The Winds of World War

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You will love this. "How to Destroy Chinese Tanks"
That goes along with what I've read about their advanced fighter jets. Avionics are advanced (because they stole the technology) but critical engine parts are made of inferior alloys because of their lack of quality control in the manufacture. You've heard about "cheap Chinese steel"...yep...that's what they build jet engines with :rolleyes:
I can't remember who posted it, but he/she said that when the U.S. starts pulling out our citizens from an area of concern- that's when to worry. Putin doesn't give a sh!t about sanctions that could kill Russian citizens. He'll use whatever is in his arsenal to win (NBCR'S). All the money he has from the oil, etc... is this the beginning of the end?
I can't remember who posted it, but he/she said that when the U.S. starts pulling out our citizens from an area of concern- that's when to worry. Putin doesn't give a sh!t about sanctions that could kill Russian citizens. He'll use whatever is in his arsenal to win (NBCR'S). All the money he has from the oil, etc... is this the beginning of the end?

We can thank obama for it if Russia attacks. After all, he was the one that allowed Putin to take control of more than 50% of Europe’s oil. They all NEED him now to survive. But idiot leftists will never realize it, much less admit it.
I can't remember who posted it, but he/she said that when the U.S. starts pulling out our citizens from an area of concern- that's when to worry. Putin doesn't give a sh!t about sanctions that could kill Russian citizens. He'll use whatever is in his arsenal to win (NBCR'S). All the money he has from the oil, etc... is this the beginning of the end?

the official evac will be an uber uber uber super secret - like black SUVs showing up and just snatching people .....

the chances of hearing about a FED evac these days is nil as hell - with the MSM belonging to Biden & Company cuts that probable route of intel - anybody that sees/hears anything and not reliable gets thrown in a hole - dead or alive

what you can look for is the more telltale signs from the other lower ranking politicians & support staff >>> PR staff and personal secretaries heading to their parent's IA farm suddenly ....

the word will also spread to the celebs, powerbrokers, $$$$ people, and just plain elitists with $$$$ >>> if they don't get it direct - another avenue could be thru their security staff - host of former FED gun toting specialists - half their job is staying in the loop and foreseeing dangers >>> if you hear about appearances and events canceled all over - "celeb flu" - they could be bugging out or staying out of potential target areas ...

if you have anyone that has ears & eyes in the celeb summer/winter haunts >>> watch for a sudden & unexpected rush to the get-away homes - you can even check on the jet ports in those areas for increased traffic ....
I think China will be very disturbed if they find that their military gear is as low quality as the Chinese junk they sell to us at Wal-Mart.
I respect quality when I see it but let’s don’t get too high and mighty on American made. I’ve got a F250 Superduty that’s made out of military grade aluminum. If our military is using the same metal then we’re all already dead.
the official evac will be an uber uber uber super secret - like black SUVs showing up and just snatching people .....

the chances of hearing about a FED evac these days is nil as hell - with the MSM belonging to Biden & Company cuts that probable route of intel - anybody that sees/hears anything and not reliable gets thrown in a hole - dead or alive

what you can look for is the more telltale signs from the other lower ranking politicians & support staff >>> PR staff and personal secretaries heading to their parent's IA farm suddenly ....

the word will also spread to the celebs, powerbrokers, $$$$ people, and just plain elitists with $$$$ >>> if they don't get it direct - another avenue could be thru their security staff - host of former FED gun toting specialists - half their job is staying in the loop and foreseeing dangers >>> if you hear about appearances and events canceled all over - "celeb flu" - they could be bugging out or staying out of potential target areas ...

if you have anyone that has ears & eyes in the celeb summer/winter haunts >>> watch for a sudden & unexpected rush to the get-away homes - you can even check on the jet ports in those areas for increased traffic ....
And nobody of the tens of thousands of people it would take to get that done would talk, or have talked about the preparations that would be necessary to pull that off? None of those people told their families or any of their friends?

Color me unconvinced. I've worked in government long enough to know they gossip like school girls, and somebody always runs their mouth. Especially in the numbers we are talking.
As far as celebs, I've done EP for some pretty major ones. "Clueless" doesn't even begin to cover them. Nobody with a brain would expect them not to blab. The "celeb flu" hits, and it will be all over the gram as they load onto their jets and yachts.

