Dealing with "Special Snowflakes" in a post SHTF environment.

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Mar 17, 2018
In a cabin, on a mountain, in "Wilderness" Alaska.
In discussions about post SHTF day to day conditions, the subject of organized gangs is often raised as a potential dangerous problem. One that could likely involve violence. I would guess they (gang members) have a fairly clear vision of the reception they can expect in a post SHTF procurement/salvage/survival effort.

My guess is that "Special Snowflakes" have other expectations.

Is there really any difference in how one should be prepared to deal with either.....???
In discussions about post SHTF day to day conditions, the subject of organized gangs is often raised as a potential dangerous problem. One that could likely involve violence. I would guess they (gang members) have a fairly clear vision of the reception they can expect in a post SHTF procurement/salvage/survival effort.

My guess is that "Special Snowflakes" have other expectations.

Is there really any difference in how one should be prepared to deal with either.....???

Something to consider are organized gangs of the worst kind: well-armed and technology-savvy preppers/survivalists who have been saying for years that their plans consist of robbing other people for their stores and supplies. Cannibalism is also in their plans, and yes, they are deadly serious.

Another type of gang to consider (in most of the world) are the four-legged packs of dogs that will be abandoned by their owners who will have either fled, died, or otherwise cannot feed them. It does not take long for packs to form. I saw this happen just days after Katrina. Many folks who were not allowed to take their animals in shelters (or helicopters, boats, etc.) were forced to abandon their pets (some choose not to and perished in their homes). Within a few days, dogs formed dangerous packs.

Anyone who has ever faced more than one aggressive dog at a time can tell you that the pucker factor can be quite intense, no matter how well-armed you are.
Your post reminded me of this:


I think that should be concerning to snowflakes and gangs.

I lump snowflakes into the liberal category, so if they hate guns so much and don't want anything to do with them, that's fine with me. It leaves more on the shelf for me and I don't have to fight anyone to find ammo on the shelves either. Keep on shouting at the top of your lungs with all your pathetic protests libs......and I'll keep on keepin' on. When you need someone to help you out, don't come cryin' to me!

I'm quite certain they will be more afraid of me than I will of them, especially in my own back yard where I have a very distinct advantage.;)
Human nature is human nature. Much of how certain demographics will act or respond is predictable, but not always.

Gangs are generally well organized, have a built in hierarchy, stockpile guns and ammo, are experienced in acquiring resources by deception or force, have adjusted values that allow for certain deeds without hesitation, and are very comfortable with violence. In the aftermath of a SHTF event many gangs will likely grow in numbers quickly as survivors see that gang-membership can offer supplies and protection while government resources (if they manifest at all) seem to dry up, dwindle and disappear. This does not mean gangs will not face competition from MAG's, communities, pockets of police or military, etc. But gangs will likely control large areas of the inner city and urban areas, branching out as needed. Don't forget many gangs members have lived, survived and thrived in places that already seem like post-SHTF communities. They are not to be underestimated. They are also not automatically bad either. They are just as likely to keep the peace in areas they control as they are to cause problems. Gangs, like countries, are adept at developing treaties and alliances.

Snowflakes are generally all bark with no bite, they only have strength in numbers right up until they face actual opposition and their progressive ideology will surely change to fit their circumstances. The special snowflake crowd will either die off quickly or they will join any group that can do the things they cannot do. They will expect to be coddled or cared for, until that doesn't happen, then they will suddenly adjust their values. I would never trust a snowflake. Their thinking and thus decision making would seem to be too easily manipulated. The snowflake 'threat' lies not in the potential for confrontation, but in the potential for them to compromise you and your group.
(Slightly) kidding here: one protection against the Snowflake /Antifa types might be a good set of earplugs.

Goodness gracious, I never heard the kind of mindless screaming like some of them are so fond of cranking out. LOL, I was amazed at some of the videos where the subject was standing there screaming at the top of their lungs, not words, but just mindless screaming, on and on and on...without letup. Wow...seems to be special kind of crazy, which may be a force to be reckoned with. There is no predicting what mindless zombies will do.
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I would worry about gangs in numbers. Active gangs are used to being violent and are armed. I'm not worried about snowflakes. They are generally unarmed, and their violence is in their words. That won't get them very far. And who will feed them? If the govt goes under, so does the welfare.
One of my classmates in HS decided to join a gang instead of graduating.
I saw him about ten years later at a store. He looked weathered.
I asked him how's life, and he had a bit to tell.
One thing I learned is gang members will turn on other gang members.
He had a deep scar to prove it, and probably lucky to be alive.
Not sure I'd trust being in a gang when the SHTF.
Maybe your only thinking of "snowflakes" as part of some social cause group........."Special Snowflakes" are entirely different reaction to being denied what they want. That is why in the original post, I linked them with gangs. With gangs you know what your interacting with, "Special Snowflakes" go instant crazy if denied. Mass killings at public schools is (in my opinion) the result of a "Special Snowflake" being denied what they want. Until confronted with real life, special snowflakes are 100% delusional about reality. Children who kill their parents and another example of Special Snowflake syndrome.

