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Buff rock is a new breed to me.

The Plymouth Rock was developed in America in the middle of the 19th century and was first exhibited in Boston, Massachusetts as a breed in 1849. These first specimens seemed to “lose their identity” and the breed disappeared for two decades until it reappeared at another poultry show in Worchester, Massachusetts in 1869. These later birds are considered the progenitors of the Plymouth Rocks we know today. Several individuals claimed invention, using crosses of Spanish, White Cochin, Dominique, Buff Cochin, Black Java, and Brahma. The original Plymouth Rock chicken was of the Barred variety and other color varieties were developed later including: White, Buff, Silver Penciled, Partridge, Columbian, and Blue. The breed was accepted into the American Poultry Association’s Standard of Excellence in 1874". ----Livestock Conservancy https://livestockconservancy.org/index.php/heritage/internal/plymouthrock

Buff Plymouth Rocks, Buff Minorcas, and Buff Orpington chickens are almost impossible to distinguish the difference when they are baby chicks but when they become adults you can see a definite feather pattern difference as the Buff Rock's feather's are light and dark gold giving them a marbled appearance whereas the Buff Orpington feathers are usually fluffier and calmer than Buff Plymouth Rocks and Minorcas and have a more solid gold feather appearance.

Buff rock is a new breed to me.

The Plymouth Rock was developed in America in the middle of the 19th century and was first exhibited in Boston, Massachusetts as a breed in 1849. These first specimens seemed to “lose their identity” and the breed disappeared for two decades until it reappeared at another poultry show in Worchester, Massachusetts in 1869. These later birds are considered the progenitors of the Plymouth Rocks we know today. Several individuals claimed invention, using crosses of Spanish, White Cochin, Dominique, Buff Cochin, Black Java, and Brahma. The original Plymouth Rock chicken was of the Barred variety and other color varieties were developed later including: White, Buff, Silver Penciled, Partridge, Columbian, and Blue. The breed was accepted into the American Poultry Association’s Standard of Excellence in 1874". ----Livestock Conservancy https://livestockconservancy.org/index.php/heritage/internal/plymouthrock

Buff Plymouth Rocks, Buff Minorcas, and Buff Orpington chickens are almost impossible to distinguish the difference when they are baby chicks but when they become adults you can see a definite feather pattern difference as the Buff Rock's feather's are light and dark gold giving them a marbled appearance whereas the Buff Orpington feathers are usually fluffier and calmer than Buff Plymouth Rocks and Minorcas and have a more solid gold feather appearance.

New for us to. We thought we were getting a Buff Orpinton, but we noticed the yellow legs (3 months old) and looked it up and discovered it was a Buff Rock.
Australorp: Egg Laying, Colors, Characteristics And More…
Chris Lesley

Written by Chris Lesley
Updated: July 18, 2020
The Australorp is one of the most productive and enjoyable backyard chickens around.
They originated in Australia and are now their national bird.
She is a delightful chicken to have in your flock. Not only are they very productive but they are also friendly and well suited to a family style farm.
This is the ideal chicken for beginners as they are not demanding and will thrive in almost any climate.
Keep reading if you want to learn more about this beautiful chicken…

This is my favorite breed, but I do not have chicken at this time.
Australorp: Egg Laying, Colors, Characteristics And More…
Chris Lesley

Written by Chris Lesley
Updated: July 18, 2020
The Australorp is one of the most productive and enjoyable backyard chickens around.
They originated in Australia and are now their national bird.
She is a delightful chicken to have in your flock. Not only are they very productive but they are also friendly and well suited to a family style farm.
This is the ideal chicken for beginners as they are not demanding and will thrive in almost any climate.
Keep reading if you want to learn more about this beautiful chicken…

This is my favorite breed, but I do not have chicken at this time.

We have 3 silkies, an americana, a black sexlink, a Wheaten Maran, a Steel egger, and the new Buff rock.
We are all looking for my truck key. I loaned my daughter my truck and she lost the key.
We searched for 2 hours and my wife found them in the laundry in my pajama pocket.
I'm trying to convince everyone she had found them and then put them in my pocket but nobody is buying that.
Getting old and forgetful sucks.
I almost ordered a new key fob but they are $225 so I kept looking.
Couldn't sleep because my oldest cat was missing. Finally came in around 2am so I was able to sleep (with him in my arms). Got up early to take my brother to vote since he couldn't find the voting place himself (the road name is wrong on google maps and gps). Either that or the voter portal and street sign are wrong (but voter portal & street sign have different spellings).

Hips and legs are not cooperating today so I limped through Walmart and then got back home. Picked up a bunch of my tools from my friend's house yesterday: 4ft ground auger, chainsaw, Matrix drill & attachments, B&D bag, small black & blue bag, dremel set, toilet jack, ground tamper, dehumidifier (from when his roof leaked & the room sort of flooded), and one of my shovels. I brought another larger tool bag to hold more of my tools. My other shovel seemed to be missing and my rake was broken (the guy who does his yard work broke it and refused to replace it). He said he found some more of my tools that I need to come pick up later.

Brother FINALLY took the trash out but a lot had overflowed and spilled so I have to re-pick up the stuff I picked up before. I haven't gotten the kitchen completely cleaned in over a year since I've been working on it by myself and can't lift the full trash bags easily- plus my back gives out on me a lot. It doesn't help that my brother won't take the trash out as regularly so it spills. And he leaves trash on top of the fridge and dumps some trash on the floor. I've been tripping on parchment paper that he uses. I'm hoping that if I can get the place cleaned up more it will help him be in a better mood & motivate him to help me keep it clean. That has failed in the past, but I can at least try.
Couldn't sleep because my oldest cat was missing. Finally came in around 2am so I was able to sleep (with him in my arms). Got up early to take my brother to vote since he couldn't find the voting place himself (the road name is wrong on google maps and gps). Either that or the voter portal and street sign are wrong (but voter portal & street sign have different spellings).

