What's everybody doing today?

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Dishes are done
Ran the sweeper throughout the house.
Have had granddaughter for the last several days.
Today we went to the 2-5 year old section of the park.
She had a blast, climbing, sliding(first time for that).
Every time you looked at her she was stuffing her face with fruit.
Today we tried new fruits too.
Orange sections, pear sliced up, kiwi(she kept trying to pick the seeds out on that one.)
She ate a good lunch of spaghetti, bread, cherry tomatoes.
All in all good day.
Will have her again tomorrow morning too.
Strawberry just flops down anywhere when the grand daughter leaves to go home.
She(Strawberry) didn't move for about an hour after grand daughter left this afternoon.
Strawberry was sawing logs .
Granny is getting tired too.
@LadyLocust we have 2 x 2200 gallon rain water tanks hooked up to the house and another 5000 gallon rain water tank in the yard not hooked up currently to the house. For the two of us there is ample water but I still collect any rain water that comes off the tank roof into barrels for watering potted plants, hedges around the outside of the home and house cleaning with. I also collect shower warm up water to water plants with, to fill water bottles with or use it as floor mopping or damp dusting in the house water. We are pretty frugal with water around here as it can be dry for some time.

We also redirect our grey water pumped out of grey water tank to water the lawns, hedges, fruit, berry and native trees and shrubs with or grey water saved from the washing machine so quite often water will have more than one use.

I know a lot of the locals here ran their tanks almost dry before we got the recent 70mm of rain so I think a lot of people are not as savvy with their water use as we are personally. We do also have part of our home being the cold water in the shower and vanity basin in the downstairs bathroom that runs off town water but the rest runs of the house runs on rainwater.

This is all good experience for if emergency strikes as we are already practicing being water wise.
Today we went to a small town near us to get out some money out of the bank for our splurge budget and some for our emergency kitty too. I checked the grocery sales vouchers and found both bacon and rump steak on super special so now we have stocked up our freezer on the bacon and our rare treat rump steak.

We went to a discount variety store as I needed some packing tape for my eBay shop and also found chair seat cushions for our lounge room table chairs and DH found some hats that fitted him too. He and I have larger than normal heads so finding any hat that fits him is a bonus and they were also really cheap. When we got home we put all the meat in the fridge.

Then we headed out for our weekly date and had a few soft drinks each and played two games of pool together and I got whipped, oh well, I won last week and the week before against DH.

Just made the bed with fresh sheets and folded up 3 loads of washing and DH washed the dishes and cleaned the benches and I wiped the dishes and put them away. Just had some of our rare treat being a good piece of rump steak and eggs and cheese and dessert is some lovely creamy ice cream.

