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In my opinion, it was not IS, IS members would not have fled and blown themselves up with bombs in the crowds.

Russia has cleaned up its country well as far as IS is concerned, devout Muslims, I don't know, a Muslim doesn't usually go and kill civilians after Friday prayers, for them it's a sacred time after Friday prayers.

We will probably find out very soon, the guys who were caught by Speznaz didn't look like Mullahs, well between you and me, I don't want to be in their place right now, but they earned it by the cowardly act.
I meant I won't be surprised if we find out the U.S. is behind it.

Don't even think about it, if the USA is behind it, you could directly take an EMP or nuclear strike.
If the West has anything to do with it, Russia will declare war on it directly, Putin can't avoid it, it's already stipulated in the Russian defense doctrine.
The Russian people will call for Putin's head if he ignores this, and the West will have to be very accommodating to him so that he doesn't leave his finger on the button.

The Russian air force and missile forces are at maximum readiness, not much more is needed.

Pray that it doesn't come to that.
I'm putting my money on trans activists. Those are real domestic terrorists, and they WILL be doing something big AGAIN here in the US soon. Seems over the last two years, almost every mass shooting was a trans.

@Robert Stewart

Hey brother, good to see you back. How is sky news Australia perceived over there? I watch their youtube channel.
It is possible that they were Chechens, but certainly not on an official mission. Kadyrov is fully behind Russia and his country too, if it was Chechens they will be hunted down by their compatriots and their families will disappear forever in prison.
The situation is still very unclear and fortunately no hasty conclusions or retaliatory actions have been drawn.
The number of victims is not yet certain, the perpetrators also shot at children indiscriminately, 3 dead children between 8 and 11 years old, various children seriously injured in hospital, more will die

It is assumed that around 6500 civilians were in the building, the security guards are currently being interrogated, but they could not do much, they were unarmed. I am waiting for a speech from Putin and better information, my deepest condolences to the victims and their families.

So there's idiotic gun free zones with unarmed security in Russia also.
So there's idiotic gun free zones with unarmed security in Russia also.
No, but it is very difficult to acquire weapons and not all events can be secured with a massive police and army presence.

But you have to give the Russians credit for the fact that the emergency services were there extremely quickly and that many of the wounded could be saved. If that had happened here, well, after 1 to 5 police vehicles and 5 ambulances it would probably have been over.
Although the Russians often work with some Muslim groups . Isis and most Muslims hate Russians ( and all non Muslims ) . Especially because of who Russia sides with in the middle east . But like so many times in history . The rags tell us they are going to attack , the evidence shows they committed the attack , they brag about committing the attack . But so many people would rather believe some conspiracy crap dreamed up by idiots .
I'm putting my money on trans activists. Those are real domestic terrorists, and they WILL be doing something big AGAIN here in the US soon. Seems over the last two years, almost every mass shooting was a trans.

@Robert Stewart

Hey brother, good to see you back. How is sky news Australia perceived over there? I watch their youtube channel.
G'day Helen its good to be more active now signs of all hell breaking loose is more present each day to answer your question Sky News Australia is more preferred news channel over ABC of which sadly has gone leftist woke only part of ABC that has any sort of integrity is their news radio on FM
G'day Helen its good to be more active now signs of all hell breaking loose is more present each day to answer your question Sky News Australia is more preferred news channel over ABC of which sadly has gone leftist woke only part of ABC that has any sort of integrity is their news radio on FM

Thanks for your reply. So, if Sky News Australia is a big news outlet, why, WHY are the Australians so far left?!?!?!?
Thanks for your reply. So, if Sky News Australia is a big news outlet, why, WHY are the Australians so far left?!?!?!?
To answer your question in the federal election back in 2022 we had a choice between a liberal who lead our country through 2019/2020 bushfires and 2020-2021 covid pandemic by keeping Australia's economy afloat in amongst sky rocketing case numbers and deaths related to covid19 that also seen each state close its borders to one another

