Haircuts... who does their own? LOL!!

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Awesome Friend
Jan 17, 2018
Deer Lodge, Tennessee
OK, I'll admit it, I need a haircut. I despise going to a hair cuttin' place to get it done (covid mask crap notwithstanding) and often put it off until I just can't stand it. I get pretty shaggy. Unlike my close relatives, it didn't all fall out when I reached 50. I still have a pretty full head of it. Yeah, it's not as thick on top as it used to be, but it definitely has not gone away. As I type this, I have bangs that are wanting to fall down into my field of vision, which irritates me. The beard is pretty easy. I can whack that thing at any time. (Winter is NOT the time I like to whack that. Been there, done that. It helps keep me warm. That waits until spring.)

Many probably have a spouse who could do it and do a good job of it. Not me. While I do have a wife that I love dearly, that's not something she would be good at and I wouldn't ask her to, any more than I'd ask her to drive my crew cab dually and expect it to still be a dually when it came back home. ;)

I know of several in our family who will just "buzz it" all off, all of it, dog clipper style. I ain't there. I don't wanna buzz it all off, even knowing it'll grow back. I want hair, just not long hair.

So, I got to looking at videos about the Flowbee and similar devices. Anybody use such a thing? Does it work? Are you able to cut your own hair decently and have it look normal? Can you do the "trimming" around the edges (specifically around the back) on yourself?

Probably won't be a money saver to get an appliance, but I might get a haircut a bit more often. ;) :D

Whatcha think? I can't be the first person down this road. :)
I used a Flobee for years.

There are multiple attachments that let you cut to the length you want and others that let you taper around the ears and back.

Make sure the hair is clean and dry first.

I stopped using it about a year and a half ago when I knew I was going to retire. Being a professional I always had to keep my hair short. Being retired I can finally grow it long.

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I put a guard on my clippers to limit how close I can cut and then cut everything longer than that. I wasn't getting recruited by the modeling agencies before I started doing my own hair. Sometimes the wife will trim up the edges for me.
I haven't been to a barber in 30 years.

I have thick , fast growing hair. Not gray yet , hereditary.
I have a kit from Walmart , Wahl, with all the guides and attachments.
I cut my own hair , wife used my beard razor to clean and straighten my neck.
I like the way I cut it better than a barber.


I have the same thing. I use it to cut hubby's hair. Comes out real good. Last year he had someone at work ask where he got it done ( because everything was shut down)
For myself I put it in a pony tail and then have hubby cut it off. Works for me. I'm not going to the salon and paying all that money for a bob cut when hubby can do the same thing out in the driveway 😊
My hair is down to my waist. It has always been very full but baby fine. I used to grow it long and then donate it for kids with cancer. Right after we got married both my wife and I donated hair. She told me that she liked my long hair and I found out that as a donation it was too gray and it would be sold. So, I agreed to let it grow. The only time it bothers me is when I sleep. I always (OK, usually) wake up with hair half swallowed and have to pull it out of my throat. I keep it under a hat when working with tools and I have my wife brush it out after a nice hot bath and a shower. She gets to enjoy running her hands through it and I get it in a ponytail.
ME! It leaves a little jingle for other things. It's about 180.00 a year to have it cut on a regular basis, not including tip. So I use that roughly 230-240 a year for other goodies.

I just do a scissor cut, I pull it up with a comb and sandwich it between my fingers and the wife cuts it, then uses my trimmer to clean up the back and sides and the neck.

Good enough, lol.
That's pretty much the technique a professional hair cutter would use.

I actually prefer it and will ask for it. I have watched them enough times, so I mimic it the best I can. The way my hair is cut certainly isn't gonna be a big improvement, lol.
Yeah, my dad was always the one who got the "special man's haircut", AKA the "friar Tuck special". There were a half dozen hairs on the crown that refused to give up, and then the horizontal ring from the ears back. Not that I'm wishin' that upon myself. I kinda like having more. Guess I take after mom's side of the family, they kept a lot more of their hair. My older brother followed in dad's tradition. He basically just uses the dog clippers and in a few minutes, it's all done. Some of the nephews do the same. Maybe if I only had a little stubble around the edges, I'd think different...

The thing I don't care for is having to trim hair in places I wonder why it ever grows in the first place. Nose? Ears? And those eyebrows become like hedges in a week or two, and of course, they don't lay down nicely, they wanna be all rogue. LOL!! I guess that's the fun of approaching decrepitude. LOL!
I started cutting hubs hair during the plandemic. I had never cut anyones hair before in my life. Come to find's not really that hard to do. Hubs didn't care what it looked like so he was a willing guinnea pig. I saw this youtube video and just followed along with scissors I bought online.

Then I bought this....

It includes the eyebrow attachment and also the taper attachment for use over the ears. I have cut his hair maybe 3 or 4 times now and have changed my technique a bit each time and I'm getting faster at it too. So, I'll do the cuts with scissors on the bangs and top, then along the ears to the back and then whip out the trimmer and finish it all up. Even when things get back to normal, I will still cut his hair b/c he hates making the appointments and taking time out of his day to go get it cut. Now I just do it on the weekends when we aren't busy. Besides, he wears a hat almost all of the time, so he could care less what it looks like when I'm done. He just wants it off his ears and out of his eyes. Still, I do a pretty good job if I do say so myself. Plus, it's just another way to be more self sufficient. I had to learn how to do it and buy the trimmer, scissors, and apron which all cost maybe $40 in total. With tip, he would have spent that in 2 appointments. So, it was a good investment.