If we have the energy we will package all the meat in meal sized portions for the freezer or if not tomorrow morning.
I'm up, dressed.
Drinking coffee.
Have let Strawberry the required times this morning.
Don't know if I will have Estelle yet.
She sure was tired yesterday when she went home.
She had no naps yesterday.
We were too busy working outside in the yard and going to the park.
She walked along beside me as I cleaned up Strawberry's business.
Chattering the whole way, we would stop and look at flowers(weeds) along the way.
Will have to get the flower bowl pots out so we can plant lettuce this next week.
Have to look in seed packets for something to plant in her window box garden.
She helped Granny plant Tulip bulbs yesterday.
She is fascinated by the feel of different soils.
We saw a slow moving worm where we planted the Tulips.
Granny held it awhile she looked it over.
She didn't particularly like the feel of it in her hand, but it was okay in Granny's hand.
Strawberry is sprawled out in the sunlight this morning, resting from yesterday's visit with Estelle.
When Granny and Strawberry have Estelle more than 2 days a week, it takes us a little while to regroup.
Planning out my menus for next month(just a guide) with what's in freezer, refrig. freezer, cupboards.
Will have to see if I got yeast for baking bread.
Will start picking up 18 gallon totes to pack in, these serve two or more purposes.
I use them as packing boxes, but then later use them as garden boxes too.
Going over to dad's today, pick up limbs from wind storm we had a few days ago.
Checking the refrig, if need to clean it out will, check laundry situation.
Will be checking the grocery situation too.
Sunshine is pouring in all the windows this morning.
Estelle's little rocking chair is in front of the living room window.
She pulled open the curtains yesterday, I think she was tired of the gloom.
So Granny opened up the curtains today and the sunlight is streaming in.
Everybody have a wonderful day, afternoon, evening where ever you are in this world.
Stay safe.
Took off at 11 from work today. We've had a guy from outside the company working with us the last 2 weeks. Today was his last day before going back home. He is a improvement specialist.= for supervisors and such. Actually he was a very smart man that was really good at talking to folks and getting to the heart of the matter quickly. I spent a day with him and it was surprising what he could pick up on in just a few minutes. From a safety standpoint (which is super critical in my field) he looked at so many things and made a few recommendations of thing s to keep an eye on. Hopefully that pays off down the road. I hate to think about one of my guys getting hurt. In particular if it was something serious or life threatening.
Anyway after I left I came home and worked in the garden the rest of the day.
Very good day all the way around.
Round 1 of today is that I put a load of washing on in the washing machine, put 2 grey water watering cans under the drainage pipe to collect water and hung the clothes out to dry and adjusted the grey water sprinkler position to another area where the grass needs watering and has died off a bit. I then put the 2 full watering cans of grey water out the back to water the ornamental potted flowers.

Inside again and washed my hands and DH and I cut and packaged the rump steak and bacon we purchased yesterday into meal sized portions for the freezer. We are well and truly chocoblock full of meat to last us 3 - 6 months. I deliberately did this so that we will only have to shop preferably online once every 2 months for our staples and a bit of dairy and will bank the grocery money not used into our emergency fund. I have saved a huge amount of money (I estimate at least $200 or more) on specials on meat and frozen goods of late compared to normal prices in the larger supermarket we usually shop at. Whatever reason the smaller country supermarkets are having these magnificent sales and clearances ( I think it is farmers struggling with drought debt and or lack of income and people not spending money due to debt or no money coming in) I am truly grateful for the leeway this has given in our budget :) .
the doctors said about 12 weeks for ribs to completely heal pain and soreness are lessening everyday. GOD was looking out for me. one of the lessons I learned is that i can count on my family They all stepped up to te plate,including some I didn't expect would. I never want to go thru that again.
It will take a while for the motor skills to hone back in @timmie but we are glad you are feeling better and are surrounded by supportive family members. We will place you into our prayers tonight for your speedy healing :) .

You are right God was looking out for you and it appears after us here too of late. He works in mysterious ways and I have found connecting with him through prayer also helps with healing and general well being.
Round 2 of tonight is that we have been messing the kitchen up yet again and made a bacon and silverbeet quiche for tonight's dinner and an apple pie to take to Ward conference tomorrow to share. We have a few tins of pie apples we need to rotate through before we start on our homemade apple pie filling in the freezer that we made before we moved.

