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Thanks for your tolerance. I'm not actually a member of The Knights Party any more, but I won't deny my religious or political views. I'm pretty sure that most preppers know that their on-line involvement is noted by the FBI and an alphabet soup of other agencies, already, which is why many don't use their real name and stop posting, as one recently did, when they feel their "opsec" has been undermined. I've been on this forum, and posting, for a while now. I don't think my presence here puts anyone under the gun. Or the microscope. Trust me, I've been doing this, being involved in what I do, for a couple of decades, now. Anyway, you are correct that we disagree on some fundamentals: I do not, as you do, want to see all people blended into one shade of gray. Aside from that, I have no intention of fussing with you, or anybody else, here.
So if the blacks are advocating killing white cops as an act of protest and self defence, then in the name of fairness and equality the black community cannot object if white cops return the favour?
I don't see "The blacks" advocating that. The majority of black folks around here are condemning not only these heinous murders, but the BLM as a whole.... And I live right up the a**crack of DC.

Who hasn't?

Not really going to happen though. We're talking about racial divides, not a divide between states and the Fed. That's the only true way a civil war could happen. And, for decades, they've been centralizing the military so that even this is virtually impossible.

Look, the powers that be have been planning for this eventuality for decades. I seriously doubt they forgot to cross a T or dot an I. Race wars between people? Sure. But not all out civil war. Will be relegated to city outbreaks.
Agreed. Not going to happen. Most military folks know they will eventually be citizens, no matter how long they want to serve. I like to believe that most won't take up arms against the citizens who also won't take up arms.

You may be right, and those city outbreaks and the Federal response to it may lead to a greater divide within America as people migrate internally to what for them will be more homogeneous and safer areas. That will lead to greater balkanization in the future. The only two options for the glorious multiracial empire are breakup or totalitarianism.
I can't buy into balkanization. The Country is not actually going in that direction as a whole. Sure whites moved out of Compton and Philly, but the burbs and more rural areas aren't really moving that direction. Look at census info.

Any who are interested in reading the demographic projections of why I believe that the U.S. is headed for balkanization and breakup, please take note: From now until midnight only, all of Billy Roper's books are FREE as e-book editions here:
There's a reason those books are free, and it's not because dude is trying to do you any favors.

I agree, a civil war is ridiculous. No one could go directly against our military. As far as the race issue, there is a lot of predijuce out there. I think there's more coming from the blacks than whites from what I've seen. I still don't see a race 'war' per say. I tend to take each person as an individual regardless of color or religion, but I can see it getting nasty in the large cities, not nationwide. I do agree that the economy going lower making hungry people do desperate things will probably become more and more common. I think times are going to get tougher in the not so far future.
No one could, but I'd bet all I own that the vast majority of our military won't take up arms against us, either. Race war concept is fading fast, but racial separatists want the rest of us to believe that the end is near and that it's blacks vs whites.... Sound just like NBPP....
Alabaster, actually, I have looked at Census information, quite a bit. I undertook a major study of it for several years. The demographic trends are obvious. I encourage you, if you think my book "The Balk" is too biased to read, to do the research for yourself. African-Americans are moving from the Northeast and the Midwestern cities back to the Southeast. Hispanics are becoming a majority in the Southwest. Whites are moving not just out of cities, but from one region to another, such as from both coasts to the flyover red states.
For the purposes of this piece, Tom refers to the establishment, globalist elite as "nationalists", with a lower-case 'n', in opposition to ostensibly regionally-oriented secessionists, but many potential secessionists and balkanizers consider ourselves to be the true Nationalists; note the upper case designation. -Billy Roper

A Nation Without A Country, Part V: Crisis Secession"

by Tom Baugh

In the previous articles in this series, we have discussed the implications of even the most civil secession movement, and the horrific consequences of even a best-case scenario. Yet, secessionists nobly believe that unbridled power at the national level is the root cause of many of the ills we see around us today. The previous installments of this series show what might happen should secessionists take a naive approach. The tentacles of the nationals surround us, in many cases at the urging of the nationalists in our midst.

