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I took The Princess to a convention in Austin for scientists and engineers. She did sight seeing while I attended the convention.

We were having dinner at a side walk restaurant were we could watch crowd on the street of all nerds. She stopped and nodded toward a group and ask " what about them?" I said yup. Another group " yes, that one is Jim K."

After we returned home she was asked what she thought of the trip. She said....

" It was like waking up in the middle of a dork forest."

Follow up to the above.

She remembered the dorkiest part if the convention was the code off. In the final round the two fastest coders were side by side with two huge displays displaying their coding in progress. There was a crowd gathered and I spontaneously started a play by play commentary. It was a hit among geeks.

My buddy Jim won.
A few years latter one of my rookies qualified for the finals but didn't get notification so ended up second. Not bad for a rookie!

boy does this bring back memories, i was a bartender for a few years in a smal town country bar. i gots stories, lol like involving the rodeo coming thru town the same time as some marines, water pistols hide and seek and a pissed off think im kidding dont ya lololol

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