We also went for a swim in the water tank pool which cooled us off a bit. Considering it is supposed to be autumn here it certainly still feels like summer as it hasn't cooled down at all which probably means we are in for a freezing cold winter here. Heard last winter here from the locals that the weather was cold enough for black frost or ice over everything so that will make the roads interesting and perhaps we will wait till it thaws before driving on the roads if it happens again this year.
20190323_102120.jpg Daughter's floor hockey tournament. They powered through their first game and won.
Working on the last room of Spring cleaning.
The dustbowl of my bedroom.
And I dust regularly in there, but you couldn't tell by this morning.
Also cleaning out the closet, vanity, nightstands, roll top desk, Estelle's little cart of clothes too.
Already drank a pot of coffee, might have to make another one to get through cleaning my room.
Moving furniture in there to so can vacuum everywhere in there too.
Even under the bed is getting cleaned.
Ran the vacuum everywhere in the house this morning except in my room.
Deep cleaned the bathroom, including the baseboard heater fins this morning.
Still have to clean off bathroom vanity, clean mirror but that room is basically done.
Recleaning out living room closet of empty boxes of things that are long gone.
Eventually today will water plants, some are sort of droopy.
Time to get plant book out.
Will figure out what to eat later, not hungry right now.
Got my letter from the new owners today, Apartment complex will be inspected Monday at 0900 hours.
Not worried I still clean like I'm still active duty. Army style.
Cleaned out the refrig, scrubbed everything down, dusted underneath for the weekly cleaning chore.
Still have to do up a dab of dishes, sweep the pantry, steam mop the kitchen, pantry, and bathroom floors.
Normal everyday cleaning for me.
Had a friend drop by last night, she was here when I had seizure, killed the microwave.
Had arc of electricity from me to Microwave, freaked her out, don't have the seizures that bad usually.
So will see if son will take microwave to dumpster, if it don't work I don't need it.
No big deal, microwave about 20 years old.
Only use it to heat up coffee once in while.
Everybody have a wonderful day.
Bedroom is cleaned.
Didn't move furniture to tired, but everything has been clean off, gone through, dusted.
Still have to do a through vacuum job, but everything else is done.
Next big job will be after inspection is shred the file cabinet.
Even went through my clothes.
Have 10 summer shirts(t shirts), 5 dress shirts, 4 long sleeve heavier shirts for winter.
10 pairs of jeans, capris, 4 pairs of sweats for around the house.
Everything is interchangeable.
Went through Estelle's clothes too.
Those too small will go to Great niece .
Feeling good about have dust free bedroom again.
At least for a month.
Bowl of cereal for supper.
afraid if I sit still very long will go to sleep.
@Hooch sorry about your rooster.

Why is that it's always the nice animals who cop it and the ones with bad habits that have you gritting
your teeth and praying to the Lord for patience live for ever out of sheer spite?
I hope his brother are as nice tempered and produce plently of nice chicks.
Failing that there's always soup.
The boys I kept are nice. I kept a purebred Black Astrolop named Jack. A huge boy , probably at least 15 pounds or 20..he is big. And a very sweet natured boy, I just don't have enough girls or coops for all my roosters. I wanted to keep him because he is a nice boy and a pureblood. His half brother is half Road Island Red and Black Astrolop ..he is stunning , maybe a pound or two smaller than Jack and very mellow guy. Mr Hyde was the same cross and equally stunning with a different color scheme though then Stalker. But exceptionally friendly and outgoing towards people. Non of these boys were hand raised either, just fell into the homesteads chill energy here and I just couldn't do the dirty deed on them. The other roosters I have had went to the soup pan. A few were easy to dispatch due to them being complete as______ to me and the other chickens. I converted a dog pen, 10x6 into a chicken run for extra room and a buddie of mine is building them a rooster condo. I have the pen next to the coop so they can get some lady chickee time and depending on how it works out I might put a few hens in with them. I have a few hens who prefer these boys, so I will access who likes who this summer and start another coop.
eventually, I want a central straw bale construction coop with the timber I have and have runs around the coop 360 with mini coops in them so I can segerate those who need it but I can still access every section. The straw bale stucco construction will offer awesome insulation for summer heat and winter cold plus incredible strength to hold snow loads in winter..and it will look groovy..
I had about 5 hours sleep between night shift and my weekend. I had to go down below to do a supply run. Home Depot was the last store to hit and both me and the dog were beat. Hooch gets to go inside two of the stores down below on runs with me. He is always well received and is a magnet for any dog lover in the stores. You'd think he was a Hollywood star by the amount of attention he gets. He loves to roam the isles and greet anyone who will say hi to him. He is such a people loving dog and his calm disposition just draws everyone in...Im always so impressed by his charm to have a crowd of dog lovers cooing over him where ever I go . People think he is super special, but in my experience with the pittys in the pound that I helped ..they are great people dogs. Many have the same potential that Hooch had..
Anyways, So I made it home by 8pm, had enough time to close the coop before dark, unload most of the crap, goat is still huge..her utters look like they will burst..
I have a chicken in the slow cooker, did a load of laundry and now time to chill.
I bought a new phone ..My old ancient phone is on its last leg. I got a smart phone for half off that is bigger than the phone I have now and it will probably take me a week just to figure out how to answer it..lol..
I was intending on getting the cheapest phone available since Im not real into phone talking much. But I do like the straight talk service out here , it is cheaper than contract options and runs off the Verizon network with out the 2 year contract. A smart phone I can upload pics, listen to doc's while working on fencing or in the garden and for half the price of a contract phone..it is worth it to me since I don't get out except to the hot springs on occasion. I guess the internet and phone is the only way I keep up with the world goings on anymore. Im pretty ok with it.
tomorrow Im clipping hooves, digging post holes and chores..I love it!
Flying home from L.A. today. Saw a dude in a dress and heels boarding the plane in front of me. I guess I've been working in California too long, because instead of being creeped out I was wondering, How is that guy going to be able to make it down the jetway and walk through the plane in those heels?

