Do preppers poo in the woods?

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I have to admit this, I was hiking with the family once and REALLY had to go. I snuck away and went in the woods pretty much by force, and used a safe-looking leaf to clean up a bit. I wasn't proud of it, and the hardest part was not hitting any of my clothes, but I got it done. Now i'm relatively confident I can get the business done, and know enough to do it off the beaten path to avoid attracting interest from other 'beings'.

I'm not proud of it, but I did it.

Im sure everyone has heard the joke about the Bear and Rabbit............ pooing in the woods so I wont mention it .
I have never had an issue going poo in the woods. It is more natural then using a toilet. When we lived in Maine. I found the perfect old log to sit on and take a dump from there. Of course though sometimes in the spring I couldn't make it to that spot due to all the little water ways in the woods. But plenty of cover there with fir trees around, so no one could see me.
I've been camping a few times, a lot of public campgrounds have toilets/showers available (the places where you pay for a lot for a night or two, comes with a grill/fire pit and a picnic table).

Wilderness camping though... you bring a little trowel with you to dig a cathole for your buisness. and bury it when your done. Its recommended that you handle your business at least 200 Feet away from any water sources/hiking paths etc. to prevent contamination.
Wilderness camping though... you bring a little trowel with you to dig a cathole for your buisness. and bury it when your done. Its recommended that you handle your business at least 200 Feet away from any water sources/hiking paths etc. to prevent contamination.

What do you do about all those furry critters that just poo on the ground everywhere? ;)
Interesting topic. Maybe Snowflake has a mental block or just getting out of routine. I suggest sticking to how it works at home, for me, up, pee, coffee, poo, then more coffee. In the woods, I need something to lean on,(bad knees) so I generally lean my back against a tree or sit with my rear sticking out over a log. I don't have a shy bladder or rectum. What a topic!
As for handling hygene issues with regards to human waste post SHTF (pun intended, of course), I'm a big believer in a clivus multrum.

Basically, it's an underground chamber built on a slant (a 45° angle, if my memory serves), with a toilet seat over the top opening.

It's mostly odorless, it's hygenic (as it doesn't let waste into the environment), it doesn't use water, it has no moving parts to speak of, and it supplies fertilizer after about 4 years.

It doesn't even require plumbing.

They are often put on golf courses so that the owners don't have to spring for pipes, water supply, etc..
Human have become so accustomed to modern conveniences they lost much of there primal instincts becoming professional whiners, I almost petty them when SHTF truly takes away the modern convenience.

Don’t get me wrong, I do prefer modern toilets but I wouldn’t hesitate one bit to revert to a hole in the ground, nothing like a centipede walking on the ass while setting on a hollowed out log above the hole!

Don’t sweat it, nature is everywhere and the last time I checked we are part of nature.
When I was young and single, I would just disappear into the landscape and take care of business. :rolleyes: After the family came along, it was camp grounds and flush toilets. Not quite the same feeling of being out in natures glory. :(
Well, if you don't go, you will be full of it.....

Personally, we'll be using toilets just fine post SHTF at my place. (Septic system)

You can do like our ancestors and build an outhouse. Remarkably simple.
No problems here. Outhouses are now illegal in many states. It dont matter how many toilets are built in Washington D.C., most politicians there are still full of sh.t.
whats an out house? I used an old toilet seat and a metal bucket with no bottom, summer and winter.

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