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Thunder woke me up, but I went right back to sleep. I never did hear hard rain, but it was misting when I got up this morning and I could tell that we had gotten some much needed moisture. It has been misting off and on today. It is currently 42 degrees, a cool day. I haven't seen any snow, but where you live is more likely to get snow.

On the radio, the newscaster said we had one of the driest April's in recorded history. I know that I have been seeing deep cracks in the earth in places that don't get irrigated.
Yeah, it’s been incredibly dry. When I dug up my blackberries the bed they were in was bone-dry. Oof. I was planning to water all my veggie beds for the next week to try to prep them for summer veggies but now I don’t have to, at least not today!

We’ve had snow, sleet, and freezing rain blowing sideways today … but it seems to have settled into just cloudy, for now.
Frost on the windshields at daybreak to day, might have made17/65 or so, to day, spring is slow this year, but I much prefer that to Tornadoes,
It was 88° and damp as hell so it felt like a sauna.
Aw, c'mon, it ain't even got good for us yet! :rolleyes:
Check back in July-August and lettuce know.
Heat index, 105 = worthy.
Wanna get nekkid? That will do it. :)
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Rocky mountain montana, snowed here sunday but by this coming sunday it is supposed to be 72. Only getting down to 34 tonight. Just put our little greenhouse back up so if we move the starts overflowing our living room out tomorrow I might have to have two electric heaters available.