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Of course, every free individual has the right, if they disagree with the stated intent of the Founding Fathers of the U.S., for example, when they wrote the Naturalization Act of 1790, to not be involved in any future balkanization of America. A Chinese person can continue to live in downtown Atlanta as the only non African-American for ten blocks around. A White person can choose to stay in Los Angeles, even if southern California were to officially secede at some point and become a part of Mexico again, or an independent Mexican nation, as many wish to. A Jewish person can choose to stay in a neighborhood when ten thousand Muslims move in. I'm not sure how that would turn out for them, but I wish them all of the luck in the world, if that's what they choose for themselves.

Its not Balkanisation I'm worried about, its you thieving buggers trying to steal Canada again :)............... We are watching you so if you dont want the Whitehouse burning down again BEHAVE :) :)
LOL. Well, if the U.S. balkanizes, and the dominos start to fall, the Quebecois may finally get their independence, especially if the Chinese are in Vancouver. Then the prairie provinces will have more in common with the American midwestern states that anything else, and probably will become a part of New America.
So if the blacks are advocating killing white cops as an act of protest and self defence, then in the name of fairness and equality the black community cannot object if white cops return the favour?

Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.....
Funny, I saw an article that liberals are buying up guns and ammunition and canned food, expecting a societal collapse. Most of them are too stupid to know that the company they keep will rape and kill them, or are too much in denial to admit it.
In Phoenix, Arizona, anti-White leftists who are members of the ‘John Brown Gun Club’ are undergoing firearms and combat shooting instruction by local law enforcement officers. Maricopa County Sheriff deputies secretly lead these violent insurrectionists, who take their name from the murderous rebel who raided a Federal government weapons arsenal in Virginia in order to try to kick off a violent revolution and White genocide, into the desert, and teach them how to kill White people.

Once they posted videos of their training online, it was easy enough for pro-White activists to follow them out into the desert, where their combat training was observed and photographed. Afterwards, the scene of their impromptu firing range was canvassed. Along with all of the other trash and garbage they left behind in typical leftist fashion was a receipt for their breakfast…for which one of them, the County Sheriff’s deputy photographed instructing the group, received a law enforcement discount as he paid for their food and drinks. The name of the clerk at the Dunkin Donuts is also on the receipt, and he can identify the Maricopa County Sheriff’s deputy who was with the Antifa last Saturday morning, the 22nd of April, in uniform.

The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Department website is here. Their phone number is (602) 876-1000. They might like to hear back from the community about their uniformed officers training left-wing political activists and Communist revolutionaries in combat shooting. What do you think?
Funny, I saw an article that liberals are buying up guns and ammunition and canned food, expecting a societal collapse. Most of them are too stupid to know that the company they keep will rape and kill them, or are too much in denial to admit it.

Liberal = snowflake=mental disorder.
Just my thoughts.:D
I think I said it many times, I don't see a civil war coming but I do see unrest. For those wanting a civil war have no clue what war really is and I won't be any part of a civil war.

For those that think it would be an turkey shoot being in a shooting war with the left already lost the battle if not the war, bullets have no ideology, lack of respect of the enemy ability to wage war shows incompetency and makes one a g'damn fool.

Their are far bigger players today than there were in the 19th century, so while you all are playing soldier killing Americans on American soil does one really fuxken think Russia, China, North Korea and Iran going to idly stand by and just watch the show shows just how g'damn stupid ones ego is.

So those wishing for a civil war go ahead and line the little tin soldiers up on the chessboard and let me know how the plan worked out and remember, the first rule of war; throw the plan out the window followed by the rule of war!
following 9/11 and our own 7/7 in London, I have always thought there will be a civil war, at least here in the UK if not the US, and I still do, its not a case of if its a case of WHEN!
I think I said it many times, I don't see a civil war coming but I do see unrest. For those wanting a civil war have no clue what war really is and I won't be any part of a civil war.

For those that think it would be an turkey shoot being in a shooting war with the left already lost the battle if not the war, bullets have no ideology, lack of respect of the enemy ability to wage war shows incompetency and makes one a g'damn fool.

Their are far bigger players today than there were in the 19th century, so while you all are playing soldier killing Americans on American soil does one really fuxken think Russia, China, North Korea and Iran going to idly stand by and just watch the show shows just how g'damn stupid ones ego is.

So those wishing for a civil war go ahead and line the little tin soldiers up on the chessboard and let me know how the plan worked out and remember, the first rule of war; throw the plan out the window followed by the rule of war!

A civil war in the U.S. today would not be as clear cut as it was in 1861.
Slavery and "states rights" were clear issues.
Not so today.
it'll be clear cut in the UK, believers vs "infidels".
when they've bred enough soldiers that is.
The liberal U.K. government needs to invite more murdering terrorists into the country.
It would be the perfect answer to over population.
By Brits.
The muzzies will be only too happy to breed with U.K. women and make more muzzie
109 verses in the Koran to kill infidels is viewed as a commandment from Allah
and must be obeyed.
2.1 BILLION Muslims. vs. about 70 million in the U.K.
My STUPID 21 year old granddaughter is MOVING to Egypt to marry a Muslim
She will become a slave over there.
She has already converted to Islam.
By the way. I survived a race riot when I was in police work.
It was pretty cool. No it wasn't.
"They" threw rocks and bottles at us, set fire to their own homes/buildings and we could..........................

