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Same as "Black magic" Supposedly only ner do wells use it.
"Outer Space governance?!" I wonder if it's "US" governing space or space governing us?
The fatal flaw in the black market idea is that one must have something to trade. That is all well and good until your lack of access to a bank account means you can't pay the property taxes or a mortgage if you have one.

Property tax is a major tool in the tool box to get you to own nothing and be unhappy. They are already positing the idea of raising the property taxes in some popular cities to force people out to solve the housing shortage.

Never under estimate a beurocrats ability to problem solve.

Unless one can bribe the govmint official who runs that dog and pony show, it's going to be much more difficult to produce something to trade.
It might work if you live in a closed community, as much as possible. I worry about property taxes, too. Maybe that's where gold or silver come in. In any case, I am not wanting to be a serf, and just hoping to be living with other hard workers that don't want to be serfs either.
The fatal flaw in the black market idea is that one must have something to trade. That is all well and good until your lack of access to a bank account means you can't pay the property taxes or a mortgage if you have one.

Property tax is a major tool in the tool box to get you to own nothing and be unhappy. They are already positing the idea of raising the property taxes in some popular cities to force people out to solve the housing shortage.

Never under estimate a beurocrats ability to problem solve.

Unless one can bribe the govmint official who runs that dog and pony show, it's going to be much more difficult to produce something to trade.
I agree and posted the same thing in a few different threads! You can prep all you want, as long as you realize they WILL go after property! Obama always said, you will own nothing by 2030!! Survivalist skills will be most important!!
It might work if you live in a closed community, as much as possible. I worry about property taxes, too. Maybe that's where gold or silver come in. In any case, I am not wanting to be a serf, and just hoping to be living with other hard workers that don't want to be serfs either.
you and i both know the rural economy is alive and can jump start overnight too.
theres black market and local batering with community. the black market has alwasy found a way to exist in all sorts of challenging ciscumstances. commerce alwasy finds a way. just got to think what are people gonna need the most when the stores and banks are gone. sometimes its the little things that end up being super important.
baby items
denture cream
\rubbing alcohol
nail clippers
toothpaste & toothbrushes
tea bags
various power reading glasses
batteries and a way to re-charge
OTC meds
pain rubs

we cant do everything but we can do a little of this and that to not only help ourselves but to be able to help others.
If you want to find the REAL black market, talk to the druggies and meth heads, they'll steal ANYTHING! And since the stores aren't allowed to mess with them too much, it's a bonanza! Just look around any flea market, they kind of stand out! Just be aware of who and what you're dealing with!
Since learning about the Bolshevik revolution decades ago, I often tried to imagine being a poor farmer (not that big of stretch), and having the police come and tell me that I no longer own nothing and all is owned by the state.

My land that I literally sacrificed blood sweat and tears for my whole life. My tractors. My swather. My rusty collection of functional implements. My irrigation system -much of it installed alone in freezing rain because my hired help quit from the discomfort of the circumstances. Basically every known sacrifice and suffering denied by the couch sitters pulling the levers to elect their favorite communists!

And then I imagine somehow surviving my bloody attempt to protect all that I have earned. And I see what the state does with my hard earned capital. Idiots calling the shots on what is political popular to plant. And when. And how. My farm ran by beaurocrats? A disaster that I unwillingly survived to witness. And to top it all I'm hungry! The vodka only gives a temporary reprieve of my suffering!
The fatal flaw in the black market idea is that one must have something to trade. That is all well and good until your lack of access to a bank account means you can't pay the property taxes or a mortgage if you have one.

Property tax is a major tool in the tool box to get you to own nothing and be unhappy. They are already positing the idea of raising the property taxes in some popular cities to force people out to solve the housing shortage.

Never under estimate a beurocrats ability to problem solve.