In the previous installments, I presented an italicized hypothetical narrative as a framework for discussion of issues that would face a best-case secession. Even in the best-case, the nationalist tentacles, absent a major nationwide crisis which would overtax their command and control systems, lead to a counter-offensive which would crush a successful secession in days or weeks.

I now present an alternative scenario, which, as before, will be indicated by italics. This hypothetical scenario is gleaned from a study of history, and is an amalgam of historical fact, national security war-gaming, and discussions which might be happening at present in secessionist circles throughout the countryside. I present this alternative scenario in the form of a hypothetical secessionist’s handbook as an academic exercise to spark discussion. I address these issues only theoretically, but do not endorse any particular course of action beyond this academic discussion.

Crisis Secession Manual

It is clearly understood by our brethren that circumstances in our nation are rapidly becoming intolerable, yet most of our fellow citizens are distinguishing themselves as complicit in the slide toward totalitarianism. A naive secessionist might find to his horror that the majority of his fellow national citizens, rather than being grateful for being freed of their chains, will in fact demand an immediate return to the national status quo. The multitudes have instead been bought and paid for by property stolen from us.

It is essential that our brethren read and understand several sources of doctrine. As we learn from Che Guevara’s “Guerrilla Warfare”, refuse battle until we have popular support and the necessary conditions for victory in that battle. As long as we hold ourselves as independent creations of our God, enslaved to no man, the slave traders who surround us in our neighborhoods will never lend us popular support. This we accept as a fundamental principle. Instead of weakening our principles as the electables do, we commit ourselves to preparing for the crisis which must come. Our enemies’ own actions will defeat them, as we wait for their failed enslavement to run its due course. If the populace will not support liberty, then the evolutionary cycle, which must follow, will itself trim the herd of the slave traders among us as they grasp for their crumb which we choose to withhold from them. Those who survive will, on balance, be more sympathetic to our cause of liberty. As a result, we will inherit the pre-condition of inherent popular support in the progress and aftermath of that crisis.

So why does the author of that fictional secessionist manual recommend Che Guevara? Because it isn’t the leftist tome that you’ve been led to believe. This book is required reading in many military circles (take a close look at that URL while you are at it). Most of it will surprise you if you have never read it but have only heard what posterboard patriots have to say about it. Consider the following quote from Che’s first chapter alone:

“He (the guerrilla fighter) interprets the desires of the great peasant mass to be owners of land, owners of their means of production, of their animals, of all that which they have long yearned to call their own, of that which constitutes their life…”

Wow. What a bastard. As it turns out, both the coffee shop Marxist and the golf course conservative are wrong about this guy, or at least wrong about the message in his book. When I hear alligator tears being shed to keep the posterboard patriots from reading it, when I was paid by the taxpayer to read it as part of my professional Marine Corps education, I have to question the motives of the messenger. What don’t they want you to see? Granted, the guy was a genuine bastard and monstrous violator of human rights, but you have to recognize his proven credentials in the art of guerrilla warfare. The hypothetical author of that secessionist manual merely expects his readers to learn from the master.

Note also that we have unlocked the door to our own domestic policies, which could one day erupt in unlawful detention and torture of mere suspects. Let you or some of your family spend some time in a modern-day gulag, and you might find yourself inclined to find out more about what else Che had to say about his other area of expertise. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that, and that our elected representatives continue to defend our civil rights with vigor and fortitude. Our manual writer continues:

"It is also essential that our brethren learn the concepts of Fourth Generation Warfare, on the large scale, and the principles of Maneuver Warfare, on the small. Surprise, speed, deception and local superiority against isolated pockets of a larger enemy are as valuable in the political and economic realm as they are in their military application. To this end, the professional reading lists required of senior Marine enlisted and officers are essential resources. Study them well, and understand them. A rifle is only as effective as the mind which directs it. Ignorance can destroy us as swiftly as a lack of ammunition or weapons, perhaps even more so. Shed of ignorance, we can always find means with which to fight, and paths to victory which allow our enemies to destroy themselves."