Plots like this work in movies, because suspension of disbelief is part of the experience. In the real world, the logistics of a conspiracy this size are impossible to overcome.
And nobody of the tens of thousands of people it would take to get that done would talk, or have talked about the preparations that would be necessary to pull that off? None of those people told their families or any of their friends?

Color me unconvinced. I've worked in government long enough to know they gossip like school girls, and somebody always runs their mouth. Especially in the numbers we are talking.

that's what I'm hoping for - there's Darkside info that's somewhat available that's 100% reliable - hope to hell someone passes along even a guess-a-mation >>> but if you think it'll be some nationwide blab fest that's tied to a military operation/alert or some top notch threat intel - it won't filter down & out that fast or wide .....

something spooked the hell out of the military last week when the Navy flushed the ports and E3s started their own US surveillance >>> there probably was a high level civilian GOV alert as well - they might have rolled Biden down into a deeper bunker ....

Could not agree more! The government MURDERERS need a good cover…so here comes WWIII. We should wait until our military guys are gone and NG occupied and hang those responsible in the town squares nationwide!
Any idea what they found or think is out there?

obvious some intel came in that indicated a pending attack that could include the US - hasn't been anything like that since the Berlin Blockade and the Cuban Missile Crisis - the USS Tripoli steamed out of San Diago without any Marines - just making itself a harder target in the open sea ....

now there's a carrier task force heading full speed to The Med for NATO maneuvers that were supposedly scheduled but there's no record of the training >>>> keeping the war prep low key ....
He's thinking of sending troops to Ukraine's neighbors, not Ukraine. It's as if he saying it's okay to take one, but just leave the others alone.

The man is gone.

Oh, if you haven't already watched..... the Face the Nation focus group was brutal to Biden yesterday. The moderator tried her best to steer their answers in his direction, but they were steadfast in their opinions. It is on The Gateway Pundit with a link to You Tube if interested.
This is what I was referring to by the evac of our citizens...
But, I've read that not everyone gets a golden ticket to Raven Rock or NORAD.
I'm gonna take a shot at this... Does anyone live near a Strategic National Stockpile Center? (I know, like anyone's gonna talk...) 🤐

Many thanks,
Erqueen75 :USA:

No, but I live within spitting range of 2 large Marine Corps bases, prime targets for enemy nuclear weapons strikes.
Actually the Strategic National Stockpile Center is probably on the secondary target might be a place to avoid?!

We have a number of families with kids in one of the services. I'm sure no one would broadcast anything they weren't allowed to, but one soldier told his Mom to "please get to the facility," so she and about a dozen families are already in their container homes inside the facility. Many work from home anyway, so with their laptops, they won't miss a beat.

It wasn't something I actively fought against, but I'm not sure it's necessary yet - but all classes from our school will meet in one of the facility conference/chow rooms for the remainder of this week. It's going to be a lively place with many staying inside 24/7 for the duration of uncertainty.
On the bright side, the food is always better when we have company!

Hopefully cooler heads prevail and both sides will withdraw soon?!
“Sasse: Germany Has ‘De Facto’ Exited NATO

“[H]as Germany effectively left NATO?” Hewitt asked. “And I am deadly serious. If they are preventing overflights of British supplies to Ukraine, and they’re refusing to allow the Baltic states to send the mortars that Germany sold them to Ukraine, they are effectively returning to the position of Central Europe arbitrator between Russia and the West. They have left NATO, I believe.”

“It certainly feels in a de facto way, maybe not a de jure way, but in a de facto way, it feels like Germany has tried to move to a pre-NATO time in history,” Sasse responded.”
This is what I was referring to by the evac of our citizens...
But, I've read that not everyone gets a golden ticket to Raven Rock or NORAD.
I'm gonna take a shot at this... Does anyone live near a Strategic National Stockpile Center? (I know, like anyone's gonna talk...) 🤐

Many thanks,
Erqueen75 :USA:

there's Strategic Stockpiles scattered all over the country depending on what the item is - a great deal of it is raw ore and refined minerals >>> most of the list is obsolete considering nothing is manufactured in the country .....

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