for World War 3 underway . American Citizen are being told to evacuate Tiwan . for World War 3 underway . American Citizen are being told to evacuate Tiwan .
I don't plan to restore humanity . My only goal is to maintain my survival group huddled on our survival retreat . We don't need any outside survivors . My concern though is outside our group survivors that may look desperately at us for survival help . Hopefully they will go off somewhere else to die so we won't have to contend with their failure to prepare .I am tired of this nonsense. Poeple don't cause wars, governments do. People need to band together to change that. When there remains nothing but rubble and the smell of death, I suggest rebuilding only half and leaving the other half in ruin as a permenant reminder for generations to come what happens when governments gain too much power.
I didn't ask you to restore humanity, but your lack of interest in the survival of it has me convinced that your group will not last long. When I think of the "survivors", I do not mean the first two week marauders. I think of survivors as those who survive because they can, not because they sustain themselves at the detriment of others. So, if you make it without the help of outside groups, what do you plan to do when the preps run short? Surely you don't think bread mold will work as good as penicillin or amoxicillin... And since you all will be living without flouridated water and toothpaste, who will do the tooth pulling without a local? I guess your group is just going to slowly die off, because surely you don't want your offspring to be educated in history (I mean, why? What's the point? ya'll never gonna deal with other people ever again anyways.) Sillyness, in so many ways, that reply is absolute prepper sillyness. Go ahead, live a caveman lifestyle and let the world never know your clan were ever there. There is absolutely nothing wrong with going down in future history as the group that wanted absolutely nothing to do with others. People have done that before, I just can't remember who they were.I don't plan to restore humanity . My only goal is to maintain my survival group huddled on our survival retreat . We don't need any outside survivors . My concern though is outside our group survivors that may look desperately at us for survival help . Hopefully they will go off somewhere else to die so we won't have to contend with their failure to prepare .
I didn't ask you to restore humanity, but your lack of interest in the survival of it has me convinced that your group will not last long. When I think of the "survivors", I do not mean the first two week marauders. I think of survivors as those who survive because they can, not because they sustain themselves at the detriment of others. So, if you make it without the help of outside groups, what do you plan to do when the preps run short? Surely you don't think bread mold will work as good as penicillin or amoxicillin... And since you all will be living without flouridated water and toothpaste, who will do the tooth pulling without a local? I guess your group is just going to slowly die off, because surely you don't want your offspring to be educated in history (I mean, why? What's the point? ya'll never gonna deal with other people ever again anyways.) Sillyness, in so many ways, that reply is absolute prepper sillyness. Go ahead, live a caveman lifestyle and let the world never know your clan were ever there. There is absolutely nothing wrong with going down in future history as the group that wanted absolutely nothing to do with others. People have done that before, I just can't remember who they were.
My statement was not meant as an attack or criticism in any form or fashion . Everyone appears to have a different opinion on what to expect and how to cope with it . I was simply stating my out look and plan . My group really don't need outside help in a total mad max world . We even have two other survival groups " , one on each side of my group that in an full SHTF new life should not need my groups or anyone else's help in their new apoplectic world with perhaps the exception of medical help that my group has the good fortune to have amongst us .. The only thing that my group might need would be new blood for regeneration which the adjoining survival groups should be able supply . I have confidence in their survivability as well as ours . I am located in the center of a hot bed of preppers and what I call preppers is some very serious individuals when it comes to prepping for an apoplectic world .-- I won't even start to try to explain my positive attitude as to why my group would not be seeking outside assistance as it would be sort of like writing a book .I didn't ask you to restore humanity, but your lack of interest in the survival of it has me convinced that your group will not last long. When I think of the "survivors", I do not mean the first two week marauders. I think of survivors as those who survive because they can, not because they sustain themselves at the detriment of others. So, if you make it without the help of outside groups, what do you plan to do when the preps run short? Surely you don't think bread mold will work as good as penicillin or amoxicillin... And since you all will be living without flouridated water and toothpaste, who will do the tooth pulling without a local? I guess your group is just going to slowly die off, because surely you don't want your offspring to be educated in history (I mean, why? What's the point? ya'll never gonna deal with other people ever again anyways.) Sillyness, in so many ways, that reply is absolute prepper sillyness. Go ahead, live a caveman lifestyle and let the world never know your clan were ever there. There is absolutely nothing wrong with going down in future history as the group that wanted absolutely nothing to do with others. People have done that before, I just can't remember who they were.
