War is Coming

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When someone of his experience and knowledge speaks, we should listen.

Dr. Pry was an Intelligence Officer with the Central Intelligence Agency responsible for analyzing Soviet and Russian nuclear strategy, operational plans, military doctrine, threat perceptions, and developing U.S. paradigms for strategic warning (1985-1995).

In an article for the Hill published last year, Pry sounded the alarm about a potential surprise EMP strike by China. The latter’s plans, according to Pry, are all evident in Chinese military writings.

Even a super military power like the United States, which possesses nuclear missiles and powerful armed forces, cannot guarantee its immunity … In their own words, a highly computerized open society like the United States is extremely vulnerable to electronic attacks from all sides,” said Pry.

Domestic crises further put the U.S. in danger. “Totalitarian and authoritarian states view leadership crises and periods of deep domestic political division as invitations to aggression,” Pry said in the interview.“
not so happy thoughts from both of you. We need the time to get our collective **** together and find our way to live as Americans, wanting the same thing.
First we need the world to stay out of the way so WE can take care of our internal affairs.
Secondly we need to find our WTHeck has happened in the election and WHO was involved.
Thirdly, those who are not ready to discuss but only want to fight, get ready for some mad patriots.
Fourth, if the only way out we are left to use is the Civil War again. WE WILL DECIDE. not the rest of the world.
Fifth, those who wish us evil, we will be so busy taking care of our own problems...we will no longer taking the time to send you thousands of our men and women to help you and the billions of our dollars to help you keep your **** running and working on the black markets and the little dictators getting rich...
Try to get along with each other for a while as we try to do the same thing...one way or the other...GP
Civil war would be in my eyes the absolute last and worst way out, but if I would have only the choice (or compulsion) either to deliver me to the Corona syringe and my rights to some despots like Klaus Schwab, the rest of my life in a foreign dictatorship to live without rights and locked up in a police state to live in which one may only work and strive then I will put up a fight, no matter how hopeless my situation is.
in America I am expecting to see not so much a Civil War more of a Revolution.

I dont think anything will happen, they had the chance on 6th Jan but nothing came of it, You cannot get rid of this socialist cancer by force of arms, you have to out think them.
not so happy thoughts from both of you. We need the time to get our collective **** together and find our way to live as Americans, wanting the same thing.
First we need the world to stay out of the way so WE can take care of our internal affairs.
Secondly we need to find our WTHeck has happened in the election and WHO was involved.
Thirdly, those who are not ready to discuss but only want to fight, get ready for some mad patriots.
Fourth, if the only way out we are left to use is the Civil War again. WE WILL DECIDE. not the rest of the world.
Fifth, those who wish us evil, we will be so busy taking care of our own problems...we will no longer taking the time to send you thousands of our men and women to help you and the billions of our dollars to help you keep your **** running and working on the black markets and the little dictators getting rich...
Try to get along with each other for a while as we try to do the same thing...one way or the other...GP
All good valid points ALL far to late, stop trying to blame non Americans we have had no influence in your domestic events.
The 6th was not that big of a deal. Started as a Trump rally and just got out of hand. Look at the lefties and what they've been doing in Portland and Seattle for months and months. They took it over, tore up federal buildings. The 6th was made a big deal only because it happened in DC, Senators were scared to death, and it involved the right, not the left. So much worse was happening all summer in big cities. Police let all the lefties do what they want.
CNN Democrats working on legislation to provide $3,000 payments per child amid pandemic

"In one draft of the proposal, the IRS would deposit checks worth $300 every month per child younger than 6 and $250 every month per child age 6 to 17. This would give parents $3,000 per year for each child between the ages of 6 to 17, and $3,600 per child under age 6.

The changes would last for a year, but lawmakers would then push to make them permanent, another Democratic aide said."

Democrats working on legislation to provide $3,000 payments per child amid pandemic (msn.com)

More incentive for the poor to push out more kids. The left is completely INSANE. This, on top of welfare and food stamps, and subsidized housing, and free healthcare, and free electricity, and free water, and free phones, and free internet.....
Biden says 'nothing we can do' to change pandemic 'trajectory' in coming months

Biden says 'nothing we can do' to change pandemic 'trajectory' in coming months | Fox News

For months and months the left and Biden crucified Trump and said they would end COVID immediately (and cancer) when they have the power. Now, he admits there's really not much that can be done. The gaslighting is so GD maddening!
He has no plan to end the pandemic and is following Trumps plan for the administering vaccines, although Biden and his team would like you to believe he is the one that came up with it.
Biden assails different treatment of pro-Trump mob and Black Lives Matter protesters

Biden assails different treatment of pro-Trump mob and Black Lives Matter protesters - CNNPolitics

YOU MFer! The left has defended and coddled antifa and BurnLootMurder for a year. Joe himself started a bail fund for them. Democrat DAs refused to press charges for anything. Every time a right wing group got a permit to assemble, the left called them white supremacists and demanded their jailing for standing around in a park. CLEARLY the left wants a CW. The gaslighting is too much.

"antifa is an idea"


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