War is Coming

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Biden would fit in perfectly with the other 3 Stooges.

I have read that Sleeping Jo has sent troops to Syria again, could also fit to him that he supports new wars again well.
He takes exactly the same means again in the hand as Obama, I am interested as he will stand to the Turkish despot Erdogan, if he makes in Syria again on war he will get problems with Erdogan.
CNN Democrats working on legislation to provide $3,000 payments per child amid pandemic

"In one draft of the proposal, the IRS would deposit checks worth $300 every month per child younger than 6 and $250 every month per child age 6 to 17. This would give parents $3,000 per year for each child between the ages of 6 to 17, and $3,600 per child under age 6.

The changes would last for a year, but lawmakers would then push to make them permanent, another Democratic aide said."

Democrats working on legislation to provide $3,000 payments per child amid pandemic (msn.com)

More incentive for the poor to push out more kids. The left is completely INSANE. This, on top of welfare and food stamps, and subsidized housing, and free healthcare, and free electricity, and free water, and free phones, and free internet.....

That will tip the US economy into the mother of all recessions. , They will go on s spending spree with their free money thus devaluing the $ and of course the shops will put up prices at the same time. Most of them if they follow the European pattern wont spend it on food or fuel but luxury goods and within a month they will be screaming poverty again (whilst wearing new Nikes)
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Can I please just remake the point I raised a while ago?. The thing is if the DEMS go ahead with these lavish welfare spending plans you must understand they have no money to do it with, so by default they WILL come after YOURS. Your deposits, your investments, 401ks, pension pots, savings, inheritances etc, increased State and federal taxes, increased invome taxes. The whole foundation of their policies are the same as those we in europe suffered from, TAX , TAKE, TARIFF and SPEND. You need to be watching your money very close and nothing must be accounts that take more than 30 days to access.

Look at Brazil and Argentina in the 70s and 80s, or Venezuela now to see what is coming. I would also like to add without trying to insult or offend anyone. but I believe in the next few years many urban preppers would be better off, safer, more secure etc living in an RV in the boonies than staying in the big city UNLESS you live in a high security apartment block or gated community. Look at Bosnia, Serbia, Motenegro, Croatia etc in the 80s in the hear of civilised Europe as tribalism and factionalism took control.
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The 6th was not that big of a deal. Started as a Trump rally and just got out of hand. Look at the lefties and what they've been doing in Portland and Seattle for months and months. They took it over, tore up federal buildings. The 6th was made a big deal only because it happened in DC, Senators were scared to death, and it involved the right, not the left. So much worse was happening all summer in big cities. Police let all the lefties do what they want.
Way to go. I couldn't agree more. This looked more like a joyride to me. "Look, some fool left his keys in the car. Lets take it." " Where is we gonna go?" "We is gonna go ... fast" All this loud talk about insurrection.
In spite of what CNN said. There was no rebellion, no planning. No weapons. Then big news said there was going going to be attacks in all 50 capitols. That's how you sell commercials.
dosent surprise me one bit, we've had a lot of diseases in the last 20 years.

9 billion people on a planet designed to accomodate 6 billion, 340 million in a US meant to have 300 million, 70 million in the UK meant to have 55 million. Huge great Mega cities like Beijing, LA, NYC, London, Nairobi, Rio, with people living on top of each other often in greatly deprived communities. Giant Petrie dishes for diseases to flourish and mutate .
I'm curious Bill. Who exactly do you believe "designed" the Earth, and when did they say how many people they designed it for? 🤔

No one designed it doc, neither a deity nor an alien, but many many wise people in assorted scientific communities estimated the earth could support and sustain a population of AROUND the 6 billion mark. that is everyone having food to live, reasonable quality of life, decent health, reasonable prospect for prosperity etc all WITHOUT negatively damaging or destroying the environment in which we live. IE growing sufficient food without causing desertification or having to rely on large amounts of chemical fertilisers, or destroying wilderness, water ways or polluting the atmosphere irrepairably.
It is pretty darn obvious we are outbreeding the available resources and everything deteriates, not just hunger but overall quality of life for everyone. People having to live ever closer to each other, homes getting smaller, greenspace being lost as both agriculture and desertification worsens. heck just look at the growing water wars globabbly which is only going to get worse.

Water supplies (Large).gif
So the very areas with the worst water supplies, food supplies, desertification and deforestation are also among those places with the fastest growing populations. So when they destroy their own lands, where do you think they are going to go, thus increasing the pressures on everywhere else.

