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1. Старт Сатаны

2. Старт Сармата
(there is no such apparatus in America)
unpredictable rocket

3. Hypersonic missile launch
(there is no such missile in America)

4. Посейдон, the underwater nuclear apparatus that could destroy the entire US East Coast
(there is no such apparatus in America)

5. Кинжал, Hypersonic missile to destroy American aircraft carriers.
(there is no such apparatus in America)

6. Буревесник. nuclear powered rocket
(there is no such apparatus in America)

Americans .. relax .. you have no Defense against Russian weapons.
The Soviet Union lagged behind America in weapons technology.
But modern Russia is 25 years ahead of you.
let's better discuss how to live, make money, cook food.
it's good.

🤣 🤣

2. there is a great survival game on google play.
Day R Survival
unnamed (3).jpg

learn Russian and play.
You'll like it
Americans .. relax .. you have no Defense against Russian weapons.
The Soviet Union lagged behind America in weapons technology.
But modern Russia is 25 years ahead of you.
let's better discuss how to live, make money, cook food.
it's good.

Tacamo ops says otherwise..... NDA;) agree...better to live, love, eat good food, watch sunrises and sunsets....
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1. Старт Сатаны

2. Старт Сармата
(there is no such apparatus in America)
unpredictable rocket

3. Hypersonic missile launch
(there is no such missile in America)

4. Посейдон, the underwater nuclear apparatus that could destroy the entire US East Coast
(there is no such apparatus in America)

5. Кинжал, Hypersonic missile to destroy American aircraft carriers.
(there is no such apparatus in America)

6. Буревесник. nuclear powered rocket
(there is no such apparatus in America)

Americans .. relax .. you have no Defense against Russian weapons.
The Soviet Union lagged behind America in weapons technology.
But modern Russia is 25 years ahead of you.
let's better discuss how to live, make money, cook food.
it's good.

That's exactly what we want you to believe.
Nukes are a side show, the shift is to MOAB's. No radiation, allows for faster recovery and use of farmlands.
If a nuclear exchange occurs they will be small tacticals on the high seas to counter carriers battle groups.
Nukes are a side show, the shift is to MOAB's. No radiation, allows for faster recovery and use of farmlands.
If a nuclear exchange occurs they will be small tacticals on the high seas to counter carriers battle groups.

MOABs are too heavy thus limited to the way it's deployed, yield to weight gives the nuke the advantage.
no way in hell are the Tomahawk type nukes going to be restricted to attacking the US naval task forces >> any Russian or Chinese attack will be initiated with a timed massive off shore launch - minutes to target - toooo eazy & cheap an attack weapon - China already has 100s & 100s of CONEX box launchers ready to load on US bound cargo ships ....
no way in hell are the Tomahawk type nukes going to be restricted to attacking the US naval task forces >> any Russian or Chinese attack will be initiated with a timed massive off shore launch - minutes to target - toooo eazy & cheap an attack weapon - China already has 100s & 100s of CONEX box launchers ready to load on US bound cargo ships ....
you do not know the Military Strategic Doctrine of Russia, so you write nonsense.
Do not watch CNN or read American newspapers, especially on the Internet.
1.The strategic doctrine of the USSR was the first to prohibit the use of nuclear weapons.
2. Russia's strategic doctrine permits the use of nuclear weapons if Russia's independence is threatened by danger.
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you do not know the Military Strategic Doctrine of Russia, so you write nonsense.
Do not watch CNN or read American newspapers, especially on the Internet.
1.The strategic doctrine of the USSR was the first to prohibit the use of nuclear weapons.
2. Russia's strategic doctrine permits the use of nuclear weapons if Russia's independence is threatened by danger.

