Your thoughts on "Prudent" tools for storing & holding post SHTF value.

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Mar 17, 2018
In a cabin, on a mountain, in "Wilderness" Alaska.
After some point/time prepping, storing future value, especially extremely liquid value, starts to scream for closer attention/examination.

Yes, there are many "HOLDS" of "value", my question is what is most important.....??? To clarify, not looking for the list of preferred "Tools" for holding/storing value, not cash, or gold, works of art, or foreign currencies.

Asking how you prioritize importance. Security, Liquidity, Store 'ability, holding or increasing in value.......??? And several other factors.

For example: Gold/Silver are for me illiquid. So, I am saying liquidity is ultra important. Yet, keeping up with inflation, or growing in value are of no, or very little interest to me, because of my age (77) and amount of value/wealth available to store in some form.

I prioritize physical things that are liquid for me, and over which I have total control. Total control to me is total, I can dig it up, or have it in my hands in 90 minutes, preferable less.

In this thread "not" requesting the actual thing (gold, cash, ammo, homestead tools, etc.) Looking for your single most and/or least criteria that-that store of value offers you.
Are you looking for Tools that are used for building or surviving
Or not really as in "value holder,wealth" huge difference.
Hand tools! I have kitchen tools, garden tools, and shop tools. I am always collecting older tools. I like to go to yard and estate sale where you can sometimes find them. But I also have upgraded some of my yard tools. The older tools with wooden handles are sometimes not as comfortable as the tools with the newer stronger handles. Having things in duplicate or multiples is also a good idea.

Running a tiller is much easier than digging with a shovel or garden fork, but I like to have the hand version of the tools.

In the kitchen, I have a Kitchen Aid, hand mixer and an old fashioned egg beater. I take the hand mixer with me sometimes when I am housesitting and cooking while I am there.

It is the same with grain grinders. I like to have the efficient electrical tools that require little work for me, but I like to have the old fashioned versions in case there is no power.

Two is one and one is none.
Anything that will help you you survive the first 6 months.
Water, food, shelter, security tools like guns and ammo.
After the hoards are dead there will be all the stuff you could ever need just laying around.
When the world ends there will still be things available.
There is a Walmart distribution center close to me that will be looted of most everything but the houses of the dead should hold what will be needed.

I prioritize physical things that are liquid for me, and over which I have total control. Total control to me is total, I can dig it up, or have it in my hands in 90 minutes, preferable less.

90 minutes or less limits your options to a pile $100 bills. Part in safe deposit box the rest in the best safe you can buy.

Re: the safe
It should cost a thief more to break into it than what is stored in it. Maybe a vault?

The targeted goal here is (for example) which is more important to you, The return "on" your parked value; or the return "of" your parked value. Yes most everyone wants both, but the goal of this thread is priorities (which is more important).

Ultra-quick access "or" Super secure storage......???

Degree of comfortableness with the controller (Government, yours or another government).

Its usability or usefulness to you "OTHER THEN" a store of value......??? Think "Hand Tools" or Vehicles or Firearms, etc..
I've been collecting and using tools for better than thirty years and still have and use most of them.

For me having many ways to produce power is very high on my list. With power I can do most everything else! Almost everyday I get closer to reaching the goal of sustainable power.

Once I get there I will attempt to make it EMP / CME proof!
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How things are rated in value changes by the situation. If the central banks all fail publicly cash isn't good for much.
An axe is no matter what unless your emergency involved a sea can of axes falling on your wood shed.
With an axe you can do a lot of stuff.
If things just grind to a halt the above post looks pretty comfortable to me.
As Always, FOOD, Water, Lead, Brass, assorted chemicals, tools and knowledge.

Yeah, yeah, "I'll give you gold for your rabbit I can eat". Will somebody take the crappy soft malleable metal for something I can use? If so, YOU go find em, I want "salt", or food, or a way to get food, tools wood, etc etc etc.

Will this "whatever" feed my family, keep them warm, keep them safe?
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This THREAD is "ONLY" about the personal priorities in storing current "VALUE" for future "APPLICATION".

It is NOT about how you do it, it is surely not about the "thing or vehicle", it is about your priorities, reference stored value for future use.

If your old and you have "excess value" laying around, what is your priority.

"Excess Value" is value just laying around, not currently needed. It might be cash, or gold, or office buildings, it might be a $600,000.00 classic motorcycle collection, it might be anything that could be exchanged at a future point in time for some different "value".

Example: I currently don't care about inflation, or my current store of value (cash & real estate) rotting away. Primarily because I am near end of being on earth.

