A big I'm sorry to everyone!

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Finder of lost things AND The Boss
HCL Supporter
Apr 19, 2021
North central Texas
It was brought to my attention yesterday by another member via a PM that I am "losing my sense of humor and camaraderie" here! And " not everyone chooses to be in a constant state or frowning and grumpiness"!! There is an ignore option for all of you that feel this way! To keep everyone happy, I can change my user name to Debbie Downer if necessary!
It was brought to my attention yesterday by another member via a PM that I am "losing my sense of humor and camaraderie" here! And " not everyone chooses to be in a constant state or frowning and grumpiness"!! There is an ignore option for all of you that feel this way! To keep everyone happy, I can change my user name to Debbie Downer if necessary!
As one who tends to dwell in crabbiness, I admit I hadn't noticed. I can send a pox of raccoons to somebody if you want :)
I haven't noticed any of what someone else seems to have seen relative to negativity, but maybe they have read or seen something that I have not. If someone has reported you, well, that might be a clue to something the rest of us missed. We all know we are living in scary and troubling times, and we all may be a little more serious now. It is always good when we can find or have a sense of humor, and help others to do so as well.

BTW, there was a time when some of us were receiving nasty PM's from someone else. Evidently, that existed in our former hangout as well, but those nastygrams were sent by someone else, not the same person who did that here. If no one has reported you yet, you might be in the clear. Those nastygrams in the former place actually drove people away from ever sharing or posting. I had friends there who would only respond to my posts via PMs because of it. It seems that no matter where we go, there is likely to be a bully lurking somewhere. Sometimes, what people see is a reflection of themselves.

Have a great weekend! It is warming up in Colorado, and I don't know anyone who will be complaining after the negative temps we had here this past week. I'm heading out shortly to a very happy place, a local dog park with L.
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I guess I am going to have to lie...
Pearl, your mood is gray and not one of the 50 that is listed in my book.
Cheer up and be nice or I'll growl at you or nip your knickers.

I'm not very good at lying so I'll stop. Pearl, you are the same as always. Warm, good looking and fun to be around.
(although you do spend too much time on the pool float) ;)
I didn't think anything different either, and I appreciated your PM the other day.
These days are just bananas and I think some can let it affect them more than others.
You have my permission to post the PM, Pearl.

Oh, I'll just go ahead and post it myself. To others here, the PM I will quote below was sent in response to Pearl's jab at me for telling hashbrown that he is our forum's equivalent of Chuck Norris for beating the bad side effects he had with the vaccine. It was my attempt, using humor, to say "I'm glad you're a strong guy and made it through this". I have noticed a few daggers thrown my way from Pearl recently. Nothing terrible. Very subtle. I have been ignoring them, because none of us are perfect in expressing ourselves in a forum environment.

So I sent the following note to Pearl - via PM, not open forum - to let her know my intent with comparing hashbrown with Chuck Norris, and also to try and give her a hint that I have noticed her increased animosity towards me. This saddens me, as in the past we have been friends and I still have PMs from the past where she says "you be you!" and supported my use of humor to state my points. That is my nature.

Anyway, here's what I sent to Pearl. Original text, not edited. Feel free to comment to me on it directly, using your judgement as to whether your comments would be best in open forum, or in a PM. I admit, on second reading, that my sentence starting with "It is clear..." was not a good choice to include in my PM. It was said with best intent to make my point, but it was inartfully stated.

Pearl, if you had asked, I would have said you could post the PM I sent.

haertig said:
"And that should NOT be treated as a joke! ♥️"

Hi Elaine -

I think you may be losing your sense of humor and camaraderie here. My comment was meant as an "Atta boy! You're tough!" statement of support. You evidently did not take it that way, but hashbrown did (obvious by the emoticon he attacked to my post). It is clear to all of us on the forum that you are getting more and more serious about anti-vax stuff as evidenced by the nature, wording, and capital letter emphasis you are now adding to your posts. But realize that not everybody chooses to be in a constant state of frowning and grumpiness around serious issues. Life is not all depression now, we are still allowed to smile. Hashbrown got what I was doing, and responded very positively to it. You did not.

Bye! :)

-- Dave
It was brought to my attention yesterday by another member via a PM that I am "losing my sense of humor and camaraderie" here! And " not everyone chooses to be in a constant state or frowning and grumpiness"!! There is an ignore option for all of you that feel this way! To keep everyone happy, I can change my user name to Debbie Downer if necessary!
nawwww.....its Polished Pearl !

see what i did there...you clean soo....you shine like a new penny !
"PEARL", Special Snowflakes who constantly "Piss & Moan" about everything different than how their mommy indoctrinated/raised taught them, are the parasites of American society. They should be ignored, if possible, yet if the opportunity is offered run-over them with a truck. You have every right to be authentic, if they don't like your point of view, flush them from your reality.
I hadn't noticed either. I think we may all be losing our sense of humor a bit. I know I say F@#& you! A lot more.

it may not be pretty but it sure makes a feller feel better afterwards....and often during !

especially when ya hit ya thumb with a waffle headed framing hammer !
You have my permission to post the PM, Pearl.

Oh, I'll just go ahead and post it myself. To others here, the PM I will quote below was sent in response to Pearl's jab at me for telling hashbrown that he is our forum's equivalent of Chuck Norris for beating the bad side effects he had with the vaccine. It was my attempt, using humor, to say "I'm glad you're a strong guy and made it through this". I have noticed a few daggers thrown my way from Pearl recently. Nothing terrible. Very subtle. I have been ignoring them, because none of us are perfect in expressing ourselves in a forum environment.

So I sent the following note to Pearl - via PM, not open forum - to let her know my intent with comparing hashbrown with Chuck Norris, and also to try and give her a hint that I have noticed her increased animosity towards me. This saddens me, as in the past we have been friends and I still have PMs from the past where she says "you be you!" and supported my use of humor to state my points. That is my nature.

Anyway, here's what I sent to Pearl. Original text, not edited. Feel free to comment to me on it directly, using your judgement as to whether your comments would be best in open forum, or in a PM. I admit, on second reading, that my sentence starting with "It is clear..." was not a good choice to include in my PM. It was said with best intent to make my point, but it was inartfully stated.

Pearl, if you had asked, I would have said you could post the PM I sent.
I understand.

That thread devolved to the point I went looking for an option to ignore the thread. Needless to say I stopped reading it.

20 x 😍


before this is mistaken for some kind of alternate reality?!!
I guess I am going to have to lie...
Pearl, your mood is gray and not one of the 50 that is listed in my book.
Cheer up and be nice or I'll growl at you or nip your knickers.

I'm not very good at lying so I'll stop. Pearl, you are the same as always. Warm, good looking and fun to be around.
(although you do spend too much time on the pool float) ;)
Hey, the pool float keeps me cheery!😉😃
One bad apple doesn't bother me! I started this thread to show this person that they DO NOT speak for EVERYONE on this forum! I know better than to think that "all of us on the forum" think of me as this person does, yep, quoting their words! So back to the fun, great conversations, and learning!! I believe they put me on ignore, so they probably won't read this anyway!!😃

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