Spent a little time back in the 80's watching the Russian homeland from an altitude of 321 800 meters, or there about. And yes, I saw you sneak that extra oladyi, shame on you....
now I will tell you a terrible tale.
Rothschild and Rockefeller looked across the ocean and saw "The Island of America" ...
And they said:
- we will breed Elephants and Donkeys on this island.
- we will call it "Freedom and Democracy"
- Let the workers choose elephants or donkeys and fight with each other.
Rothschild breeds Elephants, and Rockefeller breeds Donkeys.
where is more Freedom? In America or Russia.
Simple test
Imagine that some American citizen is running for President of the United States.
In his speech, he promises:
- we must return Alaska to Russia
- we must allow Russia to use America's internal resources for "studying the Russian world" (propaganda)
- we must give freedom to the Lakota Indians
- We must return Texas to Mesica.
Can such a person run for US President?
now, analogy in Russia
The man is running for the Presidency and promises:
- we must give Crimea to Ukraine.
- we must allow Americans to engage in propaganda
- we must give freedom to Chechnya ..

can such a person run for president of Russia?


Where is more Freedom?
In America or Russia?
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The non-proliferation treaty does not make the world a safer place.

Nuclear weapons are the best guarantee a nation state has against invasion from another nation state. It's why dictatorships clamor after them and democracies won't let go of them. There is one exception to this rule, as with all rules.

If every nation state had nuclear weapons, and formed into two general alliances, ir the west versus the rest, the world would be a safer place.

And there also would have been no recent wars in iraq, syria, afghanistan, etc and recently ukraine.
youre welcome but just one more indulgence if I may...

if we scrapped the non-proliferation treaty and shared out the warheads so every nation state had some and the means of deploying them that would end war

however, i suspect our governments do not want an end to war. maybe even quite enjoy them.

but back to WW3 probability...

if you are above ground then your days are numbered and it is pointless planning beyond a cyanide pill...

the very rich are well placed to survive in their underground citadels. if you can locate where these are then plan how to get yourself in, by hook or by crook...
I hope all of our members have taken this threat serious and have their families supply of potassium iodide pills on hand .--- Just saw your last post imaginejohn . You could be correct about everyone above ground dying , but that will not stop my tribe or myself from trying to survive . We have been prepping for this for decades .
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I admire your optimism despite the odds, because that mindset has a positive effect on all areas of life and maybe, just maybe some unanticipated series of events combine together to make survival viable. i dont think it will but dont begrudge the idea of you having the last laugh :)
An " unofficial " report reached me that for the most part the planet was in DEFCON 2 and possibly may still be . Remember DEFCON 1 is whereas a nuclear war is imminent . No country will announce their DEFCON level as they don't want to announce this to the enemy or to frighten the peasants . Preppers do as the word says " they prepare " . Those that are just now waking up to their failure to prepare " are in a bind " . Sadly as the desperate unprepared face power gone , water gone , food gone , fuel gone they will become a liability to the prepared and perhaps will be looking down gun barrels at each other . -- On a more personal note , I milked my goat yesterday , tended to my honey bees and have in place two alternative water sources for when the bomb drops . Just to point out the difference between a prepper and those that just talked about preparing .
Here in the United States , I understand targets will be the bridges crossing the Mississippi River . The purpose is to divide the country as for as travel . There are 21 bridges counting vehicle and railroad bridges . Also for targeting are major interstate intersections further crippling civilian as well as military ground travel . On top of that consider without electricity ALL the gas stations will be down . I witnessed this after Hurricane Katrina as a college took up funds and sent me into the aftermath delivering food . For hundreds of miles ALL gas stations were closed and with armed guards inside the gas stations guarding their precious commodity . -- The point being those planning to flee to somewhere they consider more survivable may find their plan to be a failure . This scenario would undoubtably be played out , in all the countries sucked into World War 3 .
Here in the United States , I understand targets will be the bridges crossing the Mississippi River . The purpose is to divide the country as for as travel . There are 21 bridges counting vehicle and railroad bridges . Also for targeting are major interstate intersections further crippling civilian as well as military ground travel . On top of that consider without electricity ALL the gas stations will be down . I witnessed this after Hurricane Katrina as a college took up funds and sent me into the aftermath delivering food . For hundreds of miles ALL gas stations were closed and with armed guards inside the gas stations guarding their precious commodity . -- The point being those planning to flee to somewhere they consider more survivable may find their plan to be a failure . This scenario would undoubtably be played out , in all the countries sucked into World War 3 .