His opponent was a labor pollie who used the story of being raised by his mother in housing commission houses and having a better vision towards a stronger economy unfortunately the latter won despite having lowest vote count and relying on the (woke/fraudulent/self entitled) teals as well as (politically woke/tree hugging) Greens to get him into power

Now our country is run by a proverbial circus clown who has broken more promises than he has fingers not to mention almost plunged our country into a 2 class system where Indigenous people would have got the right to say what we could and couldn't do thankfully over 98% voted against an indigenous voice to parliament being enshrined into our constitution

The way things are going him and his labor cronies may well be booted out of office come next year if not sooner if their popularity vote plunges anymore and replaced by a fresh liberal team headed by a bloke who was a former defence minister under our previous 2 lib prime ministers
Apparently the European part of NATO wants to start World War 3 at any cost, and these idiots will manage that.

I already said a few weeks ago that NATO will go into the Ukraine and they will send 100% soldiers into the Ukraine in the next few days.

Berater des US-Außenministeriums: NATO bereitet sich auf Truppenentsendung in die Ukraine vor — RT DE

NATO sets up Ukraine mission - Polish Foreign Minister - RT Russia and the former Soviet Union

The Russian is already saying directly today that NATO is a direct belligerent of Russia, there is no more talk of indirect belligerent, so things are getting too hot.

Europe cannot and does not want to lose to Russia, the elite here does not want Russia to win at any price, for this reason they will go in because the Ukraine is now losing a lot of territory and the Russian army is going on the offensive.

Even if NATO "only" sends in logistics soldiers or auxiliary soldiers for rear services, Russia will give a damned answer, the Russians know that NATO wants to fight them either way, and what the Tsar said a few months ago will probably happen, "before you are attacked, you attack yourself".

So much for that, I'd fill the cellars if I were you, you in the US have a few more hours in case the Russians really get serious one day and flatten a European country. Poland is guaranteed to be hit as first, when I hear that this has happened, I know that probably several hundred NATO soldiers flew over the Jordan in Rzeszow and that I still have about an hour here.
Apparently the European part of NATO wants to start World War 3 at any cost, and these idiots will manage that.

I already said a few weeks ago that NATO will go into the Ukraine and they will send 100% soldiers into the Ukraine in the next few days.

Berater des US-Außenministeriums: NATO bereitet sich auf Truppenentsendung in die Ukraine vor — RT DE

NATO sets up Ukraine mission - Polish Foreign Minister - RT Russia and the former Soviet Union

The Russian is already saying directly today that NATO is a direct belligerent of Russia, there is no more talk of indirect belligerent, so things are getting too hot.

Europe cannot and does not want to lose to Russia, the elite here does not want Russia to win at any price, for this reason they will go in because the Ukraine is now losing a lot of territory and the Russian army is going on the offensive.
-- On this I agree . Anyone whom thinks they can ignore what is happening and it will go away is delusional . Prepare for the worst not some half as-d S.H.T.F. situation . As at this point it appears the worst is on an unstoppable apoplectic conclusion .
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Since the attack in Moscow, 1`500 to 1`700 people in Russia have volunteered for military service every day; before the attack, 30`000 people volunteered for military service every month.

In Europe, of course, the majority of people are forced into service, voluntary work is declining very sharply here and there are not as many people here as in Russia.
What's also impressive is that apparently almost everyone in Russia who enlists in the army says they're doing it to avenge the deaths from the attack in Moscow.
These will be very dangerous soldiers and to be honest, I have no desire to ever face them.

Enjoy every day in peace, it could be your last for a long time. Apparently the French frogs are about to go in or I heard they have already gone in.

Just last month, on March 2, 2024, Putin warned the West during his annual “The State of Russia” speech.

Obviously, the Biden Administration ignored this warning.

