The Winds of World War

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Look guys, I've lived a total of about 10 years of my life without electricity, it's overated .think about going back next year. It's not that different. Civilizations thrived on this planet a long time before Edison. Don't let someone bully you over a tootsie roll you don't even know if you like
Look guys, I've lived a total of about 10 years of my life without electricity, it's overated .think about going back next year. It's not that different. Civilizations thrived on this planet a long time before Edison. Don't let someone bully you over a tootsie roll you don't even know if you like

I highly commend you! It had to have been a tough transition. Those who already have the knowledge and skills to obtain or make clean water, take care of sanitation in a healthy manner and how to grow as well as raise their own food…are pretty well able to survive without electric. OUR Big problem would be those who do not! They out number us greatly and will make it harder for us to survive.
Maybe Joe sold any excess supplies to China, then bought Chinese-made products...Hunter needs some new shoes and lady friends;). Those stockpiles (whether medical, food supply, petroleum reserves, (ETC.) are probably bare. Joey's democratic handlers and lackeys have been on the Chinese dole for years.
President Trump, what a workhorse. That man worked 16,18, 20 hour days for the advancement of America. I firmly believe that in my soul.
Again, war with Russia, outrageous gas prices, jobs unfulfilled, logistical nightmare, open borders with a mass of unverified persons (and certainly no COVID test or inoculations,! Just keep importing new strains (as the illegals as the vectors) and mix it in everyday America (🤑🤑🤑.) We will never eradicate it that way.


Thank you.
He proanly gave them to China for some of his son PAYOFFS
“Extremists see US power grid as target, Dept. of Homeland Security report warns

WASHINGTON (AP) — Extremist groups in the United States appear to increasingly view attacking the power grid as a means of disrupting the country, according to a government report aimed at law enforcement agencies and utility operators.

Domestic extremists “have developed credible, specific plans to attack electricity infrastructure since at least 2020,” according to the report from the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis. The document, dated Monday, was obtained Tuesday by The Associated Press.

The report warns that extremists “adhering to a range of ideologies will likely continue to plot and encourage physical attacks against electrical infrastructure,” which includes more than 6,400 power plants and 450,000 miles of high-voltage transmission lines that span the country…”
Is the biden Regime setting up Conservatives as the fall guys for the grid going down?
BiCrap has done absolutely NOTHING to protect this country, HE has even aided in promoting its fall, HE should be tried for treason anlong with Pelosi, Schumer, Harriss, and other nut case DEMONcrats!!!
That is all we need now... A WOKE IDIOT WITH STARS TELLING AN UN-WOKE PUTIN WHAT TO BE AFRAID OF....keep you shirt on and ignore the BS. If and when it all goes down Miley-Smiley will be HIDING IN A BUNKER while his woke cronies are making the world go to ****. PREP AND SURVIVE, Gary

I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner. Russians using "Suitcase" nukes (or the like) here in the homeland. No warning. No strategic air defense, no radar. There can only be so many NEST teams. Radiation monitors are probably in place in some of our mega-cities, or places of interest, but certainly not in what we consider second-strike targets.

Many thanks,
Why funny? You have intel up there from the great state of Montana?
Again, I've been thinking of nuclear war since 1983. I'm a rational person, but when it comes to NBCR stuff, I am tainted.
Why funny? You have intel up there from the great state of Montana?
Again, I've been thinking of nuclear war since 1983. I'm a rational person, but when it comes to NBCR stuff, I am tainted.
Not really funny, i used to be on a response team!!!
Nuclear war is what prompted me to become a prepper. During the cold war we knew who the enemy was. Today it could be anybody from an unstable country or a rouge religion.
Or it could be the democratic party and there fake president that's the enemy.
(translated from Russian)

Russian troops began to massively leave the border areas with Ukraine.

A few hours ago, high activity of the Russian military was noticed on the territory of military field camps near the Ukrainian border, however, as it turned out, this was due to the fact that Russian troops began to leave their places of temporary deployment. The data on this subject was confirmed by the press service of the Western Military District.

According to information provided by the press service of the Western Military District, at the moment, Russian units have begun to massively leave their deployment areas near the borders of Ukraine. This is due to the completion of the planned check of combat readiness.

The prolonged exercises, contrary to the statements of the West and Kiev, did not lead to any aggression from Russia. This only emphasizes the far-fetchedness of such accusations. Nevertheless, Russia has demonstrated the highest level of readiness to instantly transfer large forces to its western borders, which is especially important against the backdrop of aggressive behavior on the part of Ukraine, the United States and a number of NATO countries.

It is known that the Russian military successfully coped with the assigned combat missions, having worked out actions both in defense and in the offensive.
hmm, ruskies seem to deploy troops to Belarus too,seems like plans for a two prong move to me...

they need to throw a static line across the Ukraine/Poland border while NATO fights over entering the country >> coming into Ukraine as a blocking deterrent and coming across the border for an immediate battle will change everything - I wouldn't be too surprised to see an actual parachute drop made by Russia - first in decades & decades ....

NATO has troops & tanks in Romania & Bulgaria - if they try entering Ukraine along the Black Sea Russia will probably be waiting for them - Russia will be swarming out of Crimea seizing the coastline ....
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If Russia could not do anything in Afghanistan and after ten years of losses and murder on civilians who did not have artillery, air forces, helicopters, tanks and well armed civilians...what are they going to do and lose in the Ukraine???? The fight there will be much worse for the poor soldiers fighting for even a worse cause than in Afghanistan. They will be fighting their own cultural "brothers" and "sisters" and not some foreign persons defending deserts and mountains. There will be much hatred, loss and many years of guerilla warfare, effecting the entire European theater and millions of old, weak, young refugees will be streaming away from the warzone....sad, sad, terribly sad repeat of mistakes which nobody has learned from. And all on the eastern border of my new homeland and BOL: ****. The war may come to me, free and fight free. Gary
Grandpa Jo is probably the real warmonger between Ukraine and Russia, for some reason Jo wants this Ultimate War.
Many EU countries are currently also fully on this war, I'm surprised that countries like Canada there at the time also pull.
This tells me one thing, the system in Europe and the USA is probably at the end, be it the financial system as well as the social and societal system. It will come anyway to a global crisis even without war, but the despots in the government want the war to bring your neck out of the noose.

If there is a war between Russia and NATO, Europe will take the brunt of it and it will escalate further, thousands will be killed if it comes to this war, and thousands of US soldiers will die for this pointless cause and their relatives will be left in shambles.
I think at the moment the situation between Russia and NATO is more dangerous than it has ever been, and no one is interested in de-escalation, they are sending more soldiers and war material to Eastern Europe.

Even if NATO could beat Russia in the end, which I wouldn't bet on, half the world would look like German cities after 1945, but then we would be really lucky if we could still live under the open sky in these areas.

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