That's a concern I have, my secondary buyout location in the Ozarks is on the west side of the Mississippi River from where my main home and lake house are on the east side. I hope I can foresee that kind of escalation and get to my last refuge, before we are cutoff.
That's a concern I have, my secondary buyout location in the Ozarks is on the west side of the Mississippi River from where my main home and lake house are on the east side. I hope I can foresee that kind of escalation and get to my last refuge, before we are cutoff.
I am already hunkered down in the Ozarks . This area is basically the go to place for preppers . The second big area for preppers is the Rocky Mountains . As you may be aware , when the Covid outbreak began in the United States , the Ozarks was swamped by imaginary preppers that thought they could simply drive to the Ozarks , park their vehicles , grab their bug out bags and run into the forests . It was so bad the Govenor closed down all public lands " state and federal " and had their vehicles towed away .It was decreed illegal to rent to " out of state people " anywhere for them to sleep such as cabins and motels . A store clerk told me it was like a swarm of locust descending upon them as they desperately came in buying up food or anything else camping related . -- One or two nights in the tick infested Ozarks and their bug out game was over .
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There are a few of us who could brave the wild and have done it; complainers need not apply.

As for nuke preps. Potassium Iodide is just the start. Radiation poisoning happens because the radiation can piggy-back on certain vitamins/minerals/elements and thus, get absorbed into the body. By making sure your nutritional gas tank is full up so to speak, you can minimize the effect. It is the concept behind taking KI.

I would have to go back and look at my notes as to which does what but, we keep on hand N-acetyl, L-Tyrosine, melatonin, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Calcium, amongst others.

Regarding the Mississippi, firmly planted on the west side as recommended by JWR.

Extra supply of diesel stored, Four runners, Dirt bikes, UTV and horses also an option.

One location for if the prevailing winds are from the North, east or west, another safe location if the winds are from due N, E, W or S. Most (NE, SW, NW, SE) probably good on the second from any direction really due to remoteness. Could be in a "safe zone" within 15 to travel between and not have to cross through a hot zone. Bug out bag, animals, and go. Supplies enough at both locations.
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My tribe of 14 are beginning to circle the wagons . One of the adult males is coming in tonight and quitting his high paying job of lead tankerman with a riverboat company . He plans to be closer to our retreat when the Nuking starts . A second adult male made it in from a few hundred miles away last night and has in a job application for a local job . A third adult male is bringing in a camper onto our retreat to stay in next Monday . A fourth adult male has already let his job go so as to be closer , but has managed to accumulate enough funds to not need a job for a few months . -- oops I just heard something rumbling , " for real " in the direction I would expect a bomb to explode .
I believe that it is far more likely that a HEMP will be used rather than a conventional Nuclear weapon. Grid down and Mad Maxx one way or the other.

Here is why.

Russia is the leading manufacturer of vacuum tubes. Their electrical grid is antiquated and still manually operated/not connected to the internet. It makes it impervious to cyber attack or significant long term effects from an EMP. We could blow all of their tubes and they replace them in an hour or two.

They EMP the US or Europe, taking out the electrical grid and the only way we could inflict equal damage on them would be to use an ICBM, which makes us into the "bad guys" as the radiation floats around the globe. Check mate.
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I believe that is a picture from David Koresh's compound in Waco? Or maybe just a copy cat. Not enough cover on that roof for radiation protection. No 90 degree turns at the entrance to keep out gamma particles either. Cute idea but, for a nuke
I feel a prophecy coming on about the end of the world!-
"Pray that this will not take place in winter, because those will be days of distress unequalled from the beginning until now, and never to be equalled again.
If the Lord had not cut short those days, no one would survive.
But for the sake of the elect, whom he has chosen, he has shortened them.
Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come.

What I say to you, I say to everyone: ‘Watch!"- Jesus of Nazareth, Mark ch 13


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