A Pork Substitute?

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I never understood vegans making meat like products.
That would be like the church making fake porn or anti gun person wearing toy guns.
What is the deal, hate us & want to be like us???!??!???!???!?
Now places are advertising meat alternatives. Tastes like meat, looks like meat, isn't meat. I'm only eating meat.
Me, too. Or at least that is what I am trying to do. I have often wondered about what we are really eating when we eat at McDonalds, KFC, and other fast food places. Are they legally required to tell us if we order a hamburger, that it is not 100% ground beef? I think of all the people who have food allergies. There could be some real problems.
Especially if you are allergic to things like kangaroo :LOL:
I could never see the point of vegans eating stuff that looks like meat if they are anti meat, I mean whats the point of a "meat free" sausage, or a vegetarian burger, if you don't want to eat meat why eat something that looks like meat? I just don't get it.
I have a child who is not well today, because she was told something was gluten free, two days ago, and it contained gluten.

This person had home made baked goods or store bought baked good?
How did they NOT Know it had gluten in it?
I have a friend who son, who can not have gluten .
We went out to eat & he order a pizza, no problem, gluten free was on the menu.
Surely this is fake news? If not why is this American hating daughter of demons not deported or hung for treason?:mad:
This person had home made baked goods or store bought baked good?
How did they NOT Know it had gluten in it?
I have a friend who son, who can not have gluten .
We went out to eat & he order a pizza, no problem, gluten free was on the menu.

This is my 30 something year old daughter who went to a wedding on Wednesday. Right, who gets married on a Wednesday? Evidently everything is cheaper for a wedding on a Wednesday. These kinds of events are always tricky, because you might eat something that really is a gluten free food, but it can easily be contaminated if surfaces are not well cleaned. This event was in the mountains, and she had a day up, day of the wedding, day coming home. I have only communicated with her via text, so I do not know all the details. It may have happened at the wedding, maybe some place she ate. Being gluten poisoned when you have celiac, isn't a one day deal. She will have a migraine and other pains for a few days. She is very careful and this is why she usually cooks at home.

Gluten free pizza? My daughter has ordered gluten free pizza and been gluten poisoned. Surfaces may not have been cleaned or people who prepared the food were not careful. (Cut the pizza with the same pizza cutter as you previously cut a pizza with gluten, or on the same surface) Some places end up with a gluten free area. At times like this, it is important to report back to the management of such places about the experience. She has had a few experiences of ordering gluten free food, and being gluten poisoned.

Also, being gluten free is a popular thing right now and some people say they are gluten sensitive, and in fact may be, but in front of wait staff that they have really given a hard time while ordering, will have a bite of someone else's food that is knowingly a food with gluten. I have had wait staff tell me about such encounters. It ruins it for people who can really be affected by gluten, because who is faking it and who genuinely has a gluten allergy? I know one person who gets seriously ill. No wonder as a child she never wanted sandwiches or pizza.
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the best way of avoid contamination is to only eat food you or your family have prepared, it really is the only way.
we have had people over here with allergies DIE because the food they ate at a restaurant wasn't what the waiter said it was.
the best way of avoid contamination is to only eat food you or your family have prepared, it really is the only way.
we have had people over here with allergies DIE because the food they ate at a restaurant wasn't what the waiter said it was.
Yes, but sometimes, especially when you are a highly social person like my daughter, you end up far away from home, and that is just not an option. This is why we cook things like a Thanksgiving dinner for maybe 6 people, when going out to eat would be so much easier. I have thought if someone would start a business of gluten free food only, and prepare it for pickup for holiday meals, much like grocery stores do here, as well as many other places, they would have a great amount of customers. GF only places just do not exist.
glad I don't have anything like that, I do love my food.
but i'm very anti social so eating out isn't something I do, most places are too crowded and I cant hear myself think.
This is my 30 something year old daughter who went to a wedding on Wednesday. Right, who gets married on a Wednesday? Evidently everything is cheaper for a wedding on a Wednesday. These kinds of events are always tricky, because you might eat something that really is a gluten free food, but it can easily be contaminated if surfaces are not well cleaned. This events as in the mountains, and she had a day up, day of the wedding, day coming home. I have only communicated with her via text, so I do not know all the details. It may have happened at the wedding, maybe some place she ate. Being gluten poisoned when you have celiac, isn't a one day deal. She will have a migraine and other pains for a few days. She is very careful and this is why she usually cooks at home.

Gluten free pizza? My daughter has ordered gluten free pizza and been gluten poisoned. Surfaces may not have been cleaned or people who prepared the food were not careful. (Cut the pizza with the same pizza cutter as you previously cut a pizza with gluten, or on the same surface) Some places end up with a gluten free area. At times like this, it is important to report back to the management of such places about the experience. She has had a few experiences of ordering gluten free food, and being gluten poisoned.

Also, being gluten free is a popular thing right now and some people say they are gluten sensitive, and in fact may be, but in front of wait staff that they have really given a hard time while ordering, will have a bite of someone else's food that is knowingly a food with gluten. I have had wait staff tell me about such encounters. It ruins it for people who can really be affected by gluten, because who is faking it and who genuinely has a gluten allergy? I know one person who gets seriously ill. No wonder as a child she never wanted sandwiches or pizza.