And of course me being me I forgot something, Sorreeee and IF we accept climate change (IF) manmade or natural we also see low laying coastal areas either being submerged or becoming polluted with sea water, and salt water encroaching into fresh water aquifers ( both in the US and Oz that I know of) and many of these low kying coasts and deltas are also major food producing areas. Lose them and the problem cascades.
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9 billion people on a planet designed to accomodate 6 billion, 340 million in a US meant to have 300 million, 70 million in the UK meant to have 55 million. Huge great Mega cities like Beijing, LA, NYC, London, Nairobi, Rio, with people living on top of each other often in greatly deprived communities. Giant Petrie dishes for diseases to flourish and mutate .
I'm curious Bill. Who exactly do you believe "designed" the Earth, and when did they say how many people they designed it for? 🤔

Just one...me. Everyone else needs to get off my planet.
Let's start with China first!
Ok China pop around 1,439,323,776 people , industrialising like mad, concreteing over ever more former farm land, some of the most toxic air on earth and some of the most polluted land, but still opening about one new coal fired power station every 10 days. Population no longer controlled by the state. Urban sprawl combined with cultural practices are turning parts of China into disease factories, and its still majority of subsistance living peasants are demanding better standards of living which creates more polution and more farmland loss.

So they are eying up parts of Siberia and Indian Kashmir. India itself being in the exact same predicament as China. So when their seams burst WHERE WILL THEY GO ? Africa? Siberia? Europe?.

Meanwhile in the US of Biden trouble is a brewing to the south. Growing urban sprawls, government corruption, poverty, disease, climate change, deforestation, erosion and 100 other reasons see the tiny trickle of central and southern americans drifting north start to grow.

LEGAL migration from South America continues unabated and the ILLEGAL numbers continue to rise. huge numbers of them tend to aim for California and Arizona, guess what both are already critically short of water, power and affordable home, crimes both for gain and cultural clashes are growing. But they keep coming, Uncle Joe and across the world lefty politicians like him and Merkel WELCOME the migrants to do menial work whilst getting benefits and keeping wage costs down. but the migrants legal and illegal want MORE, they want the german / American dream, who is going to pay for it? Not them they are paupers, Where will they live? Build more houses on needed farm land?? More water needed but unavailable. Food prices and fuel prices climb and the poorest start to grumble, then complain, then protest then riot.

You can see where I'm going.
Did anyone cover this yet? The Germans do not mince words, do they? Clearly they are ok with the old dying. I figured they would at least start with, say 80, but no, they are going straight for new retirees. "Thank you for paying in, now die".

Germany recommends AstraZeneca COVID-19 shot only for under 65s

Germany recommends AstraZeneca COVID-19 shot only for... | Daily Mail Online

So here is the US population growth chart up to 2000, by the US census. note it doesnt include the illegals. Now according to Brookings there are between 10.5 million and 12 million illegals in the US. That is the combined populations of Ireland and Scotland on top of the legal citizens. the chart is 20 years out of date so you can imagine where the spike is NOW, and guess where it will be if Biden opens the borders.

Personally I would like to see the population of my favorite planet under a billion. Way under. As far as I can tell we are the only species that can use use intelligence to limit their population. Does anyone remember the computer program 'Grass, Rabbits, and Foxes"? If we do not control/reduce our growth, nature will do it for us, unpleasantly.
There are other platforms, websites and places to make such stupid, placating, insulting, UN-GODLY, and un-needed comments than on this PREPPER site.
(DEFINITION OF A PREPPER: a LIFE loving LIFE-FORM which promotes LIFE by preparing to LIVE in a LIFE-endangering situation created by NATURE OR MAN-MADE CONDITIONS)
Draco: IF you can drive a stickshift...remember: you must engage the clutch before putting the tranny in gear........JUST LIKE LIFE:::REMEMBER TO ENGAGE YOUR BRAIN BEFORE YOU PUT YOUR MOUTH IN GEAR.
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Personally I would like to see the population of my favorite planet under a billion. Way under. As far as I can tell we are the only species that can use use intelligence to limit their population. Does anyone remember the computer program 'Grass, Rabbits, and Foxes"? If we do not control/reduce our growth, nature will do it for us, unpleasantly.

What do you think Aids, Corona, Bird Flu, MRSA etc are doing. Its nature saying TO MANY OF ONE SPECIES.
There are other platforms, websites and places to make such stupid, placating, insulting, UN-GODLY, and un-needed comments than on this PREPPER site.
(DEFINITION OF A PREPPER: a LIFE loving LIFE-FORM which promotes LIFE by preparing to LIVE in a LIFE-endangering situation created by NATURE OR MAN-MADE CONDITIONS)
Draco: IF you can drive a stickshift...remember: you must engage the clutch before putting the tranny in gear........JUST LIKE LIFE:::REMEMBER TO ENGAGE YOUR BRAIN BEFORE YOU PUT YOUR MOUTH IN GEAR.

YES this is a PREPPER site not a place for RELIGION except in the Politics and Religion section, and his opinion is as valid as anyone elses.

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