Whats the worst possibility for you?

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Jul 3, 2022
Not on any map
Just reading the thread about the warning you are getting about everything going 'belly up'; and it occurs to me I haven't heard anyone say what would be the worst thing for them in a SHTF scenario.
And I don't mean running out of food or ammo, I mean for you, personally, on a ordinary level.
For me, I would hope that my family and I are close to home if it begins. Covid showed me how well we were suited to lock down; everyone here worked well, and never did I hear a 'bored' comment. We didn't miss travel, or extended family, but we did have the internet. We also have hobbies and a decent sized library.
So, one of the very few things I would miss is this forum, (I'm not on any others.) I wouldn't get to discuss situations or check on folk.
For me personally the worst thing that could happen is losing medical care. My wife and son both require maintenance medication, and without it my wife would not survive. We are reasonably close (a few miles) to a large hospital depending on how bad the SHTF might be, but we would still have to drive.
My church members are always on top of things about checking on one another when something happens or weather is bad. It is very organized. I’m certain at least one person would be checking on me and my family by phone or email, in person if no other way. Losing cell phone service would be hard but I’d be okay without it.

Not sure how I’d pay my bills online because I don’t have automatic payments set up (utilities). We’d still have to pay for something!
Most of my kids are in Texas and likely not to be begging from me. Most are prepared.
Not going to mention food or water preps, I rarely do. I think my body would adjust to missing my daily heart meds. I have herbs to help with that.
Crazy neighbors but law enforcement is present too.

After all of that, no one has mentioned what to do, how to handle it, if someone in your household dies. Not all of us live out and away from others.
Survival without electricity though, that’s a different story and something I am not prepared for long term.
the one thing I worry about is the other people in my area..Most are unprepared in many ways including a alternate heat source in our cold climate.
What will I have to do when the familys with young children show up at my gate cold and hungry?
If I take them all in I kill the ones near and dear to me.
The worst that could happen that affects me directly/personally......???

Is my government (having been corrupted) intentionally destroying "MY" country.
the one thing I worry about is the other people in my area..Most are unprepared in many ways including a alternate heat source in our cold climate.
What will I have to do when the familys with young children show up at my gate cold and hungry?
If I take them all in I kill the ones near and dear to me.
I already get myself in trouble by not saying NO, and really see your point.
I fear me and what I might do which would be counter to what my Creator wants me to do.

Whats the worst possibility for you?​

That question has been on my mind for decades. I therefore spent those same decades preparing accordingly.
Our preps are stored deep, family is in relatively good health (age being the constraint), the family is home...
Worst possibility that comes to my mind is that I suffer from kidney stones that may require medical attention. "Grin and bear it" doesn't work when there's a stone that requires surgical removal.
For me personally the worst thing that could happen is losing medical care. My wife and son both require maintenance medication, and without it my wife would not survive. We are reasonably close (a few miles) to a large hospital depending on how bad the SHTF might be, but we would still have to drive.
would getting meds from Jase medical be a option? It could by you some time..
I will miss you all ...
but I know the majority of you will be ok and adapting to the changes with grit and resilience.
If it goes down before my brother moves to my property..It will be more difficult.
Winters will be one of my biggest challenges surviving here but also a great deterrent to keep most away. I think the energy , time and resources to get ready to survive a winter with no power and not get myself killed , robbed or anything else be interesting.
I will do my best to adapt, survive and thrive and be there for my mag n neighbors.
I trust that the Universe n God has a plan that I fit in somewhere..gunna roll with it..
would getting meds from Jase medical be a option? It could by you some time..

Maybe. They both take pills daily, and inections monthly. Not sure injectables are available . Thanks for the suggestion.
Just reading the thread about the warning you are getting about everything going 'belly up'; and it occurs to me I haven't heard anyone say what would be the worst thing for them in a SHTF scenario.
please link me to that thread..not sure which one you are referencing...thanks
Just reading the thread about the warning you are getting about everything going 'belly up'; and it occurs to me I haven't heard anyone say what would be the worst thing for them in a SHTF scenario.
For me it would be, running out of beer.🤪
It doesn't age well, so you can't stockpile a bunch of it, even with rotation.:(
I think losing my wife to to any of the many possibilities. Anything other than that would be bearable.
This was exactly my first thought.
Losing my wife of 34 years would end my world.

I have already lived a primitive life for a year, surrounded by hostiles. I know how to make do, and do without.
That doesn't scare me. Doing it without my wonderful woman would be very hard, perhaps unbearable.
Loosing electric is hard. Water is the hard part. I did 4 months with no electricity. Its doable but time consuming . i used large garbage cans ,unhooked down spouts and collect rain. When one can was full redirected the pipe to the next can.water is not suitable for drinking unless you have filters so for me it was flushing toilet watering animals. Would still have to have drinking water. Other then jugs i fill now from well and store im toast .no refrigerator so you using canned foods. I heated food with a jerry rigged oil lamp. Heat, i have wood stove but you need large amounts of wood . no way i can chop would . so that would be a big expense to prepare. Family mine to far away and could careless about me. I guess you live as long as you have food and water and no health problems. Maybe the guy with the most dogs tied in the yard wins. He has an alarm and he can eat the dogs.
I don't know witch is worse, the thought of being totally disconnected from family or the thought of being blind or being totally crippled up.

I think I can handle hard times, but the thought of being alone and useless is really frightening...
After all of that, no one has mentioned what to do, how to handle it, if someone in your household dies. Not all of us live out and away from others.
Survival without electricity though, that’s a different story and something I am not prepared for long term.
I'd dearly love to be buried in the woods behind my house. If anything happens here to any of mine, I'll be out with a shovel and that's where they would go.

And in relation to @Tommyice comment- Part of me agrees with you. Hope in humanity. The other part is 'nope' - stay tough. I find the few times I've watched a survival show (there was one near Alaska or BC on here) the ones that give up are the people who miss their family. They even forgo a knife, or tarp or useful tool to bring a photograph. It is their downfall. (Husband and I once looked up what you can bring with you-I'll put on another thread)
I hate that my daughter is in the Navy and often by herself with the grandbaby while her husband is off on a ship for months at a time. If anything really bad happens she will be screwed. She is 5 hours away from us, nothing we can do but hope the military will deal with whatever problem there is in Norfolk
She is not prepared for anything at all, the ultimate optimist. Don't know how she got that way growing up in our family.....

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