The Winds of World War

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Germany has no time for war with Russia, Germany and Austria are at war with their own people, if there is still war with Russia, both countries are too overwhelmed and would probably collapse within a short time.

Uh crap, everything is going wrong in Europe at the moment if NATO wants to go to war with Russia, it will ultimately be the USA and England, almost all other countries will run away because they have enough problems in their own country, they have no intention of committing suicide against Russia to do and that's what it will come down to.
there's Strategic Stockpiles scattered all over the country depending on what the item is - a great deal of it is raw ore and refined minerals >>> most of the list is obsolete considering nothing is manufactured in the country .....
Rgr. that Illni Warrior- that's why I thought someone here might reside near one. Would love to 😡😬see how full (or not) the medical supplies look and what all they stock there.
Then again, who will get priority for the care and supplies? The people who've paid for it for years, or all those "folks" crossing the border...Biden sure loves them.

Thank you,
Erqueen75 :USA:

I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner. Russians using "Suitcase" nukes (or the like) here in the homeland. No warning. No strategic air defense, no radar. There can only be so many NEST teams. Radiation monitors are probably in place in some of our mega-cities, or places of interest, but certainly not in what we consider second-strike targets.

Many thanks,
it will ultimately be the USA and England, almost all other countries will run away because they have enough problems in their own country, they have no intention of committing suicide against Russia to do and that's what it will come down to.
You are assuming that Joe's capable of making rational decisions.
His elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor...
Every suitcase, crate, and container at borders, airports, and ports theoretically gets run through a radiation monitor. Maybe someone that works at one could let us know how true that is...but it would provide one excuse why shipping containers at the ports aren't processed faster! Anyway, that's one reason we haven't seen a terrorist send one through yet under any administration. Another reason is we know where "most" of the old USSR nukes are located and who has access to them.
The rods of the gods are much more effective and can get through any defense. Before, it needed almost 40 minutes for an ICBM to make it to the US from 10,000 kilometers away. Some satelites are only a few hundred kilometers high and are quite capable of delivering anything in a matter of minutes and not be seen till too late. No rockets needed, just drop it and it will accelerate to Mach speeds in seconds.
The rods of the gods are much more effective and can get through any defense. Before, it needed almost 40 minutes for an ICBM to make it to the US from 10,000 kilometers away. Some satelites are only a few hundred kilometers high and are quite capable of delivering anything in a matter of minutes and not be seen till too late. No rockets needed, just drop it and it will accelerate to Mach speeds in seconds.
If you just "drop it", it will stay in orbit with the satellite. When an astronaut steps out of an orbiting spacecraft for a space walk he doesn't fall to earth. You have to use a rocket to decrease the orbital velocity. And you can't "shoot" it from the satellite because that would interfere with the satellite's orbit. (Newton's laws of motion)
Then shoot it with some of its own propellent rockets and re-stabilise the satelite. There are always means and ways to use such technology. I do hope you understand the idea and theory I was proposing tho...
Rgr. that Illni Warrior- that's why I thought someone here might reside near one. Would love to 😡😬see how full (or not) the medical supplies look and what all they stock there.
Then again, who will get priority for the care and supplies? The people who've paid for it for years, or all those "folks" crossing the border...Biden sure loves them.

Thank you,
Erqueen75 :USA:

Prez Trump got into medical side of the Reserve when the Covid started - found out Obammy emptied the shelves for the Bird Flu and they never authorized a re-supply - gear like the respirators were known to be nationwide inadequate for decades & decades & decades but nothing was ever done ....

Prez Trump started on a spread of supplies from FEMA and the Reserve to areas of the country that could & do experience SHTF refugees >>> US military bases in the SW US got supply warehouses for the civilian supplies - how far this program went and whether Biden killed it - ???????
Research the James Webb telescope. Notice it's position in space that it has to be placed and maintained. ( For cooling reasons) ...yea right.... Just happens to be where the red wavelengths of light from the sun triangulate off the Earth's atmosphere,( picture a 8000 mile diameter lens focal point) . Probably you would need some gold iridium mirrors to refine a focal point. Oh , it has that. It would need a large ruby crystal and a multi targeting system. ( Don't know if it has that?) You would have a practically endless supply of energy for a solid state laser to target satellites, missiles or objects on one side of the earth, and 12 hours later the other half.
Picture , a blood moon, the moon looks red because the light from the sun is bent by the Earth's atmosphere and the reds bend the sharpest, like a prism. By positioning the distance from earth precisely, you only collect one wavelength of light. Other wavelengths would not pump a crystal the would have to be dispersed as heat. Match the distance of the satellite to the wavelength you want to the type of crystal you have and WALLA you have a nasty advantage over all your enemies. Sounds out there doesn't it. Research it, it's just a telescope.
You know that these guys are intensely interested in it...