I do agree with RCD, especially when it comes to "HELPING" someone...I will define my "help"There will be a time where interaction, limited though it may be, will add value to life again. It might be in our grand children's time though.
Many don't even have a practical way of having drinking water in a forever changed environment .
I agree with your overall sentiment, but wanted to say one thing without going off rail too far- if you haven't already, please read the studies on sodium flouride and see if it is something you personally should use. In my opinion, fluoride shouldn't be universally consumed since it is a halogen. From the studies, it just doesn't seem appropriate for everyone. While it may be something you choose for yourself, I'd caution against any women in your group using it unless they've carefully weighed the cost/benefit.I didn't ask you to restore humanity, but your lack of interest in the survival of it has me convinced that your group will not last long. When I think of the "survivors", I do not mean the first two week marauders. I think of survivors as those who survive because they can, not because they sustain themselves at the detriment of others. So, if you make it without the help of outside groups, what do you plan to do when the preps run short? Surely you don't think bread mold will work as good as penicillin or amoxicillin... And since you all will be living without flouridated water and toothpaste, who will do the tooth pulling without a local? I guess your group is just going to slowly die off, because surely you don't want your offspring to be educated in history (I mean, why? What's the point? ya'll never gonna deal with other people ever again anyways.) Sillyness, in so many ways, that reply is absolute prepper sillyness. Go ahead, live a caveman lifestyle and let the world never know your clan were ever there. There is absolutely nothing wrong with going down in future history as the group that wanted absolutely nothing to do with others. People have done that before, I just can't remember who they were.
. Many don't even have a practical way of having drinking water in a forever changed environment .
Thinking about the water for after world war 3 , will give a quick run down of our now in place water availability . Starting with the survival group on one side of mine , has about a dozen living structures " all family " and a stream , Probably also has a spring or two but I can not confirm that . On the other side of me that group has at least three living structures " all family " with a spring and a creek . My group with six living structures " all family " . We have a creek and two springs . -- With the war looming we have realigned our working for income personnel so as to be able to walk home in a day or two in case it starts while they are at work and vehicles do not work .
I totally agree . This is a failure I often see . It is amazing to see people thinking their water coming through those pipes will continue after the power grid goes down .Water was one of the first things on my list when looking for a BOL. We ended up with one that has a spring fed creek and dammed pond, community water access two wells that we know of, and other springs that could be used. The rule of threes. Three minutes without air. Three days without water. Three weeks without food. Water sources should be one of the first things any prepper secures.
I totally agree . This is a failure I often see . It is amazing to see people thinking their water coming through those pipes will continue after the power grid goes down .
I was taught long ago that you only swish and spit out flouridated water. i was born and raised on country water and opted to have 22 teeth pulled out knowing from the experience with the previous 10 that my enamel was shot and I should have brushed better. I do not sugest anyone swallow fluoride, that crap messes with the brain. But a rinse and spit fluoride treatment can do wonders for tooth enamel as it replaces the hydroxide groups in the hydroxyapatite (tooth chemichal) with fluoride and the resulting fluoridated enamel is way more acid resistant. Yea, I understand how it works lol, learned the hard way.I agree with your overall sentiment, but wanted to say one thing without going off rail too far- if you haven't already, please read the studies on sodium flouride and see if it is something you personally should use. In my opinion, fluoride shouldn't be universally consumed since it is a halogen. From the studies, it just doesn't seem appropriate for everyone. While it may be something you choose for yourself, I'd caution against any women in your group using it unless they've carefully weighed the cost/benefit.
You may already know this, but just throwing it out there in case you don't.
Nope, it sure wasn't.I guess the message wasn't delivered to the big cities that you don't swallow fluoride.
May i ask you for the reason?WW3 going hot by Friday is high probability. Make your final preparations.