Unless one can bribe the govmint official who runs that dog and pony show, it's going to be much more difficult to produce something to trade.
I have thought that this will be one of the ways that they will get people, through property taxes. Since I paid off my mortgage a few years ago, I have been keeping cash to pay for the taxes for next year. That is all well and good until the cash won't be considered legal tender.
Since learning about the Bolshevik revolution decades ago, I often tried to imagine being a poor farmer (not that big of stretch), and having the police come and tell me that I no longer own nothing and all is owned by the state.

My land that I literally sacrificed blood sweat and tears for my whole life. My tractors. My swather. My rusty collection of functional implements. My irrigation system -much of it installed alone in freezing rain because my hired help quit from the discomfort of the circumstances. Basically every known sacrifice and suffering denied by the couch sitters pulling the levers to elect their favorite communists!

And then I imagine somehow surviving my bloody attempt to protect all that I have earned. And I see what the state does with my hard earned capital. Idiots calling the shots on what is political popular to plant. And when. And how. My farm ran by beaurocrats? A disaster that I unwillingly survived to witness. And to top it all I'm hungry! The vodka only gives a temporary reprieve of my suffering!
I have thought about this as well. Will the taking of land be done due to Marshall Law, or some other government order? I don't know, but I am expecting it to happen.
I would love to have a small acreage, 5 to 40 acres, a small old tractor with attachments-- plow, planter, some way to harvest, a mower. But then what if there is no diesel or gasoline available to run the tractors? So many angles and aspects to consider.
The bigger danger at the moment, is that they are quadrupling or more, the taxes to drive people off their property. It won't be long before the tax payment equals a mortgage payment.
I had a discussion with someone about this several years ago. It will property taxes that will make people homeless.

My property value, from the recent notice that I received, went up by 1/4 of the previous valuation. I am well aware that my taxes will match that. Property values here get evaluated every 2 years, so I expect the same or more will happen next time. My property insurance went up by about 1/3. Between the two, I am looking at about $1000 a month when broken down, and no mortgage payment since I've paid that off. The value of my property was so inexpensive due to government mess ups and lawyers lined up to sue. Someone once told me they thought my property would be worth $200,000 eventually. I found that shocking, given what I paid for it. It is more than triple that now, almost 4 times that. I've added a large garage since I purchased my property, but that certainly doesn't add that much more value.
Every time they sell a property in your area, your taxes will go up. Now the municple shysters are taking out infrastructure loans without outside input, for stuff that still isn't being fixed or installed, and passing along the loan payments in the form of additional property taxes. If the zoning isn't fixed by the municipalities to accommodate the latest scare tactic, the govmint will do it for them, no recourse.
Remember the tea party? If it goes to a tipping point, enough will be enough. Can't have everyone in the country homeless. We have more than we can handle on our farm right now, so I'm just hoping for help when things go south. That'd be help with animals, growing food, and of course, the taxes.
There's two modes of "squeeze" on the small farmer. The big farmer is in the back pocket of the government with the second biggest lobby in the country.
*follow the farm bill money to the sky scrapers in Houston?

1) property taxes. Good old standby? It's a "free" country so long as you can afford it?

2) irrigation districts. Slowly, consistently, raise the price of the life blood for the production of the farm. Can't afford to pay the basics: taxes,insurance, and water? We have corporations to "help" you with that!
It might work if you live in a closed community, as much as possible. I worry about property taxes, too. Maybe that's where gold or silver come in. In any case, I am not wanting to be a serf, and just hoping to be living with other hard workers that don't want to be serfs either.
Be a highwayman.

Do people get property tax breaks at some age in each state...??? I am not sure, but I think I have not paid property tax in 15 years. And no income tax either.
Do people get property tax breaks at some age in each state...??? I am not sure, but I think I have not paid property tax in 15 years. And no income tax either.
In Texas they freeze your school taxes when you turn 65 yrs old. My county has horrendous property taxes!!☹️
Do people get property tax breaks at some age in each state...??? I am not sure, but I think I have not paid property tax in 15 years. And no income tax either.
I don't pay income tax, too poor. :p