Understand this point clearly: gun control is not about controlling guns, it is about killing gun owners who would fight for their liberty. Especially, gun owners who are dangerous to tyrants even if unarmed, through the virtue of their ideas and skills alone. Yet, those who would fight for their freedoms are exactly the people who deserve to inherit our nation and restore its liberty, but that is impossible to accomplish if they are killed in a raid or by an unseen drone piloted by a Y-Box geek. You must survive to see the victory ahead. Those who would rely solely on stored guns, ammunition and food must also store away knowledge and skill against the day when those are in short supply as well. Our hypothetical secessionist author is pointing the way to an essential syllabus for his readers.

If we secede too early, our enemies will draw upon a vast reserve of resources. In the case of a single State or a handful of States, this larger reserve encompasses the United States as a whole. The necessary conditions are those in which the State forces would have a reasonable chance of taking, and holding, their State against nationalist invasion. This requires not one state, or a few states seceding, but ideally more than half, all at once, the remainder too disorganized to mount effective resistance in time before their own organic secessionists seize their opportunity.

To accomplish this, the advantages of the nationalists have to be neutralized, or even turned against them as weapons. We realize that the main advantage of the nationalists is to mobilize public opinion to accept any atrocity or lies. This advantage lies in the ability of the nationalists to bribe as much support as needed, regardless of the long-term effect on the health of the economy and the citizenry.

He’s on to something. To the typical check-casher citizen, whatever crumbs they get by anonymous theft from you, it beats what they are willing to earn on their own. The nationals, including elected government officials, and non-elected enforcement agents, are merely expressing the will of the majority. You and all your carping about liberty are the problem in their eyes. It matters not to them that their every sustenance is taken from you first. At least it doesn’t matter to them yet.

We can all agree that we are sliding toward a crisis of some kind. Whether your favorite crisis scenario involves monetary policy, food supplies, energy resources, or whatever, something bad is headed our way. For years, or decades, we have been clawing at the rails to slow down the train headed toward the cliff. There are a lot of bloody fingertips out there, but there is good news. Producers can survive a major crisis in far greater numbers than can the leeches who depend on those producers. So stop clawing.

Imagine Katrina. Now imagine a hundred simultaneous Katrina-scale crises, of any origin. An economic collapse, for example, would do. In that environment, will the nationals be able to round us up individually, or even attack us state-by-state? Will nationalist sympathizers in state and local offices be able to assist them? Most of these people will be overwhelmed. Most of the nationalist sympathizers will be wondering why the trucks aren’t bringing them their due. Within days or weeks many of these people will be fighting, and killing, each other. We just have to stay out of the way long enough, and then be ready to act. Much of the national capability to suppress us will be overwhelmed, and as such many of the national agents will be on their own, or in small clumps, and as such, receptive to gentle persuasion. We prepare the battlefield, not for the next national election cycle, but for that day. Our time will come.

So how does our hypothetical secessionist author help prepare this battlefield? Read on and find out.

We must whisper into the ears of our sheriffs and police chiefs about mass deputization. In a crisis, groups of deputized volunteers form the core, and teeth, of local militias. And if these officials will not hear our whispers, we must be ready to defeat them at the polls, or to replace them in a crisis should they resign. Never forget, however, that to the modern politician, his true constituency is the masses of the looter populace, not us.

We must also court the local or county managers and other legislative bodies. These have the ability, and responsibility, to authorize the law enforcement officials, and their militias, to seal the borders of their communities or counties, and to repel invasion. Further, in a crisis, keeping the looters bottled up in their localities gives our brethren there an opportunity to act more efficiently. Immigration policies could allow individuals with key skills or knowledge entry. For example, a doctor is probably always welcome, as are welders, machinists, engineers, housewives, and so on. That list is long. So is the list of undesirables, including white-collar professions which don’t add original value to civilization but simply leech from the productive.

