What's everybody doing today?

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Today my brother closed up the second window and thereby released the hounds to let me add more circuits and insulation.


He had to close down early because he facilitates bingo for the local VFD.

He wants me to run separate circuits for the dish washer, range/microwave and refrigerator over and above the 2 20 amp feeds for the counter. For those of you that like math, that is 100 amp service to the kitchen.

Omitting boring details...

So i had to bore another hole through the 8" think main beam. I suspect I hit a screw about 4" in to the beam because the bit stopped cutting. Looking at the bit I may have a complex sharpening task added to my task list to avoid getting a new 1" - 18" long auger.

Can you say Dremel tool children ?

I ended up forcing and "wiggling and jiggling" to eventually penetrate the beam. Note:Ben had to take 3 breaks while drilling to catch his breath. Just in time to run another line and add a circuit break before twilight failed me.


So i got another circuit in and have a access port for the remaining circuits.

Just rolling with the punches...


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I have kinda a favor to ask. I have an older bachelor uncle who collects carpenter pencils. He travels a little so has about anything from AZ to southern MT. Is there anyone east of the Mississippi who knows of a little hometown hardware store who could get a pencil with the store name on it? They hand these out for free sometimes or other times quite reasonably. I'd done alright until this year. If so PM me please. Oh yeah, I would of course pay for it.
Around here carpenter pencils are flat. Is that what you're referring to?

Still, it'd be a hard thing to find. Maybe get one with a small lumber company name on it.
Yep, maybe 5/8" wide and about 1/4" thick - I'm guessing. And that's what I'd like - a small co. not a big box store.
Ben, the kitchen is coming along nicely.

I LOVE the second breakfast periodic elements password thing.

Internet & this site are being incredibly slow tonight.
Still a bit sore but moving better today. Went to pick up mail & grab some groceries. Got kitten chow for the kitties at my friend's house. His dumb gf said "I got dog food" bc she doesn't know/doesn't care that dog food isn't sufficient for kittens. But, she's abusive to animals. There is only one dog over there that someone dumped at their house & nobody even likes the dog. My sister wants the little one-eyed kitty but she's out in NM so she can't come get it.

My brother is having sore legs and back so he's useless. I mean, he's useless 80% of the time anyway, but now he has a legitimate reason to be useless.

I don't know if it's the weather, but my best friend was having body aches today too.

Grabbed some sweet feed from Tractor Supply & the cows could apparently smell it through the bag. Kwai was circling the truck like a shark, almost climbed in to the bed trying to get to the bag. Kept nudging me to try to get me to get the food out faster, etc. They didn't even let me get the bag out of the truck before they started trying to chew on it. I definitely need to find some hay.

Kitties are trying to climb on me now.
There used to be several carpenter pencils here, maybe up in the shop. I just checked my desk and assorted and didn't see one. I'll check the shop and there's a farm supply store down the road had them at one time, best I can do.

Got a box of welders chalk, close but no cigar.
There used to be several carpenter pencils here, maybe up in the shop. I just checked my desk and assorted and didn't see one. I'll check the shop and there's a farm supply store down the road had them at one time, best I can do.

Got a box of welders chalk, close but no cigar.
Thanks for looking.
Took the kid to the cardiologist today. They are adjusting her meds. Her lower bp# has been high and her heart rate has been all over the place. Her dog came and got me Friday and we found her unconscious on the floor with her heart rate under 40bpm. Took me slapping her to wake her up so I could get her up and moving to get her heart rate up.
Took the kid to the cardiologist today. They are adjusting her meds. Her lower bp# has been high and her heart rate has been all over the place. Her dog came and got me Friday and we found her unconscious on the floor with her heart rate under 40bpm. Took me slapping her to wake her up so I could get her up and moving to get her heart rate up.
Poor kid. That's a terrible story, but glad for the dog!
My day got away from me. Scrubbing down the house before company comes in tomorrow night.
Went to the bigger town for grocery shopping at the Kroger store and between the going, the shopping, and the putting away, it takes a better part of the day. Prices were up on everything...the 73/27 hamburger was over $3 a lb. That's the fatty icky stuff. Hmm. Alot of shelves were outright empty. I have not gotten used to seeing empty shelves. More cleaning tomorrow, and little granddaughter's grade school is having their Thanksgiving lunch for the family. Been awhile since I've had the school lunch. Wonder if they'll put the bread roll right on top of the mashed potatoes and gravy? It'd be like old times.
Took the kid to the cardiologist today. They are adjusting her meds. Her lower bp# has been high and her heart rate has been all over the place. Her dog came and got me Friday and we found her unconscious on the floor with her heart rate under 40bpm. Took me slapping her to wake her up so I could get her up and moving to get her heart rate up.

