. Tent camping is still fun, but ya gotta be comfortable... as a younger man, I took pride in being able to sleep anywhere, but I'm older now and I have absolutely nothing to prove, lol. Having said that, I'll never forget sleeping atop muddy roots down in Panama, those roots made concrete feel soft, lol. Say, where are the emojis? I'm not seeing any...
Mine is showing again, the the 3 little dots up by the image icon - makes a dropdown w/ emojis. Perhaps it's after you use it a time or two it puts it in the toolbar???
Oy, I have and have had quite the to-do list. This morning I mowed first off because I think right now it's about 95* so didn't want to do it in the afternoon. I bought some great trays earlier in the year w/ stacks of good plastic pots. The pots smelled like mouse or rat so washed the trays out ASAP but the stacks of pots has sat there waiting. I got a good start on them, maybe a third and have another "batch" about ready, but my fingers were pruned and I was tired of standing in the sun. Will do more in a little bit. Cleaned in the summer kitchen. Part of wanting to get the pots cleaned up - in one corner is the potting bench and yard tools so that where the pots were stacked. Made pretty good progress. I washed the outside of the windows which were embarrassing! Have a stack of papers to sit and go through - ugh! They are legal type papers so will need to be shredded or burned. It's nearly 5 so should start cooling off a little so I can get back at it. I stink and need a shower, but am going to wait until I come back in again.
Well playing cook and nursemaid mostly. Wife is feeling beat up, both knees, forehead, and chest bruised to go with the broken hand. Sore in other spots too. Got up and took the dogs out and kept them downstairs to let her sleep as long as she could. When she got up I fixed some breakfast and helped her get her cloths on and meds taken (she can't even open a pill bottle).
Took the dogs out again and went to work for a while to tidy up some loose ends and get my laptop so I can work from home for how ever long need be. We've got 2 big jobs that are taking place next week. My guys are ready to go, but I hate leave it all on their shoulders. I let the folks we are working those jobs for know I'm gonna be out and to just let my guys know what they need. I think both will go well and should lead to more work for us. We've got some other newer projects that have came about the last month and are trying to get things purchased or figured out and moving. I've got 2 crews working all weekend to catch up some back log stuff. I also did my new guys 90 eval yesterday, so he is now permanant. Good guy and pretty talented. He is involved in both big jobs next week. Glad to have him on my crew.
Got back home, dealt with dogs and ran some laundry, fixed supper, and taking care of the dogs.
Well playing cook and nursemaid mostly. Wife is feeling beat up, both knees, forehead, and chest bruised to go with the broken hand. Sore in other spots too. Got up and took the dogs out and kept them downstairs to let her sleep as long as she could. When she got up I fixed some breakfast and helped her get her cloths on and meds taken (she can't even open a pill bottle).
Took the dogs out again and went to work for a while to tidy up some loose ends and get my laptop so I can work from home for how ever long need be. We've got 2 big jobs that are taking place next week. My guys are ready to go, but I hate leave it all on their shoulders. I let the folks we are working those jobs for know I'm gonna be out and to just let my guys know what they need. I think both will go well and should lead to more work for us. We've got some other newer projects that have came about the last month and are trying to get things purchased or figured out and moving. I've got 2 crews working all weekend to catch up some back log stuff. I also did my new guys 90 eval yesterday, so he is now permanant. Good guy and pretty talented. He is involved in both big jobs next week. Glad to have him on my crew.
Got back home, dealt with dogs and ran some laundry, fixed supper, and taking care of the dogs.
Take care of you too BP. You don't need to get run down.
Take care of you too BP. You don't need to get run down.
Doing my best.
We planned to make pickles and can a bunch of maters tomorrow. Current plan is to freeze all the maters at least for now and can in the future, or use them first as needed. Gonna pick more of both in the morning. Probably give most of the cukes away this round. We are still getting 10-20 a week, so can plan when best to do the canning.
Still putting in overtime for work, but snuck out for a couple of hours today to help a friend gather rocks for her flower bed. Still have to water everything a lot since we haven't gotten any rain; put some more supports in for the tomato plants and found two little green tomatoes hiding under the leaves. So maybe I'll actually get a few to eat despite the late start. Brother coming tomorrow to help me deal with the tree that came down in the last windstorm. I'm very thankful it didn't fall on the shop building, but I'm not sure how we're going to get it out of the 100 year old lilac bush without causing a lot of damage. Today is "take the wheat off day" so hearing the constant alien sort of whine that the combines make as a droning background to my computer work.
Went back to my hometown to visit mom at the nursing home. The town is having their summer celebration and there was a pork burger feed at the park along with a gathering of area volunteer fire departments. The departments were having the water fights where they have an empty keg suspended from a slider on a cable and two teams try to push it past each other with the streams from their fire hoses. Those water fights are kind of a big deal around home, all the departments want bragging rights and then they get drunk together afterwards. Always makes me hope there's not a fire in the county after one the water fights...
Well playing cook and nursemaid mostly. Wife is feeling beat up, both knees, forehead, and chest bruised to go with the broken hand. Sore in other spots too. Got up and took the dogs out and kept them downstairs to let her sleep as long as she could. When she got up I fixed some breakfast and helped her get her cloths on and meds taken (she can't even open a pill bottle).
Took the dogs out again and went to work for a while to tidy up some loose ends and get my laptop so I can work from home for how ever long need be. We've got 2 big jobs that are taking place next week. My guys are ready to go, but I hate leave it all on their shoulders. I let the folks we are working those jobs for know I'm gonna be out and to just let my guys know what they need. I think both will go well and should lead to more work for us. We've got some other newer projects that have came about the last month and are trying to get things purchased or figured out and moving. I've got 2 crews working all weekend to catch up some back log stuff. I also did my new guys 90 eval yesterday, so he is now permanant. Good guy and pretty talented. He is involved in both big jobs next week. Glad to have him on my crew.
Got back home, dealt with dogs and ran some laundry, fixed supper, and taking care of the dogs.
I hope she has a fast recovery.