Maybe your wife would enjoy giving it a shot? If you're willing, she might find it fun to learn something new?

I had a friend that used the flowbee with her boys when they were little and it worked fine for her. I just looked those up on ebay. Wow! They are going for some big money right now. I'll bet the china virus increased demand for them practically over night.
Maybe your wife would enjoy giving it a shot? If you're willing, she might find it fun to learn something new?

LOL!! She might be. But I think I'd like to have another option in my back pocket for when the Piccaso thing shows up on full display. ;) Honest, she's really good at some stuff. But this kind of thing ain't one of 'em. Cookin' steaks is another, unless you happen to like flavored shoe leather. So we kinda let the other one do what they do best. I'm good at desserts, entrees and vacuuming.
A couple times a year, I splurge at a little Korean lady's shop. $15 for a cut, beard trim, razor shave on the back of the neck and behind the ears. I always leave feeling refreshed and brand new.

Otherwise, it's a Wahl Kit. #3 all over, then #2 on the sides. No guard used around the ears to keep it "High and Tight". Wife sometimes helps with the back of the neck, otherwise, it gets hit with my shaving razor on my next shower.

Been doing that for the last 16+ years.
I've had long hair since early 80's with just few (job hunting) exceptions. Wife used to trim it up and my beard. But after her car wreck and broken neck just isn't able any longer. So I go about 2-3 times a year for a trim to girl that cuts wifes hair. Wife likes mine long and I don't mind it. Keep it in a pony tail if i'm working on anything for safety. Mine is almost as long as wife's is.
Biggest difference is it's mostly white now instead of dark brown. Oh well I ain't pushing up daises yet.
which all cost maybe $40 in total. With tip, he would have spent that in 2 appointments. So, it was a good investment.

That is why we do mine at home. I like the extra coins to put into one of my hobbies. Dogs, guns and cars, lol.
OK, I'll admit it, I need a haircut. I despise going to a hair cuttin' place to get it done (covid mask crap notwithstanding) and often put it off until I just can't stand it. I get pretty shaggy. Unlike my close relatives, it didn't all fall out when I reached 50. I still have a pretty full head of it. Yeah, it's not as thick on top as it used to be, but it definitely has not gone away. As I type this, I have bangs that are wanting to fall down into my field of vision, which irritates me. The beard is pretty easy. I can whack that thing at any time. (Winter is NOT the time I like to whack that. Been there, done that. It helps keep me warm. That waits until spring.)

Many probably have a spouse who could do it and do a good job of it. Not me. While I do have a wife that I love dearly, that's not something she would be good at and I wouldn't ask her to, any more than I'd ask her to drive my crew cab dually and expect it to still be a dually when it came back home. ;)

I know of several in our family who will just "buzz it" all off, all of it, dog clipper style. I ain't there. I don't wanna buzz it all off, even knowing it'll grow back. I want hair, just not long hair.

So, I got to looking at videos about the Flowbee and similar devices. Anybody use such a thing? Does it work? Are you able to cut your own hair decently and have it look normal? Can you do the "trimming" around the edges (specifically around the back) on yourself?

Probably won't be a money saver to get an appliance, but I might get a haircut a bit more often. ;) :D

Whatcha think? I can't be the first person down this road. :)
Me & my wife do - save about $60 every 4-6 weeks that way!!! Just use a Wahl clipper set from wally-world.
I have everything I need, but for now I let a lady cut my hair, so her kid can go to college.
Always cut our own hair. Now and then I'll trim hubbys in the back and he always cuts the back of mine.
My wife cut my hair the first few months of the shutdown. She didn't do a bad job, but it wasn't a haircut you would want for a job interview. There was only one Faux Pas with the clippers, and it was bad. We weren't going anywhere, and it is hair, right? I will grow back, and it did. No more clippers after that. She only used scissors.

When restrictions started to relax I went back to the barber/stylist. I don't know how you could cut your own unless you were shaving your head. I will only speak for myself, but I can't see back there. Maybe others can.
I kept a professional hair cut for years, going every two months to Great Clips. I kept that up after I retired but stopped getting my hair cut in the fall of 2019, for no particular reason, other than being distracted. I realized I did not get one professional hair cut in 2020. My hair is long enough now to keep it up in a pony tail or in a single braid. I usually keep it in the braid because I am outdoors frequently enough and the wind or breeze can be problematic. When I braid my hair, I often take a pair of scissors and trim the end of it, to take off the ragged ends.

When I was out of college, my hair was waist length. I had an assistant at work who told me she had been a hair dresser. I wanted a Farrah Fawcett cut and she told me she could do that for me. SHE COULD NOT DID NOT! She had no idea about how to layer hair and it took a while for that disaster to grow out. Later on, I wondered how jealous she must have been of my long hair. She never cut my hair again. Ruin a hair cut once, and that is all the opportunity you get from me.
My wife cut my hair the first few months of the shutdown. She didn't do a bad job, but it wasn't a haircut you would want for a job interview. There was only one Faux Pas with the clippers, and it was bad. We weren't going anywhere, and it is hair, right? I will grow back, and it did. No more clippers after that. She only used scissors.

When restrictions started to relax I went back to the barber/stylist. I don't know how you could cut your own unless you were shaving your head. I will only speak for myself, but I can't see back there. Maybe others can.

The back is the hard part. About the only way I could imagine doing it yourself is having mirrors set up so you can see the back of your own head well. Trying to use a pair of scissors in the mirror is fun... everything is backwards! LOL!