One level up are the Governors’ mansions. These are currently populated, in general, by those who see their role in a crisis as redistribution of property, rather than as the preservers of property rights. We are determined to change this mindset immediately, and try to elect to these positions those who give undivided attention to the role of the States in liberty. These offices are also responsible for repeating the local deputization, only Statewide, and commanding the State Guard.

The various State legislators have the responsibility of handing the Governor the authority to arrest all national forces within the borders who are attempting to violate the rights of State citizens, including those who have so acted previously, and to seize national assets, by force if necessary, that are used by, or could be used by, nationals to launch attacks against State citizens. These assets could then be placed in the service of the State Guard or the local militias, as appropriate. As a result, courting current and prospective legislators is essential.

We secessionists realize that national office buildings are the first of several categories of key national assets. These serve the role of communication hubs, and staging points for national agents to mass against State citizens. Each such building has an official appointed to manage the facility; these individuals can surrender them to the State forces given suitable encouragement, leaving the national agents based there without their usual safehouse. These locations also contain vital intelligence useful for locating other safehouses and operational assets within the State.

We know that national military reservations would be a little harder to crack, at least at first until the base commanders could be convinced of the futility of continued resistance. Some of these national military reservations, such as air bases, for example, usually lack sufficient ground power to protect themselves. Conversely, ground assets in other locations will be deprived of their usual air power, and thus weakened and demoralized by the loss of their usual ace hole card.

Given a nationwide crisis of sufficient magnitude, many of these units will already be in the field. We secessionists realize that this combination will give the State Guards and militias the ability to overwhelm most national reservations without firing a shot. Deprived of their home bases, including the administrative and logistic support found there, many fielded units will also collapse quickly and wish to simply return to their homes and families. The various secessionist Governors should accept the tendered surrender of these national assets with grace and civility and to return these areas to the service of the citizens of their State.

But we are not bloodthirsty villains. We secessionists plan to welcome worthy suburban survivors and homestead them on seized national parks. As such, encourage the productive few you meet to not fear the impending collapse. Instead, encourage them to use the remaining time before this crisis to prepare themselves with useful knowledge and skills.

The crisis is the key. Without it, and the subsequent decimation of the leeches who would oppose us, we secessionists will find ourselves perpetually outnumbered. We will not precipitate this crisis, but we will use it to defeat those who would enslave us with it. Prior to the full fruition of the crisis, our best efforts to secede, or even vote secessionists into office, will be thwarted, and destroyed piecemeal. Guaranteed.

But in peacetime, pre-crisis, how does our hypothetical secessionist author propose that his fellows stack the deck of the sheriffs, mayors, city councils, governors and legislators needed to carry out this plan?...

Tom Baugh is the author of Starving the Monkeys, Fight Back Smarter. He is also a former Marine, patented inventor, entrepreneur and professional irritant.”

I just wrote a couple of new articles about the ongoing balkanization of America.


Your wrong on a few things, let say debt buying isn't the problem nor can china nor anyone else cash in the holdings anytime they want due to given maturities of debt securities! second, Japan holds more debt than china as of April of 2015, third china purchased the debt for the dollar-pegging to add stability to the yuan for no other purpose for trade goods, china depends on US trade to stabilize it's own country. The US Treasury hold the funds to pay back debt securities of all debt holders in which is quite small compared to the treasury holdings ;)

Your reading to much internet rhetoric. Yes china is a problem, yes china is a growing power, yes china has little kid syndrome that's trying to influence it's neighbors but china isn't suicidal either!