I have my fear of being hurt while dealing with dogs. It can happen so fast. I have saved myself from injury a couple of times by letting go of the leash. I don't like dogs to be off leash, or running free with a leash attached, but sometimes it seems better than a potential broken hip or leg or other. I see many people who use retractable leashes, but I prefer to have a leash with a couple loops, one at the end, and one closer to the collar or harness. There is so much more control by using that loop close to the collar. Dogs feel it and behave so much better.
I hope she has a fast recovery.

I have my fear of being hurt while dealing with dogs. It can happen so fast. I have saved myself from injury a couple of times by letting go of the leash. I don't like dogs to be off leash, or running free with a leash attached, but sometimes it seems better than a potential broken hip or leg or other. I see many people who use retractable leashes, but I prefer to have a leash with a couple loops, one at the end, and one closer to the collar or harness. There is so much more control by using that loop close to the collar. Dogs feel it and behave so much better.
Thanks Weedy, so do we.
Tis happened so fast she didn't have a chance to release the dog before she was off her feet. Plus it being her bosses dog I doubt she would have turned loose anyway. The dog did get loose, but came back to me after just a couple minutes.
Her boss called today and was FREAKING OUT. Not a thing she could do or have done. Just something that happened.
Got home from work and was relaxing for a bit. Wife is dog sitting and took him and ours outside. He took off and drug her off the porch, 4 steps, landed on her hand and broke both the last 2 bones. Ortho Dr in the morning. Ugh
I read this yesterday, but wanted to reread what happened. This is so sad to have happened to her. As we age these things can happen so easily.
Glamping is good, nothing wrong with being comfortable in the field... I did plenty of "hard camping" in my younger days, not only as a soldier but also as a dirt biker & rock climber. Now there's no need to suffer by sleeping on hard ground, rocks, roots, etc. When I camped for 109 days in Whetstone, AZ, I lasted two nights on those thin sleeping mats (two of 'em) before I said to heck with those and went to retrieve my queen-sized mattress out of storage, lol. That mattress made all the difference in the world when it came to comfort. Tent camping is still fun, but ya gotta be comfortable... as a younger man, I took pride in being able to sleep anywhere, but I'm older now and I have absolutely nothing to prove, lol. Having said that, I'll never forget sleeping atop muddy roots down in Panama, those roots made concrete feel soft, lol. Say, where are the emojis? I'm not seeing any...
I like the idea of having a mattress when camping. There is nothing that is made for sleeping while camping that is comfortable and being comfortable is not too much to ask for for us older people. In my younger days, my first vehicle was a Toyota pickup with a camper shell. I took it camping, but slept in a tent on pads. I never thought to get a mattress to put in the back of that, but that would have been a good idea, in hindsight. I have since seen some nicely built out truck beds with camper shells. I did have a wooden platform that was just above the wheels. A mattress would have worked in there and would have been easy to put into a tent, with a nice cover for it.
Oy, I have and have had quite the to-do list. This morning I mowed first off because I think right now it's about 95* so didn't want to do it in the afternoon. I bought some great trays earlier in the year w/ stacks of good plastic pots. The pots smelled like mouse or rat so washed the trays out ASAP but the stacks of pots has sat there waiting. I got a good start on them, maybe a third and have another "batch" about ready, but my fingers were pruned and I was tired of standing in the sun. Will do more in a little bit. Cleaned in the summer kitchen. Part of wanting to get the pots cleaned up - in one corner is the potting bench and yard tools so that where the pots were stacked. Made pretty good progress. I washed the outside of the windows which were embarrassing! Have a stack of papers to sit and go through - ugh! They are legal type papers so will need to be shredded or burned. It's nearly 5 so should start cooling off a little so I can get back at it. I stink and need a shower, but am going to wait until I come back in again.