Every suitcase, crate, and container at borders, airports, and ports theoretically gets run through a radiation monitor. Maybe someone that works at one could let us know how true that is...but it would provide one excuse why shipping containers at the ports aren't processed faster! Anyway, that's one reason we haven't seen a terrorist send one through yet under any administration. Another reason is we know where "most" of the old USSR nukes are located and who has access to them.
I have read that ONLY 10% of shipping containers get inspected (Physical eyes on,) opening the boxes, versus getting just an X-ray pic- or wand, or whatnot; 10% is even probably high these days from the COVID backup and lack of qualified employees. -Thanks Xiden. Would love to know what is really going on too, Dave V.

Many thanks,
Prez Trump got into medical side of the Reserve when the Covid started - found out Obammy emptied the shelves for the Bird Flu and they never authorized a re-supply - gear like the respirators were known to be nationwide inadequate for decades & decades & decades but nothing was ever done ....

Prez Trump started on a spread of supplies from FEMA and the Reserve to areas of the country that could & do experience SHTF refugees >>> US military bases in the SW US got supply warehouses for the civilian supplies - how far this program went and whether Biden killed it - ???????
Maybe Joe sold any excess supplies to China, then bought Chinese-made products...Hunter needs some new shoes and lady friends;). Those stockpiles (whether medical, food supply, petroleum reserves, (ETC.) are probably bare. Joey's democratic handlers and lackeys have been on the Chinese dole for years.
President Trump, what a workhorse. That man worked 16,18, 20 hour days for the advancement of America. I firmly believe that in my soul.
Again, war with Russia, outrageous gas prices, jobs unfulfilled, logistical nightmare, open borders with a mass of unverified persons (and certainly no COVID test or inoculations,! Just keep importing new strains (as the illegals as the vectors) and mix it in everyday America (🤑🤑🤑.) We will never eradicate it that way.


Thank you.
Research the James Webb telescope. Notice it's position in space that it has to be placed and maintained. ( For cooling reasons) ...yea right.... Just happens to be where the red wavelengths of light from the sun triangulate off the Earth's atmosphere,( picture a 8000 mile diameter lens focal point) . Probably you would need some gold iridium mirrors to refine a focal point. Oh , it has that. It would need a large ruby crystal and a multi targeting system. ( Don't know if it has that?) You would have a practically endless supply of energy for a solid state laser to target satellites, missiles or objects on one side of the earth, and 12 hours later the other half.
Picture , a blood moon, the moon looks red because the light from the sun is bent by the Earth's atmosphere and the reds bend the sharpest, like a prism. By positioning the distance from earth precisely, you only collect one wavelength of light. Other wavelengths would not pump a crystal the would have to be dispersed as heat. Match the distance of the satellite to the wavelength you want to the type of crystal you have and WALLA you have a nasty advantage over all your enemies. Sounds out there doesn't it. Research it,
it's just a telescope.
Reading some of the above posts about satellite's gave me the impression , perhaps some of you do not know , some of the satellites orbiting above our heads right now are E.M.P. satellites . By simply a push of the button they will detonate causing the power grid to become a thing of the past . They are some of the lower orbiting satellites as they have to be in the correct orbit , as in the correct height . Countries don't elaborate on how many E.M.P, satellites they have overhead . The controller of the satellites can even move them around to suite their whelm , like moving pieces on a chess board . -- On clear nights I often find myself staring into the night sky at satellites and wondering if it is a E.M.P. satellite .
Germany has no time for war with Russia, Germany and Austria are at war with their own people, if there is still war with Russia, both countries are too overwhelmed and would probably collapse within a short time.

No time for war means more no weapons for war.
25% of the tanks are ready for operation. Means 75% are out of order, need some repairs or just don't work for any reason.
New ships aren't delivered, the old ones fight with rust.
The most of the newer Tiger helicopters don't flight.
Only 25% of the OLD transport helicopters are ready to flight, the rest needs repairs and maintenance.
As Germany was 2019 ask to send some fighting planes to Syria for monitoring they wasn't able to send more than 6 Eurofighters. And - even it sounds like an joke - those planes only could fly by daylight because cockpit illumination wasn't work.
In Afghanistan they realises that the barrels of the assault rifles have warped because of the heat.
Shortly there was in the news their missiles are moddy and rusty.

And we may shouldn't forget Russia delivers the most of the needed gas for heating and gas-powerplants to germany. For my simple understanding it's an bad idea to fight against your gas-dealer, especially if it's winter season and you're running out of gas anyway. Germany's gas tanks are by 48% of the normal level they shall have those days.
The other thing is not any army was reach Moscow in the last few houndred years. Napoleon Bonaparte and his french troops have frozen to death in russian winter. The same experience had the Germans during WW2. If Biden thinks he could own Moscow as first Intruder just to find a place in the history books then it will go wrong for sure. OK, without any war Biden will disappear into insignificance....