Another point, Roosevelt did not enter the War to save communism, he wanted to enter the War to help Britain militarily, he helped russia only to keep the Germans occupied thus better to spent russian lives than Americans and even the Brits because he knew the US would get involved one way or another... Again your reading to much online rhetoric, thus it also doesn't make since to fight facism just to save communism since both are practically of the same power trip that's been run by mad men that are authoritarian and intolerant to different views and practices, no, russia was a deserving pawn for the sole benefit of the US and Britain and the war effort.

Also, this is obummer last year in office, hopefully somethings can be set right once he is gone though that depends on the elections.
Actually, if you read my article, China losing the U.S. as a consumer market for their cheap goods, and the damage that would do to their economy, and the knowledge that they would never, ever, be able to collect on the Treasury notes they hold, both because the scenario I write about is based on the aftermath of America balkanizing, then both are very good reasons for the Chinese to expand past the Golden Gate. As far as Japan, without a U.S. presence in the Pacific, they'd be a Chinese vassal state, just like the Koreas would. Both of them.

As far as W.W.II, if Roosevelt's sole interest had been to save Britain, he would have counseled Churchill to make a separate peace with Germany. Great Britain likely could have even kept much, or even all, of their overseas Empire. Hitler was willing to negotiate, so he wouldn't have had to fight a war on two fronts.

I see you're one of those optimistic people who think that electoral politics still matter, and work for the interests of those voting. Since that's the case, perhaps you should read my analysis of how Hillary's election will forever change the electoral college, putting the Presidency out of reach of any non-liberal, regardless of party:
"counseled Churchill to make a separate peace with Germany" Billy, that's a laughable statement! The world seen hitler's peace and resolve, just ask his neighbors including the russians, what point of mad man do you not understand? My only regret is with Roosevelt as we didn't get in their soon enough like before the blitzkrieg against Britian!! The one thing that's asured today is that the third reich is DEAD, some in this world just need to get over that fact!

Churchill was and remains the best friend the US has ever had, one doesn't stab Churchill in the back by counseling him to negotiate with a mad man, there is NO peace with the nazis.
Ah, so, then, it wasn't really so much about helping Britain, as it was about choosing between Communism and National Socialism? Well, Churchill, and the U.S., certainly made that choice, contrary to many voices in the U.S. such as Charles Lindbergh and Henry Ford and Joseph Kennedy. Germany did offer to withdraw all of their forces from Western Europe except for Alsace and Lorraine and Louxemburg, and allow Great Britain to keep their empire. My personal view is that if the American men who died on D-Day could see what our society would become in a generation, they'd have turned around and charged the other direction. But the W.W. II analogy is, of course, minor to the main issue of my article. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the "La Reconquista" article I posted the link to yesterday, as well as the paragraphs before and after the one which you responded to, with their separate issues. You might find what I have to say about Washington State painful, though, since according to your profile you live there. Maybe that's it, I imply that most citizens of Washington State are liberal, gun hating, pot smoking lefties, and that the region is likely to be Chinese occupied territory when America balkanizes. Now I understand, you were personally offended and responding on an emotional level. I should have realized that, I apologize. I didn't mean to insult you, your patriotism, or your state and the other good people in it. I can understand equally how somebody who lives in El Paso, for example, might be offended by my implication that their home town might become part of Mexico again, but that isn't my intention, either. Sorry.
"Germany did offer to withdraw all of their forces from Western Europe" Trust the nazis? hmm let talk to the 6m Jews mainly old men, women and children that was systematically gassed for no fxxxxx reason other than being a Jew then discarded like trash. Any one that knows history knows where "Charles Lindbergh and Henry Ford and Joseph Kennedy" stand so the argument peace should have been negotiated doesn't hold water!
We could not agree to ANY of the concessions offered by Germany, We Brits stand by our allies and we told both France and Poland that if Germany attacked them we would attack Germany END OF. Just as in the Pacific on Dec 7th 1941 within hours of the attack on the US fleet at Pearl Harbour ( which we actually warned you about but you ignored) The Entire British fleet in the Pacific was ordered to protect the US carriers and any other US assets we came across. The huge bloody great British Cruiser Squadrons were alongside the US carriers in days. You mention Joe Kennedy Mav, He hated us Brits more than Adolf did.
"Germany did offer to withdraw all of their forces from Western Europe" Trust the nazis? hmm let talk to the 6m Jews mainly old men, women and children that was systematically gassed for no fxxxxx reason other than being a Jew then discarded like trash. Any one that knows history knows where "Charles Lindbergh and Henry Ford and Joseph Kennedy" stand so the argument peace should have been negotiated doesn't hold water!