Hope you didn't mess up your green nail polish "fancy lady"!!!
My AC in my Challenger went out yesterday. Bummer. Little granddaughter and I took the farm truck to Aldi and filled the cart this afternoon. That truck has the best AC.
My dad used to take the hay truck if he had to go to town. He'd stick a pitch fork in one pocket and a shovel on the other side, wouldn't sweep it out or anything. Folks figured he didn't have insurance and kept their distance. Must have worked. He made it back home each time.
Hope you didn't mess up your green nail polish "fancy lady"!!!
They don't have anything on them at the moment and not even any dirt under them 'cuz I done took my annual bath 😂 Maybe tomorrow I'll do something with them. I get going in the garden and don't think about doing make up let alone nails. I have to make myself be still long enough to let them dry.
They don't have anything on them at the moment and not even any dirt under them 'cuz I done took my annual bath 😂 Maybe tomorrow I'll do something with them. I get going in the garden and don't think about doing make up let alone nails. I have to make myself be still long enough to let them dry.
You are still fancy!!😉😃
Glamping is good, nothing wrong with being comfortable in the field... I did plenty of "hard camping" in my younger days, not only as a soldier but also as a dirt biker & rock climber. Now there's no need to suffer by sleeping on hard ground, rocks, roots, etc. When I camped for 109 days in Whetstone, AZ, I lasted two nights on those thin sleeping mats (two of 'em) before I said to heck with those and went to retrieve my queen-sized mattress out of storage, lol. That mattress made all the difference in the world when it came to comfort. Tent camping is still fun, but ya gotta be comfortable... as a younger man, I took pride in being able to sleep anywhere, but I'm older now and I have absolutely nothing to prove, lol. Having said that, I'll never forget sleeping atop muddy roots down in Panama, those roots made concrete feel soft, lol. Say, where are the emojis? I'm not seeing any...
I agree- any fool can be cold and uncomfortable when camping. It should be enjoyable, not a punishment. My mojiis went also. Click the toggle icon, it looks like brackets next to the preview button, everything should come back.

Had a lovely day, its really hot here- did some usual polytunnel and cooking chores, but all at an easy pace. Finished a Jon Ronson book and getting ready to go to a memorial service for a freind. Heading west tomorrow to volunteer at a charity poker run. Attached is a pic of a bike I won at our rally three years back. OH just got it back on the road; he had let his US licence run out because we couldn't afford to keep a bike on the road.


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My AC in my Challenger went out yesterday. Bummer. Little granddaughter and I took the farm truck to Aldi and filled the cart this afternoon. That truck has the best AC.
Daughter has her car in the shop now for AC. When temps are in the 90's, it is so uncomfortable to be driving around without it.
The old members know of the cattle disaster I had to deal with the last 3 years here on the farm (grtnephew). This morning I walked all the fences and pastures with a cousin. (Got soaked with sweat, heat index is supposed to 105 today. At 9am the actual temp was over 95, it was hot! Felt like I walked 5 miles).

Anyway, cattle are returning to the farm! A small herd of heifers will be here by September, 20-25 head. My cousin runs about 300 head. Weaned heifers need to be kept separate from his breeding bulls for a few months afterwards. He’s going to use this farm for heifers and other cattle he needs to keep separate from his main herds.

This cousin has been recognized as “cattleman of the year” by the state cattleman's assoc. more than once. He’s who I turn to for livestock advice, knows cattle and grass better than anyone I know. The farm will be now be properly maintained.

This is a huge load off my mind! We reached a tentative agreement in April. We worked out the final details today. It’ll be nice to see cattle grazing here again.