If I was in my 30's and hoping for another 50 years of life, Inflation, and loss of purchasing power would be ultra-high priorities.
Value today as a sort of insurance for tomorrow? I think SD has an idea we are trying to catch onto but it’s really sorta a abstract idea (my opinion). We wouldn’t hold something we didn’t perceive to have value- unless a hoarder. So of our possessions, how do we prioritize them with the idea of best future value- the future being unknown of course. I am trying SD so forgive if I’m off.
From a survival standpoint: a sturdy pot, spoon, blanket, knife. Perhaps a firestick of some sort. Those would best insure our survival and therefore be sought by others as well.
As far as prioritizing things, that’s tricky. I don’t store much “just in case” other than items we use. So items we use would take presidents over the few items we don’t. I would also say if multiple, the items of best quality.

This THREAD is "ONLY" about the personal priorities in storing current "VALUE" for future "APPLICATION".

It is NOT about how you do it, it is surely not about the "thing or vehicle", it is about your priorities, reference stored value for future use.

If your old and you have "excess value" laying around, what is your priority.

"Excess Value" is value just laying around, not currently needed. It might be cash, or gold, or office buildings, it might be a $600,000.00 classic motorcycle collection, it might be anything that could be exchanged at a future point in time for some different "value".

Example: I currently don't care about inflation, or my current store of value (cash & real estate) rotting away. Primarily because I am near end of being on earth.

If I was in my 30's and hoping for another 50 years of life, Inflation, and loss of purchasing power would be ultra-high priorities.
In the back of mechanics illustrated there used to be adds for Russian girls looking for husbands. King David had a wife to keep him warm

A good woman may be worth the investment.

I like is where I accumulated most of my current "Stored Value". Which is currently parked in two very low risk banks in CD's. I can't justify buying more land because of my age & physical condition.
yes...theres a point in ones life where cash,land etc. they have is what they will have along with whatever monthly income they get is it and we need to coast it in till the end....when and how that looks is the trick.
yes...theres a point in ones life where cash,land etc. they have is what they will have along with whatever monthly income they get is it and we need to coast it in till the end....when and how that looks is the trick.
I will never stop preaching about dividends from 100 year-old companies.
It is where my income comes from :)... and always will.
Been retired for 5 years and haven't even touched a dime of the 'principle' that was my 401K.
That even includes pulling $4,000 to get my cataracts removed and replaced with the 'good' upgrade lenses:D.
I didn't even blink paying it, (that is an eye-care pun;)).
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I may be dumb, but I'm not smart. I am so confused by what is being asked in this thread. On one hand you say you're not asking for a list of stored things like gold, cash, ammo, tools, etc. Yet, many of the responses have been just those items and a few more, like land.

On the other hand you state, This THREAD is "ONLY" about the personal priorities in storing current "VALUE" for future "APPLICATION".

My answer to that question is my personal priority in storing valuable items for future use is high and diverse, and very liquid in a SHTF society. I could tell you what these things are, but you don't want to hear that.
Ole SD is just trying to get people thinking and working toward the right things if you ask me.
That's fine. I am just trying to figure out what exactly he is asking.
I surrender. I have failed. This was the second time I have tried this subject on this forum, in last few years. Both times.........Failure.

In the past I taught a class on this subject for "Tax Reduction Institute".
I use many hand tools, so have them already. I collect old tool that have been replaced by industry or electric /battery tools, like a anvil & black smiths pole vise, woodwork tools. I have shelter, water & food source, gold & silver, land, so a pair of horses or mules is all need to go electric & gasoline free.
Often it is difficult to even begin to explain a concept to people without a "common" knowledge/experience base.

"teachers" assume a knowledge base that may or may not be shared with the people they want to teach.

Going all the way back to maybe find a common ground takes a long time and lots of discussion.
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If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. Albert Einstein
Well, I know it well enough that I have 69 years of "DAILY" personal experience.
Often it is difficult to even begin to explain a concept to people without a "common" knowledge/experience base.
The "common" knowledge base exits between all members here and myself. The problem is people "loathe" thinking. So rather then carefully read, their brain instantly locks onto one of the words. They unconsciously focus onto a word or set of words, then rocket forward.

Even though I several times stated this is not about a "THING"

Not about a savings account, securities, gold, hand tools, getting cosmetic surgery, etc. That is where nearly all replies defaulted too. A thing or a priority, not to the process.

The thread is about a process that each person uses. People should "REREAD" post #12
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The "common" knowledge base exits between all members here and myself. The problem is people "loathe" thinking. So rather then carefully read, their brain instantly locks onto one of the words. They unconsciously focus onto a word or set of words, then rocket forward.

Even though I several times stated this is not about a "THING"

Not about a savings account, securities, gold, hand tools, getting cosmetic surgery, etc. That is where nearly all replies defaulted too. A thing or a priority, not to the process.

The thread is about a process that each person uses. People should "REREAD" post #12
Why not give us an example of what your process would be (or would have been)? Then, maybe we'd have a better idea of what exactly you're asking.

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