Dont forget that for the 6.5 million people the little Austrian Corporal butchered, Uncle Josef killed 22 million.
Oops and in fairness within days of the Japs attacking you also had Kiwi, Aussie, Indian, Rhodesian, and South African vessels as well as we Brits screening your carriers and other navy assets.
Ah, so, then, it wasn't really so much about helping Britain, as it was about choosing between Communism and National Socialism? .

Helping Britain???? from Sept 39 until Dec 41 The US was still happily trading with Germany. It was COMMERCE as normal for the US for the first two years of WW2 except for the thousands of brave honourable Americans who lied, cheated, decieved and conned everyone in order to get to the UK to join the forces to fight the Nazis. :)

Trust the US government NEVER, Trust ordinary Americans GLADLY with my life.
I love US GOVERNMENT doctrine its so distinct from the wonderful American people. EG
US Versus Spain. US sneaks up on Spanish Fleet in the Fillipines attacks it, wipes it out without declaration of war. Call its "prudent strategy".

Russia Versus Japan. Japan sneaks up on Russian fleet in Port Arthur attacks it without declaring war. US called it a " Neat Trick"

Japan Versus US Japan sneaks up on US and attacks it without declaring war and the " Neat Trick" suddenly becomes " An Act of infamy".
Okay, well, instead of debating the last war (even though there have been a few since, with all due respect to Korean and Vietnam vets), I look forward to your views on the article "La Reconquista" which I posted a link to, about what could be the next one.
The battle of the religions will never end though this time it's not just territorial but world domination "what could be the next one" we have been in the next one for centuries if not millenniums, the first one never really ended, it's just the world expansion of people that brought it to our door steps today! The difference today Vs yesteryear is the we as a people are far more polarized in our beliefs and ideology that brings confusion to the order. Fighting on the grounds of principle very very rarely exist today so in essence Reconquista never really ended ;)
No, it's not so much about religion today as it is more about hatred, as long as we have groups of people that claim superiority over other groups the hatred will continue and never cease, once the apple was bitten man was condemned to the hell we live in today in other words 'it is what it is'
The difference though I don't claim to be superior over anyone nor would I buy into the separation of the races. I don't support the balkanization nor would I ever become part of it!! I follow my own lead, my destiny is of my own making and refuse to have it dictated. Human nature doesn't require it unless the weak minded are of the collective!!
This side of the pond two types of Christianity and two types of Islam have been trying to exterminate each other and take each others since since just before the First Crusade , and that war NEVER ends it just lulls for a while, But go to parts of Europe and the religious war is still going on with the recent arrival of 1 million Muslim migrants running riot courtesy of Merkel and Germany ( AGAIN)
Of course, every free individual has the right, if they disagree with the stated intent of the Founding Fathers of the U.S., for example, when they wrote the Naturalization Act of 1790, to not be involved in any future balkanization of America. A Chinese person can continue to live in downtown Atlanta as the only non African-American for ten blocks around. A White person can choose to stay in Los Angeles, even if southern California were to officially secede at some point and become a part of Mexico again, or an independent Mexican nation, as many wish to. A Jewish person can choose to stay in a neighborhood when ten thousand Muslims move in. I'm not sure how that would turn out for them, but I wish them all of the luck in the world, if that's what they choose for themselves.

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