Terrorist Attack Election fraud and treason in 2022.

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After 7 days of following Kari Lake on her run for governor with such brilliance and passion. Only to find today that she has been usurped by a another basement dweller called governor Katie Hobbs who be highly unpopular, who refused to debate and who hardly turns up for a full working wk to perform her duties. Than goes on to win the election . This has left me stressed and feeling rather ill. Perhaps our dictionaries will soon have be to changed from ( cheats never prosper ) to a reading of ( cheats prosper very much )


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The above was posted on Fox News an entire 12 DAYS BEFORE THE ELECTIONS!!!
They do say they were only testing or fine tuning their computers for the upcoming election whatever that means. The point being that the destruction of the twin towers were predicted ahead of time in cartoons, movies and even upon your bank notes. The figures given on the fox 10 outlet may be a little out with the percentage margin loss being only 1 percent in the end. Still we get the gist of what the Fox 10 outlet count was stating or the powers that be no doubt already knew. Seems that anyone that stands for President Trump or challenges the 2020 election narrative is hunted down by both Dem and Rhino.
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I guess there's nothing left to do but accept the fact that the majority of Americans have embraced socialism, communism and wokeism. And that we'll never again see the America that we had even 2 years ago when all we had was socialism.
I feel sorry for our grandkids, great grandkids etc. It's just going to get worse for them and they won't know any difference. The Left will change our history and write out everything that once made our country, and our ancestors great. And we are all guilty of letting it happen.
Seems that anyone that stands for President Trump or challenges the 2020 election narrative is hunted down by both Dem and Rhino.

Yes, there is a WAR against anyone who wants Truth, Honest Elections and what is Best for America!!! That can no longer be denied nor ignored by Patriots and Christians. Form local groups now!!! As Dr Pete Chambers says in his interview with Mike Adams…get ready now to fight off starving people, BLM and Antifa where you live. If you are in a city, there is no chance to survive what is coming.
I guess there's nothing left to do but accept the fact that the majority of Americans have embraced socialism, communism and wokeism.
That's not what happened. Wake up man!
We are still in the majority, we just don't have a supermajority, which is what we need to overcome the election fraud.
They are just louder than we are, and they have the bully pulpit and the press to make them seem larger than they really are.
Yes, there is a WAR against anyone who wants Truth, Honest Elections and what is Best for America!!! That can no longer be denied nor ignored by Patriots and Christians. Form local groups now!!! As Dr Pete Chambers says in his interview with Mike Adams…get ready now to fight off starving people, BLM and Antifa where you live. If you are in a city, there is no chance to survive what is coming.
Peachy it’s been a long War all the way from the French Revolution to the overthrow of the Christian monarchy of the Russian empire to the destruction of Christian Europa all the way into China and right up to the very present. Seems that you just can’t kill the beast of enlightenment that did make his fiery descent from the heavens. His children be many. Perhaps Arcticdude is right and our ministry of education has gone unchecked for too many generations and has finally corrupted our society with its many brands of ISM’S, and it be that people now love darkness more than light itself . The ancient ancestors of the ancient book do speak of such a time.
Peachy it’s been a long War all the way from the French Revolution to the overthrow of the Christian monarchy of the Russian empire to the destruction of Christian Europa all the way into China and right up to the very present. Seems that you just can’t kill the beast of enlightenment that did make his fiery descent from the heavens. His children be many. Perhaps Arcticdude is right and our ministry of education has gone unchecked for too many generations and has finally corrupted our society with its many brands of ISM’S, and it be that people now love darkness more than light itself . The ancient ancestors of the ancient book do speak of such a time.

Is it that they love the darkness or just don't know it is the darkness because they have been so indoctrinated as to believe that the dark is actually the light?

It is the tower of Babel story: they think they are building themselves a stairway to heaven but, are not building it for God, they are building it for their own self-aggrandizement.
You all know those people in the workforce who never have anything good to say about another's work,( behind their back of course). They think by attacking the other guy , it makes them look better, rather than improving their own ethics. Same thing here. They will not improve their ethics, only attack harder, only now, it's to your face . The world sees it. Judgement awaits patiently. Be cool . It's happening.
That's not what happened. Wake up man!
We are still in the majority, we just don't have a supermajority, which is what we need to overcome the election fraud.
They are just louder than we are, and they have the bully pulpit and the press to make them seem larger than they really are.
That's true..to a point. It's also true that we are losing far more than we're gaining¹.
I think our only real hope is to become louder than they are, stick together, stop whining about who won the nomination and vote for our candidates regardless no matter. Also, get involved in the school system, support local conservative candidates and always vote.
I despised Bush, Romney and McCain, but had to vote for them anyway.
They think by attacking the other guy , it makes them look better, rather than improving their own ethics.

That is the difference between Capitalism and Socialism.

A Socialist aims to tear down the successful so he/she looks more competent (often by hook or crook). Which has the effect of weakening all.

The true Capitalist aims to mentor those who are less successful, with the hopes they become more successful than he/she is, and the teacher becomes the pupil and learns to be even better. This has the effect of strengthening all.

It is the old saying "Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime." Wouldn't it be wonderful if we were a society where everyone knew how to catch their own fish?
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Ps never hire a man who plays a guitar or wears cowboy boots.( So my grandpa used to say)
My dad told me to never hire or marry a man who had hands softer than mine! No loafers or boat shoes allowed here! Don't want to pay their medical bills.
Is it that they love the darkness or just don't know it is the darkness because they have been so indoctrinated as to believe that the dark is actually the light?

It is the tower of Babel story: they think they are building themselves a stairway to heaven but, are not building it for God, they are building it for their own self-aggrandizement.
You ask ( Is it that they love the darkness or just don’t know because they have been indoctrinated to believe that darkness is actually the light . ) Sadly darkness be part of our inheritance. It be in us all: but we still know right from wrong that be a universal law within humanity. Guess it comes down to which dog you feed the most, white dog or black dog. Woe to them that call good evil and evil good does come to mind .
The allowed election fraud in our country is insanity. Imagine a bank robber, caught on video and with eye witnesses and then not arrested. Wait there's more, then you also find out the alarm company of the bank conspired with the back robber. When you go to judges to get a warrant they toss it out. It gets worse from there. The bank robber repeats the crime again. The bank managers then decide to make it harder for the known bank robber to steal the money. All there efforts are only for show and some bank employees help the robber bypass these efforts and the alarm company is still in collusion with the robber. Then the news mostly doesn't mention the robberies or denies that the robber actually robbed the bank.

Then the bank president says, I will solve the problem by having all the bank customers deposit more money than the robber can steal.
I think all of us already knew this but, if not, here ya go. Kevin McCarthy is trying to become our speaker. Matt Gaetz is supporting Trump endorced Andy Biggs. It breaks my heart that MTG is supporting McCarthy. . . As tough as she is, why is she supporting a RINO??

The Speaker of the House directs what or even if they actually do anything worthwhile to save our country...which has been the problem for years now. They did nothing worthwhile under President Trump! It was Boehner and Ryan’s TOTAL FAULT we didn’t get a wall built! Or bills passed to throw out the illegals!
Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake says she 'will become governor' despite the race being called in favor of Democrat Katie Hobbs.

Lake's comment comes after her campaign was handed a lifeline on Saturday when the state's attorney general's office demanded explanations for a string of election day problems before the final results can be certified.

Lake told DailyMail.com it vindicated her decision to fight on, even though the Associated Press and other news organizations called the race for her opponent.

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