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@Supervisor42 Your underwater garden is beautiful. I bet it would even be lovely above sea level :D
I bet that's probably "felony watering" in California:cop::D
went to cardiologist yesterday. he is not happy. my heart is only pumping 15 to 20%. he said it should have been better since the accident. so they sre doing some kind of test t determine how to go about treating it. guess i'm in worse shape than i thought.
Today was house cleaning day and I deep cleaned the bathroom and toilets and DH vacuumed the whole house. I put on a load of washing and DH hung it on the clothesline to dry. While he did that I mopped the house vinyl and around the fireplace.

We then went to the RSL club where we helped cut up all the lettuce and tomato for the meals there and stayed to have fish and chips that were given to us for helping out. Back home and still sorting out the log splitter that we purchased that still is not working after changing the seals without it spewing our hydraulic oil. I have sent the seller a not too nice message that we want a full refund of purchase price and shipping and I am pretty angry about the whole experience. I think the company has been taken over by someone else as the customer service is atrocious.
@timmie Take it slow and easy... It also means you can only do 15 to 20% of the things you normally do... Be careful!

Have to find a new recliner today... my old one broke yesterday... can't be welded in any way that would hold more than a week. Being disabled means I go through a lot of recliners... Heavy usage, 3x more than a normal chair.

I called the store where I got this one... They have 4 chairs lined up that will suit my needs... just have to drive to the big town and deal with the traffic.

They have to order my choice... be in next week.
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Great idea about juicing the pears, LadyL. I do know where the juicer is (in this still looking like a yard sale house). Going to breakfast with husband, grabbing a few things at the grocery store, and then finishing up at the school. Last day for that today. I have a whole covered patio filled with stuff. Books can stay, everything else either goes to the thrift store or the dumpster. The dumpster is full, but will be emptied late morning. Then packing...leaving tomorrow morning. Hoping the twins behave with our grown kids taking turns watching them, and that the house is still standing when we return. They just started school last week, so no way can they leave for the farm. Have a baby silkie in the brooder...hatched in the nest box yesterday, fell out of the box at about 3 feet, got pecked by another chicken on the head, and found it's way out of the run through the chain link. There it was, chirping away, and our son's big dog was trying to show him that there was something there. So...a lone baby in the brooder. It'll end up spoilt.
Got the south wall done. Far right end there will be a foot bridge, have the north wall for the bridge foundation to finish. Bridge will lead to a footpath though the woods.

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Finished the short north wall. A 18" X 42" foot bridge will go across here.

Front yard on this side of the main driveway drains down this ditch. I'll put in a 6" or 8" storm pipe, cover the pipe leaving a gentle swale so the middle yard can still drain. And then it's mowable.

Now what can I do with the last two leftover blocks....

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Prayers for you, Timmie.
I finished up at the school with daughters help. It was 100 degrees out and not much fun. Met with the "husband of the pasta making lady" to sell him lots of eggs before I leave town. A man dropped off unwanted animals since he is traveling a lot: 3 ducks (too bad 2 are drakes), and 6 hens. Got them settled and then had a whip snake in the duck run. Grandson got the snake grabber, but those suckers are fast, and it went down a hole. Got the grocery shopping done for the kids and grandkids for while we're gone. Now I'm wiped out, need to get things cleaned up and packed, and will be ready to enjoy a take out pizza.
Went yesterday to kid sit oldest son's girlfriends kids.
She had police training to attend up by KCMO.
He didn't get off till 0730.
So this Granny stepped in filled the void.
Got there at 0530 hours just like I said I would be.
Finally got let into house at 0615 hours.
Stood there in rain drizzle.
Finally got to take a break from them about 0945 hours.
Came home so Strawberry could take care of her business.
Took her back with me.
She put big dummy, Zeus (Mastiff/Husky/Great Dane/German Shepard mix) in his place quick.
My lap is her spot and little girl's (granddaughter's)spot.
He wasn't supposed to put his head on my lap.
Poor Zeus, didn't know what hit him yesterday.
About 2000 hours last night, they couldn't find Zeus.
Zeus had enough he put himself to bed.
Strawberry was just as bad, by 2000 hours she was snoring loudly.
Granny gave up the ghost about 2100 hours.
This Granny worked them 3 little bored hinnies off yesterday.
Several times they had to go outside and do jumping jacks for 5 minutes, run in place for 5 minutes, do home made version of obstacle course for 5 minutes.
By 1500 hours nobody was bored anymore. I wonder why?.....lol...lol
Supper tonight will be leftover takeout pizza.
Fed and tended to guests. Reinstalled the roof flashing on the front of the house. I guess last nights wind storm got it. It was weird because it was on the opposite side of the house to the direction of the wind. Too many trips up and down the ladder. Ordered some replacement parts for my snowblower, that took too many hours online. Ordered some extras because over a certain dollar ceiling shipping was free. The extras cost less than the shipping and who doesn’t need spare part.
Today we packed the meat from our grocery shop and put it in the freezer in meal sized portions and realise we need more mince to will get that next fortnight now.