So sorry, but what's wrong with her?
About to go take care of the animals, supposed to rain this afternoon and then get cold again. Too bad, I enjoyed the few days of good weather. We took a day off and drove all the way to Roanoke and went to this park on top of a mountain with a small zoo and this large star. Roanoke is bigger than I thought when looking from above. I hated the traffic . We did have very good Cuban sandwiches , something we used to get all the time in Florida but not available in our area unless I make them myself.
Also went to Aldi and got some of my favorite German Christmas junk food they have right now, like Stollen and Lebkuchen
. We did have very good Cuban sandwiches , something we used to get all the time in Florida
That's one thing I miss about FL, too!

Glad your recovery is coming along, @hashbrown! I pray for a complete recovery for you!

Took the kid to the cardiologist today.
Sure wish the docs could get your daughter's meds straight!

This morning, I will walk first.
Go to Kroger and local stores for grocery sales and to see how shortages look.
Fill up a container with gas.
Stop at eye doc to see if I can get new glasses adjusted a little.
Go to auto parts store for locking gas cap.
Come home and make sweet potato casserole for Sunday Church dinner- about a 4x recipe in a turkey pan.
Bible study this evening.
That's enough for me!
That's alot of sweet potato casserole!
I'm off to take little granddaughter to school. Then back for husband's breakfast, animal feeding. More cleaning needed upstairs (company coming), some cleaning downstairs. Luncheon with little granddaughter at school today. Pot of beef stew to make for this evening when company comes. Side dishes and dessert.
Heading over to family this morning. They are getting DSL installed and have the tendency of blaming others for their own lack of understanding. I'll be the acting moderator between the family and the Installer.

Return the "loaner" DSL modem the Telephone Company loaned me.

Monthly lowering of my ears (haircut).

Fish a pull string thru my second vehicle in preparation of install coax for an antenna.
Got the wiring into garage from basement , and buried the wire , raked out all dirt.

Taking off today to go take my friend ,84 year old , Doc out for his favorite lunch place..
Been so busy lately that we just haven't had time. He's excited.

May get back home in time to install some pulls on the kitchen cabinets.

Finally got the cistern installed at the new place yesterday. It sits too high in the ground, and the hatch tube is huge and ugly right next to the porch steps. But hey, it's in the ground. We'll figure something out.

I feel like I keep making bad decisions on this house build. But mostly I think I'm just tired. And stretched well beyond my skills and comfort zone.

But today is a day back at home (the current one). Lots of housecleaning to catch up on!
I have kinda a favor to ask. I have an older bachelor uncle who collects carpenter pencils. He travels a little so has about anything from AZ to southern MT. Is there anyone east of the Mississippi who knows of a little hometown hardware store who could get a pencil with the store name on it? They hand these out for free sometimes or other times quite reasonably. I'd done alright until this year. If so PM me please. Oh yeah, I would of course pay for it.
Ill look around and see what I have. I've got a bunch,, but not sure of any writing on them
Splitting wood this afternoon for a couple hours finishing my last pile of cherry!
Hey Kelsey good to see you. Cherry is great for smoking meats - yum. Also good for holding a fire during the night - nice to have in the wood pile.
Ill look around and see what I have. I've got a bunch,, but not sure of any writing on them
Why thank yee.
That's alot of sweet potato casserole!
Will be a lot of folks coming for dinner!

I survived the town trip. I really don't like doing that anymore. Got everything on sale that was advertised, no shortages.
Stopped and got new wiper blades, locking gas cap and filled a 5 gallon gas can that I found at home.
Next up is to assemble the sweet potato casserole and DH wants me to take eBay photos.
Then Bible study.
Next two days, I'm out of town helping a friend.
@Grimm you have changed your look again.


It took some doing crawling into corners and boring holes to run wire but I did get power to the range and microwave. Barely was able to finish the connection to the circuit breaker working without light.

Tomorrow will most likely be installing GFCI outlets for the counter.

After I complete the electric insulation gets installed and move on to drywall. The Princess will not be working Fridays going forward so she plans to help with the drywall work. And while I am thinking about it...

Next Wednesday she is turning in her resignation letter to retire (I hope!). Then she will be joining in with more of the remodeling work.

@Grimm you have changed your look again.

View attachment 75679

It took some doing crawling into corners and boring holes to run wire but I did get power to the range and microwave. Barely was able to finish the connection to the circuit breaker working without light.

Tomorrow will most likely be installing GFCI outlets for the counter.

After I complete the electric insulation gets installed and move on to drywall. The Princess will not be working Fridays going forward so she plans to help with the drywall work. And while I am thinking about it...

Next Wednesday she is turning in her resignation letter to retire (I hope!). Then she will be joining in with more of the remodeling work.

Wahoo, party time for the princess! :dancing:
Hey Kelsey good to see you. Cherry is great for smoking meats - yum. Also good for holding a fire during the night - nice to have in the wood pile.

Why thank yee.
Cherry is my all time favorite for smoking stuff with! We have so many different kinds. We have 8 and half face cords for winter here and our winters aren't very bad at all 🤣