For an simple minded person like me it looks like an suicide to assault or fight with Russia. And the big risk wasn't even talked about yet: CHINA.
Since the west started with restrictions against Russia because they won't follow the advices of Biden, the EU or Germany Russia startet an economic pact with China. Guess if China decides to cut all the delivery lines to the west we don't even need to shoot, we die by hunger.
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Not long ago China and Russia militaries conducted a military practice together in a mock conflict with the NATO . They do intend to team up against the NATO. . At the top of the U.S. military chain of command is the same group that couldn't even withdraw from Afghanistan without creating perhaps the worst debacle in U.S. military history . --- I remember a period in my life where I slept each night with a loaded m16 snuggled up against me , a big knife under my pillow and a live hand grenade . Those days may be returning once more .
Civilians can expect if the conflict spills outside Ukraine boarders for Biden and friends , one of the first thing Russia or China will do on the soil of NATO countries will to E.M.P. their entire countrys . I hope you guys are prepared for a country with no lights , no electric appliances , no stores , no electronics and no gasoline .
Very interesting read…

July 2017
Dr. Peter Vincent Pry

Some plausible scenarios for EMP attacks against North America include the following:

 Russia Strikes Canada. The U.S. retaliates with long-range conventional bomber and cruise missile strikes for Russian aggression against European NATO, so Russia makes an EMP "warning shot" against Canada, that also damages U.S. early warning radars and National Missile Defenses in Alaska, hoping the U.S. will "de-escalate" and stop fighting.87
 China Strikes the United States. Amidst an escalating conflict with the U.S. over Taiwan and the South China Sea, China makes an EMP attack blacking-out the mainland's 48 states, hoping to knock the U.S. out of the war.
 Iran Strikes the United States. The former Obama Administration is wrong, and critics are right, that Iran already has nuclear-armed missiles, and can make an EMP attack against the U.S. by satellite, which Iran does to destroy the "Great Satan" that is the United States.
 Al Qaeda Strikes the United States. North Korea or Iran provides Al Qaeda with a nuclear armed short- or medium-range missile in a freighter, to make a nuclear EMP attack by proxy to eliminate the U.S. as an actor on the world stage.
 North Korea Strikes Texas. North Korea makes an EMP attack using a Scud missile launched from a freighter to blackout the Texas electric grid as a "warning shot" for the U.S. to stop "aggressive" military exercises and deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile defenses to South Korea.”
Very interesting read…

July 2017
Dr. Peter Vincent Pry

Some plausible scenarios for EMP attacks against North America include the following:

 Russia Strikes Canada. The U.S. retaliates with long-range conventional bomber and cruise missile strikes for Russian aggression against European NATO, so Russia makes an EMP "warning shot" against Canada, that also damages U.S. early warning radars and National Missile Defenses in Alaska, hoping the U.S. will "de-escalate" and stop fighting.87
 China Strikes the United States. Amidst an escalating conflict with the U.S. over Taiwan and the South China Sea, China makes an EMP attack blacking-out the mainland's 48 states, hoping to knock the U.S. out of the war.
 Iran Strikes the United States. The former Obama Administration is wrong, and critics are right, that Iran already has nuclear-armed missiles, and can make an EMP attack against the U.S. by satellite, which Iran does to destroy the "Great Satan" that is the United States.
 Al Qaeda Strikes the United States. North Korea or Iran provides Al Qaeda with a nuclear armed short- or medium-range missile in a freighter, to make a nuclear EMP attack by proxy to eliminate the U.S. as an actor on the world stage.
 North Korea Strikes Texas. North Korea makes an EMP attack using a Scud missile launched from a freighter to blackout the Texas electric grid as a "warning shot" for the U.S. to stop "aggressive" military exercises and deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile defenses to South Korea.”

nothing plausible about ANY possible EMP scenario >>> no nuke power is attacking the US and opening the door to MASSIVE return volley - and - no rogue country is wasting a nuke on some BS attack that eventually has a casualty list >>> while they are still alive they want to glow in the terrorist esteem and see actual blood ....

if there's a limited nuke use it'll be in the battle theater like Ukraine - Russia fires off one of their positioned long range missile and takes out the Warsaw based NATO C & C forward command - doubtful the return attack is nuke - the US. France or the UK wasn't attacked and they aren't using a nuke for any Poland revenge - but the message is apparent ....
I remember a period in my life where I slept each night with a loaded m16 snuggled up against me , a big knife under my pillow and a live hand grenade . Those days may be returning once more .
The same thing by me...only it was a Serbian Zastava (kalasnikov copy)...and I had 250 grams of plastic in my breast pocket...
“Extremists see US power grid as target, Dept. of Homeland Security report warns

WASHINGTON (AP) — Extremist groups in the United States appear to increasingly view attacking the power grid as a means of disrupting the country, according to a government report aimed at law enforcement agencies and utility operators.

Domestic extremists “have developed credible, specific plans to attack electricity infrastructure since at least 2020,” according to the report from the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis. The document, dated Monday, was obtained Tuesday by The Associated Press.

The report warns that extremists “adhering to a range of ideologies will likely continue to plot and encourage physical attacks against electrical infrastructure,” which includes more than 6,400 power plants and 450,000 miles of high-voltage transmission lines that span the country…”
Is the biden Regime setting up Conservatives as the fall guys for the grid going down?

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