Putin noted that while accusing Russia of plans to attack NATO allies in Europe, Western allies were “selecting targets for striking our territory” and “talking about the possibility of sending a NATO contingent to Ukraine.”
“We remember the fate of those who sent their troop contingents to the territory of our country,” the Russian leader said in an apparent allusion to the failed invasions by Napoleon and Hitler. “Now the consequences for the potential invaders will be far more tragic.”
In a two-hour speech before an audience of lawmakers and top officials, Putin cast Western leaders as reckless and irresponsible and declared that the West should keep in mind that “we also have the weapons that can strike targets on their territory, and what they are now suggesting and scaring the world with, all that raises the real threat of a nuclear conflict that will mean the destruction of our civilization.”
Putin’s remarks were not “off-the-cuff.” It was a carefully crafted message directed specifically at Biden and NATO leaders and came in the wake off French President Macron’s incredibly tone-deaf speech earlier in the week:

French President Emmanuel Macron said Monday that sending Western troops on the ground in Ukraine is not “ruled out” in the future after the issue was debated at a gathering of European leaders in Paris, as Russia’s full-scale invasion grinds into a third year.
The French leader said that “we will do everything needed so Russia cannot win the war” after the meeting of over 20 European heads of state and government and other Western officials.
“There’s no consensus today to send in an official, endorsed manner troops on the ground. But in terms of dynamics, nothing can be ruled out,” Macron said in a news conference at the Elysee presidential palace.
My impression is they are more patriotic and a bit militant
You are right, they are a militant folk. But-...just like in the rest of the "modern" world, there are enough softies, lefties, wokies, M-gen, Z-gen and "other" creepies who will fight over a hamburger, a parking space or a soccer game----but NOT FOR THEIR FREEDOM.....
Exactly the same way that BUSH-**** said immediately that it was bin-laden on 911....the abc co. and their bs stories are already (ahead of time) are already saying WHO IT IS (not who it will be) but already telling us the REAL STORY before it happens....bologna.
It will happen, we all suspect and "know" it but it will not be only from the "called-out" guilty parties "outside" of the Continental US.
We will need to keep our preps and faith in the few patriots and NOT believe the crap coming from the "usual suspects" in DC and otherwhere....
An attack on the electrical grid, internet, fuel supplies, food supplies, medical care, your cash flow, your private property, your weapon freedoms, your garden and animals freedoms, any other type of attack or a combination of all that at the same time??????
Germany Live, while German Politicians openly want to wage war against Russia and get the people in the mood for world war, Mullahs are taking over power on the streets and threatening politicians and dissidents with the caliphate and the like.

Do you see Police on the video? No, they were probably afraid and can only coerce Women/Children and ordinary People like during Corona while they are afraid of the Mullahs, not even the German government condemned this until now.
What is also worth seeing are the black-clad guys along the street with white armbands, the German state also puts up with that.
You can see in which direction things are going in Germany, and the politicians who worship Zelensky every day and kiss his feet don't realize how the country is falling apart and the balance of power is changing.

On the other hand, you have to ask yourself which is worse for us, the current government that is plunging us directly into World War 3 with Russia or the Mullahs, both sides will probably be the people's downfall, but we'll see how it goes tomorrow....
Compare the video above with the mullahs with this video.

Above in the video no Police far and wide, here in the video German Police beating up German children again.
I'm not saying that I approve of what these children are protesting for, they were instrumentalized by teachers and politicians, but police officers who let Islamists shout their hate messages with impunity and police officers who beat up children are dead to me.
The end of this video is clearly a gratuitous use of force by the police and should be condemned, but these police officers will not be convicted in court.
I can understand how my friend tells me that street cops have to do what the police boss demands, but even among these normal cops there are absolutely sick sadists who always get away with it.
I have seen and experienced this during Corona, I see it on these videos, there is no end to it and it destroys the citizens' trust in the state.
These states in Europe here have become worse than Russia for the most part, a state structure that is now based on sadistic police officers who have no qualms about beating up women and children with the risk of causing permanent damage to their health. 🤮🤮🤮

This State is death for me. 💀
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