I would worry about gangs in numbers. Active gangs are used to being violent and are armed. I'm not worried about snowflakes. They are generally unarmed, and their violence is in their words. That won't get them very far. And who will feed them? If the govt goes under, so does the welfare.
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Human nature is human nature. Much of how certain demographics will act or respond is predictable, but not always.

Gangs are generally well organized, have a built in hierarchy, stockpile guns and ammo, are experienced in acquiring resources by deception or force, have adjusted values that allow for certain deeds without hesitation, and are very comfortable with violence. In the aftermath of a SHTF event many gangs will likely grow in numbers quickly as survivors see that gang-membership can offer supplies and protection while government resources (if they manifest at all) seem to dry up, dwindle and disappear. This does not mean gangs will not face competition from MAG's, communities, pockets of police or military, etc. But gangs will likely control large areas of the inner city and urban areas, branching out as needed. Don't forget many gangs members have lived, survived and thrived in places that already seem like post-SHTF communities. They are not to be underestimated. They are also not automatically bad either. They are just as likely to keep the peace in areas they control as they are to cause problems. Gangs, like countries, are adept at developing treaties and alliances.

Snowflakes are generally all bark with no bite, they only have strength in numbers right up until they face actual opposition and their progressive ideology will surely change to fit their circumstances. The special snowflake crowd will either die off quickly or they will join any group that can do the things they cannot do. They will expect to be coddled or cared for, until that doesn't happen, then they will suddenly adjust their values. I would never trust a snowflake. Their thinking and thus decision making would seem to be too easily manipulated. The snowflake 'threat' lies not in the potential for confrontation, but in the potential for them to compromise you and your group.

Gangs will be more feared than others so they will be dealt with and possible hunted down locally. Or who knows maybe Americans will keep hiding, don' know.
I do know that once you see your own kids beaten up or worse maybe that will get America off its passive butts , I'm more upset with America than i am any of the invaders.
My 6 yr old great grand son got beat up for being white and once it goes nationwide who knows if parents will act then or not. I know nobody did anything to the kids involved in 6 yr old great grand son of mine. Nothing happens when people walking down the street gets the heck knocked out of them either.
Yet most blacks we see can't be nice enough to us most of the time. And we are two old southern white people.
Wow, wonderful posts by so many members (hint to all you guests, you could join and be heard too). VP thanks for the thread. While I certainly do not agree with all you post, I do think that I agree with about 90 percent. I do wonder about how folks, myself included, will be able to demonstrate the ability to harden their hearts and do what is required to protect themselves and their families. VP has chosen a method that allows him to evade and still maintain his minimalist life style. Pess / Venom Jockey have a hidden retreat with all the comfort of the modern world and requires vertical lift transportation to access. I will be using an isolated, self sufficient fortress design. Some of out members are in urban environments and they are developing their own methods. I think the point of VP post is for each of us to decide just exactly how we would react to the semi-various types that will come knocking at our gates (front doors in some cases). The gangs will pose the most significant openly appearent danger. The snowflakes will be the most subversive danger. The snowflakes will become the labor force for the gangs. They cannot be trusted and are of no value to a healthy type group (MAG). They will take any information on your setup /compound and sell it to whoever willing to provide the comforts /status they think they deserve. In other word, they are without morals and are simply self serving parasites. The gangs are upfront threats and can be dealt with on a temporary basis but will eventually have to be eliminated. The snowflakes need to be eliminated immediately. A true SHTF event and a phase of rule without law, Snowflakes will pose th greatest danger. They will be the hardest to recognize and the hardest for some to execute, since they do not clearly present themselves as a danger. Snowflakes only value is as slave labor. I don't plan to go in that direction, so they have no value to me and only represent a threat and / or burden. Jm2C
I do wonder about how folks, myself included, will be able to demonstrate the ability to harden their hearts and do what is required to protect themselves and their families.

Life has hardened my heart. So much so that I keep my guard up at all times even if sometimes it’s not the best course. If I have to make a choice between my family and an outsider the choice is clear. Now, the difficulty, if any would be family, you know the ones you’ve told time and again that being prepared is a good thing. The ones with the blank stares or laugh telling you your crazy. We maybe I am but as I said, life has hardened my heart.

I think in our area at least we will see few gang members or organized groups initially. We will be staying put but maintaining a low profile initially. The hope would be to give the impression no one is here. If that fails then we respond as needed. Hopefully we’re ready enough. Will we be? Who knows but it’s all we have.
Snowflakes will pose th greatest danger. They will be the hardest to recognize and the hardest for some to execute, since they do not clearly present themselves as a danger.