Hips and legs are not cooperating today so I limped through Walmart and then got back home. Picked up a bunch of my tools from my friend's house yesterday: 4ft ground auger, chainsaw, Matrix drill & attachments, B&D bag, small black & blue bag, dremel set, toilet jack, ground tamper, dehumidifier (from when his roof leaked & the room sort of flooded), and one of my shovels. I brought another larger tool bag to hold more of my tools. My other shovel seemed to be missing and my rake was broken (the guy who does his yard work broke it and refused to replace it). He said he found some more of my tools that I need to come pick up later.

Brother FINALLY took the trash out but a lot had overflowed and spilled so I have to re-pick up the stuff I picked up before. I haven't gotten the kitchen completely cleaned in over a year since I've been working on it by myself and can't lift the full trash bags easily- plus my back gives out on me a lot. It doesn't help that my brother won't take the trash out as regularly so it spills. And he leaves trash on top of the fridge and dumps some trash on the floor. I've been tripping on parchment paper that he uses. I'm hoping that if I can get the place cleaned up more it will help him be in a better mood & motivate him to help me keep it clean. That has failed in the past, but I can at least try.
Always try! Glad your kitty is ok😊
Another day resting, I over did it the past 6 weeks, way over did it. It’s finally caught up with me. Nothing to do but take it easy. So, I went out early and checked on the calf and the chickens, topped off water and feed. No other outside chores despite the fact there is lots still to do before winter.

I ironed all my winter shirts this afternoon, especially my flannel shirts. I like wearing flannel but the placket, cuffs and collars wrinkle badly. They get a hot iron and a little starch. I’ve found that if I iron all of them at the start of winter they are easier to maintain or touch up later.

Watched college football most of the day, easy to do while ironing. Another game on now, no other plans.
Why are you laid up, Magus?

I'm lazy, and its a weekend. piled in more groceries though. I love shopping during the morning commute hours, all those with jobs are at them, all those without are still asleep and out of my way.
Looks good Jim!!! Where are ya'll staying while work continues?
In the house.
Master bathroom was completed about 4 weeks ago, and our bedroom was also finished about 4 weeks ago. We eat at 5 local restaurants everyday, occasionally sandwiches at home.
We should have dishwasher and sink plumbed and working next week. Stove hooked up next week. Gotta go get cord for stove and over range microwave on Monday.

That light at the end of the tunnel is getting bigger.

Soon we can unpack boxes😁

In the house.
Master bathroom was completed about 4 weeks ago, and our bedroom was also finished about 4 weeks ago. We eat at 5 local restaurants everyday, occasionally sandwiches at home.
We should have dishwasher and sink plumbed and working next week. Stove hooked up next week. Gotta go get cord for stove and over range microwave on Monday.

That light at the end of the tunnel is getting bigger.

Soon we can unpack boxes😁

And decorate for Christmas😉😃
That all looks great, Jim.
We stayed busy today. Went into our smaller town to the couple of businesses having holiday specials. The thrift store had half off clothes, found a skirt and a also a sweater for grandson. Little granddaughter found a camo pop up monstrosity, ha. She loves it. It fits over a twin bed like a giant camo rectangular tent. They had free snacks and lots of Christmas stuff out. I got a big stack of 45 records for a dime a piece. Then we went to the amish grocery and they had treats and 10 percent off. Had all their Christmas candy out in bulk.
Repackaged the dehydrated instant sweet potatoes I got at Aldi last week into quart jars for storage. Emptied the dehydrator, filled it again. Still have 38 flats of green tomatoes that are slowly turning red. The neighbor's dog came and ate another pair of shoes on the porch. Usually he just takes one of granddaughter's shoes. She has lost 1 shoe from 3 pairs lately, but we did get two of them back. Moved outside muck shoes to the back deck. Mama cat with the kittens has been house hopping before she ended up here. Found out where she started from, a distant neighbor. Then moved to another house. Crossed a road, passed 3 farm houses and ended up here. Asked if they wanted her back. Ha. Nope.
Made a trip to CoOp and got 25 gallons of Diesel fuel. $2.69 per gallon.
Got back home and cleaned out the left overs from the Asparagus bed. Then weeded to of the 3 remaining beds. I'll finish that tomorrow and plan to put out 2 of the 4 garlics that have just arrived. Then make a list of what materials I need to build the rest of my beds.
Went back to my hometown with my daughter, to visit Mom at the nursing home. We had a chili supper in the big activity room there. My middle brother's two daughters were there along with the 5 little girls they have. So it was chaos trying to keep track of them all. We don't get to see my Air Force niece or her little ones very often, so it was nice to see them. The little ones warmed up to me pretty quick and I chased them around the tables while they giggled and screamed as loud as they could. Then all 5 of the girls latched on to my daughter and kept her busy. They all had a great time...
Well, that was relatively fun. It was a musical, "The Drowsy Chaperone". It was full of asides and mildly inappropriate humor. I was quite impressed at how well these local high schoolers can sing! We only have about 250 kids in our high school, so it's not a deep talent pool to draw from. But the kids were great. I acted in musicals in high school and college, and it made me wish I could do it one more time...
My son did that play his senior year of HS, it was a lot of fun!