Cops were injured, one got a fractured skull from a thrown brick!
Many of our younger officer QUIT and found other jobs.
I suffered 13 serious injuries including my back injured 4 x and that last one got me
9 months in rehab learning to walk again and a disability pension.
Petty, poor, pension that it is.
I had to get another job for the next 8 years to build up a bit of social security so
I could collect a bit more money.
I'm 70, sick, crippled, and looking for a part time job bagging groceries for extra
If I work more than 15 hours a week I LOOSE my pension.
To all the ethnics in the U.S. that are "gimmie" people I just want to say
thanks for a lifetime of pain and suffering.
"gimmie mo', I want's mo'!
After I did my 9 months in rehab and took a disability pension I was sooooooooooooooo
disappointed that no one rioted over beating a white cop.
(it's a joke. I didn't expect any support and got none.)
I was senior Lt. Commander when hurt and would absolutely have become Chief of police
and put in 30 years for a maximum retirement benefit.
Oh, well.................................
I got to go to college for almost free and earned 2 degrees.
I guess I'll just sulk.
I could be the most educated grocery bag boy in history.:WTHeck:
2.1 BILLION Muslims. vs. about 70 million in the U.K.
NOT 2.1 Billion, its 2.1 MILLION or about 5% of the UK population, the population of the UK is 65 million in total.
I thought it was more than that!!
best estimate I can find online is 1.57 Billion or about 22% of the world population.
i'm very surprised its not more than that.

2.1 billion is more than 1.57 billion by my accounts.:D

There are between 2.1 and 2.7 billion claiming to be Christian depending upon sources
one reads.
NO Christian denomination preaches to kill members of the Islamic faith.
No verses in the Christian Bible to kill Muslims.
109 verses in the Koran to KILL the infidel anywhere, anytime, by any means.
Thus terrorism, suicide bombing is widely practices world wide.
Lock 'n load.
Muslims are taught to HATE and KILL infidels. You and I.

Jihad Report
May 20, 2017 -
May 26, 2017

Attacks 52
Killed 358
Injured 485
Suicide Blasts 11
Countries 14

All other religions combined ZERO!

Any questions?

By the way the unholy Koran permits LYING and DECEPTION as a means of defeating
the infidel.
Know thy enemy. There is no such thing as a peaceful Muslim.
Don't develop a snowflake attitude about this.
I'm NOT ADVOCATING violence or even rude behavior towards Muslims.
Just beware and know thy enemy.
The FASTEST growing religion in the U.S. today?


Orlando, New York City, Miami, World Trade Center, Boston Marathon..........................
your neighborhood?
Preppers need be prepared for Radical Islam also.
Give them time. They breed unchecked like sewer rats.
Muslim Population is increasing at 1.84%
The Muslim population in
2016 is 2.14 Billion & 2017 is = 2.18 Billion

The fastest growing religion in the U.S. is ISLAM.
Go figger!
My granddaughter age 21 is moving to Egypt to marry a Muslim man she met here.
She is stupid and clueless.
She e-mailed me a picture of her in her hijab.

Made me sick. I can't fix STUPID.
Homeland security sent agents to explain what will happen to her in muzzieland.
She thinks they are lying. Brainwashed or the guy is hung like a mule!

A number of Brit girls have fallen for that "marry me and move to muzzieland for a huge
wedding and party" lie.
Some managed to get messages to parents in Britain begging to come home.
Not easy to do as the locals will move them from place to place to hide their new
white slaves.
Muslim Population is increasing at 1.84%
The Muslim population in
2016 is 2.14 Billion & 2017 is = 2.18 Billion

The fastest growing religion in the U.S. is ISLAM.
Go figger!
My granddaughter age 21 is moving to Egypt to marry a Muslim man she met here.
She is stupid and clueless.
She e-mailed me a picture of her in her hijab.

Made me sick. I can't fix STUPID.
Homeland security sent agents to explain what will happen to her in muzzieland.
She thinks they are lying. Brainwashed or the guy is hung like a mule!

A number of Brit girls have fallen for that "marry me and move to muzzieland for a huge
wedding and party" lie.
Some managed to get messages to parents in Britain begging to come home.
Not easy to do as the locals will move them from place to place to hide their new
white slaves.

Your granddaughter has been brainwashed.....she's not stupid, just vulnerable to being brainwashed....the media and all the freeloading, free world, no border, spread love and we are all the same clowns got to her....she is not the last....sometimes mistakes have to be made before you see the light....for a lot of people it's easier to do such things thinking it's right rather than thinking for yourself and standing alone....

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