I look at the snowflake issue like this.........As long as you give them what they want, they are nice. If you don't give them what they want, you will be shocked when hell explode right in front of you. They are monsters created by well meaning, but misguided parents. Which is why the parent sometimes gets killed. Remember Sandy Hook Elementary School ......first his mother.

No one can create a "Special Snowflake" but the parent. "Special Snowflakes" appear to be the most polite, courteous, respectful, pleasant individual you could every meet. Right up until they switch.
The only Snowflakes I would likely ever see at my place fall from the sky in the winter. Unfortunately any place could be attacked by gangs. A well armed gang of a half dozen or more would be tough for most any household to fend off.
If there ever is a post-apocalyptic, no rule-of-law situation (which is not likely) then I would set up many things that would be illegal now. I think overall I could be a worthy opponent. A concerted effort by a group would take me down without a doubt. I have no illusions of being invulnerable.
I jokingly asked my boss if we entered an era WROL would he be more worried about gangs or snowflakes. He told me that we have a large football stadium with enhanced security and a built in hotel and convention center, we also have armored vehicles and a well stocked armory. The only thing he is worried about if we enter a period WROL is who let into his newly formed republic and who to execute on the spot to save resources. I laughed, he sort of laughed. Now I am pretty sure he was serious.
I will have to differ from CBL, I have a lot of respect for gangs and Snowflakes. Gangs will have need of labor and snowflakes are going to supply the labor. Somebody will have to tote that bale and haul that barge. The gangs will become the new over lords and the snowflakes will become the modern day slave labor force. The snowflakes will gladly volunteer their services for not starving to death or being killed. These Snowflakes are the real danger because they will continue to believe they are ENTITLED to better and they will switch sides or even play both against each other to gain treatment more in accordance to their perceived importance. In plain English, snakes in the grass but hard to spot. Surviving victim of Snowflake, do you shoot both or take a chance?
I jokingly asked my boss if we entered an era WROL would he be more worried about gangs or snowflakes. He told me that we have a large football stadium with enhanced security and a built in hotel and convention center, we also have armored vehicles and a well stocked armory. The only thing he is worried about if we enter a period WROL is who let into his newly formed republic and who to execute on the spot to save resources. I laughed, he sort of laughed. Now I am pretty sure he was serious.

Sentry, I sort of like your boss, sorta of??? Maybe he does have a plan but not sure I would like his plan. I don't think I would fit into his new Republic. Oh well, back to the THH project.
The gangs after the shtf will be very different than the ones in operation today.

Urban gangs will likely stay in urban environments. Since I live in an area populated by well armed rednecks they would be the primary concern around here, everyone has lots of weapons and they know how to use them (urban gang members would not stand a chance out here).

As far as dogs forming packs etc... That is something I do not like to think about because dogs are my greatest love (I was able to adopt an older dog that was saved from a rooftop after Katrina).

If people are starving there won't be ferrel packs of dogs or any stray pets for that matter, and after the pets disappear historically the next phase puts unattended kids at risk. I strongly suspect there are probably incidents of that in Venezuela and it is being hushed up.

As far as cannibalism is concerned, I wouldn't want to eat it but in a WROL situation I would be fine with processing human meat for my dogs (as a byproduct of home defense, not hunting). From the research I have done it would be healthy and safe for canine consumption, just don't feed the body fat.
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Wow. This thread got dark really quick. Not that wrol is going to be a pleasant reality but wow.

Wherever two or more humans exist.......there will "ALWAYS" be Rule of Law......Always. The quantity of laws may be few, but enforcement is simple and quick........and dead men never "file an appeal".
Is there really any difference in how one should be prepared to deal with either.....???

In a post-apocalyptic, no rule-of-law situation, there would be only one concern and that is survival. Anything or anybody that could negatively effect that survival would and should be dealt with harshly.

Buzzards need to eat too is the way I look at it :D
Sentry, I sort of like your boss, sorta of??? Maybe he does have a plan but not sure I would like his plan. I don't think I would fit into his new Republic. Oh well, back to the THH project.

Oh he would let you in. He would let in gang members too. Progressives, Liberals, Snowflakes, Cupcakes & Socialists...they would be manual laborers or fertilizer.
Oh he would let you in. He would let in gang members too. Progressives, Liberals, Snowflakes, Cupcakes & Socialists...they would be manual laborers or fertilizer.

Too old to be a good worker bee and I REALLY don't like the fertilizer aspect. I thinks I will stick to my original plan.
Interesting. I would think the special snowflakes would be the more difficult group to prepare for. Unpredictable.

Gangs, you know how they will act. Violence. Snowflakes would have no set plan of attack so are hard to plan for. They could come off as the please help me feed my family type and seem pathetic and harmless. But, there could be a group of them nearby waiting for a chance to pounce and take what they feel is rightfully theirs. They could just mass rush your position, using numbers to overpower you. They have no experience with violence or planning such attacks.

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