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Your granddaughter has been brainwashed.....she's not stupid, just vulnerable to being brainwashed....the media and all the freeloading, free world, no border, spread love and we are all the same clowns got to her....she is not the last....sometimes mistakes have to be made before you see the light....for a lot of people it's easier to do such things thinking it's right rather than thinking for yourself and standing alone....

Thank you for saying that.
You are right and I'm emotionally upset over the possibility of loosing my
precious, beautiful, intelligent, grand child.
As it is with the young she is emotion based.
I think we all were when young and vulnerable.
All I can do is be here for her if she needs assistance.
Prayers for her all the time.
Her mother is a twit, always was. Gullible and not very bright.
Her mom was raised on welfare and is still on the dole.

The Muslims in Egypt are not kind to Christians.
It's a shame as there is a large Coptic Christian population there.
WV has a Muslim Compound that is gated and guarded.....why it is still in one piece surprises me.....Obama chomped at the bit probably praying a bunch of white rednecks would attack a mosque or compound so he would get the support he needed to make all his anti-gun crap happen.....
WV has a Muslim Compound that is gated and guarded.....why it is still in one piece surprises me.....Obama chomped at the bit probably praying a bunch of white rednecks would attack a mosque or compound so he would get the support he needed to make all his anti-gun crap happen.....

I've been there, seen that.

Girls will have sex with a male, or female, visitor to "convert" someone.
Brain washed.
NO! I did not!

Once visit and one was enough.
If I ever visit the place there will be a conversion going on......

I do understand that.

I think I mentioned my granddaughter moved to Egypt to marry a Muslim man.
We tried to talk her out of it and Homeland Security sent agents to try and explain
how women are treated there.
She went anyway.
This Saturday in Batesville, Arkansas, I have organized a 'March Against Sharia' rally in conjunction with a nationwide series of protests against Sharia law taking place the same day in 28 different cities across the country. We have to stand up in our local communities and make them feel unwelcome.
This Saturday in Batesville, Arkansas, I have organized a 'March Against Sharia' rally in conjunction with a nationwide series of protests against Sharia law taking place the same day in 28 different cities across the country. We have to stand up in our local communities and make them feel unwelcome.

Good for you.
Sadly the snowflake liberals might give you and yours a tough time.

Why isn't it that snowflake liberals fail to realize that we are at WAR with Islam and Islam
perpetuates that war. Always has, always will.
Europe takes a beating from Islam.
The U.S. isn't at all immune.
Trump needs to get rid of these mayors and police chiefs in the sanctuary cities, and cut off their federal money, and tell the cops to gut-shoot anyone seen to be offering violence, to include anyone throwing rocks or bottles at cops, setting fires, overturning emergency vehicles. By the time you've sent 500 of these leftist pos's to where they belong, it will all stop. It's only going on because it's been permitted to happen. Time to reverse that.
Good for you.
Sadly the snowflake liberals might give you and yours a tough time.

Why isn't it that snowflake liberals fail to realize that we are at WAR with Islam and Islam
perpetuates that war. Always has, always will.
Europe takes a beating from Islam.
The U.S. isn't at all immune.

Oh, they realize it, and they've sided with the muz! So they are the enemy, also.
Trump needs to get rid of these mayors and police chiefs in the sanctuary cities, and cut off their federal money, and tell the cops to gut-shoot anyone seen to be offering violence, to include anyone throwing rocks or bottles at cops, setting fires, overturning emergency vehicles. By the time you've sent 500 of these leftist pos's to where they belong, it will all stop. It's only going on because it's been permitted to happen. Time to reverse that.

Wrong approach, trump can't just remove mayors and police chiefs, things ain't that easy! Ordering police to shoot people to make a point is wrong on so many levels, we are still a nation of laws even when things may not appear so. No, the left won't go into hiding for shooting 500 people in fact to the contrary.
should read some history,even under the rule of Adolf Hitler in the 3-reich,there were German people who made some resistance against the regime and he and his cronies were somewhat brutal to those opposed him,start shooting people,will only lead to more violence,but if that's what you want; a civil war then one can somehow understand that twisted logic.
I lean further left than most in this site, but look at each individual issue and decide how I feel about it. I never just agree with a party, side or group across the board. I think any govt official that wants to get rid of the opposing members should be gotten rid of. We have opposing views, which is fine as long as they all meet in the middle somewhere. (Wish they could do that more often). As far as the getting tough on rioters, I'm all for it. I think if your seen vandalizing during a riot, shot on sight would stop it pretty quickly. There are times when compassion and patience is needed, but not during a riot. It's kind of like letting a small fire go without stopping it, it just tends to keep getting bigger without intervention.
Wrong approach, trump can't just remove mayors and police chiefs, things ain't that easy! Ordering police to shoot people to make a point is wrong on so many levels, we are still a nation of laws even when things may not appear so. No, the left won't go into hiding for shooting 500 people in fact to the contrary.

Yes indeed. Much as taking things into one's own hand seems like a
good idea it's a purely emotional response.
I often feel that same way but better sense prevails.
"We are a nation of laws, not men."
We had a riot in the city I policed.
Not a huge riot as some riots have been but a riot non the less.
Perhaps 300+ young ethnics on a hot summer evening with nothing
better to do.
Being as we weren't a large department, perhaps 55 sworn officers
back then and only six on duty that evening including me.
I was Lt. commander in uniform.
My sgt. wanted to call in reinforcements from surrounding departments but
I nixed that idea.
It would only intensify the situation giving the ethnic youths more targets
for the thrown bottles and bricks,
I sent all the officers away thus removing the targets.
I stayed and walked into the, crowd, of agitated
young miscreants called them by name.
I asked, "how's your mother, (calling her by name) and how's your aunt,
what's your sister doing these days, and so forth.
That familiarity seemed so shame the punks...............I mean misdirected
Soon their mothers, aunts, grandmothers showed up and herded the, ah, I mean confused, angry youths, home.
End of riot.
Was I skeert? Well, duh, YEAH!
I'm sooooooooooooo, glad my 4th broken back put an end to that
13 major injuries, 9 months in physical rehab, p.t.s.d., depression and more.
Back broken four times, both hands broken, both knees blown out, one
is an artificial implant, three concussions.....................
100% disabled .....................I don't want no more.

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