Terrorist Attack Election fraud and treason in 2022.

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Ah yes! Thanks RobinJo. I knew what it typically means, but not in the 1 word context in the reply. Got it! Some days I'm a bit slow. 😊

Some say the guy is an actor in the video..but I liked his message and passion portrayed anyway. We need more of that!
Arizona election officially certified to the hobbit despite everything that happened and everything we all know. It’s a bitter lemon to swallow. I simply find it hard to believe that Keri Lake lost to the Hobbit . When reflecting upon the legacy of president Trump and the Maga movement it was a time of hope and prosperity a moment in time that America would once again return to its traditional values. Seems the swamp has never forgiven that, be it the Dems or Rhinos and they all be hell bent on destroying the last bastion of freedom.
Speaking of Arizona (and CA and NM), it's obvious the 2020 Pres vote was rigged by the Dems to allow illegals to flood in, because no American in their right mind would be against the wall-


“GO TIME? Military Deploy in Brazil – “Martial Law Coming Next Week”​


Military vehicles have been spotted mobilizing in Brazil as President Bolsonaro met with military leaders at a ceremony to promote new generals in Brazilía Thursday. “Martial law is coming next week”, says Brazil observer Matt Tyrmand. Elon Musk noted Twitter may have interfered with Brazilian elections.

I have sources on the ground saying that the reservists are being activated right now, starting yesterday in smaller and mid-size cities,” journalist Matthew Tyrmand told Steve Bannon on Dec. 2. “You can already see videos of tanks being transported to strategic points and chokeholds around the country. I think by next Wednesday or Thursday, (the Generals) are going to put a letter in front of Bolsonaro and say, sign this and activate us. We believe we have to act right now, according to the constitution, and go after these (voting) machines, arrest these judges, and then the house of cards will fall.”“

THIS is what Trump should have done!!!
It is so hard to fight the DS in America. They have the media, and in so, the masses. I almost got into a fight with a coworker last week. He was talking about how Twitter should be shut down now for stifling free speech. I told him that is what they WERE doing before Musk bought it. One thing led to another and I explained that the MSM NOT reporting on things, like the laptop, demonstrates how they are left wing propoganda. I brought up how CBS FINALLY admitted the laptop is real just a week ago, two years AFTER it was reported by the NYPost, and FOX. He said that is because it is fake. I said, if it is fake, why is CBS admitting it is real? They are sheople, who just believe whatever the idiot box tells them; with NO ability to think for themselves.

I don't see how we win this war without actually fighting it, physically.

This sounds like the Regime is creating a way to have fellow citizens point out Conservatives, Patriots and Christians…to make it easy for them to attack with their 87,000 new IRS agents…and who knows what else.

“Thought Police alarm: U.S. urges you to confront friends' 'misinformation'​


The Biden administration has awarded $5 million to a group of journalists developing software to encourage Americans to confront their friends over "harmful" posts and to "correct misinformation" such as stating the COVID-19 vaccines are not effective.

The group, called Hacks/Hackers, also is organizing censorship of the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, to determine who is a "credible source" on vaccines and block others from being cited, the Daily Wire reported.

Users of the taxpayer-funded software – the Analysis and Response Toolkit for Trust, or ARTT – are encouraged to paste in their friends' Twitter and Facebook posts. The tool will tell them how "harmful" the posts are.”
So Katie Hobbs certified her own election that declares her as Governor today. Closed to the public and media of coarse, but was livestreamed. . .
Her arrest should have been right after she certified the elections, but no. The sheriff's department backs her butt.

View attachment 18100
The sheriff's department backs her butt.
Now that's what I call social distancing.

Spooks infiltrate Silicon Valley: Facebook is riddled with ex-CIA agents - including President's ex-briefer who now runs 'harmful content' team - while so many ex-FBI work at Twitter they have their OWN Slack channel

Former US government intelligence agents are now working across Silicon Valley in senior roles dedicated to censoring 'misinformation', DailyMail.com can disclose.

A large number of ex-officers from the FBI, CIA, NSC, and State Department have taken positions at Facebook, Twitter, and Google.

The revelation comes amid fears the FBI operated control over Twitter censorship and the Hunter Biden laptop story.

Was curious if this was true. Did a search and found far too many “fact checkers” spouting it was a lie. SoI searched further and found what is below the tweet.

“More Swamp Creatures Exposed

On July 16, 2018 Dominion Voting Systems (“Dominion Voting”) announced that was acquired Staple Street Capital, a private equity firm. The firm was founded in 2009 by Stephen D. Owens and Hootan Yaghoobzadeh, who are also involved ay Cerberus Capital Management, and board members of Dominion Voting Systems. Staple Street also recently acquired Ivy Technology and CyberLink.

Staple Street has not filed an SEC form D since 2015 for $200 million capital raise, yet in October 2020 they raised $800 million? Also 10/27 another Fund incorporation pending in Delaware, yet it is interesting to note that the Staple Street website is suddenly shut down.”

Marion County is the county for Salem, Oregon;s capital.


A Bend lawyer has asked Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum to open a criminal investigation into whether the Democratic Party of Oregon knowingly reported false information about who gave a campaign contribution.
A fall 2022 mailer by the Democratic Party of Oregon attacking Republican candidate for governor Christine Drazan lists the Las Vegas cryptocurrency startup Prime Trust as a donor.
A fall 2022 mailer by the Democratic Party of Oregon attacking Republican candidate for governor Christine Drazan lists the Las Vegas cryptocurrency startup Prime Trust as a donor.© Hillary Borrud/oregonlive.com/TNS
State elections staff in the Oregon Secretary of State’s office have been gathering facts for more than three months to determine whether to refer the case to the Oregon Department of Justice.

But attorney Jeff Eager said in his complaint Thursday that Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum should open her own investigation into the Democratic Party of Oregon’s false campaign finance report because the party’s political action committee donated a significant amount of money to Secretary of State Shemia Fagan when she ran for legislative seats and her current office. In total, Fagan received more than $424,000 in donations from Democratic Party of Oregon, according to state records. Both Fagan and Rosenblum are Democrats.

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