Hope she heals from it soon . I have heard it can be very irritating for those allergic.
Back when I thought gluten free was the new PC thing, I noticed it in the grocery store & eaterys.
I now know 4 or more persons who have a real problem with gluten.
I am told this is a new problem in the last 100 years, because the percenge of gluten has increased by hybridization of grain for flour.
Allergic have always been there or not, but the harsh reaction is from the higher percenge of gluton.
But I do not know much, my understanding is on what I have been told.
Now places are advertising meat alternatives. Tastes like meat, looks like meat, isn't meat. I'm only eating meat.

I never understood vegans making meat like products.
That would be like the church making fake porn or anti gun person wearing toy guns.
What is the deal, hate us & want to be like us???!??!???!???!?

That is because their food tastes like it came from the south end of a north bound mule.

They would rather load up their food with lab experiments.

I believe the original post is fake news. Most Muslims consider dogs to be filthy, unclean animals, barely better than a pig. My sister and her husband are missionaries to Muslim nations abroad, and have worked with Muslims in the US as well. When hosting Muslims in their home, they put their dog in the basement because their guests wanted no contact with it.

I don't believe for a minute that a Muslim would advocate eating dog. That would be almost like eating pork to a Muslim...
Back when I thought gluten free was the new PC thing, I noticed it in the grocery store & eaterys.
I now know 4 or more persons who have a real problem with gluten.
I am told this is a new problem in the last 100 years, because the percenge of gluten has increased by hybridization of grain for flour.
Allergic have always been there or not, but the harsh reaction is from the higher percenge of gluton.
But I do not know much, my understanding is on what I have been told.
It is a PC thing for some people. I told earlier about wait staff having people be over the top about how their food has to be gluten free, and then when food is served at their table, will eat a bite of someone's spagetti or pizza that is full of gluten. Trust me, one bite of a pancake that my daughter ordered gf, was not, and she was sick for days afterwards. As soon as she had one bite, she knew it had gluten in it, or was made with wheat flour. Any gluten bothers her.

When I was still teaching, I was having lunch in the staff lounge and gluten intolerance came up. One of the teachers was hospitalized over and over, and really thought she was going to die. Doctors could not figure out what was wrong. Then, one of them decided to do a blood test which shows the antigens against gluten. They finally realized that she was allergic to gluten. She went gluten free and has been well ever since.

Another teacher told about one side of her family where several people died early, in their 40's, and finally, after years of people not being well, it was finally realized that there was a gluten allergy in her family. Yes, it runs in families. If you don't know you have it, you wouldn't necessarily stop eating gluten.

My daughter had the test for antigens for gluten. The typical person like any of us has around 4 or so antigens against gluten in a particular blood test. My daughter had 60 something. She knows people who work in distilling and are bakers whom she cannot be around if they see her after working and before changing their clothing and showering. Meat that is grass fed is better for her as well. Grain fed meat bothers her.
I believe the original post is fake news. Most Muslims consider dogs to be filthy, unclean animals, barely better than a pig. My sister and her husband are missionaries to Muslim nations abroad, and have worked with Muslims in the US as well. When hosting Muslims in their home, they put their dog in the basement because their guests wanted no contact with it.

I don't believe for a minute that a Muslim would advocate eating dog. That would be almost like eating pork to a Muslim...
I have looked and cannot find that it is really true.
Little granddaughter who is visiting from California right now announced when she came that she doesn't eat pork. So, tonight we were having porkchops so I made her some chicken for dinner instead. She saw the chops on the table, and I told her that they were pork, and she didn't have to eat them. She said that she liked porkchops, asked for a little, then seconds, then thirds. She also announced that she doesn't shop at Walmart because they are not good to their workers. She is seven.
we have ASDA over here, very like your Walmart, at one time it was actually owned by the group that owns Walmart but isn't any more. I shall be going there later.
Little granddaughter who is visiting from California right now announced when she came that she doesn't eat pork. So, tonight we were having porkchops so I made her some chicken for dinner instead. She saw the chops on the table, and I told her that they were pork, and she didn't have to eat them. She said that she liked porkchops, asked for a little, then seconds, then thirds. She also announced that she doesn't shop at Walmart because they are not good to their workers. She is seven.
She must be living in a household with conversation about these things.
just bought some meat over at our weekly rural market, at least I know where that meat has come from and its fairly local.
just bought some meat over at our weekly rural market, at least I know where that meat has come from and its fairly local.
I have a cousin who raises beef. The bigger challenge these days is finding butchers who do a good job. He took a steer in to be butchered, and sells off quarters to his parents and siblings. When it came to the ground beef, whatever fat they added, which was not from the steer (go figure that), was not to their liking. They ended up with a bunch of ground beef that they did not like at all. So raise your own beef, have it processed locally, and then yuck. I wondered if the butcher had pulled a fast one on him and switched out someone else's meat for his. This was a few years ago. I don't know what he has done since then.

I do know that butcher shops that had been in place for years and provided great service have been taken over by younger guys and now people are not satisfied with the service. I know of more than one of these situations.