You know, he was actually more graceful in heels than most women are. It was both impressive and cringe worthy at the same time...
Made 2nd pot of coffee for the day.
Made lunch it was good, cause I have no leftovers for tomorrow's lunch.
Got a dab of dishes to do up yet.
Want to wipe down kitchen doorknobs, front of kitchen cabinets for weekly cleanup.
Deep cleaned the bathroom including steam mopping the floor so that job is done till Wednesday.
Every once and while see little fingerprints or tongue prints on something that needs wiped down.
This time it was the front door screen door. either way it will be cleaned for the next go around.
Strawberry is sprawled out on my bed, snoring.
I'm resting, reading forums, drinking coffee.
Went to visit dad this morning before I came home and got started on stuff here.
If not careful won't have anything to keep me busy this week.
We did more limb clean up. Worked on the pine trees that line one side of the meadow. Took 4 trips to the brush pile we keep in the meadow for critters to use as a habitat.
Also cut down a poplar tree that died a couple years back. Its on the pile also
Did hubby's laundry
made breakfast and lunch. Now getting ready to make supper
Supposed to rain all day tomorrow
Been reading some PAW fiction online when I can
Celebrating a little patriot's birthday. I'm so proud of this kid!

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Happy birthday Jake!!
He's only 11? :dunno: It seems like he should be older, are you SURE he's only 11??o_O I know 30yr olds (and on 56yr old) that can't compare to him.
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Flying home from L.A. today. Saw a dude in a dress and heels boarding the plane in front of me. I guess I've been working in California too long, because instead of being creeped out I was wondering, How is that guy going to be able to make it down the jetway and walk through the plane in those heels?

You know, he was actually more graceful in heels than most women are. It was both impressive and cringe worthy at the same time...

Spike, I would have needed some eye bleach after seeing something like that.

Happy Gettin Born Day to Jake. Quite the young man indeed
Almost done filtering water for all our 5 gallons bottle empties. Glad to have a Berkey in my kitchen. Emptied the dehydrator of apples, and filled it up with more apples. Son came over and took down the twenty year old wooden playground set. He is using the wood to build a frame for a chicken run at his new place. Sold 13 dozen eggs in one swoop today. Don't know why the man wanted that many, but glad to sell them. Talked husband into going to the restaurant supply store today. Picked up 50 lbs each of pinto beans, popcorn, and King Arthur artisan flour. Also a package of "scalloped potatoes", shelf stable. It makes 41 (4 oz) servings, or 2 pans that are 12 x 20 x 2. Just add water and some butter. I'll be halfing it to store it in mylar. Great price on hamburger ($2.29 for Angus lean), and got a 5 lb bag of spinach and a 25 lb box of tomatoes, for about 65 cents a lb. Also blue corn tortillas that I have a hard time finding. So now I have a backup line for the dehydrator: 5 lbs of mushrooms, 4 heads of cabbage, and 25 lbs of tomatoes. Have plenty of canned tomatoes and frozen. Is tomorrow Monday already?