DH watered the plants and put on a loaf of bread in the bread making machine and we had lunch once it was ready.

This afternoon headed to the RSL club and DH and I cut up some more lettuce, tomatoes and made bulk salad for the dinner function tonight. It was a a great success and they had 4 pieces of fish left out of about 60 or more. It should be a good fund raiser for the club which is always good. We again was given free fish, chips and salad for helping and the other volunteer bar staff did really well in keeping up the pace with the drink purchases.
I am installing a slide lock spring and a new extended lever in my son's custom S&W SD9 because his dad decided not to pay enough attention when removing the old one and sent the spring flying into the oblivion of my man cave. Some day, when someone has to clean & clear out that room, they are going to find 100's and 100's of springs and detents hiding in dark and secret places just waiting to be set free.

After that I have some cleaning and organizing to do, a lawn to mow, and a couple kids who want to go shooting.
Update: as some of you know I have been ill for awhile.
Neurologist and I came up with game plan to finally figure out what is and isn't wrong with me.
Here we go:
1. I am Not diabetic, nor have I ever been diabetic -blood work finally set that myth to rest.
I just eat like a diabetic, dad and 2 sisters are diabetic.
2.There is nothing wrong with my thyroid.
3. It's official I now wear size 12-14 tops and pants, just a pound short of my weight loss goal this year.
165 pounds. great weight loss from 425 pounds, size 26- 10 years ago.
4. Now on to second weight loss goal of 155 pounds middle of my Army weight.
5. Final weight loss goal is the low end of my Army weight 0f 135-145 pounds size 10.
As I have slowly lost the weight my shoe sizes have been dropping also.
Shopping for shoes in the big kid department again. look out Buster Brown here I come again.
I now wear size 4-6 shoe.
6.I have an irregular heartbeat.
7. Blood pressure has dropped from 297/197 to 123/97 in 10 years, so primary care doctor cut blood pressure medicine in half.
8.Will start training for 5k's again with cardiologist, neurologist, primary care and orthopedic surgeon okay.
Will slowly work on getting my steps back up 10000 daily.
9. I do Not have Parkinson's .
10.I have Rheumatoid arthritis.
11. I am depressed, see the shrink on Monday.
We tried it my way for several years, now we'll try it his way for awhile.
12. I am not Bipolar.
13. I do have Sleep apnea.
14. Need to come up with sleep schedule that works for me.
15. do have short term memory loss.
Got new excerises for that.
Feels like tremendous weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
Thanks for listening or reading.
Have a wonderful day.
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E bay is an online sales and auction site. Like Amazon only you don't have to register to buy.
@MoBookworm1957 Sounds like you are going about it in good order. Also, Wowza! That's a tremendous wait loss. Bet you are feeling better in some respects just due to that. Hope the other things get straightened out and it all falls into place for you.
I mowed the "lawn". I'm not sure crab grass and Bermuda constitutes a lawn, but that's what they called it. Picked 3 BIG bowls of tomatoes- paste and Roma's. Hubby picked a huge bowl last night of cherry, bobcat, and mortgage lifters. I should probably be working on all those, but I pulled a ton of weeds and weed-eated so came in to sit for a few. Oh, I also pruned the tomato 'trees'. I think they could take over a small village if not kept in check.
What is eBay?
E bay is an online sales and auction site. Like Amazon only you don't have to register to buy.
Snappy sells a lot on ebay and some other members here do also. I once sold a lot stuff there. I still often buy from there. You can find both new and used items along with repair parts. Ebay sells everything. It is my go-to spot to get a quick price on something (though I shop around before I buy).