(My bull calf is going to get banded so he can stay with the heifers. Can’t have him breeding.)
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I enjoy sitting under this oak tree sometimes... watch the livestock for a while in the mornings. You'd be surprised what can be learned by just sitting, especially about any pregnant cows. We ran bulls year round, so had calves born year round. Best way I know of to really know your cattle, spend some time each day watching them...

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Treats! Some dogs do not like to ride in vehicles. It could be because they know where they are going, and car rides might upset their tummies and bother them otherwise. When I first started taking Crosby to the dog park, I got her in the car with treats. Whenever we were arriving at the dog park, I would say, "Dog park." That reinforced her willingness to get in the car and stay there, because she absolutely loved going to dog parks. If I said anything about dog park in her presence, she was standing and ready to go. We had to develop a code word if we talked about the dog park in her presence when we weren't going, "canine play place." Treats motivated her in so many ways. Since she had so many vet visits, treats were a regular at the vet and she knew she was going to get some when she got there. She loved all the people at the vet and they loved her, knowing she was going to have a short life. Treats were the main seducer for her.
Mine aren't big on treats. They often turn them down. But they do get carsick-- particularly since I live on a very bumpy road. Vet said I could give them half a dramamine. I managed to find some last time at the store bc employees were nearby stocking the section. It was on the very bottom shelf pushed back where I couldn't see it. Employee grabbed it for me. Gave it to the pups in some cheese and they didn't puke on the way to get picked up by their new owner.
Oh look, a kid. free slave labor.
I've been told that's how my great grandparents viewed my maternal grandmother. Only reason they had her was to have someone to take care of them. They treated her like garbage and made her be their servant. Never wanted her to marry. Planned to force her to take care of them the rest of their lives. But her dad made the mistake of introducing her to my grandfather. He was absolutely livid when my grandmother fell in love and they got married. It ruined their plans to keep her as basically a slave. Her side of the family was very bitter toward him.

My guts hate me today but I still got the pups ready. Gave them their flea pills as well as the dramamine. There had been a misunderstanding with the vet. Vet though the just wanted the pills to feed to them himself but he wanted the vet to administer them. So I wrapped the pills in cheese and administered them just before we left. They didn't puke or get sick this time.

As soon as the guy rolled up the puppies recognized him & started wagging their tails excitedly. They wanted to see him. He gave them water. I handed over their rabies tags & their toys. We loaded them into his car and I said goodbye. I didn't prolong it as I didn't want to get emotional and upset them. Peanutbutter was still looking at me as he drove away. I hope they enjoy their new home. I cried a little bit afterward but part of it is from relief. A huge weight has been lifted because I don't have to worry about them knocking my mother down, chewing more stuff, getting into stuff, etc. I'm sure my older dogs will be happy to not get trampled by the pups anymore. They both really disliked those pups.

We met at a Walmart parking lot to make it easier. I went inside afterward and my brother and I grabbed some stuff. He came with me to help bc he was glad they were being rehomed. He did admit he likes them and that he's glad they found a nice family to take them in. No kids to bother them. The guy will get a trainer to introduce them to his current dogs. He promised to send pics and updates. I had to run to the bathroom twice while in Walmart and about 5x since I got home. Pepto doesn't seem to be working. Ugh.

But otherwise, I feel good bc I don't have to worry about the pups and once my guts recover I can start doing some cleaning.
My nerve pain is almost gone. It did get worse before it got better and now I can move with minimal pain and without help. Being able to adjust myself when I sleep was the best part of getting better. Not having to slide off the bed and land on my knees in the morning was nice too.

The clue I was getting better was being able to jump out of bed at midnight to handle an escaped rabbit. She got her cage door open and hopped out and was chasing one of the cats. They are in the house because of the heat and I am glad they are because a lot of other rabbitries and rabbit ranchers nationwide are losing rabbits to the heat this summer. I am glad I didn't breed them in the late spring as a lot of others did and are now losing kits and breeders. Sorry they are losing stock but I am learning not to breeding in summer. I will look to breed in the fall when it gets to the 70s or so.

Getting more junk out of the house in the form of donations and sales. I need it gone but I will wait for a buyer not trying to rip me off. Too many jerks thinking my vintage and antique pieces can be bought for pennies when they are so rare or hard to find they sell for more than I am asking. I am flexible in price but I want to make some money for my time and effort.

Just cranky there are so many jerks in this world.